#!/router/bin/python-2.4.3 import time,os, sys, string from os.path import exists from os import system, remove, chdir import re import time import random import copy import telnetlib import datetime import collections from trex_perf import TrexRunException import random import time class RouterIOException(Exception): def __init__ (self, reason): # generate the error message #self.message = "\nSummary of error:\n\n %s\n" % (reason) self.message = reason def __str__(self): return self.message # basic router class class Router: def __init__ (self, host, port, password, str_wait = "#"): self.host = host self.port = port; self.pr = str_wait; self.password = password self.to = 60 self.cpu_util_histo = [] # private function - command send def _command (self, command, match = None, timeout = None): to = timeout if (timeout != None) else self.to m = match if (match != None) else [self.pr] if not isinstance(m, list): m = [m] total_to = 0 while True: self.tn.write(command + "\n") ret = self.tn.expect(m, timeout = 2) total_to += 2 if ret[0] != -1: result = {} result['match_index'] = ret[0] result['output'] = ret[2] return (result) if total_to >= self.to: raise RouterIOException("Failed to process command to router %s" % command) # connect to router by telnet def connect (self): # create telnet session self.tn = telnetlib.Telnet () try: self.tn.open(self.host, self.port) except IOError: raise RouterIOException("Failed To Connect To Router interface at '%s' : '%s'" % (self.host, self.port)) # get a ready console and decides if you need password ret = self._command("", ["Password", ">", "#"]) if ret['match_index'] == 0: self._command(self.password, [">", "#"]) # can't hurt to call enable even if on enable ret = self._command("enable 15", ["Password", "#"]) if (ret['match_index'] == 0): self._command(self.password, "#") self._command("terminal length 0") def close (self): self.tn.close () self.tn = None # implemented through derived classes def sample_cpu (self): raise Exception("abstract method called") def get_last_cpu_util (self): if not self.cpu_util_histo: return (0) else: return self.cpu_util_histo[len(self.cpu_util_histo) - 1] def get_cpu_util_histo (self): return self.cpu_util_histo def get_filtered_cpu_util_histo (self): trim_start = int(0.15 * len(self.cpu_util_histo)) filtered = self.cpu_util_histo[trim_start:] if not filtered: return [0] m = collections.Counter(filtered).most_common(n = 1)[0][0] #m = max(self.cpu_util_histo) filtered = [x for x in filtered if (x > (0.9*m))] return filtered def clear_sampling_stats (self): self.cpu_util_histo = [] # add a sample to the database def sample_stats (self): # sample CPU util cpu_util = self.sample_cpu() self.cpu_util_histo.append(cpu_util) def get_stats (self): stats = {} filtered_cpu_util = self.get_filtered_cpu_util_histo() if not filtered_cpu_util: stats['cpu_util'] = 0 else: stats['cpu_util'] = sum(filtered_cpu_util)/len(filtered_cpu_util) stats['cpu_histo'] = self.get_cpu_util_histo() return stats class ASR1k(Router): def __init__ (self, host, password, port, str_wait = "#"): Router.__init__(self, host, password, port, str_wait) def sample_cpu (self): cpu_show_cmd = "show platform hardware qfp active datapath utilization | inc Load" output = self._command(cpu_show_cmd)['output'] lines = output.split('\n'); cpu_util = -1.0 # search for the line for l in lines: m = re.match("\W*Processing: Load\D*(\d+)\D*(\d+)\D*(\d+)\D*(\d+)\D*", l) if m: cpu_util = float(m.group(1)) if (cpu_util == -1.0): raise Exception("cannot determine CPU util. for asr1k") return cpu_util class ISR(Router): def __init__ (self, host, password, port, str_wait = "#"): Router.__init__(self, host, password, port, str_wait) def sample_cpu (self): cpu_show_cmd = "show processes cpu sorted | inc CPU utilization" output = self._command(cpu_show_cmd)['output'] lines = output.split('\n'); cpu_util = -1.0 # search for the line for l in lines: m = re.match("\W*CPU utilization for five seconds: (\d+)%/(\d+)%", l) if m: max_cpu_util = float(m.group(1)) min_cpu_util = float(m.group(2)) cpu_util = (min_cpu_util + max_cpu_util)/2 if (cpu_util == -1.0): raise Exception("cannot determine CPU util. for ISR") return cpu_util if __name__ == "__main__": #router = ASR1k("pqemb19ts", "cisco", port=2052) router = ISR("", "lab") router.connect() for i in range(1, 10): router.sample_stats() time.sleep(1)