#!/router/bin/python from interfaces_e import IFType from platform_cmd_link import * import CustomLogger import misc_methods import re import time import CProgressDisp from CShowParser import CShowParser class CPlatform(object): def __init__(self, silent_mode): self.if_mngr = CIfManager() self.cmd_link = CCommandLink(silent_mode) self.nat_config = None self.stat_route_config = None self.running_image = None self.needed_image_path = None self.tftp_cfg = None self.config_history = { 'basic_if_config' : False, 'tftp_server_config' : False } self.client_vlan = "100" self.server_vlan = "200" def configure_basic_interfaces(self, mtu = 9050, vlan=False): cache = CCommandCache() for dual_if in self.if_mngr.get_dual_if_list(): client_if_command_set = [] server_if_command_set = [] client_if_command_set_vlan = [] server_if_command_set_vlan = [] client_if_name = dual_if.client_if.get_name() server_if_name = dual_if.server_if.get_name() if vlan: client_if_name_vlan = client_if_name + "." + self.client_vlan server_if_name_vlan = server_if_name + "." + self.server_vlan client_if_command_set_vlan.append('encapsulation dot1Q {vlan}'. format(vlan = self.client_vlan)); server_if_command_set_vlan.append('encapsulation dot1Q {vlan}'. format(vlan = self.server_vlan)); client_if_command_set.append ('mac-address {mac}'.format( mac = dual_if.client_if.get_src_mac_addr()) ) client_if_command_set.append ('mtu %s' % mtu) client_ip_command = 'ip address {ip}'.format( ip = dual_if.client_if.get_ipv4_addr() ) client_ipv6_command = 'ipv6 address {ip}/64'.format( ip = dual_if.client_if.get_ipv6_addr() ) if vlan: client_if_command_set_vlan.append (client_ip_command) client_if_command_set_vlan.append (client_ipv6_command) else: client_if_command_set.append (client_ip_command) client_if_command_set.append (client_ipv6_command) cache.add('IF', client_if_command_set, client_if_name) if vlan: cache.add('IF', client_if_command_set_vlan, client_if_name_vlan) server_if_command_set.append ('mac-address {mac}'.format( mac = dual_if.server_if.get_src_mac_addr()) ) server_if_command_set.append ('mtu %s' % mtu) server_ip_command = 'ip address {ip}'.format( ip = dual_if.server_if.get_ipv4_addr() ) server_ipv6_command = 'ipv6 address {ip}/64'.format( ip = dual_if.server_if.get_ipv6_addr() ) if vlan: server_if_command_set_vlan.append (server_ip_command) server_if_command_set_vlan.append (server_ipv6_command) else: server_if_command_set.append (server_ip_command) server_if_command_set.append (server_ipv6_command) cache.add('IF', server_if_command_set, server_if_name) if vlan: cache.add('IF', server_if_command_set_vlan, server_if_name_vlan) self.cmd_link.run_single_command(cache) self.config_history['basic_if_config'] = True def configure_basic_filtered_interfaces(self, intf_list, mtu = 9050): cache = CCommandCache() for intf in intf_list: if_command_set = [] if_command_set.append ('mac-address {mac}'.format( mac = intf.get_src_mac_addr()) ) if_command_set.append ('mtu %s' % mtu) if vlan: if_command_set.append ('ip address {ip}'.format( ip = intf.get_ipv4_addr() )) if_command_set.append ('ipv6 address {ip}/64'.format( ip = intf.get_ipv6_addr() )) cache.add('IF', if_command_set, intf.get_name()) self.cmd_link.run_single_command(cache) def load_clean_config (self, config_filename = "clean_config.cfg", cfg_drive = "bootflash"): for i in range(5): self.clear_nat_translations() cache = CCommandCache() cache.add('EXEC', "configure replace {drive}:{file} force".format(drive = cfg_drive, file = config_filename)) res = self.cmd_link.run_single_command(cache) if 'Rollback Done' not in res: print('Failed to load clean config, trying again') time.sleep(2) if i < 4: continue raise Exception('Could not load clean config, response: %s' % res) def config_pbr (self, mode = 'config', vlan = False): idx = 1 unconfig_str = '' if mode=='config' else 'no ' cache = CCommandCache() pre_commit_cache = CCommandCache() pre_commit_set = set([]) for dual_if in self.if_mngr.get_dual_if_list(): client_if_command_set = [] server_if_command_set = [] conf_t_command_set = [] client_net_next_hop = misc_methods.get_single_net_client_addr(dual_if.server_if.get_ipv4_addr() ) server_net_next_hop = misc_methods.get_single_net_client_addr(dual_if.client_if.get_ipv4_addr() ) if dual_if.is_duplicated(): # define the relevant VRF name pre_commit_set.add('{mode}ip vrf {dup}'.format( mode = unconfig_str, dup = dual_if.get_vrf_name()) ) # assign VRF to interfaces, config interfaces with relevant route-map client_if_command_set.append ('{mode}ip vrf forwarding {dup}'.format( mode = unconfig_str, dup = dual_if.get_vrf_name()) ) client_if_command_set.append ('{mode}ip policy route-map {dup}_{p1}_to_{p2}'.format( mode = unconfig_str, dup = dual_if.get_vrf_name(), p1 = 'p'+str(idx), p2 = 'p'+str(idx+1) ) ) server_if_command_set.append ('{mode}ip vrf forwarding {dup}'.format( mode = unconfig_str, dup = dual_if.get_vrf_name()) ) server_if_command_set.append ('{mode}ip policy route-map {dup}_{p2}_to_{p1}'.format( mode = unconfig_str, dup = dual_if.get_vrf_name(), p1 = 'p'+str(idx), p2 = 'p'+str(idx+1) ) ) # config route-map routing conf_t_command_set.append('{mode}route-map {dup}_{p1}_to_{p2} permit 10'.format( mode = unconfig_str, dup = dual_if.get_vrf_name(), p1 = 'p'+str(idx), p2 = 'p'+str(idx+1) ) ) if mode == 'config': conf_t_command_set.append('set ip next-hop {next_hop}'.format( next_hop = client_net_next_hop) ) conf_t_command_set.append('{mode}route-map {dup}_{p2}_to_{p1} permit 10'.format( mode = unconfig_str, dup = dual_if.get_vrf_name(), p1 = 'p'+str(idx), p2 = 'p'+str(idx+1) ) ) if mode == 'config': conf_t_command_set.append('set ip next-hop {next_hop}'.format( next_hop = server_net_next_hop) ) conf_t_command_set.append('exit') # config global arp to interfaces net address and vrf if dual_if.client_if.get_dest_mac(): conf_t_command_set.append('{mode}arp vrf {dup} {next_hop} {dest_mac} arpa'.format( mode = unconfig_str, dup = dual_if.get_vrf_name(), next_hop = server_net_next_hop, dest_mac = dual_if.client_if.get_dest_mac())) if dual_if.server_if.get_dest_mac(): conf_t_command_set.append('{mode}arp vrf {dup} {next_hop} {dest_mac} arpa'.format( mode = unconfig_str, dup = dual_if.get_vrf_name(), next_hop = client_net_next_hop, dest_mac = dual_if.server_if.get_dest_mac())) else: # config interfaces with relevant route-map client_if_command_set.append ('{mode}ip policy route-map {p1}_to_{p2}'.format( mode = unconfig_str, p1 = 'p'+str(idx), p2 = 'p'+str(idx+1) ) ) server_if_command_set.append ('{mode}ip policy route-map {p2}_to_{p1}'.format( mode = unconfig_str, p1 = 'p'+str(idx), p2 = 'p'+str(idx+1) ) ) # config route-map routing conf_t_command_set.append('{mode}route-map {p1}_to_{p2} permit 10'.format( mode = unconfig_str, p1 = 'p'+str(idx), p2 = 'p'+str(idx+1) ) ) if mode == 'config': conf_t_command_set.append('set ip next-hop {next_hop}'.format( next_hop = client_net_next_hop) ) conf_t_command_set.append('{mode}route-map {p2}_to_{p1} permit 10'.format( mode = unconfig_str, p1 = 'p'+str(idx), p2 = 'p'+str(idx+1) ) ) if mode == 'config': conf_t_command_set.append('set ip next-hop {next_hop}'.format( next_hop = server_net_next_hop) ) conf_t_command_set.append('exit') # config global arp to interfaces net address if dual_if.client_if.get_dest_mac(): conf_t_command_set.append('{mode}arp {next_hop} {dest_mac} arpa'.format( mode = unconfig_str, next_hop = server_net_next_hop, dest_mac = dual_if.client_if.get_dest_mac())) if dual_if.server_if.get_dest_mac(): conf_t_command_set.append('{mode}arp {next_hop} {dest_mac} arpa'.format( mode = unconfig_str, next_hop = client_net_next_hop, dest_mac = dual_if.server_if.get_dest_mac())) # assign generated config list to cache client_if_name = dual_if.client_if.get_name() server_if_name = dual_if.server_if.get_name() if vlan: client_if_name += "." + self.client_vlan server_if_name += "." + self.server_vlan cache.add('IF', server_if_command_set, server_if_name) cache.add('IF', client_if_command_set, client_if_name) cache.add('CONF', conf_t_command_set) idx += 2 # finish handling pre-config cache pre_commit_set = list(pre_commit_set) if len(pre_commit_set): pre_commit_set.append('exit') pre_commit_cache.add('CONF', pre_commit_set ) # deploy the configs (order is important!) self.cmd_link.run_command( [pre_commit_cache, cache] ) if self.config_history['basic_if_config']: # in this case, duplicated interfaces will lose its ip address. # re-config IPv4 addresses self.configure_basic_filtered_interfaces(self.if_mngr.get_duplicated_if() ) def config_no_pbr (self, vlan = False): self.config_pbr(mode = 'unconfig', vlan = vlan) def config_static_routing (self, stat_route_obj, mode = 'config'): if mode == 'config': self.stat_route_config = stat_route_obj # save the latest static route config for future removal purposes unconfig_str = '' if mode=='config' else 'no ' cache = CCommandCache() pre_commit_cache = CCommandCache() pre_commit_set = set([]) current_dup_intf = None # client_net = None # server_net = None client_net = stat_route_obj.client_net_start server_net = stat_route_obj.server_net_start conf_t_command_set = [] for dual_if in self.if_mngr.get_dual_if_list(): # handle duplicated addressing generation if dual_if.is_duplicated(): if dual_if.get_vrf_name() != current_dup_intf: # if this is a dual interfaces, and it is different from the one we proccessed so far, reset static route addressing current_dup_intf = dual_if.get_vrf_name() client_net = stat_route_obj.client_net_start server_net = stat_route_obj.server_net_start else: if current_dup_intf is not None: current_dup_intf = None client_net = stat_route_obj.client_net_start server_net = stat_route_obj.server_net_start client_net_next_hop = misc_methods.get_single_net_client_addr(dual_if.server_if.get_ipv4_addr() ) server_net_next_hop = misc_methods.get_single_net_client_addr(dual_if.client_if.get_ipv4_addr() ) # handle static route configuration for the interfaces if dual_if.is_duplicated(): client_if_command_set = [] server_if_command_set = [] # define the relevant VRF name pre_commit_set.add('{mode}ip vrf {dup}'.format( mode = unconfig_str, dup = dual_if.get_vrf_name()) ) # assign VRF to interfaces, config interfaces with relevant route-map client_if_command_set.append ('{mode}ip vrf forwarding {dup}'.format( mode = unconfig_str, dup = dual_if.get_vrf_name()) ) server_if_command_set.append ('{mode}ip vrf forwarding {dup}'.format( mode = unconfig_str, dup = dual_if.get_vrf_name()) ) conf_t_command_set.append( "{mode}ip route vrf {dup} {next_net} {dest_mask} {next_hop}".format( mode = unconfig_str, dup = dual_if.get_vrf_name(), next_net = client_net, dest_mask = stat_route_obj.client_mask, next_hop = client_net_next_hop)) conf_t_command_set.append( "{mode}ip route vrf {dup} {next_net} {dest_mask} {next_hop}".format( mode = unconfig_str, dup = dual_if.get_vrf_name(), next_net = server_net, dest_mask = stat_route_obj.server_mask, next_hop = server_net_next_hop)) # config global arp to interfaces net address and vrf if dual_if.client_if.get_dest_mac(): conf_t_command_set.append('{mode}arp vrf {dup} {next_hop} {dest_mac} arpa'.format( mode = unconfig_str, dup = dual_if.get_vrf_name(), next_hop = server_net_next_hop, dest_mac = dual_if.client_if.get_dest_mac())) if dual_if.server_if.get_dest_mac(): conf_t_command_set.append('{mode}arp vrf {dup} {next_hop} {dest_mac} arpa'.format( mode = unconfig_str, dup = dual_if.get_vrf_name(), next_hop = client_net_next_hop, dest_mac = dual_if.server_if.get_dest_mac())) # assign generated interfaces config list to cache cache.add('IF', server_if_command_set, dual_if.server_if.get_name()) cache.add('IF', client_if_command_set, dual_if.client_if.get_name()) else: conf_t_command_set.append( "{mode}ip route {next_net} {dest_mask} {next_hop}".format( mode = unconfig_str, next_net = client_net, dest_mask = stat_route_obj.client_mask, next_hop = server_net_next_hop)) conf_t_command_set.append( "{mode}ip route {next_net} {dest_mask} {next_hop}".format( mode = unconfig_str, next_net = server_net, dest_mask = stat_route_obj.server_mask, next_hop = client_net_next_hop)) # config global arp to interfaces net address if dual_if.client_if.get_dest_mac(): conf_t_command_set.append('{mode}arp {next_hop} {dest_mac} arpa'.format( mode = unconfig_str, next_hop = server_net_next_hop, dest_mac = dual_if.client_if.get_dest_mac())) if dual_if.server_if.get_dest_mac(): conf_t_command_set.append('{mode}arp {next_hop} {dest_mac} arpa'.format( mode = unconfig_str, next_hop = client_net_next_hop, dest_mac = dual_if.server_if.get_dest_mac())) # bump up to the next client network address client_net = misc_methods.get_single_net_client_addr(client_net, stat_route_obj.net_increment) server_net = misc_methods.get_single_net_client_addr(server_net, stat_route_obj.net_increment) # finish handling pre-config cache pre_commit_set = list(pre_commit_set) if len(pre_commit_set): pre_commit_set.append('exit') pre_commit_cache.add('CONF', pre_commit_set ) # assign generated config list to cache cache.add('CONF', conf_t_command_set) # deploy the configs (order is important!) self.cmd_link.run_command( [pre_commit_cache, cache] ) if self.config_history['basic_if_config']: # in this case, duplicated interfaces will lose its ip address. # re-config IPv4 addresses self.configure_basic_filtered_interfaces(self.if_mngr.get_duplicated_if() ) def config_no_static_routing (self, stat_route_obj = None): if stat_route_obj is None and self.stat_route_config is not None: self.config_static_routing(self.stat_route_config, mode = 'unconfig') self.stat_route_config = None # reverse current static route config back to None (no nat config is known to run). elif stat_route_obj is not None: self.config_static_routing(stat_route_obj, mode = 'unconfig') else: raise UserWarning('No static route configuration is available for removal.') def config_nbar_pd (self, mode = 'config'): unconfig_str = '' if mode=='config' else 'no ' cache = CCommandCache() for intf in self.if_mngr.get_if_list(if_type = IFType.Client): cache.add('IF', "{mode}ip nbar protocol-discovery".format( mode = unconfig_str ), intf.get_name()) self.cmd_link.run_single_command( cache ) def config_no_nbar_pd (self): self.config_nbar_pd (mode = 'unconfig') def config_nat_verify (self, mode = 'config'): # toggle all duplicate interfaces # dup_ifs = self.if_mngr.get_duplicated_if() if mode=='config': self.toggle_duplicated_intf(action = 'down') # self.__toggle_interfaces(dup_ifs, action = 'down' ) else: # if we're in 'unconfig', toggle duplicated interfaces back up self.toggle_duplicated_intf(action = 'up') # self.__toggle_interfaces(dup_ifs) def config_no_nat_verify (self): self.config_nat_verify(mode = 'unconfig') def config_nat (self, nat_obj, mode = 'config'): if mode == 'config': self.nat_config = nat_obj # save the latest nat config for future removal purposes cache = CCommandCache() conf_t_command_set = [] client_net = nat_obj.clients_net_start pool_net = nat_obj.nat_pool_start unconfig_str = '' if mode=='config' else 'no ' # toggle all duplicate interfaces # dup_ifs = self.if_mngr.get_duplicated_if() if mode=='config': self.toggle_duplicated_intf(action = 'down') # self.__toggle_interfaces(dup_ifs, action = 'down' ) else: # if we're in 'unconfig', toggle duplicated interfaces back up self.toggle_duplicated_intf(action = 'up') # self.__toggle_interfaces(dup_ifs) for dual_if in self.if_mngr.get_dual_if_list(is_duplicated = False): cache.add('IF', "{mode}ip nat inside".format( mode = unconfig_str ), dual_if.client_if.get_name()) cache.add('IF', "{mode}ip nat outside".format( mode = unconfig_str ), dual_if.server_if.get_name()) pool_id = dual_if.get_id() + 1 conf_t_command_set.append("{mode}ip nat pool pool{pool_num} {start_addr} {end_addr} netmask {mask}".format( mode = unconfig_str, pool_num = pool_id, start_addr = pool_net, end_addr = CNatConfig.calc_pool_end(pool_net, nat_obj.nat_netmask), mask = nat_obj.nat_netmask)) conf_t_command_set.append("{mode}ip nat inside source list {num} pool pool{pool_num} overload".format( mode = unconfig_str, num = pool_id, pool_num = pool_id )) conf_t_command_set.append("{mode}access-list {num} permit {net_addr} {net_wildcard}".format( mode = unconfig_str, num = pool_id, net_addr = client_net, net_wildcard = nat_obj.client_acl_wildcard)) # bump up to the next client address client_net = misc_methods.get_single_net_client_addr(client_net, nat_obj.net_increment) pool_net = misc_methods.get_single_net_client_addr(pool_net, nat_obj.net_increment) # assign generated config list to cache cache.add('CONF', conf_t_command_set) # deploy the configs (order is important!) return self.cmd_link.run_single_command( cache ) def config_no_nat (self, nat_obj = None): # first, clear all nat translations self.clear_nat_translations() # then, decompose the known config if nat_obj is None and self.nat_config is not None: self.config_nat(self.nat_config, mode = 'unconfig') self.nat_config = None # reverse current NAT config back to None (no nat config is known to run). elif nat_obj is not None: self.config_nat(nat_obj, mode = 'unconfig') else: raise UserWarning('No NAT configuration is available for removal.') def config_zbf (self, mode = 'config'): cache = CCommandCache() pre_commit_cache = CCommandCache() conf_t_command_set = [] # toggle all duplicate interfaces down self.toggle_duplicated_intf(action = 'down') # dup_ifs = self.if_mngr.get_duplicated_if() # self.__toggle_interfaces(dup_ifs, action = 'down' ) # define security zones and security service policy to be applied on the interfaces conf_t_command_set.append('class-map type inspect match-any c1') conf_t_command_set.append('match protocol tcp') conf_t_command_set.append('match protocol udp') conf_t_command_set.append('policy-map type inspect p1') conf_t_command_set.append('class type inspect c1') conf_t_command_set.append('inspect') conf_t_command_set.append('class class-default') conf_t_command_set.append('pass') conf_t_command_set.append('zone security z_in') conf_t_command_set.append('zone security z_out') conf_t_command_set.append('zone-pair security in2out source z_in destination z_out') conf_t_command_set.append('service-policy type inspect p1') conf_t_command_set.append('zone-pair security out2in source z_out destination z_in') conf_t_command_set.append('service-policy type inspect p1') conf_t_command_set.append('exit') pre_commit_cache.add('CONF', conf_t_command_set) for dual_if in self.if_mngr.get_dual_if_list(is_duplicated = False): cache.add('IF', "zone-member security z_in", dual_if.client_if.get_name() ) cache.add('IF', "zone-member security z_out", dual_if.server_if.get_name() ) self.cmd_link.run_command( [pre_commit_cache, cache] ) def config_no_zbf (self): cache = CCommandCache() conf_t_command_set = [] # define security zones and security service policy to be applied on the interfaces conf_t_command_set.append('no zone-pair security in2out source z_in destination z_out') conf_t_command_set.append('no zone-pair security out2in source z_out destination z_in') conf_t_command_set.append('no policy-map type inspect p1') conf_t_command_set.append('no class-map type inspect match-any c1') conf_t_command_set.append('no zone security z_in') conf_t_command_set.append('no zone security z_out') cache.add('CONF', conf_t_command_set) for dual_if in self.if_mngr.get_dual_if_list(is_duplicated = False): cache.add('IF', "no zone-member security z_in", dual_if.client_if.get_name() ) cache.add('IF', "no zone-member security z_out", dual_if.server_if.get_name() ) self.cmd_link.run_command( [cache] ) # toggle all duplicate interfaces back up self.toggle_duplicated_intf(action = 'up') # dup_ifs = self.if_mngr.get_duplicated_if() # self.__toggle_interfaces(dup_ifs) def config_ipv6_pbr (self, mode = 'config', vlan=False): idx = 1 unconfig_str = '' if mode=='config' else 'no ' cache = CCommandCache() conf_t_command_set = [] conf_t_command_set.append('{mode}ipv6 unicast-routing'.format(mode = unconfig_str) ) for dual_if in self.if_mngr.get_dual_if_list(): client_if_command_set = [] server_if_command_set = [] client_net_next_hop = misc_methods.get_single_net_client_addr(dual_if.server_if.get_ipv6_addr(), {'7':1}, ip_type = 'ipv6' ) server_net_next_hop = misc_methods.get_single_net_client_addr(dual_if.client_if.get_ipv6_addr(), {'7':1}, ip_type = 'ipv6' ) client_net_next_hop_v4 = misc_methods.get_single_net_client_addr(dual_if.server_if.get_ipv4_addr() ) server_net_next_hop_v4 = misc_methods.get_single_net_client_addr(dual_if.client_if.get_ipv4_addr() ) client_if_command_set.append ('{mode}ipv6 enable'.format(mode = unconfig_str)) server_if_command_set.append ('{mode}ipv6 enable'.format(mode = unconfig_str)) if dual_if.is_duplicated(): prefix = 'ipv6_' + dual_if.get_vrf_name() else: prefix = 'ipv6' # config interfaces with relevant route-map client_if_command_set.append ('{mode}ipv6 policy route-map {pre}_{p1}_to_{p2}'.format( mode = unconfig_str, pre = prefix, p1 = 'p'+str(idx), p2 = 'p'+str(idx+1) ) ) server_if_command_set.append ('{mode}ipv6 policy route-map {pre}_{p2}_to_{p1}'.format( mode = unconfig_str, pre = prefix, p1 = 'p'+str(idx), p2 = 'p'+str(idx+1) ) ) # config global arp to interfaces net address and vrf if dual_if.client_if.get_ipv6_dest_mac(): conf_t_command_set.append('{mode}ipv6 neighbor {next_hop} {intf} {dest_mac}'.format( mode = unconfig_str, next_hop = server_net_next_hop, intf = dual_if.client_if.get_name(), dest_mac = dual_if.client_if.get_ipv6_dest_mac())) # For latency packets (which are IPv4), we need to configure also static ARP conf_t_command_set.append('{mode}arp {next_hop} {dest_mac} arpa'.format( mode = unconfig_str, next_hop = server_net_next_hop_v4, dest_mac = dual_if.client_if.get_ipv6_dest_mac())) if dual_if.server_if.get_ipv6_dest_mac(): conf_t_command_set.append('{mode}ipv6 neighbor {next_hop} {intf} {dest_mac}'.format( mode = unconfig_str, next_hop = client_net_next_hop, intf = dual_if.server_if.get_name(), dest_mac = dual_if.server_if.get_ipv6_dest_mac())) # For latency packets (which are IPv4), we need to configure also static ARP conf_t_command_set.append('{mode}arp {next_hop} {dest_mac} arpa'.format( mode = unconfig_str, next_hop = client_net_next_hop_v4, dest_mac = dual_if.server_if.get_ipv6_dest_mac())) conf_t_command_set.append('{mode}route-map {pre}_{p1}_to_{p2} permit 10'.format( mode = unconfig_str, pre = prefix, p1 = 'p'+str(idx), p2 = 'p'+str(idx+1) ) ) if (mode == 'config'): conf_t_command_set.append('set ipv6 next-hop {next_hop}'.format(next_hop = client_net_next_hop ) ) conf_t_command_set.append('{mode}route-map {pre}_{p2}_to_{p1} permit 10'.format( mode = unconfig_str, pre = prefix, p1 = 'p'+str(idx), p2 = 'p'+str(idx+1) ) ) if (mode == 'config'): conf_t_command_set.append('set ipv6 next-hop {next_hop}'.format(next_hop = server_net_next_hop ) ) conf_t_command_set.append('exit') # assign generated config list to cache client_if_name = dual_if.client_if.get_name() server_if_name = dual_if.server_if.get_name() if vlan: client_if_name += "." + self.client_vlan server_if_name += "." + self.server_vlan cache.add('IF', server_if_command_set, server_if_name) cache.add('IF', client_if_command_set, client_if_name) idx += 2 cache.add('CONF', conf_t_command_set) # deploy the configs (order is important!) self.cmd_link.run_command( [cache] ) def config_no_ipv6_pbr (self, vlan = False): self.config_ipv6_pbr(mode = 'unconfig', vlan = vlan) # show methods def get_cpu_util (self): response = self.cmd_link.run_single_command('show platform hardware qfp active datapath utilization | inc Load') return CShowParser.parse_cpu_util_stats(response) def get_cft_stats (self): response = self.cmd_link.run_single_command('test platform hardware qfp active infrastructure cft datapath function cft-cpp-show-all-instances') return CShowParser.parse_cft_stats(response) def get_nbar_stats (self): per_intf_stats = {} for intf in self.if_mngr.get_if_list(if_type = IFType.Client): response = self.cmd_link.run_single_command("show ip nbar protocol-discovery interface {interface} stats packet-count protocol".format( interface = intf.get_name() ), flush_first = True) per_intf_stats[intf.get_name()] = CShowParser.parse_nbar_stats(response) return per_intf_stats def get_nbar_profiling_stats (self): response = self.cmd_link.run_single_command("show platform hardware qfp active feature nbar profiling") return CShowParser.parse_nbar_profiling_stats(response) def get_drop_stats (self): response = self.cmd_link.run_single_command('show platform hardware qfp active interface all statistics', flush_first = True) # print response # response = self.cmd_link.run_single_command('show platform hardware qfp active interface all statistics') # print response if_list_by_name = [x.get_name() for x in self.if_mngr.get_if_list()] return CShowParser.parse_drop_stats(response, if_list_by_name ) def get_nat_stats (self): response = self.cmd_link.run_single_command('show ip nat statistics') return CShowParser.parse_nat_stats(response) def get_nat_trans (self): return self.cmd_link.run_single_command('show ip nat translation') def get_cvla_memory_usage(self): response = self.cmd_link.run_single_command('show platform hardware qfp active infrastructure cvla client handles') # (res, res2) = CShowParser.parse_cvla_memory_usage(response) return CShowParser.parse_cvla_memory_usage(response) # clear methods def clear_nat_translations(self): pre_commit_cache = CCommandCache() # prevent new NAT entries # http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/network-address-translation-nat/13779-clear-nat-comments.html for dual_if in self.if_mngr.get_dual_if_list(is_duplicated = False): pre_commit_cache.add('IF', "no ip nat inside", dual_if.client_if.get_name()) pre_commit_cache.add('IF', "no ip nat outside", dual_if.server_if.get_name()) self.cmd_link.run_single_command(pre_commit_cache) time.sleep(0.5) pre_commit_cache = CCommandCache() # clear the translation pre_commit_cache.add('EXEC', 'clear ip nat translation *') self.cmd_link.run_single_command(pre_commit_cache) time.sleep(0.5) def clear_cft_counters (self): """ clear_cft_counters(self) -> None Clears the CFT counters on the platform """ self.cmd_link.run_single_command('test platform hardware qfp active infrastructure cft datapath function cft-cpp-clear-instance-stats') def clear_counters(self): """ clear_counters(self) -> None Clears the platform counters """ pre_commit_cache = CCommandCache() pre_commit_cache.add('EXEC', ['clear counters', '\r'] ) self.cmd_link.run_single_command( pre_commit_cache , read_until = ['#', '\[confirm\]']) def clear_nbar_stats(self): """ clear_nbar_stats(self) -> None Clears the NBAR-PD classification stats """ pre_commit_cache = CCommandCache() pre_commit_cache.add('EXEC', ['clear ip nbar protocol-discovery','\r'] ) self.cmd_link.run_single_command( pre_commit_cache ) def clear_packet_drop_stats(self): """ clear_packet_drop_stats(self) -> None Clears packet-drop stats """ # command = "show platform hardware qfp active statistics drop clear" self.cmd_link.run_single_command('show platform hardware qfp active interface all statistics clear_drop') ########################################### # file transfer and image loading methods # ########################################### def get_running_image_details (self): """ get_running_image_details() -> dict Check for the currently running image file on the platform. Returns a dictionary, where 'drive' key is the drive in which the image is installed, and 'image' key is the actual image file used. """ response = self.cmd_link.run_single_command('show version | include System image') parsed_info = CShowParser.parse_show_image_version(response) self.running_image = parsed_info return parsed_info def check_image_existence (self, img_name): """ check_image_existence(self, img_name) -> boolean Parameters ---------- img_name : str a string represents the image name. Check if the image file defined in the platform_config already loaded into the platform. """ search_drives = ['bootflash', 'harddisk', self.running_image['drive']] for search_drive in search_drives: command = "dir {drive}: | include {image}".format(drive = search_drive, image = img_name) response = self.cmd_link.run_single_command(command, timeout = 10) if CShowParser.parse_image_existence(response, img_name): self.needed_image_path = '%s:/%s' % (search_drive, img_name) print('Found image in platform:', self.needed_image_path) return True return False def config_tftp_server(self, device_cfg_obj, external_tftp_config = None, applyToPlatform = False): """ configure_tftp_server(self, external_tftp_config, applyToPlatform) -> str Parameters ---------- external_tftp_config : dict (Not is use) A path to external tftp config file other than using the one defined in the instance. applyToPlatform : boolean set to True in order to apply the config into the platform Configures the tftp server on an interface of the platform. """ # tmp_tftp_config = external_tftp_config if external_tftp_config is not None else self.tftp_server_config self.tftp_cfg = device_cfg_obj.get_tftp_info() cache = CCommandCache() command = "ip tftp source-interface {intf}".format( intf = device_cfg_obj.get_mgmt_interface() ) cache.add('CONF', command ) self.cmd_link.run_single_command(cache) self.config_history['tftp_server_config'] = True def load_platform_image(self, img_filename, external_tftp_config = None): """ load_platform_image(self, img_filename, external_tftp_config) -> None Parameters ---------- external_tftp_config : dict A path to external tftp config file other than using the one defined in the instance. img_filename : str image name to be saved into the platforms drive. This method loads the configured image into the platform's harddisk (unless it is already loaded), and sets that image to be the boot_image of the platform. """ if not self.check_image_existence(img_filename): # check if this image isn't already saved in platform #tmp_tftp_config = external_tftp_config if external_tftp_config is not None else self.tftp_cfg if self.config_history['tftp_server_config']: # make sure a TFTP configuration has been loaded cache = CCommandCache() if self.running_image is None: self.get_running_image_details() command = "copy tftp://{tftp_ip}/{img_path}/{image} bootflash:".format( tftp_ip = self.tftp_cfg['ip_address'], img_path = self.tftp_cfg['images_path'], image = img_filename) cache.add('EXEC', [command, '\r', '\r']) progress_thread = CProgressDisp.ProgressThread(notifyMessage = "Copying image via tftp, this may take a while...\n") progress_thread.start() response = self.cmd_link.run_single_command(cache, timeout = 900, read_until = ['\?', '#']) print("RESPONSE:") print(response) progress_thread.join() copy_ok = CShowParser.parse_file_copy(response) if not copy_ok: raise UserWarning('Image file loading failed. Please make sure the accessed image exists and has read privileges') else: raise UserWarning('TFTP configuration is not available. Please make sure a valid TFTP configuration has been provided') def set_boot_image(self, boot_image): """ set_boot_image(self, boot_image) -> None Parameters ---------- boot_image : str An image file to be set as boot_image Configures boot_image as the boot image of the platform into the running-config + config-register """ cache = CCommandCache() if self.needed_image_path is None: if not self.check_image_existence(boot_image): raise Exception("Trying to set boot image that's not found in router, please copy it first.") boot_img_cmd = "boot system flash %s" % self.needed_image_path config_register_cmd = "config-register 0x2021" cache.add('CONF', ["no boot system", boot_img_cmd, config_register_cmd, '\r']) response = self.cmd_link.run_single_command( cache ) print("RESPONSE:") print(response) self.save_config_to_startup_config() def is_image_matches(self, needed_image): """ set_boot_image(self, needed_image) -> boolean Parameters ---------- needed_image : str An image file to compare router running image Compares image name to router running image, returns match result. """ if self.running_image is None: self.get_running_image_details() needed_image = needed_image.lower() current_image = self.running_image['image'].lower() if needed_image.find(current_image) != -1: return True if current_image.find(needed_image) != -1: return True return False # misc class related methods def load_platform_data_from_file (self, device_cfg_obj): self.if_mngr.load_config(device_cfg_obj) def launch_connection (self, device_cfg_obj): self.running_image = None # clear the image name "cache" self.cmd_link.launch_platform_connectivity(device_cfg_obj) def reload_connection (self, device_cfg_obj): self.cmd_link.close_platform_connection() self.launch_connection(device_cfg_obj) def save_config_to_startup_config (self): """ save_config_to_startup_config(self) -> None Copies running-config into startup-config. """ cache = CCommandCache() cache.add('EXEC', ['wr', '\r'] ) self.cmd_link.run_single_command(cache) def reload_platform(self, device_cfg_obj): """ reload_platform(self) -> None Reloads the platform. """ from subprocess import call import os i = 0 sleep_time = 30 # seconds try: cache = CCommandCache() cache.add('EXEC', ['reload','n\r','\r'] ) self.cmd_link.run_single_command( cache ) progress_thread = CProgressDisp.ProgressThread(notifyMessage = "Reloading the platform, this may take a while...\n") progress_thread.start() time.sleep(60) # need delay for device to shut down before polling it # poll the platform until ping response is received. while True: time.sleep(sleep_time) try: x = call(["ping", "-c 1", device_cfg_obj.get_ip_address()], stdout = open(os.devnull, 'wb')) except: x = 1 if x == 0: break elif i > 20: raise TimeoutError('Platform failed to reload after reboot for over {minutes} minutes!'.format(minutes = round(1 + i * sleep_time / 60))) else: i += 1 time.sleep(30) self.reload_connection(device_cfg_obj) progress_thread.join() except Exception as e: print(e) def get_if_manager(self): return self.if_mngr def dump_obj_config (self, object_name): if object_name=='nat' and self.nat_config is not None: self.nat_config.dump_config() elif object_name=='static_route' and self.stat_route_config is not None: self.stat_route_config.dump_config() else: raise UserWarning('No known configuration exists.') def toggle_duplicated_intf(self, action = 'down'): dup_ifs = self.if_mngr.get_duplicated_if() self.__toggle_interfaces( dup_ifs, action = action ) def __toggle_interfaces (self, intf_list, action = 'up'): cache = CCommandCache() mode_str = 'no ' if action == 'up' else '' for intf_obj in intf_list: cache.add('IF', '{mode}shutdown'.format(mode = mode_str), intf_obj.get_name()) self.cmd_link.run_single_command( cache ) class CStaticRouteConfig(object): def __init__(self, static_route_dict): self.clients_start = static_route_dict['clients_start'] self.servers_start = static_route_dict['servers_start'] self.net_increment = misc_methods.gen_increment_dict(static_route_dict['dual_port_mask']) self.client_mask = static_route_dict['client_destination_mask'] self.server_mask = static_route_dict['server_destination_mask'] self.client_net_start = self.extract_net_addr(self.clients_start, self.client_mask) self.server_net_start = self.extract_net_addr(self.servers_start, self.server_mask) self.static_route_dict = static_route_dict def extract_net_addr (self, ip_addr, ip_mask): addr_lst = ip_addr.split('.') mask_lst = ip_mask.split('.') mask_lst = [str(int(x) & int(y)) for x, y in zip(addr_lst, mask_lst)] return '.'.join(mask_lst) def dump_config (self): import yaml print(yaml.dump( self.static_route_dict , default_flow_style=False)) class CNatConfig(object): def __init__(self, nat_dict): self.clients_net_start = nat_dict['clients_net_start'] self.client_acl_wildcard= nat_dict['client_acl_wildcard_mask'] self.net_increment = misc_methods.gen_increment_dict(nat_dict['dual_port_mask']) self.nat_pool_start = nat_dict['pool_start'] self.nat_netmask = nat_dict['pool_netmask'] self.nat_dict = nat_dict @staticmethod def calc_pool_end (nat_pool_start, netmask): pool_start_lst = [int(x) for x in nat_pool_start.split('.')] pool_end_lst = list( pool_start_lst ) # create new list object, don't point to the original one mask_lst = [int(x) for x in netmask.split('.')] curr_octet = 3 # start with the LSB octet inc_val = 1 while True: tmp_masked = inc_val & mask_lst[curr_octet] if tmp_masked == 0: if (inc_val << 1) > 255: inc_val = 1 pool_end_lst[curr_octet] = 255 curr_octet -= 1 else: inc_val <<= 1 else: pool_end_lst[curr_octet] += (inc_val - 1) break return '.'.join([str(x) for x in pool_end_lst]) def dump_config (self): import yaml print(yaml.dump( self.nat_dict , default_flow_style=False)) if __name__ == "__main__": pass