# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import argparse import glob from pprint import pprint import sys, os from collections import OrderedDict import copy import datetime, time import cPickle as pickle import subprocess, shlex FUNCTIONAL_CATEGORY = 'Functional' # how to display those categories ERROR_CATEGORY = 'Error' def pad_tag(text, tag): return '<%s>%s' % (tag, text, tag) def mark_string(text, color, condition): if condition: return '%s' % (color, text) return text def is_functional_test_name(testname): #if testname.startswith(('platform_', 'misc_methods_', 'vm_', 'payload_gen_', 'pkt_builder_')): # return True #return False if testname.startswith('unit_tests.'): return False return True def is_good_status(text): return text in ('Successful', 'Fixed', 'Passed', 'True', 'Pass') # input: xml element with test result # output string: 'error', 'failure', 'skipped', 'passed' def get_test_result(test): for child in test.getchildren(): if child.tag in ('error', 'failure', 'skipped'): return child.tag return 'passed' # returns row of table with and columns - key: value def add_th_td(key, value): return '%s%s\n' % (key, value) # returns row of table with and columns - key: value def add_td_td(key, value): return '%s%s\n' % (key, value) # returns row of table with and columns - key: value def add_th_th(key, value): return '%s%s\n' % (key, value) # returns
with table of tests under given category. # category - string with name of category # hidden - bool, true =
is hidden by CSS # tests - list of tests, derived from aggregated xml report, changed a little to get easily stdout etc. # category_info_dir - folder to search for category info file # expanded - bool, false = outputs (stdout etc.) of tests are hidden by CSS # brief - bool, true = cut some part of tests outputs (useful for errors section with expanded flag) def add_category_of_tests(category, tests, hidden = False, category_info_dir = None, expanded = False, brief = False): is_actual_category = category not in (FUNCTIONAL_CATEGORY, ERROR_CATEGORY) html_output = '
\n' % ('none' if hidden else 'block', category) if is_actual_category: html_output += '
\n' if category_info_dir: category_info_file = '%s/report_%s.info' % (category_info_dir, category) if os.path.exists(category_info_file): with open(category_info_file) as f: for info_line in f.readlines(): key_value = info_line.split(':', 1) if key_value[0].strip() in trex_info_dict.keys() + ['User']: # always 'hhaim', no need to show continue html_output += add_th_td('%s:' % key_value[0], key_value[1]) else: html_output += add_th_td('Info:', 'No info') print 'add_category_of_tests: no category info %s' % category_info_file if len(tests): total_duration = 0.0 for test in tests: total_duration += float(test.attrib['time']) html_output += add_th_td('Tests duration:', datetime.timedelta(seconds = int(total_duration))) html_output += '
\n' if not len(tests): return html_output + pad_tag('
No tests!', 'b') + '
' html_output += '
\n\n\n\n\n' for test in tests: functional_test = is_functional_test_name(test.attrib['name']) if functional_test and is_actual_category: continue if category == ERROR_CATEGORY: test_id = ('err_' + test.attrib['classname'] + test.attrib['name']).replace('.', '_') else: test_id = (category + test.attrib['name']).replace('.', '_') if expanded: html_output += '\n\n\n' elif test_result == 'failure': html_output += 'FAILED' elif test_result == 'skipped': html_output += 'SKIPPED' else: html_output += 'PASSED' html_output += '' result, result_text = test.attrib.get('result', ('', '')) if result_text: start_index_errors = result_text.find('Exception: The test is failed, reasons:') if start_index_errors > 0: result_text = result_text[start_index_errors + 10:].strip() # cut traceback result_text = '%s:

' % (result.capitalize(), result_text.replace('\n', '
')) stderr = '' if brief and result_text else test.get('stderr', '') if stderr: stderr = 'Stderr:

\n' % stderr.replace('\n', '
') stdout = '' if brief and result_text else test.get('stdout', '') if stdout: if brief: # cut off server logs stdout = stdout.split('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>', 1)[0] stdout = 'Stdout:

\n' % stdout.replace('\n', '
') html_output += '' % (result_text, stderr, stdout) else: html_output += 'No output' html_output += '\n
' if category == ERROR_CATEGORY: html_output += 'SetupFailed tests:' else: html_output += '%s tests:' % category html_output += 'Final ResultTime (s)
' else: html_output += '
' % test_id if category == ERROR_CATEGORY: html_output += FUNCTIONAL_CATEGORY if functional_test else test.attrib['classname'] if expanded: html_output += '' else: html_output += '' html_output += '%s' % test.attrib['name'] test_result = get_test_result(test) if test_result == 'error': html_output += 'ERROR '+ test.attrib['time'] + '
' % ('' if expanded else 'display:none;', test_id, 4 if category == ERROR_CATEGORY else 3) if result_text or stderr or stdout: html_output += '%s%s%s
' return html_output style_css = """ html {overflow-y:scroll;} body { font-size:12px; color:#000000; background-color:#ffffff; margin:0px; font-family:verdana,helvetica,arial,sans-serif; } div {width:100%;} table,th,td,input,textarea { font-size:100%; } table.reference, table.reference_fail { background-color:#ffffff; border:1px solid #c3c3c3; border-collapse:collapse; vertical-align:middle; } table.reference th { background-color:#e5eecc; border:1px solid #c3c3c3; padding:3px; } table.reference_fail th { background-color:#ffcccc; border:1px solid #c3c3c3; padding:3px; } table.reference td, table.reference_fail td { border:1px solid #c3c3c3; padding:3px; } a.example {font-weight:bold} #a:link,a:visited {color:#900B09; background-color:transparent} #a:hover,a:active {color:#FF0000; background-color:transparent} .linktr { cursor: pointer; } .linktext { color:#0000FF; text-decoration: underline; } """ # main if __name__ == '__main__': # deal with input args argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Aggregate test results of from ./reports dir, produces xml, html, mail report.') argparser.add_argument('--input_dir', default='./reports', help='Directory with xmls/setups info. Filenames: report_.xml/report_.info') argparser.add_argument('--output_xml', default='./reports/aggregated_tests.xml', dest = 'output_xmlfile', help='Name of output xml file with aggregated results.') argparser.add_argument('--output_html', default='./reports/aggregated_tests.html', dest = 'output_htmlfile', help='Name of output html file with aggregated results.') argparser.add_argument('--output_mail', default='./reports/aggregated_tests_mail.html', dest = 'output_mailfile', help='Name of output html file with aggregated results for mail.') argparser.add_argument('--output_title', default='./reports/aggregated_tests_title.txt', dest = 'output_titlefile', help='Name of output file to contain title of mail.') argparser.add_argument('--build_status_file', default='./reports/build_status', dest = 'build_status_file', help='Name of output file to save scenaries build results (should not be wiped).') argparser.add_argument('--last_passed_commit', default='./reports/last_passed_commit', dest = 'last_passed_commit', help='Name of output file to save last passed commit (should not be wiped).') args = argparser.parse_args() ##### get input variables/TRex commit info scenario = os.environ.get('SCENARIO') build_url = os.environ.get('BUILD_URL') build_id = os.environ.get('BUILD_ID') trex_repo = os.environ.get('TREX_CORE_REPO') if not scenario: print 'Warning: no environment variable SCENARIO, using default' scenario = 'TRex regression' if not build_url: print 'Warning: no environment variable BUILD_URL' if not build_id: print 'Warning: no environment variable BUILD_ID' trex_info_dict = OrderedDict() for file in glob.glob('%s/report_*.info' % args.input_dir): with open(file) as f: file_lines = f.readlines() if not len(file_lines): continue # to next file for info_line in file_lines: key_value = info_line.split(':', 1) not_trex_keys = ['Server', 'Router', 'User'] if key_value[0].strip() in not_trex_keys: continue # to next parameters trex_info_dict[key_value[0].strip()] = key_value[1].strip() break trex_last_commit_info = '' trex_last_commit_hash = trex_info_dict.get('Git SHA') if trex_last_commit_hash and trex_repo: try: print 'Getting TRex commit with hash %s' % trex_last_commit_hash command = 'timeout 10 git --git-dir %s show %s --quiet' % (trex_repo, trex_last_commit_hash) print 'Executing: %s' % command proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (trex_last_commit_info, stderr) = proc.communicate() print 'Stdout:\n\t' + trex_last_commit_info.replace('\n', '\n\t') print 'Stderr:', stderr print 'Return code:', proc.returncode trex_last_commit_info = trex_last_commit_info.replace('\n', '
') except Exception as e: print 'Error getting last commit: %s' % e ##### get xmls: report_.xml err = [] jobs_list = [] jobs_file = '%s/jobs_list.info' % args.input_dir if os.path.exists(jobs_file): with open('%s/jobs_list.info' % args.input_dir) as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line: jobs_list.append(line) else: message = '%s does not exist!' % jobs_file print message err.append(message) ##### aggregate results to 1 single tree aggregated_root = ET.Element('testsuite') setups = {} for job in jobs_list: xml_file = '%s/report_%s.xml' % (args.input_dir, job) if not os.path.exists(xml_file): message = '%s referenced in jobs_list.info does not exist!' % xml_file print message err.append(message) continue if os.path.basename(xml_file) == os.path.basename(args.output_xmlfile): continue setups[job] = [] print('Processing setup: %s' % job) tree = ET.parse(xml_file) root = tree.getroot() for key, value in root.attrib.items(): if key in aggregated_root.attrib and value.isdigit(): # sum total number of failed tests etc. aggregated_root.attrib[key] = str(int(value) + int(aggregated_root.attrib[key])) else: aggregated_root.attrib[key] = value tests = root.getchildren() if not len(tests): # there should be tests: message = 'No tests in xml %s' % xml_file print message err.append(message) for test in tests: setups[job].append(test) test.attrib['name'] = test.attrib['classname'] + '.' + test.attrib['name'] test.attrib['classname'] = job aggregated_root.append(test) total_tests_count = int(aggregated_root.attrib.get('tests', 0)) error_tests_count = int(aggregated_root.attrib.get('errors', 0)) failure_tests_count = int(aggregated_root.attrib.get('failures', 0)) skipped_tests_count = int(aggregated_root.attrib.get('skip', 0)) passed_tests_count = total_tests_count - error_tests_count - failure_tests_count - skipped_tests_count tests_count_string = mark_string('Total: %s' % total_tests_count, 'red', total_tests_count == 0) + ', ' tests_count_string += mark_string('Passed: %s' % passed_tests_count, 'red', error_tests_count + failure_tests_count > 0) + ', ' tests_count_string += mark_string('Error: %s' % error_tests_count, 'red', error_tests_count > 0) + ', ' tests_count_string += mark_string('Failure: %s' % failure_tests_count, 'red', failure_tests_count > 0) + ', ' tests_count_string += 'Skipped: %s' % skipped_tests_count ##### save output xml print('Writing output file: %s' % args.output_xmlfile) ET.ElementTree(aggregated_root).write(args.output_xmlfile) ##### build output html error_tests = [] functional_tests = OrderedDict() # categorize and get output of each test for test in aggregated_root.getchildren(): # each test in xml if is_functional_test_name(test.attrib['name']): functional_tests[test.attrib['name']] = test result_tuple = None for child in test.getchildren(): # , (, , other: passed) # if child.tag in ('failure', 'error'): #temp = copy.deepcopy(test) #print temp._children #print test._children # error_tests.append(test) if child.tag == 'failure': error_tests.append(test) result_tuple = ('failure', child.text) elif child.tag == 'error': error_tests.append(test) result_tuple = ('error', child.text) elif child.tag == 'skipped': result_tuple = ('skipped', child.text) elif child.tag == 'system-out': test.attrib['stdout'] = child.text elif child.tag == 'system-err': test.attrib['stderr'] = child.text if result_tuple: test.attrib['result'] = result_tuple html_output = '''\ ''' html_output += add_th_td('Scenario:', scenario.capitalize()) start_time_file = '%s/start_time.info' % args.input_dir if os.path.exists(start_time_file): with open(start_time_file) as f: start_time = int(f.read()) total_time = int(time.time()) - start_time html_output += add_th_td('Regression start:', datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(start_time).strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M')) html_output += add_th_td('Regression duration:', datetime.timedelta(seconds = total_time)) html_output += add_th_td('Tests count:', tests_count_string) for key in trex_info_dict: if key == 'Git SHA': continue html_output += add_th_td(key, trex_info_dict[key]) if trex_last_commit_info: html_output += add_th_td('Last commit:', trex_last_commit_info) html_output += '

\n' if err: html_output += '%s

\n' % '\n
'.join(err) # # # \ #''' #passed_quantity = len(result_types['passed']) #failed_quantity = len(result_types['failed']) #error_quantity = len(result_types['error']) #skipped_quantity = len(result_types['skipped']) #html_output += '' % passed_quantity #html_output += '' % (pad_tag(failed_quantity, 'b') if failed_quantity else '0') #html_output += '' % (pad_tag(error_quantity, 'b') if error_quantity else '0') #html_output += '' % (pad_tag(skipped_quantity, 'b') if skipped_quantity else '0') # html_output += ''' # #
Summary:Passed: %sFailed: %sError: %sSkipped: %s
''' category_arr = [FUNCTIONAL_CATEGORY, ERROR_CATEGORY] # Adding buttons # Error button if len(error_tests): html_output += '\n'.format(error = ERROR_CATEGORY) # Setups buttons for category, tests in setups.items(): category_arr.append(category) html_output += '\n' % (category_arr[-1], category) # Functional buttons if len(functional_tests): html_output += '\n' % (FUNCTIONAL_CATEGORY, FUNCTIONAL_CATEGORY) # Adding tests # Error tests if len(error_tests): html_output += add_category_of_tests(ERROR_CATEGORY, error_tests, hidden=False) # Setups tests for category, tests in setups.items(): html_output += add_category_of_tests(category, tests, hidden=True, category_info_dir=args.input_dir) # Functional tests if len(functional_tests): html_output += add_category_of_tests(FUNCTIONAL_CATEGORY, functional_tests.values(), hidden=True) html_output += '\n\n \ ''' # save html with open(args.output_htmlfile, 'w') as f: print('Writing output file: %s' % args.output_htmlfile) f.write(html_output) html_output = None # mail report (only error tests, expanded) mail_output = '''\ ''' mail_output += add_th_td('Scenario:', scenario.capitalize()) if build_url: mail_output += add_th_td('Full HTML report:', 'link' % build_url) start_time_file = '%s/start_time.info' % args.input_dir if os.path.exists(start_time_file): with open(start_time_file) as f: start_time = int(f.read()) total_time = int(time.time()) - start_time mail_output += add_th_td('Regression start:', datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(start_time).strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M')) mail_output += add_th_td('Regression duration:', datetime.timedelta(seconds = total_time)) mail_output += add_th_td('Tests count:', tests_count_string) for key in trex_info_dict: if key == 'Git SHA': continue mail_output += add_th_td(key, trex_info_dict[key]) if trex_last_commit_info: mail_output += add_th_td('Last commit:', trex_last_commit_info) mail_output += '

\n' for category in setups.keys(): failing_category = False for test in error_tests: if test.attrib['classname'] == category: failing_category = True if failing_category or not len(setups[category]): mail_output += '\n' else: mail_output += '
\n' mail_output += add_th_th('Setup:', pad_tag(category.replace('.', '/'), 'b')) category_info_file = '%s/report_%s.info' % (args.input_dir, category.replace('.', '_')) if os.path.exists(category_info_file): with open(category_info_file) as f: for info_line in f.readlines(): key_value = info_line.split(':', 1) if key_value[0].strip() in trex_info_dict.keys() + ['User']: # always 'hhaim', no need to show continue mail_output += add_th_td('%s:' % key_value[0].strip(), key_value[1].strip()) else: mail_output += add_th_td('Info:', 'No info') mail_output += '
\n' mail_output += '
\n' # Error tests if len(error_tests) or err: if err: mail_output += '%s' % '\n
'.join(err) if len(error_tests) > 5: mail_output += '\nMore than 5 failed tests, showing brief output.\n
' # show only brief version (cut some info) mail_output += add_category_of_tests(ERROR_CATEGORY, error_tests, hidden=False, expanded=True, brief=True) else: mail_output += add_category_of_tests(ERROR_CATEGORY, error_tests, hidden=False, expanded=True) else: mail_output += '
All passed.
\n' mail_output += '\n\n' ##### save outputs # mail content with open(args.output_mailfile, 'w') as f: print('Writing output file: %s' % args.output_mailfile) f.write(mail_output) # build status category_dict_status = {} if os.path.exists(args.build_status_file): with open(args.build_status_file) as f: print('Reading: %s' % args.build_status_file) category_dict_status = pickle.load(f) if type(category_dict_status) is not dict: print '%s is corrupt, truncating' % args.build_status_file category_dict_status = {} last_status = category_dict_status.get(scenario, 'Successful') # assume last is passed if no history if err or len(error_tests): # has fails if is_good_status(last_status): current_status = 'Failure' else: current_status = 'Still Failing' else: if is_good_status(last_status): current_status = 'Successful' else: current_status = 'Fixed' category_dict_status[scenario] = current_status with open(args.build_status_file, 'w') as f: print('Writing output file: %s' % args.build_status_file) pickle.dump(category_dict_status, f) # last successful commit if (current_status in ('Successful', 'Fixed')) and trex_last_commit_hash and jobs_list > 0 and scenario == 'nightly': with open(args.last_passed_commit, 'w') as f: print('Writing output file: %s' % args.last_passed_commit) f.write(trex_last_commit_hash) # mail title mailtitle_output = scenario.capitalize() if build_id: mailtitle_output += ' - Build #%s' % build_id mailtitle_output += ' - %s!' % current_status with open(args.output_titlefile, 'w') as f: print('Writing output file: %s' % args.output_titlefile) f.write(mailtitle_output)