#!/router/bin/python import outer_packages from client.trex_hltapi import CTRexHltApi import traceback import sys, time from pprint import pprint import argparse def check_res(res): if res['status'] == 0: print('Encountered error:\n%s' % res['log']) sys.exit(1) return res def save_streams_id(res, streams_id_arr): stream_id = res.get('stream_id') if type(stream_id) in (int, long): streams_id_arr.append(stream_id) elif type(stream_id) is list: streams_id_arr.extend(stream_id) def print_brief_stats(res): title_str = ' '*3 tx_str = 'TX:' rx_str = 'RX:' for port_id, stat in res.iteritems(): if type(port_id) is not int: continue title_str += ' '*10 + 'Port%s' % port_id tx_str += '%15s' % res[port_id]['aggregate']['tx']['total_pkts'] rx_str += '%15s' % res[port_id]['aggregate']['rx']['total_pkts'] print(title_str) print(tx_str) print(rx_str) def wait_with_progress(seconds): for i in range(0, seconds): time.sleep(1) sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() print('') if __name__ == "__main__": try: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Example of using stateless TRex via HLT API.', formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-v', dest = 'verbose', default = 0, help='Stateless API verbosity:\n0: No prints\n1: Commands and their status\n2: Same as 1 + ZMQ in&out') parser.add_argument('--device', dest = 'device', default = 'localhost', help='Address of TRex server') args = parser.parse_args() hlt_client = CTRexHltApi(verbose = int(args.verbose)) streams_id_arr = [] print('Connecting to %s...' % args.device) res = check_res(hlt_client.connect(device = args.device, port_list = [0, 1], username = 'danklei', break_locks = True, reset = True)) port_handle = res['port_handle'] print('Connected.') print('Create single_burst 100 packets rate_pps=100 on port 0') res = check_res(hlt_client.traffic_config(mode = 'create', port_handle = port_handle[0], transmit_mode = 'single_burst', pkts_per_burst = 100, rate_pps = 100)) #save_streams_id(res, streams_id_arr) # playground - creating various streams on port 1 res = check_res(hlt_client.traffic_config(mode = 'create', port_handle = port_handle[1], save_to_yaml = '/tmp/hlt2.yaml', tcp_src_port_mode = 'decrement', tcp_src_port_count = 10, tcp_dst_port_count = 10, tcp_dst_port_mode = 'random')) res = check_res(hlt_client.traffic_config(mode = 'create', port_handle = port_handle[1], save_to_yaml = '/tmp/hlt3.yaml', l4_protocol = 'udp', udp_src_port_mode = 'decrement', udp_src_port_count = 10, udp_dst_port_count = 10, udp_dst_port_mode = 'random')) res = check_res(hlt_client.traffic_config(mode = 'create', port_handle = port_handle[1], save_to_yaml = '/tmp/hlt4.yaml', length_mode = 'increment', #ip_src_addr = '', ip_src_mode = 'increment', ip_src_count = 5, ip_dst_addr = '', ip_dst_mode = 'random', ip_dst_count = 2)) res = check_res(hlt_client.traffic_config(mode = 'create', port_handle = port_handle[1], save_to_yaml = '/tmp/hlt5.yaml', length_mode = 'decrement', frame_size_min = 100, frame_size_max = 3000, #ip_src_addr = '', ip_src_mode = 'increment', ip_src_count = 5, #ip_dst_addr = '', ip_dst_mode = 'random', ip_dst_count = 2 )) # remove the playground check_res(hlt_client.traffic_config(mode = 'reset', port_handle = port_handle[1])) print('Create continuous stream for port 1, rate_pps = 1') res = check_res(hlt_client.traffic_config(mode = 'create', port_handle = port_handle[1], save_to_yaml = '/tmp/hlt1.yaml', #length_mode = 'increment', l3_length_min = 200, ip_src_addr = '', ip_src_mode = 'increment', ip_src_count = 5, ip_dst_addr = '', ip_dst_mode = 'random', ip_dst_count = 2)) check_res(hlt_client.traffic_control(action = 'run', port_handle = port_handle)) wait_with_progress(1) print('Sample after 1 seconds (only packets count)') res = check_res(hlt_client.traffic_stats(mode = 'all', port_handle = port_handle)) print_brief_stats(res) print '' print('Port 0 has finished the burst, put continuous instead with rate 1000. No stopping of other ports.') check_res(hlt_client.traffic_control(action = 'stop', port_handle = port_handle[0])) check_res(hlt_client.traffic_config(mode = 'reset', port_handle = port_handle[0])) res = check_res(hlt_client.traffic_config(mode = 'create', port_handle = port_handle[0], rate_pps = 1000)) save_streams_id(res, streams_id_arr) check_res(hlt_client.traffic_control(action = 'run', port_handle = port_handle[0])) wait_with_progress(5) print('Sample after another 5 seconds (only packets count)') res = check_res(hlt_client.traffic_stats(mode = 'aggregate', port_handle = port_handle)) print_brief_stats(res) print '' print('Stop traffic at port 1') res = check_res(hlt_client.traffic_control(action = 'stop', port_handle = port_handle[1])) wait_with_progress(5) print('Sample after another %s seconds (only packets count)' % 5) res = check_res(hlt_client.traffic_stats(mode = 'aggregate', port_handle = port_handle)) print_brief_stats(res) print '' print('Full HLT stats:') pprint(res) check_res(hlt_client.cleanup_session()) except Exception as e: print(traceback.print_exc()) print(e) raise finally: print('Done.')