#!/router/bin/python from .stl_general_test import CStlGeneral_Test, CTRexScenario from trex_stl_lib.api import * import os, sys from collections import deque from time import time, sleep class STLBenchmark_Test(CStlGeneral_Test): """Benchark stateless performance""" def test_CPU_benchmark(self): timeout = 60 # max time to wait for stabilization stabilize = 5 # ensure stabilization over this period cores = self.configuration.trex['trex_cores'] ports = self.stl_trex.get_port_count() print('') for profile_bench in self.get_benchmark_param('profiles'): cpu_utils = deque([0] * stabilize, maxlen = stabilize) kwargs = profile_bench.get('kwargs', {}) print('Testing profile %s, kwargs: %s' % (profile_bench['name'], kwargs)) profile = STLProfile.load(os.path.join(CTRexScenario.scripts_path, profile_bench['name']), **kwargs) self.stl_trex.reset() self.stl_trex.clear_stats() sleep(1) self.stl_trex.add_streams(profile, ports = [0, 1]) self.stl_trex.start(ports = [0, 1], mult = '10%') start_time = time() for i in range(timeout + 1): stats = self.stl_trex.get_stats() cpu_utils.append(stats['global']['cpu_util']) if i > stabilize and min(cpu_utils) > max(cpu_utils) * 0.95: break sleep(0.5) if i == timeout: raise Exception('Timeout on waiting for stabilization, last CPU util values: %s' % list(cpu_utils)) if stats[0]['opackets'] < 1000 or stats[1]['opackets'] < 1000: raise Exception('Too few opackets, port0: %s, port1: %s' % (stats[0]['opackets'], stats[1]['opackets'])) if stats['global']['queue_full'] > 100000: raise Exception('Too much queue_full: %s' % stats['global']['queue_full']) if not cpu_utils[-1]: raise Exception('CPU util is zero, last values: %s' % list(cpu_utils)) agv_cpu_util = sum(cpu_utils) / stabilize bw_per_core = 2 * 2 * (100 / agv_cpu_util) * stats['global']['tx_bps'] / (ports * cores * 1e9) print('Done (%ss), CPU util: %4g, bw_per_core: %6sGb/core' % (int(time() - start_time), agv_cpu_util, round(bw_per_core, 2))) # TODO: add check of benchmark based on results from regression # report benchmarks if self.GAManager: profile_repr = '%s %s' % (os.path.basename(profile_bench['name']), repr(kwargs).replace("'", '')) self.GAManager.gaAddAction(Event = 'stateless_test', action = profile_repr, label = 'bw_per_core', value = int(bw_per_core)) # TODO: report expected once acquired #self.GAManager.gaAddAction(Event = 'stateless_test', action = profile_repr, label = 'bw_per_core_exp', value = int(expected_norm_cpu)) self.GAManager.emptyAndReportQ() def tearDown(self): self.stl_trex.reset() self.stl_trex.clear_stats() sleep(1) CStlGeneral_Test.tearDown(self)