#!/usr/bin/env python __copyright__ = "Copyright 2014" """ Name: trex_unit_test.py Description: This script creates the functionality to test the performance of the T-Rex traffic generator The tested scenario is a T-Rex TG directly connected to a Cisco router. :: Topology: ------- -------- | | Tx---1gig/10gig----Rx | | | T-Rex | | router | | | Rx---1gig/10gig----Tx | | ------- -------- """ import os import sys import outer_packages import nose from nose.plugins import Plugin import logging import CustomLogger import misc_methods from rednose import RedNose import termstyle from trex import CTRexScenario from trex_stf_lib.trex_client import * from trex_stf_lib.trex_exceptions import * from trex_stl_lib.api import * import trex import socket from pprint import pprint import subprocess import re import time def check_trex_path(trex_path): if os.path.isfile('%s/trex_daemon_server' % trex_path): return os.path.abspath(trex_path) def check_setup_path(setup_path): if os.path.isfile('%s/config.yaml' % setup_path): return os.path.abspath(setup_path) def get_trex_path(): latest_build_path = check_trex_path(os.getenv('TREX_UNDER_TEST')) # TREX_UNDER_TEST is env var pointing to /scripts if not latest_build_path: latest_build_path = check_trex_path(os.path.join(os.pardir, os.pardir)) if not latest_build_path: raise Exception('Could not determine trex_under_test folder, try setting env.var. TREX_UNDER_TEST') return latest_build_path STATEFUL_STOP_COMMAND = './trex_daemon_server stop; sleep 1; ./trex_daemon_server stop; sleep 1' STATEFUL_RUN_COMMAND = 'rm /var/log/trex/trex_daemon_server.log; ./trex_daemon_server start; sleep 2; ./trex_daemon_server show' TREX_FILES = ('_t-rex-64', '_t-rex-64-o', '_t-rex-64-debug', '_t-rex-64-debug-o') def trex_remote_command(trex_data, command, background = False, from_scripts = True, timeout = 20): if from_scripts: return misc_methods.run_remote_command(trex_data['trex_name'], ('cd %s; ' % CTRexScenario.scripts_path)+ command, background, timeout) return misc_methods.run_remote_command(trex_data['trex_name'], command, background, timeout) # 1 = running, 0 - not running def check_trex_running(trex_data): commands = [] for filename in TREX_FILES: commands.append('ps -C %s > /dev/null' % filename) return_code, _, _ = trex_remote_command(trex_data, ' || '.join(commands), from_scripts = False) return not return_code def kill_trex_process(trex_data): return_code, stdout, _ = trex_remote_command(trex_data, 'ps -u root --format comm,pid,cmd | grep _t-rex-64 | grep -v grep || true', from_scripts = False) assert return_code == 0, 'last remote command failed' if stdout: for process in stdout.split('\n'): try: proc_name, pid, full_cmd = re.split('\s+', process, maxsplit=2) if proc_name.find('t-rex-64') >= 0: print('Killing remote process: %s' % full_cmd) trex_remote_command(trex_data, 'kill %s' % pid, from_scripts = False) except: continue def address_to_ip(address): for i in range(10): try: return socket.gethostbyname(address) except: continue return socket.gethostbyname(address) class CTRexTestConfiguringPlugin(Plugin): def options(self, parser, env = os.environ): super(CTRexTestConfiguringPlugin, self).options(parser, env) parser.add_option('--cfg', '--trex-scenario-config', action='store', dest='config_path', help='Specify path to folder with config.yaml and benchmark.yaml') parser.add_option('--skip-clean', '--skip_clean', action='store_true', dest='skip_clean_config', help='Skip the clean configuration replace on the platform.') parser.add_option('--load-image', '--load_image', action='store_true', default = False, dest='load_image', help='Install image specified in config file on router.') parser.add_option('--log-path', '--log_path', action='store', dest='log_path', help='Specify path for the tests` log to be saved at. Once applied, logs capturing by nose will be disabled.') # Default is CURRENT/WORKING/PATH/trex_log/trex_log.log') parser.add_option('--json-verbose', '--json_verbose', action="store_true", default = False, dest="json_verbose", help="Print JSON-RPC commands.") parser.add_option('--telnet-verbose', '--telnet_verbose', action="store_true", default = False, dest="telnet_verbose", help="Print telnet commands and responces.") parser.add_option('--server-logs', '--server_logs', action="store_true", default = False, dest="server_logs", help="Print server side (TRex and trex_daemon) logs per test.") parser.add_option('--kill-running', '--kill_running', action="store_true", default = False, dest="kill_running", help="Kills running TRex process on remote server (useful for regression).") parser.add_option('--func', '--functional', action="store_true", default = False, dest="functional", help="Run functional tests.") parser.add_option('--stl', '--stateless', action="store_true", default = False, dest="stateless", help="Run stateless tests.") parser.add_option('--stf', '--stateful', action="store_true", default = False, dest="stateful", help="Run stateful tests.") parser.add_option('--pkg', action="store", dest="pkg", help="Run with given TRex package. Make sure the path available at server machine.") parser.add_option('--no-ssh', '--no_ssh', action="store_true", default = False, dest="no_ssh", help="Flag to disable any ssh to server machine.") parser.add_option('--collect', action="store_true", default = False, dest="collect", help="Alias to --collect-only.") parser.add_option('--warmup', action="store_true", default = False, dest="warmup", help="Warm up the system for stateful: run 30 seconds 9k imix test without check of results.") parser.add_option('--test-client-package', '--test_client_package', action="store_true", default = False, dest="test_client_package", help="Includes tests of client package.") def configure(self, options, conf): self.collect_only = options.collect_only if self.collect_only: return self.functional = options.functional self.stateless = options.stateless self.stateful = options.stateful self.pkg = options.pkg self.no_ssh = options.no_ssh self.json_verbose = options.json_verbose self.telnet_verbose = options.telnet_verbose if self.functional and (not self.pkg or self.no_ssh): return if CTRexScenario.setup_dir and options.config_path: raise Exception('Please either define --cfg or use env. variable SETUP_DIR, not both.') if not options.config_path and CTRexScenario.setup_dir: options.config_path = CTRexScenario.setup_dir if not options.config_path: raise Exception('Please specify path to config.yaml using --cfg parameter or env. variable SETUP_DIR') self.configuration = misc_methods.load_complete_config_file(os.path.join(options.config_path, 'config.yaml')) self.configuration.trex['trex_name'] = address_to_ip(self.configuration.trex['trex_name']) # translate hostname to ip self.benchmark = misc_methods.load_benchmark_config_file(os.path.join(options.config_path, 'benchmark.yaml')) self.enabled = True self.modes = self.configuration.trex.get('modes', []) self.kill_running = options.kill_running self.load_image = options.load_image self.clean_config = False if options.skip_clean_config else True self.server_logs = options.server_logs if options.log_path: self.loggerPath = options.log_path # initialize CTRexScenario global testing class, to be used by all tests CTRexScenario.configuration = self.configuration CTRexScenario.benchmark = self.benchmark CTRexScenario.modes = set(self.modes) CTRexScenario.server_logs = self.server_logs def begin (self): if self.pkg and not CTRexScenario.is_copied and not self.no_ssh: new_path = '/tmp/trex-scripts' rsync_template = 'rm -rf /tmp/trex-scripts; mkdir -p %s; rsync -Lc %s /tmp; tar -mxzf /tmp/%s -C %s; mv %s/v*.*/* %s' rsync_command = rsync_template % (new_path, self.pkg, os.path.basename(self.pkg), new_path, new_path, new_path) return_code, stdout, stderr = trex_remote_command(self.configuration.trex, rsync_command, from_scripts = False, timeout = 300) if return_code: print('Failed copying') sys.exit(-1) CTRexScenario.scripts_path = new_path CTRexScenario.is_copied = True if self.functional or self.collect_only: return # launch TRex daemon on relevant setup if not self.no_ssh: if self.kill_running: if self.stateful: trex_remote_command(self.configuration.trex, STATEFUL_STOP_COMMAND) kill_trex_process(self.configuration.trex) time.sleep(1) elif check_trex_running(self.configuration.trex): print('TRex is already running') sys.exit(-1) if self.stateful: if not self.no_ssh: trex_remote_command(self.configuration.trex, STATEFUL_RUN_COMMAND) CTRexScenario.trex = CTRexClient(trex_host = self.configuration.trex['trex_name'], verbose = self.json_verbose) elif self.stateless: if not self.no_ssh: cores = self.configuration.trex.get('trex_cores', 1) if 'virt_nics' in self.modes and cores > 1: raise Exception('Number of cores should be 1 with virtual NICs') trex_remote_command(self.configuration.trex, './t-rex-64 -i -c %s' % cores, background = True) CTRexScenario.stl_trex = STLClient(username = 'TRexRegression', server = self.configuration.trex['trex_name'], verbose_level = self.json_verbose) if 'loopback' not in self.modes: CTRexScenario.router_cfg = dict(config_dict = self.configuration.router, forceImageReload = self.load_image, silent_mode = not self.telnet_verbose, forceCleanConfig = self.clean_config, tftp_config_dict = self.configuration.tftp) try: CustomLogger.setup_custom_logger('TRexLogger', self.loggerPath) except AttributeError: CustomLogger.setup_custom_logger('TRexLogger') def finalize(self, result): if self.functional or self.collect_only: return CTRexScenario.is_init = False if self.stateful: CTRexScenario.trex = None if self.stateless: CTRexScenario.trex_stl = None if not self.no_ssh: if self.stateful: trex_remote_command(self.configuration.trex, STATEFUL_STOP_COMMAND) kill_trex_process(self.configuration.trex) def save_setup_info(): try: if CTRexScenario.setup_name and CTRexScenario.trex_version: setup_info = '' for key, value in CTRexScenario.trex_version.items(): setup_info += '{0:8}: {1}\n'.format(key, value) cfg = CTRexScenario.configuration setup_info += 'Server: %s, Modes: %s' % (cfg.trex.get('trex_name'), cfg.trex.get('modes')) if cfg.router: setup_info += '\nRouter: Model: %s, Image: %s' % (cfg.router.get('model'), CTRexScenario.router_image) with open('%s/report_%s.info' % (CTRexScenario.report_dir, CTRexScenario.setup_name), 'w') as f: f.write(setup_info) except Exception as err: print('Error saving setup info: %s ' % err) def set_report_dir (report_dir): if not os.path.exists(report_dir): os.mkdir(report_dir) if __name__ == "__main__": # setting defaults. By default we run all the test suite specific_tests = False CTRexScenario.report_dir = 'reports' need_to_copy = False setup_dir = os.getenv('SETUP_DIR', '').rstrip('/') CTRexScenario.setup_dir = check_setup_path(setup_dir) CTRexScenario.scripts_path = get_trex_path() if not CTRexScenario.setup_dir: CTRexScenario.setup_dir = check_setup_path(os.path.join('setups', setup_dir)) nose_argv = ['', '-s', '-v', '--exe', '--rednose', '--detailed-errors'] test_client_package = False if '--test-client-package' in sys.argv: test_client_package = True if '--collect' in sys.argv: sys.argv.append('--collect-only') if '--collect-only' in sys.argv: # this is a user trying simply to view the available tests. no need xunit. CTRexScenario.is_test_list = True xml_arg = '' else: xml_name = 'unit_test.xml' if CTRexScenario.setup_dir: CTRexScenario.setup_name = os.path.basename(CTRexScenario.setup_dir) xml_name = 'report_%s.xml' % CTRexScenario.setup_name xml_arg= '--xunit-file=%s/%s' % (CTRexScenario.report_dir, xml_name) set_report_dir(CTRexScenario.report_dir) sys_args = sys.argv[:] for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv): if 'log-path' in arg: nose_argv += ['--nologcapture'] else: for tests_type in CTRexScenario.test_types.keys(): if tests_type in arg: specific_tests = True CTRexScenario.test_types[tests_type].append(arg[arg.find(tests_type):]) sys_args.remove(arg) if not specific_tests: for key in ('--func', '--functional'): if key in sys_args: CTRexScenario.test_types['functional_tests'].append('functional_tests') sys_args.remove(key) for key in ('--stf', '--stateful'): if key in sys_args: CTRexScenario.test_types['stateful_tests'].append('stateful_tests') sys_args.remove(key) for key in ('--stl', '--stateless'): if key in sys_args: CTRexScenario.test_types['stateless_tests'].append('stateless_tests') sys_args.remove(key) # Run all of the tests or just the selected ones if not sum([len(x) for x in CTRexScenario.test_types.values()]): for key in CTRexScenario.test_types.keys(): CTRexScenario.test_types[key].append(key) nose_argv += sys_args config_plugin = CTRexTestConfiguringPlugin() red_nose = RedNose() result = True try: if len(CTRexScenario.test_types['functional_tests']): additional_args = ['--func'] + CTRexScenario.test_types['functional_tests'] if xml_arg: additional_args += ['--with-xunit', xml_arg.replace('.xml', '_functional.xml')] result = nose.run(argv = nose_argv + additional_args, addplugins = [red_nose, config_plugin]) if len(CTRexScenario.test_types['stateful_tests']): additional_args = ['--stf'] if '--warmup' in sys.argv: additional_args.append('stateful_tests/trex_imix_test.py:CTRexIMIX_Test.test_warm_up') additional_args += CTRexScenario.test_types['stateful_tests'] if not test_client_package: additional_args.extend(['-a', '!client_package']) if xml_arg: additional_args += ['--with-xunit', xml_arg.replace('.xml', '_stateful.xml')] result = nose.run(argv = nose_argv + additional_args, addplugins = [red_nose, config_plugin]) and result if len(CTRexScenario.test_types['stateless_tests']): additional_args = ['--stl', 'stateless_tests/stl_general_test.py:STLBasic_Test.test_connectivity'] + CTRexScenario.test_types['stateless_tests'] if not test_client_package: additional_args.extend(['-a', '!client_package']) if xml_arg: additional_args += ['--with-xunit', xml_arg.replace('.xml', '_stateless.xml')] result = nose.run(argv = nose_argv + additional_args, addplugins = [red_nose, config_plugin]) and result #except Exception as e: # result = False # print(e) finally: save_setup_info() if not CTRexScenario.is_test_list: if result == True: print(termstyle.green(""" ..::''''::.. .;'' ``;. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: .:' :: :: `:. :: :: : : :: :: `:. .:' :: `;..``::::''..;' ``::,,,,::'' ___ ___ __________ / _ \/ _ | / __/ __/ / / ___/ __ |_\ \_\ \/_/ /_/ /_/ |_/___/___(_) """)) sys.exit(0) else: print(termstyle.red(""" /\_/\ ( o.o ) > ^ < This cat is sad, test failed. """)) sys.exit(-1)