#!/router/bin/python from trex_general_test import CTRexGeneral_Test from CPlatform import CStaticRouteConfig from tests_exceptions import * #import sys import time class CTRexIMIX_Test(CTRexGeneral_Test): """This class defines the IMIX testcase of the T-Rex traffic generator""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # super(CTRexIMIX_Test, self).__init__() CTRexGeneral_Test.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) pass def setUp(self): super(CTRexIMIX_Test, self).setUp() # launch super test class setUp process # CTRexGeneral_Test.setUp(self) # launch super test class setUp process # self.router.clear_counters() pass def test_routing_imix_64(self): # test initializtion if not self.is_loopback: self.router.configure_basic_interfaces() self.router.config_pbr(mode = "config") # self.trex.set_yaml_file('cap2/imix_64.yaml') mult = self.get_benchmark_param('multiplier') core = self.get_benchmark_param('cores') # trex_res = self.trex.run(multiplier = mult, cores = core, duration = 30, l = 1000, p = True) ret = self.trex.start_trex( c = core, m = mult, p = True, nc = True, d = 30, f = 'cap2/imix_64.yaml', l = 1000) trex_res = self.trex.sample_to_run_finish() # trex_res is a CTRexResult instance- and contains the summary of the test results # you may see all the results keys by simply calling here for 'print trex_res.result' print ("\nLATEST RESULT OBJECT:") print trex_res self.check_general_scenario_results(trex_res) self.check_CPU_benchmark(trex_res, 10.0) # the name intentionally not matches nose default pattern, including the test should be specified explicitly def dummy(self): self.assertEqual(1, 2, 'boo') self.assertEqual(2, 2, 'boo') self.assertEqual(2, 3, 'boo') #print '' #print dir(self) #print locals() #print '' #print_r(unittest.TestCase) #print '' #print_r(self) print '' #print unittest.TestCase.shortDescription(self) #self.skip("I'm just a dummy test") def test_routing_imix (self): # test initializtion if not self.is_loopback: self.router.configure_basic_interfaces() self.router.config_pbr(mode = "config") # self.trex.set_yaml_file('cap2/imix_fast_1g.yaml') mult = self.get_benchmark_param('multiplier') core = self.get_benchmark_param('cores') ret = self.trex.start_trex( c = core, m = mult, p = True, nc = True, d = 60, f = 'cap2/imix_fast_1g.yaml', l = 1000) trex_res = self.trex.sample_to_run_finish() # trex_res is a CTRexResult instance- and contains the summary of the test results # you may see all the results keys by simply calling here for 'print trex_res.result' print ("\nLATEST RESULT OBJECT:") print trex_res self.check_general_scenario_results(trex_res) self.check_CPU_benchmark(trex_res, 10.0) def test_static_routing_imix (self): if self.is_loopback: # in loopback mode this test acts same as test_routing_imix, disable to avoid duplication self.skip() # test initializtion if not self.is_loopback: self.router.configure_basic_interfaces() # Configure static routing based on benchmark data input stat_route_dict = self.get_benchmark_param('stat_route_dict') stat_route_obj = CStaticRouteConfig(stat_route_dict) self.router.config_static_routing(stat_route_obj, mode = "config") mult = self.get_benchmark_param('multiplier') core = self.get_benchmark_param('cores') ret = self.trex.start_trex( c = core, m = mult, p = True, nc = True, d = 60, f = 'cap2/imix_fast_1g.yaml', l = 1000) trex_res = self.trex.sample_to_run_finish() # trex_res is a CTRexResult instance- and contains the summary of the test results # you may see all the results keys by simply calling here for 'print trex_res.result' print ("\nLATEST RESULT OBJECT:") print trex_res print ("\nLATEST DUMP:") print trex_res.get_latest_dump() self.check_general_scenario_results(trex_res) self.check_CPU_benchmark(trex_res, 10) def test_static_routing_imix_asymmetric (self): # test initializtion if not self.is_loopback: self.router.configure_basic_interfaces() # Configure static routing based on benchmark data input stat_route_dict = self.get_benchmark_param('stat_route_dict') stat_route_obj = CStaticRouteConfig(stat_route_dict) self.router.config_static_routing(stat_route_obj, mode = "config") mult = self.get_benchmark_param('multiplier') core = self.get_benchmark_param('cores') ret = self.trex.start_trex( c = core, m = mult, nc = True, d = 100, f = 'cap2/imix_fast_1g.yaml', l = 1000) trex_res = self.trex.sample_to_run_finish() # trex_res is a CTRexResults instance- and contains the summary of the test results # you may see all the results keys by simply calling here for 'print trex_res.result' print ("\nLATEST RESULT OBJECT:") print trex_res self.check_general_scenario_results(trex_res) self.check_CPU_benchmark(trex_res, 10) def test_jumbo(self): if not self.is_loopback: self.skip('Verify drops in router') # TODO: verify and remove ASAP self.router.configure_basic_interfaces() self.router.config_pbr(mode = "config") mult = self.get_benchmark_param('multiplier') core = self.get_benchmark_param('cores') ret = self.trex.start_trex( c = core, m = mult, p = True, nc = True, d = 100, f = 'cap2/imix_9k.yaml', l = 1000) trex_res = self.trex.sample_to_run_finish() # trex_res is a CTRexResults instance- and contains the summary of the test results # you may see all the results keys by simply calling here for 'print trex_res.result' print ("\nLATEST RESULT OBJECT:") print trex_res self.check_general_scenario_results(trex_res) self.check_CPU_benchmark(trex_res, minimal_cpu = 0, maximal_cpu = 10) def tearDown(self): CTRexGeneral_Test.tearDown(self) # remove nbar config here pass if __name__ == "__main__": pass