#!/router/bin/python ''' Supported function/arguments: connect() device port_list username reset break_locks cleanup_session() maintain_lock port_list port_handle traffic_config() mode ( create | modify | remove | reset ) port_handle transmit_mode ( continuous | multi_burst | single_burst ) rate_pps stream_id bidirectional l2_encap mac_src mac_src2 mac_dst mac_dst2 l3_protocol ip_tos_field l3_length ip_id ip_fragment_offset ip_ttl ip_checksum ip_src_addr ip_dst_addr l4_protocol tcp_src_port tcp_dst_port tcp_seq_num tcp_ack_num tcp_data_offset tcp_fin_flag tcp_syn_flag tcp_rst_flag tcp_psh_flag tcp_ack_flag tcp_urg_flag tcp_window tcp_checksum tcp_urgent_ptr traffic_control() action ( run | stop ) port_handle traffic_stats() mode ( aggregate ) port_handle ''' import trex_root_path from client_utils.packet_builder import CTRexPktBuilder from trex_stateless_client import STLClient from common.trex_streams import * from client_utils.general_utils import get_integer import dpkt import socket from misc_methods import print_r import traceback import time class HLT_ERR(dict): def __init__(self, log = 'Unknown error', **kwargs): dict.__init__(self, {'status': 0}) if type(log) is dict: dict.update(self, log) elif type(log) is str and not log.startswith('[ERR]'): self['log'] = '[ERR] ' + log else: self['log'] = log dict.update(self, kwargs) class HLT_OK(dict): def __init__(self, init_dict = {}, **kwargs): dict.__init__(self, {'status': 1, 'log': None}) dict.update(self, init_dict) dict.update(self, kwargs) class CTRexHltApi(object): def __init__(self, verbose = 0): self.trex_client = None self.connected = False self.verbose = verbose self._hlt_streams_history = {} # streams per stream_id in format of HLT arguments for modify later ########################### # Session functions # ########################### # device: ip or hostname def connect(self, device, port_list, username = '', reset = False, break_locks = False): try: device = socket.gethostbyname(device) # work with ip except: # give it another try try: device = socket.gethostbyname(device) except Exception as e: return HLT_ERR('Could not translate hostname "%s" to IP: %s' % (device, e)) try: # sync = RPC, async = ZMQ self.trex_client = STLClient(username, device, sync_port = 4501, async_port = 4500, verbose_level = self.verbose) except Exception as e: self.trex_client = None return HLT_ERR('Could not init stateless client %s: %s' % (device, e)) try: self.trex_client.connect() except Exception as e: self.trex_client = None return HLT_ERR('Could not connect to device %s: %s' % (device, e)) # connection successfully created with server, try acquiring ports of TRex try: port_list = self.parse_port_list(port_list) self.trex_client.acquire(ports = port_list, force = break_locks) except Exception as e: self.trex_client = None return HLT_ERR('Could not acquire ports %s: %s' % (port_list, e)) # since only supporting single TRex at the moment, 1:1 map port_handle = self.trex_client.get_acquired_ports() # arrived here, all desired ports were successfully acquired if reset: # remove all port traffic configuration from TRex try: self.trex_client.reset(ports = port_list) except Exception as e: self.trex_client = None return HLT_ERR('Error in reset traffic: %s' % e) self.connected = True return HLT_OK(port_handle = port_handle) def cleanup_session(self, maintain_lock = False, **kwargs): if not maintain_lock: # release taken ports port_list = kwargs.get('port_list', kwargs.get('port_handle', 'all')) try: if port_list == 'all': port_list = self.trex_client.get_acquired_ports() else: port_list = self.parse_port_list(port_list) except Exception as e: return HLT_ERR('Unable to determine which ports to release: %s' % e) try: self.trex_client.release(port_list) except Exception as e: return HLT_ERR('Unable to release ports %s: %s' % (port_list, e)) try: self.trex_client.disconnect(stop_traffic = False, release_ports = False) except Exception as e: return HLT_ERR('Error disconnecting: %s' % e) self.trex_client = None self.connected = False return HLT_OK() def interface_config(self, port_handle, mode='config'): ALLOWED_MODES = ['config', 'modify', 'destroy'] if mode not in ALLOWED_MODES: return HLT_ERR('Mode must be one of the following values: %s' % ALLOWED_MODES) # pass this function for now... return HLT_ERR('interface_config not implemented yet') ########################### # Traffic functions # ########################### def traffic_config(self, mode, port_handle, **kwargs): stream_id = kwargs.get('stream_id') if type(stream_id) is list: del kwargs['stream_id'] for each_stream_id in stream_id: res = self.traffic_config(mode, port_handle, stream_id = each_stream_id, **kwargs) if type(res) is HLT_ERR: return res return HLT_OK() if type(port_handle) is not list: port_handle = [port_handle] ALLOWED_MODES = ['create', 'modify', 'remove', 'enable', 'disable', 'reset'] if mode not in ALLOWED_MODES: return HLT_ERR('Mode must be one of the following values: %s' % ALLOWED_MODES) if mode == 'reset': try: self.trex_client.remove_all_streams(port_handle) return HLT_OK() except Exception as e: return HLT_ERR('Could not reset streams at ports %s: %s' % (port_handle, e)) if mode == 'remove': if stream_id is None: return HLT_ERR('Please specify stream_id to remove.') if type(stream_id) is str and stream_id == 'all': try: self.trex_client.remove_all_streams(port_handle) except Exception as e: return HLT_ERR('Could not remove all streams at ports %s: %s' % (port_handle, e)) else: try: self._remove_stream(stream_id, port_handle) except Exception as e: return HLT_ERR('Could not remove streams with specified by %s, error: %s' % (stream_id, log)) return HLT_OK() #if mode == 'enable': # stream_id = kwargs.get('stream_id') # if stream_id is None: # return HLT_ERR('Please specify stream_id to enable.') # if stream_id not in self._hlt_streams_history: # return HLT_ERR('This stream_id (%s) was not used before, please create new.' % stream_id) # self._hlt_streams_history[stream_id].update(kwargs) # <- the modification if mode == 'modify': # we remove stream and create new one with same stream_id stream_id = kwargs.get('stream_id') if stream_id is None: return HLT_ERR('Please specify stream_id to modify.') if stream_id not in self._hlt_streams_history: return HLT_ERR('This stream_id (%s) was not used before, please create new.' % stream_id) self._hlt_streams_history[stream_id].update(kwargs) # <- the modification kwargs = self._hlt_streams_history[stream_id] #for port_id in port_handle: # if stream_id not in self.trex_client.get_stream_id_list(port_id): # return HLT_ERR('Port %s does not have stream_id %s.' % (port_id, stream_id)) try: self.trex_client.remove_streams(stream_id, port_handle) except Exception as e: return HLT_ERR('Could not remove streams specified by %s: %s' % (stream_id, e)) if mode == 'create' or mode == 'modify': # create a new stream with desired attributes, starting by creating packet if 'bidirectional' in kwargs: # two streams with opposite src and dst MAC del kwargs['bidirectional'] bidirect_err = 'When using bidirectional flag, ' if len(port_handle) != 2: return HLT_ERR(bidirect_err + 'number of ports should be exactly 2') try: res1 = self.traffic_config(mode, port_handle[0], **kwargs) res2 = self.traffic_config(mode, port_handle[1], mac_src = kwargs.get(mac_src2, '00-00-01-00-00-01'), mac_dst = kwargs.get(mac_dst2, '00-00-00-00-00-00'), ip_src_addr = kwargs.get(ip_dst_addr, ''), ip_dst_addr = kwargs.get(ip_src_addr, ''), ipv6_src_addr = kwargs.get(ipv6_dst_addr, 'fe80:0:0:0:0:0:0:22'), ipv6_dst_addr = kwargs.get(ipv6_src_addr, 'fe80:0:0:0:0:0:0:12'), **kwargs) except Exception as e: return HLT_ERR('Could not generate bidirectional traffic: %s' % e) return HLT_OK(stream_id = {port_handle[0]: res1['stream_id'], port_handle[1]: res2['stream_id']}) try: stream_obj = CTRexHltApi._generate_stream(**kwargs) except Exception as e: return HLT_ERR('Could not create stream: %s' % e) stream_id = stream_obj.get_id() # try adding the stream per ports try: self.trex_client.add_streams(streams=stream_obj, ports=port_handle) self._hlt_streams_history[stream_id] = kwargs except Exception as e: return HLT_ERR('Could not add stream to ports: %s' % e) return HLT_OK(stream_id = stream_obj.get_id()) return HLT_ERR('Got to the end of traffic_config, mode not implemented or forgot "return" function somewhere.') def traffic_control(self, action, port_handle, **kwargs): ALLOWED_ACTIONS = ['clear_stats', 'run', 'stop', 'sync_run'] if action not in ALLOWED_ACTIONS: return HLT_ERR('Action must be one of the following values: {actions}'.format(actions=ALLOWED_ACTIONS)) if type(port_handle) is not list: port_handle = [port_handle] if action == 'run': try: self.trex_client.start(duration = kwargs.get('duration', -1), ports = port_handle) except Exception as e: return HLT_ERR('Could not start traffic: %s' % e) return HLT_OK(stopped = 0) elif action == 'stop': try: self.trex_client.stop(ports = port_handle) except Exception as e: return HLT_ERR('Could not start traffic: %s' % e) return HLT_OK(stopped = 1) else: return HLT_ERR("Action '{0}' is not supported yet on TRex".format(action)) # if we arrived here, this means that operation FAILED! return HLT_ERR("Probably action '%s' is not implemented" % action) def traffic_stats(self, port_handle, mode): ALLOWED_MODES = ['aggregate', 'streams', 'all'] if mode not in ALLOWED_MODES: return HLT_ERR("'mode' must be one of the following values: %s" % ALLOWED_MODES) if mode == 'streams': return HLT_ERR("'mode = streams' not implemented'") if mode in ('all', 'aggregate'): hlt_stats_dict = {} try: stats = self.trex_client.get_stats(port_handle) except Exception as e: return HLT_ERR('Could not retrieve stats: %s' % e) for port_id, stat_dict in stats.iteritems(): if type(port_id) is int: hlt_stats_dict[port_id] = { 'aggregate': { 'tx': { 'pkt_bit_rate': stat_dict.get('tx_bps'), 'pkt_byte_count': stat_dict.get('obytes'), 'pkt_count': stat_dict.get('opackets'), 'pkt_rate': stat_dict.get('tx_pps'), 'total_pkt_bytes': stat_dict.get('obytes'), 'total_pkt_rate': stat_dict.get('tx_pps'), 'total_pkts': stat_dict.get('opackets'), }, 'rx': { 'pkt_bit_rate': stat_dict.get('rx_bps'), 'pkt_byte_count': stat_dict.get('ibytes'), 'pkt_count': stat_dict.get('ipackets'), 'pkt_rate': stat_dict.get('rx_pps'), 'total_pkt_bytes': stat_dict.get('ibytes'), 'total_pkt_rate': stat_dict.get('rx_pps'), 'total_pkts': stat_dict.get('ipackets'), } } } return HLT_OK(hlt_stats_dict) # remove streams from given port(s). # stream_id can be: # * int - exact stream_id value # * list - list of stream_id values or strings (see below) # * string - exact stream_id value, mix of ranges/list separated by comma: 2, 4-13 def _remove_stream(self, stream_id, port_handle): if get_integer(stream_id) is not None: # exact value of int or str self.trex_client.remove_stream(get_integer(stream_id), port_handle) # actual remove if type(stream_id) is list: # list of values/strings for each_stream_id in stream_id: self._remove_stream(each_stream_id, port_handle) # recurse return if type(stream_id) is str: # range or list in string if stream_id.find(',') != -1: for each_stream_id_element in stream_id.split(','): self._remove_stream(each_stream_id_element, port_handle) # recurse return if stream_id.find('-') != -1: stream_id_min, stream_id_max = stream_id.split('-', 1) stream_id_min = get_integer(stream_id_min) stream_id_max = get_integer(stream_id_max) if stream_id_min is None: raise Exception('_remove_stream: wrong range param %s' % stream_id_min) if stream_id_max is None: raise Exception('_remove_stream: wrong range param %s' % stream_id_max) if stream_id_max < stream_id_min: raise Exception('_remove_stream: right range param is smaller than left one: %s-%s' % (stream_id_min, stream_id_max)) for each_stream_id in xrange(stream_id_min, stream_id_max + 1): self._remove_stream(each_stream_id, port_handle) # recurse return raise Exception('_remove_stream: wrong param %s' % stream_id) ########################### # Private functions # ########################### # obsolete @staticmethod def process_response(port_list, response): log = response.data() if response.good() else response.err() if isinstance(port_list, list): log = CTRexHltApi.join_batch_response(log) return response.good(), log @staticmethod def parse_port_list(port_list): if isinstance(port_list, str): return [int(port) for port in port_list.split()] elif isinstance(port_list, list): return [int(port) for port in port_list] else: return port_list @staticmethod def join_batch_response(responses): if type(responses) is list(): return '\n'. join([str(response) for response in responses]) return responses @staticmethod def _generate_stream(**kwargs): try: packet = CTRexHltApi._generate_packet(**kwargs) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Could not generate packet: %s' % e) try: transmit_mode = kwargs.get('transmit_mode', 'continuous') rate_pps = kwargs.get('rate_pps', 1) pkts_per_burst = kwargs.get('pkts_per_burst', 1) burst_loop_count = kwargs.get('burst_loop_count', 1) inter_burst_gap = kwargs.get('inter_burst_gap', 12) if transmit_mode == 'continuous': transmit_mode_class = STLTXCont(pps = rate_pps) elif transmit_mode == 'single_burst': transmit_mode_class = STLTXSingleBurst(pps = rate_pps, total_pkts = pkts_per_burst) elif transmit_mode == 'multi_burst': transmit_mode_class = STLTXMultiBurst(pps = rate_pps, total_pkts = pkts_per_burst, count = burst_loop_count, ibg = inter_burst_gap) else: raise Exception('transmit_mode %s not supported/implemented') except Exception as e: raise Exception('Could not create transmit_mode class %s: %s' % (transmit_mode, e)) try: stream_obj = STLStream(packet = packet, #enabled = True, #self_start = True, mode = transmit_mode_class, #rx_stats = rx_stats, #next_stream_id = -1 ) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Could not create stream: %s' % e) debug_filename = kwargs.get('save_to_yaml') if type(debug_filename) is str: stream_obj.dump_to_yaml(debug_filename, stream_obj) return stream_obj @staticmethod def _generate_packet( l2_encap = 'ethernet_ii', mac_src = '00:00:01:00:00:01', mac_dst = '00:00:00:00:00:00', l3_protocol = 'ipv4', ip_tos_field = 0, l3_length = 110, ip_id = 0, ip_fragment_offset = 0, ip_ttl = 64, ip_checksum = 0, ip_src_addr = '', ip_dst_addr = '', l4_protocol = 'tcp', tcp_src_port = 1024, tcp_dst_port = 80, tcp_seq_num = 1, tcp_ack_num = 1, tcp_data_offset = 1, tcp_fin_flag = 0, tcp_syn_flag = 0, tcp_rst_flag = 0, tcp_psh_flag = 0, tcp_ack_flag = 0, tcp_urg_flag = 0, tcp_window = 4069, tcp_checksum = 0, tcp_urgent_ptr = 0, **kwargs): ALLOWED_L3_PROTOCOL = {'ipv4': dpkt.ethernet.ETH_TYPE_IP, #'ipv6': dpkt.ethernet.ETH_TYPE_IP6, #'arp': dpkt.ethernet.ETH_TYPE_ARP } ALLOWED_L4_PROTOCOL = {'tcp': dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_TCP, #'udp': dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_UDP, #'icmp': dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_ICMP, #'icmpv6': dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_ICMP6, #'igmp': dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_IGMP, #'rtp': dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_IRTP, #'isis': dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_ISIS, #'ospf': dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_OSPF } pkt_bld = CTRexPktBuilder() if l2_encap == 'ethernet_ii': #('dst', '6s', ''), #('src', '6s', ''), #('type', 'H', ETH_TYPE_IP) pkt_bld.add_pkt_layer('l2', dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet()) # set Ethernet layer attributes pkt_bld.set_eth_layer_addr('l2', 'src', mac_src) pkt_bld.set_eth_layer_addr('l2', 'dst', mac_dst) else: raise NotImplementedError("l2_encap does not support the desired encapsulation '{0}'".format(l2_encap)) # set l3 on l2 if l3_protocol not in ALLOWED_L3_PROTOCOL: raise ValueError('l3_protocol must be one of the following: {0}'.format(ALLOWED_L3_PROTOCOL)) pkt_bld.set_layer_attr('l2', 'type', ALLOWED_L3_PROTOCOL[l3_protocol]) # set l3 attributes if l3_protocol == 'ipv4': #('v_hl', 'B', (4 << 4) | (20 >> 2)), #('tos', 'B', 0), #('len', 'H', 20), #('id', 'H', 0), #('off', 'H', 0), #('ttl', 'B', 64), #('p', 'B', 0), #('sum', 'H', 0), #('src', '4s', '\x00' * 4), #('dst', '4s', '\x00' * 4) pkt_bld.add_pkt_layer('l3', dpkt.ip.IP()) pkt_bld.set_layer_attr('l3', 'tos', ip_tos_field) pkt_bld.set_layer_attr('l3', 'len', l3_length) pkt_bld.set_layer_attr('l3', 'id', ip_id) pkt_bld.set_layer_attr('l3', 'off', ip_fragment_offset) pkt_bld.set_layer_attr('l3', 'ttl', ip_ttl) pkt_bld.set_layer_attr('l3', 'sum', ip_checksum) pkt_bld.set_ip_layer_addr('l3', 'src', ip_src_addr) pkt_bld.set_ip_layer_addr('l3', 'dst', ip_dst_addr) else: raise NotImplementedError("l3_protocol '{0}' is not supported by TRex yet.".format(l3_protocol)) # set l4 on l3 if l4_protocol not in ALLOWED_L4_PROTOCOL: raise ValueError('l4_protocol must be one of the following: {0}'.format(ALLOWED_L3_PROTOCOL)) pkt_bld.set_layer_attr('l3', 'p', ALLOWED_L4_PROTOCOL[l4_protocol]) # set l4 attributes if l4_protocol == 'tcp': pkt_bld.add_pkt_layer('l4', dpkt.tcp.TCP()) #('sport', 'H', 0xdead), #('dport', 'H', 0), #('seq', 'I', 0xdeadbeefL), #('ack', 'I', 0), #('off_x2', 'B', ((5 << 4) | 0)), #('flags', 'B', TH_SYN), #('win', 'H', TCP_WIN_MAX), #('sum', 'H', 0), #('urp', 'H', 0) pkt_bld.set_layer_attr('l4', 'sport', tcp_src_port) pkt_bld.set_layer_attr('l4', 'dport', tcp_dst_port) pkt_bld.set_layer_attr('l4', 'seq', tcp_seq_num) pkt_bld.set_layer_attr('l4', 'ack', tcp_ack_num) pkt_bld.set_layer_attr('l4', 'off_x2', tcp_data_offset) #TH_FIN = 0x01 # end of data #TH_SYN = 0x02 # synchronize sequence numbers #TH_RST = 0x04 # reset connection #TH_PUSH = 0x08 # push #TH_ACK = 0x10 # acknowledgment number set #TH_URG = 0x20 # urgent pointer set #TH_ECE = 0x40 # ECN echo, RFC 3168 #TH_CWR = 0x80 # congestion window reduced tcp_flags = (tcp_fin_flag * dpkt.tcp.TH_FIN + tcp_syn_flag * dpkt.tcp.TH_SYN + tcp_rst_flag * dpkt.tcp.TH_RST + tcp_psh_flag * dpkt.tcp.TH_PUSH + tcp_ack_flag * dpkt.tcp.TH_ACK + tcp_urg_flag * dpkt.tcp.TH_URG) pkt_bld.set_layer_attr('l4', 'flags', tcp_flags) pkt_bld.set_layer_attr('l4', 'win', tcp_window) pkt_bld.set_layer_attr('l4', 'sum', tcp_checksum) pkt_bld.set_layer_attr('l4', 'urp', tcp_urgent_ptr) else: raise NotImplementedError("l4_protocol '{0}' is not supported by TRex yet.".format(l3_protocol)) pkt_bld.set_pkt_payload('Hello, World' + '!'*58) # debug debug_filename = kwargs.get('save_to_pcap') if type(debug_filename) is str: pkt_bld.dump_pkt_to_pcap(debug_filename) return pkt_bld if __name__ == '__main__': pass