#!/router/bin/python import sys,site import os try: import pwd except ImportError: import getpass pwd = None using_python_3 = True if sys.version_info.major == 3 else False def user_input(): if using_python_3: return input() else: # using python version 2 return raw_input() def get_current_user(): if pwd: return pwd.getpwuid( os.geteuid() ).pw_name else: return getpass.getuser() def import_module_list_by_path (modules_list): assert(isinstance(modules_list, list)) for full_path in modules_list: site.addsitedir(full_path) def find_path_to_pardir (pardir, base_path = os.getcwd() ): """ Finds the absolute path for some parent dir `pardir`, starting from base_path The request is only valid if the stop intitiator is the same client as the T-Rex run intitiator. :parameters: pardir : str name of an upper-level directory to which we want to find an absolute path for base_path : str a full (usually nested) path from which we want to find a parent folder. default value : **current working dir** :return: string representation of the full path to """ components = base_path.split(os.sep) return str.join(os.sep, components[:components.index(pardir)+1]) if __name__ == "__main__": pass