#!/router/bin/python import pprint import yaml import os # import bisect class CTRexYaml(object): """ This class functions as a YAML generator according to T-Rex YAML format. CTRexYaml is compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3. """ YAML_TEMPLATE = [{'cap_info': [], 'duration': 10.0, 'generator': {'clients_end': '', 'clients_per_gb': 201, 'clients_start': '', 'distribution': 'seq', 'dual_port_mask': '', 'min_clients': 101, 'servers_end': '', 'servers_start': '', 'tcp_aging': 1, 'udp_aging': 1}, 'mac' : [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00]}] PCAP_TEMPLATE = {'cps': 1.0, 'ipg': 10000, 'name': '', 'rtt': 10000, 'w': 1} def __init__ (self, trex_files_path): """ The initialization of this class creates a CTRexYaml object with **empty** 'cap-info', and with default client-server configuration. Use class methods to add and assign pcap files and export the data to a YAML file. :parameters: trex_files_path : str a path (on T-Rex server side) for the pcap files using which T-Rex can access it. """ self.yaml_obj = list(CTRexYaml.YAML_TEMPLATE) self.empty_cap = True self.file_list = [] self.yaml_dumped = False self.trex_files_path = trex_files_path def add_pcap_file (self, local_pcap_path): """ Adds a .pcap file with recorded traffic to the yaml object by linking the file with 'cap-info' template key fields. :parameters: local_pcap_path : str a path (on client side) for the pcap file to be added. :return: + The index of the inserted item (as int) if item added successfully + -1 if pcap file already exists in 'cap_info'. """ new_pcap = dict(CTRexYaml.PCAP_TEMPLATE) new_pcap['name'] = self.trex_files_path + os.path.basename(local_pcap_path) if self.get_pcap_idx(new_pcap['name']) != -1: # pcap already exists in 'cap_info' return -1 else: self.yaml_obj[0]['cap_info'].append(new_pcap) if self.empty_cap: self.empty_cap = False self.file_list.append(local_pcap_path) return ( len(self.yaml_obj[0]['cap_info']) - 1) def get_pcap_idx (self, pcap_name): """ Checks if a certain .pcap file has been added into the yaml object. :parameters: pcap_name : str the name of the pcap file to be searched :return: + The index of the pcap file (as int) if exists + -1 if not exists. """ comp_pcap = pcap_name if pcap_name.startswith(self.trex_files_path) else (self.trex_files_path + pcap_name) for idx, pcap in enumerate(self.yaml_obj[0]['cap_info']): print (pcap['name'] == comp_pcap) if pcap['name'] == comp_pcap: return idx # pcap file wasn't found return -1 def dump_as_python_obj (self): """ dumps with nice indentation the pythonic format (dictionaries and lists) of the currently built yaml object. :parameters: None :return: None """ pprint.pprint(self.yaml_obj) def dump(self): """ dumps with nice indentation the YAML format of the currently built yaml object. :parameters: None :reaturn: None """ print (yaml.safe_dump(self.yaml_obj, default_flow_style = False)) def to_yaml(self, filename): """ Exports to YAML file the built configuration into an actual YAML file. :parameters: filename : str a path (on client side, including filename) to store the generated yaml file. :return: None :raises: + :exc:`ValueError`, in case no pcap files has been added to the object. + :exc:`EnvironmentError`, in case of any IO error of writing to the files or OSError when trying to open it for writing. """ if self.empty_cap: raise ValueError("No .pcap file has been assigned to yaml object. Must add at least one") else: try: with open(filename, 'w') as yaml_file: yaml_file.write( yaml.safe_dump(self.yaml_obj, default_flow_style = False) ) self.yaml_dumped = True self.file_list.append(filename) except EnvironmentError as inst: raise def set_cap_info_param (self, param, value, seq): """ Set cap-info parameters' value of a specific pcap file. :parameters: param : str the name of the parameters to be set. value : int/float the desired value to be set to `param` key. seq : int an index to the relevant caps array to be changed (index supplied when adding new pcap file, see :func:`add_pcap_file`). :return: **True** on success :raises: :exc:`IndexError`, in case an out-of range index was given. """ try: self.yaml_obj[0]['cap_info'][seq][param] = value return True except IndexError: return False def set_generator_param (self, param, value): """ Set generator parameters' value of the yaml object. :parameters: param : str the name of the parameters to be set. value : int/float/str the desired value to be set to `param` key. :return: None """ self.yaml_obj[0]['generator'][param] = value def get_file_list(self): """ Returns a list of all files related to the YAML object, including the YAML filename itself. .. tip:: This method is especially useful for listing all the files that should be pushed to T-Rex server as part of the same yaml selection. :parameters: None :return: a list of filepaths, each is a local client-machine file path. """ if not self.yaml_dumped: print ("WARNING: .yaml file wasn't dumped yet. Files list contains only .pcap files") return self.file_list if __name__ == "__main__": pass