""" Dan Klein Cisco Systems, Inc. Copyright (c) 2015-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import external_packages import yaml class CTRexYAMLLoader(object): TYPE_DICT = {"double":float, "int":int, "array":list, "string":str, "boolean":bool} def __init__(self, yaml_ref_file_path): self.yaml_path = yaml_ref_file_path self.ref_obj = None def check_term_param_type(self, val, val_field, ref_val, multiplier): # print val, val_field, ref_val tmp_type = ref_val.get('type') if isinstance(tmp_type, list): # item can be one of multiple types # print "multiple choice!" python_types = set() for t in tmp_type: if t in self.TYPE_DICT: python_types.add(self.TYPE_DICT.get(t)) else: return False, TypeError("Unknown resolving for type {0}".format(t)) # print "python legit types: ", python_types if type(val) not in python_types: return False, TypeError("Type of object field '{0}' is not allowed".format(val_field)) else: # WE'RE OK! return True, CTRexYAMLLoader._calc_final_value(val, multiplier, ref_val.get('multiply', False)) else: # this is a single type field python_type = self.TYPE_DICT.get(tmp_type) if not isinstance(val, python_type): return False, TypeError("Type of object field '{0}' is not allowed".format(val_field)) else: # WE'RE OK! return True, CTRexYAMLLoader._calc_final_value(val, multiplier, ref_val.get('multiply', False)) def get_reference_default(self, root_obj, sub_obj, key): # print root_obj, sub_obj, key if sub_obj: ref_field = self.ref_obj.get(root_obj).get(sub_obj).get(key) else: ref_field = self.ref_obj.get(root_obj).get(key) if 'has_default' in ref_field: if ref_field.get('has_default'): # WE'RE OK! return True, ref_field.get('default') else: # This is a mandatory field! return False, ValueError("The {0} field is mandatory and must be specified explicitly".format(key)) else: return False, ValueError("The {0} field has no indication about default value".format(key)) def validate_yaml(self, evaluated_obj, root_obj, fill_defaults=True, multiplier=1): if isinstance(evaluated_obj, dict) and evaluated_obj.keys() == [root_obj]: evaluated_obj = evaluated_obj.get(root_obj) if not self.ref_obj: self.ref_obj = load_yaml_to_obj(self.yaml_path) # self.load_reference() ref_item = self.ref_obj.get(root_obj) if ref_item is not None: try: typed_obj = [False, None] # first item stores validity (multiple object "shapes"), second stored type if "type" in evaluated_obj: ref_item = ref_item[evaluated_obj.get("type")] # print "lower resolution with typed object" typed_obj = [True, evaluated_obj.get("type")] if isinstance(ref_item, dict) and "type" not in ref_item: # this is not a terminal result_obj = {} if typed_obj[0]: result_obj["type"] = typed_obj[1] # print "processing dictionary non-terminal value" for k, v in ref_item.items(): # print "processing element '{0}' with value '{1}'".format(k,v) if k in evaluated_obj: # validate with ref obj # print "found in evaluated object!" tmp_type = v.get('type') # print tmp_type # print evaluated_obj if tmp_type == "object": # go deeper into nesting hierarchy # print "This is an object type, recursion!" result_obj[k] = self.validate_yaml(evaluated_obj.get(k), k, fill_defaults, multiplier) else: # validation on terminal type # print "Validating terminal type %s" % k res_ok, data = self.check_term_param_type(evaluated_obj.get(k), k, v, multiplier) # print "Validating: ", res_ok if res_ok: # data field contains the value to save result_obj[k] = data else: # data var contains the exception to throw raise data elif fill_defaults: # complete missing values with default value, if exists sub_obj = typed_obj[1] if typed_obj[0] else None res_ok, data = self.get_reference_default(root_obj, sub_obj, k) if res_ok: # data field contains the value to save result_obj[k] = data else: # data var contains the exception to throw raise data return result_obj elif isinstance(ref_item, list): # currently not handling list objects return NotImplementedError("List object are currently unsupported") else: raise TypeError("Unknown parse tree object type.") except KeyError as e: raise else: raise KeyError("The given root_key '{key}' does not exists on reference object".format(key=root_obj)) @staticmethod def _calc_final_value(val, multiplier, multiply): if multiply: return (val * multiplier) else: return val def load_yaml_to_obj(file_path): try: return yaml.load(file(file_path, 'r')) except yaml.YAMLError as e: raise except Exception as e: raise def yaml_exporter(file_path): pass if __name__ == "__main__": pass