from collections import namedtuple from common.text_opts import * RpcCmdData = namedtuple('RpcCmdData', ['method', 'params']) class RpcResponseStatus(namedtuple('RpcResponseStatus', ['success', 'id', 'msg'])): __slots__ = () def __str__(self): return "{id:^3} - {msg} ({stat})".format(, msg=self.msg, stat="success" if self.success else "fail") # simple class to represent complex return value class RC(): def __init__ (self, rc = None, data = None, is_warn = False): self.rc_list = [] if (rc != None): tuple_rc = namedtuple('RC', ['rc', 'data', 'is_warn']) self.rc_list.append(tuple_rc(rc, data, is_warn)) def __nonzero__ (self): return self.good() def add (self, rc): self.rc_list += rc.rc_list def good (self): return all([x.rc for x in self.rc_list]) def bad (self): return not self.good() def warn (self): return any([x.is_warn for x in self.rc_list]) def data (self): d = [ if x.rc else "" for x in self.rc_list] return (d if len(d) != 1 else d[0]) def err (self): e = [ if not x.rc else "" for x in self.rc_list] return (e if len(e) != 1 else e[0]) def __str__ (self): s = "" for x in self.rc_list: if s += format_text("\n{0}".format(, 'bold') return s def prn_func (self, msg, newline = True): if newline: print msg else: print msg, def annotate (self, log_func = None, desc = None, show_status = True): if not log_func: log_func = self.prn_func if desc: log_func(format_text('\n{:<60}'.format(desc), 'bold'), newline = False) else: log_func("") if self.bad(): # print all the errors print "" for x in self.rc_list: if not x.rc: log_func(format_text("\n{0}".format(, 'bold')) print "" if show_status: log_func(format_text("[FAILED]\n", 'red', 'bold')) else: if show_status: log_func(format_text("[SUCCESS]\n", 'green', 'bold')) def RC_OK(data = ""): return RC(True, data) def RC_ERR (err): return RC(False, err) def RC_WARN (warn): return RC(True, warn, is_warn = True)