#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Dan Klein, Itay Marom Cisco Systems, Inc. Copyright (c) 2015-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import subprocess import cmd import json import ast import argparse import random import readline import string import os import sys import tty, termios import trex_root_path from common.trex_streams import * from client.trex_stateless_client import CTRexStatelessClient from common.text_opts import * from client_utils.general_utils import user_input, get_current_user from client_utils import parsing_opts import trex_tui from functools import wraps __version__ = "1.1" class TRexGeneralCmd(cmd.Cmd): def __init__(self): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) # configure history behaviour self._history_file_dir = "/tmp/trex/console/" self._history_file = self.get_history_file_full_path() readline.set_history_length(100) # load history, if any self.load_console_history() def get_console_identifier(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def get_history_file_full_path(self): return "{dir}{filename}.hist".format(dir=self._history_file_dir, filename=self.get_console_identifier()) def load_console_history(self): if os.path.exists(self._history_file): readline.read_history_file(self._history_file) return def save_console_history(self): if not os.path.exists(self._history_file_dir): os.makedirs(self._history_file_dir) # os.mknod(self._history_file) readline.write_history_file(self._history_file) return def print_history (self): length = readline.get_current_history_length() for i in xrange(1, length + 1): cmd = readline.get_history_item(i) print "{:<5} {:}".format(i, cmd) def get_history_item (self, index): length = readline.get_current_history_length() if index > length: print format_text("please select an index between {0} and {1}".format(0, length)) return None return readline.get_history_item(index) def emptyline(self): """Called when an empty line is entered in response to the prompt. This overriding is such that when empty line is passed, **nothing happens**. """ return def completenames(self, text, *ignored): """ This overriding is such that a space is added to name completion. """ dotext = 'do_'+text return [a[3:]+' ' for a in self.get_names() if a.startswith(dotext)] def precmd(self, line): # before doing anything, save history snapshot of the console # this is done before executing the command in case of ungraceful application exit self.save_console_history() return line # # main console object class TRexConsole(TRexGeneralCmd): """Trex Console""" def __init__(self, stateless_client, verbose=False): self.stateless_client = stateless_client TRexGeneralCmd.__init__(self) self.tui = trex_tui.TrexTUI(stateless_client) self.verbose = verbose self.intro = "\n-=TRex Console v{ver}=-\n".format(ver=__version__) self.intro += "\nType 'help' or '?' for supported actions\n" self.postcmd(False, "") ################### internal section ######################## def verify_connected(f): @wraps(f) def wrap(*args): inst = args[0] func_name = f.__name__ if func_name.startswith("do_"): func_name = func_name[3:] if not inst.stateless_client.is_connected(): print format_text("\n'{0}' cannot be executed on offline mode\n".format(func_name), 'bold') return ret = f(*args) return ret return wrap # TODO: remove this ugly duplication def verify_connected_and_rw (f): @wraps(f) def wrap(*args): inst = args[0] func_name = f.__name__ if func_name.startswith("do_"): func_name = func_name[3:] if not inst.stateless_client.is_connected(): print format_text("\n'{0}' cannot be executed on offline mode\n".format(func_name), 'bold') return if inst.stateless_client.is_read_only(): print format_text("\n'{0}' cannot be executed on read only mode\n".format(func_name), 'bold') return rc = f(*args) return rc return wrap def get_console_identifier(self): return "{context}_{server}".format(context=self.__class__.__name__, server=self.stateless_client.get_server_ip()) def register_main_console_methods(self): main_names = set(self.trex_console.get_names()).difference(set(dir(self.__class__))) for name in main_names: for prefix in 'do_', 'help_', 'complete_': if name.startswith(prefix): self.__dict__[name] = getattr(self.trex_console, name) def postcmd(self, stop, line): if not self.stateless_client.is_connected(): self.prompt = "TRex (offline) > " self.supported_rpc = None return stop if self.stateless_client.is_read_only(): self.prompt = "TRex (read only) > " return stop self.prompt = "TRex > " return stop def default(self, line): print "'{0}' is an unrecognized command. type 'help' or '?' for a list\n".format(line) @staticmethod def tree_autocomplete(text): dir = os.path.dirname(text) if dir: path = dir else: path = "." start_string = os.path.basename(text) targets = [] for x in os.listdir(path): if x.startswith(start_string): y = os.path.join(path, x) if os.path.isfile(y): targets.append(x + ' ') elif os.path.isdir(y): targets.append(x + '/') return targets # annotation method @staticmethod def annotate (desc, rc = None, err_log = None, ext_err_msg = None): print format_text('\n{:<40}'.format(desc), 'bold'), if rc == None: print "\n" return if rc == False: # do we have a complex log object ? if isinstance(err_log, list): print "" for func in err_log: if func: print func print "" elif isinstance(err_log, str): print "\n" + err_log + "\n" print format_text("[FAILED]\n", 'red', 'bold') if ext_err_msg: print format_text(ext_err_msg + "\n", 'blue', 'bold') return False else: print format_text("[SUCCESS]\n", 'green', 'bold') return True ####################### shell commands ####################### @verify_connected def do_ping (self, line): '''Ping the server\n''' rc = self.stateless_client.cmd_ping() if rc.bad(): return # set verbose on / off def do_verbose(self, line): '''Shows or set verbose mode\n''' if line == "": print "\nverbose is " + ("on\n" if self.verbose else "off\n") elif line == "on": self.verbose = True self.stateless_client.set_verbose(self.stateless_client.VERBOSE_HIGH) print format_text("\nverbose set to on\n", 'green', 'bold') elif line == "off": self.verbose = False self.stateless_client.set_verbose(self.stateless_client.VERBOSE_REGULAR) print format_text("\nverbose set to off\n", 'green', 'bold') else: print format_text("\nplease specify 'on' or 'off'\n", 'bold') # show history def help_history (self): self.do_history("-h") def do_history (self, line): '''Manage the command history\n''' item = parsing_opts.ArgumentPack(['item'], {"nargs": '?', 'metavar': 'item', 'type': parsing_opts.check_negative, 'help': "an history item index", 'default': 0}) parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "history", self.do_history.__doc__, item) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if opts is None: return if opts.item == 0: self.print_history() else: cmd = self.get_history_item(opts.item) if cmd == None: return self.onecmd(cmd) ############### connect def do_connect (self, line): '''Connects to the server\n''' self.stateless_client.cmd_connect_line(line) def do_disconnect (self, line): '''Disconnect from the server\n''' self.stateless_client.cmd_disconnect() ############### start def complete_start(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): s = line.split() l = len(s) file_flags = parsing_opts.get_flags(parsing_opts.FILE_PATH) if (l > 1) and (s[l - 1] in file_flags): return TRexConsole.tree_autocomplete("") if (l > 2) and (s[l - 2] in file_flags): return TRexConsole.tree_autocomplete(s[l - 1]) @verify_connected_and_rw def do_start(self, line): '''Start selected traffic in specified port(s) on TRex\n''' self.stateless_client.cmd_start_line(line) def help_start(self): self.do_start("-h") ############# stop @verify_connected_and_rw def do_stop(self, line): '''stops port(s) transmitting traffic\n''' self.stateless_client.cmd_stop_line(line) def help_stop(self): self.do_stop("-h") ############# update @verify_connected_and_rw def do_update(self, line): '''update speed of port(s)currently transmitting traffic\n''' self.stateless_client.cmd_update_line(line) def help_update (self): self.do_update("-h") ############# pause @verify_connected_and_rw def do_pause(self, line): '''pause port(s) transmitting traffic\n''' self.stateless_client.cmd_pause_line(line) ############# resume @verify_connected_and_rw def do_resume(self, line): '''resume port(s) transmitting traffic\n''' self.stateless_client.cmd_resume_line(line) ########## reset @verify_connected_and_rw def do_reset (self, line): '''force stop all ports\n''' self.stateless_client.cmd_reset_line(line) ######### validate @verify_connected def do_validate (self, line): '''validates port(s) stream configuration\n''' self.stateless_client.cmd_validate_line(line) @verify_connected def do_stats(self, line): '''Fetch statistics from TRex server by port\n''' self.stateless_client.cmd_stats_line(line) def help_stats(self): self.do_stats("-h") @verify_connected def do_streams(self, line): '''Fetch statistics from TRex server by port\n''' self.stateless_client.cmd_streams_line(line) def help_streams(self): self.do_streams("-h") @verify_connected def do_clear(self, line): '''Clear cached local statistics\n''' self.stateless_client.cmd_clear_line(line) def help_clear(self): self.do_clear("-h") def help_events (self): self.do_events("-h") def do_events (self, line): '''shows events recieved from server\n''' x = parsing_opts.ArgumentPack(['-c','--clear'], {'action' : "store_true", 'default': False, 'help': "clear the events log"}) parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "events", self.do_events.__doc__, x) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if opts is None: return events = self.stateless_client.get_events() for ev in events: print ev if opts.clear: self.stateless_client.clear_events() print format_text("\n\nEvent log was cleared\n\n") # tui @verify_connected def do_tui (self, line): '''Shows a graphical console\n''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "tui", self.do_tui.__doc__, parsing_opts.XTERM) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if opts is None: return if opts.xterm: exe = '' if os.path.isfile('/usr/bin/wmctrl'): exe += '/usr/bin/wmctrl -r trex_tui -b add,above;' exe += './trex-console -t -q -s {0} -p {1}'.format(self.stateless_client.get_server_ip(), self.stateless_client.get_server_port()) cmd = ['xterm', '-geometry', '105x40', '-title', 'trex_tui', '-e', exe] subprocess.Popen(cmd) return save_verbose = self.stateless_client.get_verbose() self.stateless_client.set_verbose(self.stateless_client.VERBOSE_QUIET) self.tui.show() self.stateless_client.set_verbose(save_verbose) def help_tui (self): do_tui("-h") # quit function def do_quit(self, line): '''Exit the client\n''' return True def do_help (self, line): '''Shows This Help Screen\n''' if line: try: func = getattr(self, 'help_' + line) except AttributeError: try: doc = getattr(self, 'do_' + line).__doc__ if doc: self.stdout.write("%s\n"%str(doc)) return except AttributeError: pass self.stdout.write("%s\n"%str(self.nohelp % (line,))) return func() return print "\nSupported Console Commands:" print "----------------------------\n" cmds = [x[3:] for x in self.get_names() if x.startswith("do_")] for cmd in cmds: if ( (cmd == "EOF") or (cmd == "q") or (cmd == "exit") or (cmd == "h")): continue try: doc = getattr(self, 'do_' + cmd).__doc__ if doc: help = str(doc) else: help = "*** Undocumented Function ***\n" except AttributeError: help = "*** Undocumented Function ***\n" print "{:<30} {:<30}".format(cmd + " - ", help) # aliases do_exit = do_EOF = do_q = do_quit do_h = do_history # def is_valid_file(filename): if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("The file '%s' does not exist" % filename) return filename def setParserOptions(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="trex_console.py") parser.add_argument("-s", "--server", help = "TRex Server [default is localhost]", default = "localhost", type = str) parser.add_argument("-p", "--port", help = "TRex Server Port [default is 4501]\n", default = 4501, type = int) parser.add_argument("--async_port", help = "TRex ASync Publisher Port [default is 4500]\n", default = 4500, dest='pub', type = int) parser.add_argument("-u", "--user", help = "User Name [default is currently logged in user]\n", default = get_current_user(), type = str) parser.add_argument("--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="Switch ON verbose option. Default is: OFF.", default = False) parser.add_argument("--no_acquire", dest="acquire", action="store_false", help="Acquire all ports on connect. Default is: ON.", default = True) parser.add_argument("--batch", dest="batch", nargs = 1, type = is_valid_file, help = "Run the console in a batch mode with file", default = None) parser.add_argument("-t", "--tui", dest="tui", action="store_true", help="Starts with TUI mode", default = False) parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet", action="store_true", help="Starts with all outputs suppressed", default = False) return parser def main(): parser = setParserOptions() options = parser.parse_args() # Stateless client connection stateless_client = CTRexStatelessClient(options.user, options.server, options.port, options.pub, options.quiet) if not options.quiet: print "\nlogged as {0}".format(format_text(options.user, 'bold')) # TUI or no acquire will give us READ ONLY mode if options.tui or not options.acquire: rc = stateless_client.connect("RO") else: rc = stateless_client.connect("RW") # unable to connect - bye if rc.bad(): rc.annotate() return # a script mode if options.batch: cont = stateless_client.run_script_file(options.batch[0]) if not cont: return # console try: console = TRexConsole(stateless_client, options.verbose) if options.tui: console.do_tui("") else: console.cmdloop() except KeyboardInterrupt as e: print "\n\n*** Caught Ctrl + C... Exiting...\n\n" finally: stateless_client.disconnect() if __name__ == '__main__': main()