.. TRex Control Plain documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jun 2 07:48:10 2015. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to TRex Control Plain's documentation! ============================================== TRex is a **realistic traffic generator** that enables you to do get learn more about your under development devices. This site covers the Python API of TRex control plane, and explains how to utilize it to your needs. However, since the entire API is JSON-RPC [#f1]_ based, you may want to check out other implementations that could suit you. To understand the entirely how the API works and how to set up the server side, check out the `trex-core Wiki <https://github.com/cisco-system-traffic-generator/trex-core/wiki>`_ under the documentation section of TRex website. **Use the table of contents below or the menu to your left to navigate through the site** Client Package ============== | Starting from version v1.99 TRex has separated client package included in main directory. | Put it at any place you like, preferably same place as your scripts. | (If it's not at same place as your scripts, you will need to ensure trex_client directory is in sys.path) Un-pack it using command::: tar -xzf trex_client_<TRex version>.tar.gz | The client assumes stateful daemon is running. | After un-tarring the client package, you can verify basic tests in examples directory out of the box: .. code-block:: bash cd trex_client/stf/examples python stf_example.py -s <server address> You can verify that the traffic was sent and arrives properly if you see something like this::: Connecting to Connected, start TRex Sample until end Test results: Is valid history? True Done warmup? True Expected tx rate: {u'm_tx_expected_pps': 71898.4, u'm_tx_expected_bps': 535157280.0, u'm_tx_expected_cps': 1943.2} Current tx rate: {u'm_tx_bps': 542338368.0, u'm_tx_cps': 1945.4, u'm_tx_pps': 79993.4} Maximum latency: {u'max-4': 55, u'max-5': 30, u'max-6': 50, u'max-7': 30, u'max-0': 55, u'max-1': 40, u'max-2': 55, u'max-3': 30} Average latency: {'all': 32.913, u'port6': 35.9, u'port7': 30.0, u'port4': 35.8, u'port5': 30.0, u'port2': 35.8, u'port3': 30.0, u'port0': 35.8, u'port1': 30.0} Average window latency: {'all': 31.543, u'port6': 32.871, u'port7': 28.929, u'port4': 33.886, u'port5': 28.929, u'port2': 33.843, u'port3': 28.929, u'port0': 33.871, u'port1': 31.086} Total drops: -3 Drop rate: 0.0 History size so far: 7 TX by ports: 0: 230579 | 1: 359435 | 2: 230578 | 3: 359430 | 4: 230570 | 5: 359415 | 6: 230564 | 7: 359410 RX by ports: 0: 359434 | 1: 230580 | 2: 359415 | 3: 230571 | 4: 359429 | 5: 230579 | 6: 359411 | 7: 230565 CPU utilization: [0.0, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8] API Reference ============= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 api/index Client Utilities ================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 client_utils Usage Examples ============== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 usage_examples Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#f1] For more information on JSON-RPC, check out the `official site <http://www.jsonrpc.org/>`_