
The T-Rex control plane is based on client-server model that interacts using JSON-RPC.

In order to use the client-side API documented a T-Rex server daemon must be up and listening on the same host and port that the client tries to connect with.

Both client and server side were developed for Linux platform.
The client-side module is also compatible with windows python.

The client side can be used with both Python 2 and Python 3 versions.
However, the server side was desined to and best fits with Python 2.7.6 and on (all 2.x series, assuming > 2.6.9).

Installation manual

T-Rex Control Plane is a cross-platform, cross-operatin system APi to control and run T-Rex.

The full, most updated manual (which refers to all programming languages) can be found under the `Automation API documentation <http://csi-wiki-01:8080/display/bpsim/Documentation>`_ .