============ Installation ============ Prerequisites ------------- The T-Rex control plane is based on client-server model that interacts using JSON-RPC. In order to use the client-side API documented a T-Rex server daemon must be up and listening on the same host and port that the client tries to connect with. Compatibility ------------- Both client and server side were developed for Linux platform. The client-side module is also compatible with windows python. The client side can be used with both Python 2 and Python 3 versions. However, the server side was desined to and best fits with Python 2.7.6 and on (all 2.x series, assuming > 2.6.9). Installation manual ------------------- T-Rex Control Plane is a cross-platform, cross-operatin system APi to control and run T-Rex. The full, most updated manual (which refers to all programming languages) can be found under the `Automation API documentation <http://csi-wiki-01:8080/display/bpsim/Documentation>`_ .