Usage Examples

Full-featured interactive shell

The `` extends and uses the `Cmd <>`_ built in python class to create a Full-featured shell using which one can interact with T-Rex server and get instant results.

The help menu of this application is:

.. code-block:: json

        usage: client_interactive_example [options]

        Run T-Rex client API demos and scenarios.

        optional arguments:
          -h, --help            show this help message and exit
          -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
          -t HOST, --trex-host HOST
                                Specify the hostname or ip to connect with T-Rex
          -p PORT, --trex-port PORT
                                Select port on which the T-Rex server listens. Default
                                port is 8090.
          -m SIZE, --maxhist SIZE
                                Specify maximum history size saved at client side.
                                Default size is 100.
          --verbose             Switch ON verbose option at T-Rex client. Default is:

**Code Excerpt**

.. literalinclude:: ../examples/
   :language: python
   :emphasize-lines: 0

End-to-End cycle

This example (````) demonstrates a full cycle of using the API.

.. note:: this module uses the `Scapy <>`_ in order to generate packets to be used as a basis of the traffic injection. It is recommended to *install* this module to best experience the example.

The demo takes the user a full circle: 
    1. Generating packets (using Scapy)
    2. exporting the generated packets into .pcap file named `dns_traffic.pcap`.
    3. Use the :class:`trex_yaml_gen.CTRexYaml` generator to include that pcap file in the yaml object.
    4. Export the YAML object onto a YAML file named `dns_traffic.yaml`
    5. Push the generated files to T-Rex server.
    6. Run T-Rex based on the generated (and pushed) files.

**Code Excerpt** [#f1]_ 

.. literalinclude:: ../examples/
   :language: python
   :lines: 10-
   :emphasize-lines: 32,36,42,46,51,60,63-69,76-80

.. rubric:: Footnotes

.. [#f1] The marked codelines corresponds with the steps mentioned above.