TRex Client Module ================== TRex Client is an object to access TRex server. It is per user. Each user can own number of interfaces. Multi user can interact with one TRex server each user should own a different set of interfaces. The protocol is JSON-RPC2 over ZMQ transport. The API has two type of API 1. Normal API 2. xx_line: this api get a line like the Console and parse it and call the low level api Example1:: c = STLClient(username = "itay",server = "", verbose_level = LoggerApi.VERBOSE_HIGH) try: # connect to server c.connect() # prepare our ports (my machine has 0 <--> 1 with static route) c.reset(ports = [0, 1]) # add both streams to ports c.add_streams(s1, ports = [0]) # clear the stats before injecting c.clear_stats() c.start(ports = [0, 1], mult = "5mpps", duration = 10) # block until done c.wait_on_traffic(ports = [0, 1]) finally: c.disconnect() STLClient class --------------- .. autoclass:: trex_stl_lib.trex_stl_client.STLClient :members: :member-order: bysource STLClient snippet ----------------- Example1:: c = STLClient() try: # connect to server c.connect() # prepare our ports (my machine has 0 <--> 1 with static route) c.reset(ports = [0, 1]) # add both streams to ports c.add_streams(s1, ports = [0]) # clear the stats before injecting c.clear_stats() c.start(ports = [0, 1], mult = "5mpps", duration = 10) # block until done c.wait_on_traffic(ports = [0, 1]) finally: c.disconnect() Example2: wait while doing somthing:: c = STLClient() try: #connect to server c.connect() #.. c.start(ports = [0, 1], mult = "5mpps", duration = 10) # block until done while True : # do somthing else os.sleep(1) # sleep for 1 sec # check if the port is still active if c.is_traffic_active(ports = [0, 1])==False break; finally: c.disconnect() Example3: Console like:: def simple (): # create client #verbose_level = LoggerApi.VERBOSE_HIGH # set to see JSON-RPC commands c = STLClient(verbose_level = LoggerApi.VERBOSE_REGULAR) passed = True try: # connect to server c.connect() my_ports=[0,1] # prepare our ports c.reset(ports = my_ports) print (" is connected {0}".format(c.is_connected())) print (" number of ports {0}".format(c.get_port_count())) print (" acquired_ports {0}".format(c.get_acquired_ports())) # port stats print c.get_stats(my_ports) # port info, mac-addr info, speed print c.get_port_info(my_ports) print("start") # start traffic on port 0,1 each 10mpps c.start_line (" -f ../../../../stl/ -m 10mpps --port 0 1 ") time.sleep(2); c.pause_line("--port 0 1"); time.sleep(2); c.resume_line("--port 0 1"); time.sleep(2); c.update_line("--port 0 1 -m 5mpps"); # reduce to 5 mpps time.sleep(2); c.stop_line("--port 0 1"); # stop both ports except STLError as e: passed = False print e finally: c.disconnect() Example4: Load profile from a file:: def simple (): # create client #verbose_level = LoggerApi.VERBOSE_HIGH c = STLClient(verbose_level = LoggerApi.VERBOSE_REGULAR) passed = True try: # connect to server c.connect() my_ports=[0,1] # prepare our ports c.reset(ports = my_ports) profile_file = "../../../../stl/" # a traffic profile file try: # load a profile profile = STLProfile.load(profile_file) except STLError as e: print format_text("\nError while loading profile '{0}'\n".format(profile_file), 'bold') print e.brief() + "\n" return print profile.dump_to_yaml() # print it as YAML c.remove_all_streams(my_ports) # remove all streams c.add_streams(profile.get_streams(), ports = my_ports) # add them c.start(ports = [0, 1], mult = "5mpps", duration = 10) # start for 10 sec # block until done c.wait_on_traffic(ports = [0, 1]) # wait finally: c.disconnect()