#!/router/bin/python-2.7.4 import trex_root_path from client.trex_client import * from common.trex_exceptions import * import cmd import termstyle import os from argparse import ArgumentParser from pprint import pprint import json import time import socket import errno class InteractiveTRexClient(cmd.Cmd): intro = termstyle.green("\nInteractive shell to play with Cisco's TRex API.\nType help to view available pre-defined scenarios\n(c) All rights reserved.\n") prompt = '> ' def __init__(self, trex_host, max_history_size = 100, trex_port = 8090, verbose_mode = False ): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.verbose = verbose_mode self.trex = CTRexClient(trex_host, max_history_size, trex_daemon_port = trex_port, verbose = verbose_mode) self.DEFAULT_RUN_PARAMS = dict( m = 1.5, nc = True, p = True, d = 100, f = 'avl/sfr_delay_10_1g.yaml', l = 1000) self.run_params = dict(self.DEFAULT_RUN_PARAMS) self.decoder = json.JSONDecoder() def do_push_files (self, filepaths): """Pushes a custom file to be stored locally on TRex server.\nPush multiple files by spefiying their path separated by ' ' (space).""" try: filepaths = filepaths.split(' ') print termstyle.green("*** Starting pushing files ({trex_files}) to TRex. ***".format (trex_files = ', '.join(filepaths)) ) ret_val = self.trex.push_files(filepaths) if ret_val: print termstyle.green("*** End of TRex push_files method (success) ***") else: print termstyle.magenta("*** End of TRex push_files method (failed) ***") except IOError as inst: print termstyle.magenta(inst) def do_show_default_run_params(self,line): """Outputs the default TRex running parameters""" pprint(self.DEFAULT_RUN_PARAMS) print termstyle.green("*** End of default TRex running parameters ***") def do_show_run_params(self,line): """Outputs the currently configured TRex running parameters""" pprint(self.run_params) print termstyle.green("*** End of TRex running parameters ***") def do_update_run_params(self, json_str): """Updates provided parameters on TRex running configuration. Provide using JSON string""" if json_str: try: upd_params = self.decoder.decode(json_str) self.run_params.update(upd_params) print termstyle.green("*** End of TRex parameters update ***") except ValueError as inst: print termstyle.magenta("Provided illegal JSON string. Please try again.\n[", inst,"]") else: print termstyle.magenta("JSON configuration string is missing. Please try again.") def do_show_status (self, line): """Prompts TRex current status""" print self.trex.get_running_status() print termstyle.green("*** End of TRex status prompt ***") def do_show_trex_files_path (self, line): """Prompts the local path in which files are stored when pushed to TRex server from client""" print self.trex.get_trex_files_path() print termstyle.green("*** End of trex_files_path prompt ***") def do_show_reservation_status (self, line): """Prompts if TRex is currently reserved or not""" if self.trex.is_reserved(): print "TRex is reserved" else: print "TRex is NOT reserved" print termstyle.green("*** End of reservation status prompt ***") def do_reserve_trex (self, user): """Reserves the usage of TRex to a certain user""" try: if not user: ret = self.trex.reserve_trex() else: ret = self.trex.reserve_trex(user.split(' ')[0]) print termstyle.green("*** TRex reserved successfully ***") except TRexException as inst: print termstyle.red(inst) def do_cancel_reservation (self, user): """Cancels a current reservation of TRex to a certain user""" try: if not user: ret = self.trex.cancel_reservation() else: ret = self.trex.cancel_reservation(user.split(' ')[0]) print termstyle.green("*** TRex reservation canceled successfully ***") except TRexException as inst: print termstyle.red(inst) def do_restore_run_default (self, line): """Restores original TRex running configuration""" self.run_params = dict(self.DEFAULT_RUN_PARAMS) print termstyle.green("*** End of restoring default run parameters ***") def do_run_until_finish (self, sample_rate): """Starts TRex and sample server until run is done.""" print termstyle.green("*** Starting TRex run_until_finish scenario ***") if not sample_rate: # use default sample rate if not passed sample_rate = 5 try: sample_rate = int(sample_rate) ret = self.trex.start_trex(**self.run_params) self.trex.sample_to_run_finish(sample_rate) print termstyle.green("*** End of TRex run ***") except ValueError as inst: print termstyle.magenta("Provided illegal sample rate value. Please try again.\n[", inst,"]") except TRexException as inst: print termstyle.red(inst) def do_run_and_poll (self, sample_rate): """Starts TRex and sample server manually until run is done.""" print termstyle.green("*** Starting TRex run and manually poll scenario ***") if not sample_rate: # use default sample rate if not passed sample_rate = 5 try: sample_rate = int(sample_rate) ret = self.trex.start_trex(**self.run_params) last_res = dict() while self.trex.is_running(dump_out = last_res): obj = self.trex.get_result_obj() if (self.verbose): print obj # do WHATEVER here time.sleep(sample_rate) print termstyle.green("*** End of TRex run ***") except ValueError as inst: print termstyle.magenta("Provided illegal sample rate value. Please try again.\n[", inst,"]") except TRexException as inst: print termstyle.red(inst) def do_run_until_condition (self, sample_rate): """Starts TRex and sample server until condition is satisfied.""" print termstyle.green("*** Starting TRex run until condition is satisfied scenario ***") def condition (result_obj): return result_obj.get_current_tx_rate()['m_tx_pps'] > 200000 if not sample_rate: # use default sample rate if not passed sample_rate = 5 try: sample_rate = int(sample_rate) ret = self.trex.start_trex(**self.run_params) ret_val = self.trex.sample_until_condition(condition, sample_rate) print ret_val print termstyle.green("*** End of TRex run ***") except ValueError as inst: print termstyle.magenta("Provided illegal sample rate value. Please try again.\n[", inst,"]") except TRexException as inst: print termstyle.red(inst) def do_start_and_return (self, line): """Start TRex run and once in 'Running' mode, return to cmd prompt""" print termstyle.green("*** Starting TRex run, wait until in 'Running' state ***") try: ret = self.trex.start_trex(**self.run_params) print termstyle.green("*** End of scenario (TRex is probably still running!) ***") except TRexException as inst: print termstyle.red(inst) def do_poll_once (self, line): """Performs a single poll of TRex current data dump (if TRex is running) and prompts and short version of latest result_obj""" print termstyle.green("*** Trying TRex single poll ***") try: last_res = dict() if self.trex.is_running(dump_out = last_res): obj = self.trex.get_result_obj() print obj else: print termstyle.magenta("TRex isn't currently running.") print termstyle.green("*** End of scenario (TRex is posssibly still running!) ***") except TRexException as inst: print termstyle.red(inst) def do_stop_trex (self, line): """Try to stop TRex run (if TRex is currently running)""" print termstyle.green("*** Starting TRex termination ***") try: ret = self.trex.stop_trex() print termstyle.green("*** End of scenario (TRex is not running now) ***") except TRexException as inst: print termstyle.red(inst) def do_kill_indiscriminately (self, line): """Force killing of running TRex process (if exists) on the server.""" print termstyle.green("*** Starting TRex termination ***") ret = self.trex.force_kill() if ret: print termstyle.green("*** End of scenario (TRex is not running now) ***") elif ret is None: print termstyle.magenta("*** End of scenario (TRex termination aborted) ***") else: print termstyle.red("*** End of scenario (TRex termination failed) ***") def do_exit(self, arg): """Quits the application""" print termstyle.cyan('Bye Bye!') return True if __name__ == "__main__": parser = ArgumentParser(description = termstyle.cyan('Run TRex client API demos and scenarios.'), usage = """client_interactive_example [options]""" ) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 1.0 \t (C) Cisco Systems Inc.\n') parser.add_argument("-t", "--trex-host", required = True, dest="trex_host", action="store", help="Specify the hostname or ip to connect with TRex server.", metavar="HOST" ) parser.add_argument("-p", "--trex-port", type=int, default = 8090, metavar="PORT", dest="trex_port", help="Select port on which the TRex server listens. Default port is 8090.", action="store") parser.add_argument("-m", "--maxhist", type=int, default = 100, metavar="SIZE", dest="hist_size", help="Specify maximum history size saved at client side. Default size is 100.", action="store") parser.add_argument("--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="Switch ON verbose option at TRex client. Default is: OFF.", default = False ) args = parser.parse_args() try: InteractiveTRexClient(args.trex_host, args.hist_size, args.trex_port, args.verbose).cmdloop() except KeyboardInterrupt: print termstyle.cyan('Bye Bye!') exit(-1) except socket.error, e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNREFUSED: raise socket.error(errno.ECONNREFUSED, "Connection from TRex server was terminated. Please make sure the server is up.")