#!/bin/sh #\ exec /usr/bin/expect "$0" "$@" # # Sourcing the tcl trex client api source trex_tcl_client.tcl #Initializing trex server attributes set check [TRexTclClient::create_host "localhost"] #Formulate the command options as a dict set trex_cmds [dict create c 2 m 10 l 1000 ] #call the start_trex rpc function by feeding the appropriate arguments set status [::TRexTclClient::start_trex "cap2/dns.yaml" 40 $trex_cmds] puts "Status : $status" #get the result json set result [::TRexTclClient::get_result_obj] puts "$result" #stop the trex server set ret_value [ ::TRexTclClient::stop_trex $status] puts "Stop value : $ret_value" puts "\n \n"