#!/router/bin/python import trex_root_path from client.trex_stateless_client import * from common.trex_exceptions import * import cmd from termstyle import termstyle # import termstyle import os from argparse import ArgumentParser import socket import errno import ast import json class InteractiveStatelessTRex(cmd.Cmd): intro = termstyle.green("\nInteractive shell to play with Cisco's TRex stateless API.\ \nType help to view available pre-defined scenarios\n(c) All rights reserved.\n") prompt = '> ' def __init__(self, trex_host, trex_port, virtual, verbose): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.verbose = verbose self.virtual = virtual self.trex = CTRexStatelessClient(trex_host, trex_port, self.virtual) self.DEFAULT_RUN_PARAMS = dict(m=1.5, nc=True, p=True, d=100, f='avl/sfr_delay_10_1g.yaml', l=1000) self.run_params = dict(self.DEFAULT_RUN_PARAMS) def do_transmit(self, line): """Transmits a request over using a given link to server.\ \nuse: transmit [method_name] [method_params]""" if line == "": print "\nUsage: [method name] [param dict as string]\n" print "Example: rpc test_add {'x': 12, 'y': 17}\n" return args = line.split(' ', 1) # args will have max length of 2 method_name = args[0] params = None bad_parse = False try: params = ast.literal_eval(args[1]) if not isinstance(params, dict): bad_parse = True except ValueError as e1: bad_parse = True except SyntaxError as e2: bad_parse = True if bad_parse: print "\nValue should be a valid dict: '{0}'".format(args[1]) print "\nUsage: [method name] [param dict as string]\n" print "Example: rpc test_add {'x': 12, 'y': 17}\n" return response = self.trex.transmit(method_name, params) if not self.virtual: # expect response rc, msg = response if rc: print "\nServer Response:\n\n" + json.dumps(msg) + "\n" else: print "\n*** " + msg + "\n" def do_push_files(self, filepaths): """Pushes a custom file to be stored locally on TRex server.\ \nPush multiple files by specifying their path separated by ' ' (space).""" try: filepaths = filepaths.split(' ') print termstyle.green("*** Starting pushing files ({trex_files}) to TRex. ***".format( trex_files=', '.join(filepaths)) ) ret_val = self.trex.push_files(filepaths) if ret_val: print termstyle.green("*** End of TRex push_files method (success) ***") else: print termstyle.magenta("*** End of TRex push_files method (failed) ***") except IOError as inst: print termstyle.magenta(inst) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = ArgumentParser(description=termstyle.cyan('Run TRex client stateless API demos and scenarios.'), usage="client_interactive_example [options]") parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 1.0 \t (C) Cisco Systems Inc.\n') parser.add_argument("-t", "--trex-host", required = True, dest="trex_host", action="store", help="Specify the hostname or ip to connect with TRex server.", metavar="HOST" ) parser.add_argument("-p", "--trex-port", type=int, default = 5050, metavar="PORT", dest="trex_port", help="Select port on which the TRex server listens. Default port is 5050.", action="store") # parser.add_argument("-m", "--maxhist", type=int, default = 100, metavar="SIZE", dest="hist_size", # help="Specify maximum history size saved at client side. Default size is 100.", action="store") parser.add_argument("--virtual", dest="virtual", action="store_true", help="Switch ON virtual option at TRex client. Default is: OFF.", default=False) parser.add_argument("--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="Switch ON verbose option at TRex client. Default is: OFF.", default=False) args = parser.parse_args() try: InteractiveStatelessTRex(**vars(args)).cmdloop() except KeyboardInterrupt: print termstyle.cyan('Bye Bye!') exit(-1) except socket.error, e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNREFUSED: raise socket.error(errno.ECONNREFUSED, "Connection from TRex server was terminated. \ Please make sure the server is up.")