#!/bin/sh #\ exec /usr/bin/expect "$0" "$@" # package require JSONRPC package require json ################################################################ # Author: Vamsi Kalapala # Version: 0.1 # Description: This Trex Tcl Client will help in conecting to the trex_host # by sending JSOMN RPC calls to the python trex server. # # # ################################################################ namespace eval TRexTclClient { variable version 0.1 ################################################################ # trex_host should be either the IPV4 address or # dns name accompanied by http:// # Accepted trex_host names: #, # http://up-trex-1-10g # http://up-trex-1-10g.cisco.com, ################################################################ variable TRex_Status [dict create 1 "Idle" 2 "Starting" 3 "Running"] variable trex_host "localhost" variable server_port "8090" variable trex_zmq_port "4500" variable current_seq_num 0 variable trex_debug 0 } proc TRexTclClient::create_host {trex_host {server_port 8090} {trex_zmq_port 4500} {trex_debug 0}} { puts "\n" if (![string match "http://*" $trex_host]) { append temp_host "http://" $trex_host set trex_host $temp_host #puts $trex_host #puts stderr "The trex_host should contain http:// in it" #exit 1 } set ::TRexTclClient::trex_host $trex_host if ($TRexTclClient::trex_debug) { puts "The server port is : $server_port" } set TRexTclClient::server_port $server_port set TRexTclClient::trex_zmq_port $trex_zmq_port set TRexTclClient::trex_debug $trex_debug set trex_host_url [TRexTclClient::appendHostName] puts "Host attributes have been initialized." puts "Establishing connection to server at $trex_host_url ..." puts "\n" return 1 } proc TRexTclClient::appendHostName {} { ################################################################ # Please check for the need of more args here. # # ** Do sanity checks ** ################################################################ if {[string is integer $TRexTclClient::server_port] && $TRexTclClient::server_port < 65535 } { return [append newHost $TRexTclClient::trex_host ":" $TRexTclClient::server_port] } else { puts stderr "\[ERROR\]: Invalid server port. Valid server port range is 0 - 65535 !" puts "\nExiting client initialization ... \n" exit 1 } } # ** Chnage the args list to keyed lists or dictionaries** proc TRexTclClient::start_trex {f d trex_cmd_options {user "root"} {block_to_success True} {timeout 40}} { ################################################################ # This proc sends out the RPC call to start trex. # 'f' should string # 'd' should be integer and greater than 30 # 'trex_cmd_options' SHOULD be a dict # ################################################################ set trex_host_url [TRexTclClient::appendHostName] if {$d<30} { puts stderr "\[ERROR\]: The test duration should be at least 30 secs." puts "\nExiting start_trex process ... \n" exit 1 } if ($TRexTclClient::trex_debug) { puts "\[start_trex :: before call\] : The arguements are: " puts "URL: $trex_host_url" puts "f: $f" puts "d: $d" puts "trex_cmd_options: $trex_cmd_options" puts "user: $user" puts "block_to_success: $block_to_success" puts "timeout: $timeout\n" } JSONRPC::create start_trex -proxy $trex_host_url -params {"trex_cmd_options" "object" "user" "string" "block_to_success" "string" "timeout" "int"} puts "Connecting to Trex host at $trex_host_url ....." dict append trex_cmd_options d $d dict append trex_cmd_options f $f if ($TRexTclClient::trex_debug) { puts "\[start_trex :: before call\] : trex_cmd_options: $trex_cmd_options \n" } set ret_value [ start_trex $trex_cmd_options $user $block_to_success $timeout] if ($TRexTclClient::trex_debug) { puts "\[start_trex :: after call\] : The returned result: $ret_value" } if ($ret_value!=0) { puts "Connection successful! \n" puts "TRex started running successfully! \n" puts "Trex Run Sequence number: $ret_value" set TRexTclClient::current_seq_num $ret_value return $ret_value } puts "\n \n" return 0 } proc TRexTclClient::stop_trex {seq} { set trex_host_url [TRexTclClient::appendHostName] JSONRPC::create stop_trex -proxy $trex_host_url -params {seq int} set ret_value [ stop_trex $TRexTclClient::current_seq_num] if ($ret_value) { puts "TRex Run successfully stopped!" } else { puts "Unable to stop the server. Either provided sequence number is incorrect or you dont have sufficient permissions!" } puts "\n" return $ret_value } proc TRexTclClient::get_trex_files_path {} { set trex_host_url [TRexTclClient::appendHostName] JSONRPC::create get_files_path -proxy $trex_host_url set ret_value [get_files_path] puts "The Trex file path is $ret_value" puts "\n" return $ret_value } proc TRexTclClient::get_running_status {} { set trex_host_url [TRexTclClient::appendHostName] JSONRPC::create get_running_status -proxy $trex_host_url set ret_value [get_running_status] if ($TRexTclClient::trex_debug) { puts "\[get_running_status :: after call\] : The result is: $ret_value" } set current_status [dict get $TRexTclClient::TRex_Status [dict get $ret_value "state" ]] set current_status_decr [dict get $ret_value "verbose"] puts "Current TRex Status: $current_status" puts "TRex Status Verbose: $current_status_decr" puts "\n" return $ret_value } proc TRexTclClient::get_result_obj { {copy_obj True} } { set trex_host_url [TRexTclClient::appendHostName] JSONRPC::create get_running_info -proxy $trex_host_url set result_json_obj [get_running_info ] set result_dict_obj [json::json2dict $result_json_obj] if ($TRexTclClient::trex_debug) { puts "\[get_result_obj :: after call\] : The result json is: " puts "################################################################" puts "$result_json_obj" puts "################################################################" puts "\[get_result_obj :: after call\] : The result dict is: " puts "################################################################" puts "$result_dict_obj" puts "################################################################" } puts "\n" return $result_dict_obj } proc TRexTclClient::is_reserved {} { set trex_host_url [TRexTclClient::appendHostName] JSONRPC::create is_reserved -proxy $trex_host_url puts "\n" set ret_value [is_reserved] if ($TRexTclClient::trex_debug) { puts "\[is_reserved :: after call\] : The result json is: $ret_value" } return $ret_value } proc TRexTclClient::get_trex_version {} { set trex_host_url [TRexTclClient::appendHostName] JSONRPC::create get_trex_version -proxy $trex_host_url set ret_value [get_trex_version] puts "\n" return $ret_value } ################################################################ # # # ################################################################