#!/usr/bin/python import os import stat import sys import time import outer_packages import zmq from jsonrpclib.SimpleJSONRPCServer import SimpleJSONRPCServer import jsonrpclib from jsonrpclib import Fault import binascii import socket import errno import signal import binascii from common.trex_status_e import TRexStatus from common.trex_exceptions import * import subprocess from random import randrange #import shlex import logging import threading import CCustomLogger from trex_launch_thread import AsynchronousTRexSession from zmq_monitor_thread import ZmqMonitorSession from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter from json import JSONEncoder # setup the logger CCustomLogger.setup_custom_logger('TRexServer') logger = logging.getLogger('TRexServer') class CTRexServer(object): """This class defines the server side of the RESTfull interaction with TRex""" DEFAULT_TREX_PATH = '/auto/proj-pcube-b/apps/PL-b/tools/bp_sim2/v1.55/' #'/auto/proj-pcube-b/apps/PL-b/tools/nightly/trex_latest' TREX_START_CMD = './t-rex-64' DEFAULT_FILE_PATH = '/tmp/trex_files/' def __init__(self, trex_path, trex_files_path, trex_host = socket.gethostname(), trex_daemon_port = 8090, trex_zmq_port = 4500): """ Parameters ---------- trex_host : str a string of the t-rex ip address or hostname. default value: machine hostname as fetched from socket.gethostname() trex_daemon_port : int the port number on which the trex-daemon server can be reached default value: 8090 trex_zmq_port : int the port number on which trex's zmq module will interact with daemon server default value: 4500 Instantiate a TRex client object, and connecting it to listening daemon-server """ self.TREX_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(trex_path+'/')) self.trex_files_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(trex_files_path+'/')) self.__check_trex_path_validity() self.__check_files_path_validity() self.trex = CTRex() self.trex_host = trex_host self.trex_daemon_port = trex_daemon_port self.trex_zmq_port = trex_zmq_port self.trex_server_path = "http://{hostname}:{port}".format( hostname = trex_host, port = trex_daemon_port ) self.start_lock = threading.Lock() self.__reservation = None self.zmq_monitor = ZmqMonitorSession(self.trex, self.trex_zmq_port) # intiate single ZMQ monitor thread for server usage def add(self, x, y): print "server function add ",x,y logger.info("Processing add function. Parameters are: {0}, {1} ".format( x, y )) return x + y # return Fault(-10, "") def push_file (self, filename, bin_data): logger.info("Processing push_file() command.") try: filepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.trex_files_path, filename)) with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: f.write(binascii.a2b_base64(bin_data)) logger.info("push_file() command finished. `{name}` was saved at {fpath}".format( name = filename, fpath = self.trex_files_path)) return True except IOError as inst: logger.error("push_file method failed. " + str(inst)) return False def connectivity_check (self): logger.info("Processing connectivity_check function.") return True def start(self): """This method fires up the daemon server based on initialized parameters of the class""" # initialize the server instance with given reasources try: print "Firing up TRex REST daemon @ port {trex_port} ...\n".format( trex_port = self.trex_daemon_port ) logger.info("Firing up TRex REST daemon @ port {trex_port} ...".format( trex_port = self.trex_daemon_port )) logger.info("current working dir is: {0}".format(self.TREX_PATH) ) logger.info("current files dir is : {0}".format(self.trex_files_path) ) logger.debug("Starting TRex server. Registering methods to process.") self.server = SimpleJSONRPCServer( (self.trex_host, self.trex_daemon_port) ) except socket.error as e: if e.errno == errno.EADDRINUSE: logger.error("TRex server requested address already in use. Aborting server launching.") print "TRex server requested address already in use. Aborting server launching." raise socket.error(errno.EADDRINUSE, "TRex daemon requested address already in use. Server launch aborted. Please make sure no other process is using the desired server properties.") # set further functionality and peripherals to server instance try: self.server.register_function(self.add) self.server.register_function(self.connectivity_check) self.server.register_function(self.start_trex) self.server.register_function(self.stop_trex) self.server.register_function(self.wait_until_kickoff_finish) self.server.register_function(self.get_running_status) self.server.register_function(self.is_running) self.server.register_function(self.get_running_info) self.server.register_function(self.is_reserved) self.server.register_function(self.get_files_path) self.server.register_function(self.push_file) self.server.register_function(self.reserve_trex) self.server.register_function(self.cancel_reservation) self.server.register_function(self.force_trex_kill) signal.signal(signal.SIGTSTP, self.stop_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.stop_handler) self.zmq_monitor.start() self.server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.info("Daemon shutdown request detected." ) finally: self.zmq_monitor.join() # close ZMQ monitor thread reasources self.server.shutdown() pass def stop_handler (self, signum, frame): logger.info("Daemon STOP request detected.") if self.is_running(): # in case TRex process is currently running, stop it before terminating server process self.stop_trex(self.trex.get_seq()) sys.exit(0) def is_running (self): run_status = self.trex.get_status() logger.info("Processing is_running() command. Running status is: {stat}".format(stat = run_status) ) if run_status==TRexStatus.Running: return True else: return False def is_reserved (self): logger.info("Processing is_reserved() command.") return bool(self.__reservation) def get_running_status (self): run_status = self.trex.get_status() logger.info("Processing get_running_status() command. Running status is: {stat}".format(stat = run_status) ) return { 'state' : run_status.value, 'verbose' : self.trex.get_verbose_status() } def get_files_path (self): logger.info("Processing get_files_path() command." ) return self.trex_files_path def reserve_trex (self, user): if user == "": logger.info("TRex reservation cannot apply to empty string user. Request denied.") return Fault(-33, "TRex reservation cannot apply to empty string user. Request denied.") with self.start_lock: logger.info("Processing reserve_trex() command.") if self.is_reserved(): if user == self.__reservation['user']: # return True is the same user is asking and already has the resrvation logger.info("the same user is asking and already has the resrvation. Re-reserving TRex.") return True logger.info("TRex is already reserved to another user ({res_user}), cannot reserve to another user.".format( res_user = self.__reservation['user'] )) return Fault(-33, "TRex is already reserved to another user ({res_user}). Please make sure TRex is free before reserving it.".format( res_user = self.__reservation['user']) ) # raise at client TRexInUseError elif self.trex.get_status() != TRexStatus.Idle: logger.info("TRex is currently running, cannot reserve TRex unless in Idle state.") return Fault(-13, 'TRex is currently running, cannot reserve TRex unless in Idle state. Please try again when TRex run finished.') # raise at client TRexInUseError else: logger.info("TRex is now reserved for user ({res_user}).".format( res_user = user )) self.__reservation = {'user' : user, 'since' : time.ctime()} logger.debug("Reservation details: "+ str(self.__reservation)) return True def cancel_reservation (self, user): with self.start_lock: logger.info("Processing cancel_reservation() command.") if self.is_reserved(): if self.__reservation['user'] == user: logger.info("TRex reservation to {res_user} has been canceled successfully.".format(res_user = self.__reservation['user'])) self.__reservation = None return True else: logger.warning("TRex is reserved to different user than the provided one. Reservation wasn't canceled.") return Fault(-33, "Cancel reservation request is available to the user that holds the reservation. Request denied") # raise at client TRexRequestDenied else: logger.info("TRex is not reserved to anyone. No need to cancel anything") assert(self.__reservation is None) return False def start_trex(self, trex_cmd_options, user, block_to_success = True, timeout = 30): with self.start_lock: logger.info("Processing start_trex() command.") if self.is_reserved(): # check if this is not the user to which TRex is reserved if self.__reservation['user'] != user: logger.info("TRex is reserved to another user ({res_user}). Only that user is allowed to initiate new runs.".format(res_user = self.__reservation['user'])) return Fault(-33, "TRex is reserved to another user ({res_user}). Only that user is allowed to initiate new runs.".format(res_user = self.__reservation['user'])) # raise at client TRexRequestDenied elif self.trex.get_status() != TRexStatus.Idle: logger.info("TRex is already taken, cannot create another run until done.") return Fault(-13, '') # raise at client TRexInUseError try: server_cmd_data = self.generate_run_cmd(**trex_cmd_options) self.zmq_monitor.first_dump = True self.trex.start_trex(self.TREX_PATH, server_cmd_data) logger.info("TRex session has been successfully initiated.") if block_to_success: # delay server response until TRex is at 'Running' state. start_time = time.time() trex_state = None while (time.time() - start_time) < timeout : trex_state = self.trex.get_status() if trex_state != TRexStatus.Starting: break else: time.sleep(0.5) # check for TRex run started normally if trex_state == TRexStatus.Starting: # reached timeout logger.warning("TimeoutError: TRex initiation outcome could not be obtained, since TRex stays at Starting state beyond defined timeout.") return Fault(-12, 'TimeoutError: TRex initiation outcome could not be obtained, since TRex stays at Starting state beyond defined timeout.') # raise at client TRexWarning elif trex_state == TRexStatus.Idle: return Fault(-11, self.trex.get_verbose_status()) # raise at client TRexError # reach here only if TRex is at 'Running' state self.trex.gen_seq() return self.trex.get_seq() # return unique seq number to client except TypeError as e: logger.error("TRex command generation failed, probably because either -f (traffic generation .yaml file) and -c (num of cores) was not specified correctly.\nReceived params: {params}".format( params = trex_cmd_options) ) raise TypeError('TRex -f (traffic generation .yaml file) and -c (num of cores) must be specified.') def stop_trex(self, seq): logger.info("Processing stop_trex() command.") if self.trex.get_seq()== seq: logger.debug("Abort request legit since seq# match") return self.trex.stop_trex() else: if self.trex.get_status() != TRexStatus.Idle: logger.warning("Abort request is only allowed to process initiated the run. Request denied.") return Fault(-33, 'Abort request is only allowed to process initiated the run. Request denied.') # raise at client TRexRequestDenied else: return False def force_trex_kill (self): logger.info("Processing force_trex_kill() command. --> Killing TRex session indiscriminately.") return self.trex.stop_trex() def wait_until_kickoff_finish (self, timeout = 40): # block until TRex exits Starting state logger.info("Processing wait_until_kickoff_finish() command.") trex_state = None start_time = time.time() while (time.time() - start_time) < timeout : trex_state = self.trex.get_status() if trex_state != TRexStatus.Starting: return return Fault(-12, 'TimeoutError: TRex initiation outcome could not be obtained, since TRex stays at Starting state beyond defined timeout.') # raise at client TRexWarning def get_running_info (self): logger.info("Processing get_running_info() command.") return self.trex.get_running_info() def generate_run_cmd (self, f, d, iom = 0, export_path="/tmp/trex.txt", **kwargs): """ generate_run_cmd(self, trex_cmd_options, export_path) -> str Generates a custom running command for the kick-off of the TRex traffic generator. Returns a tuple of command (string) and export path (string) to be issued on the trex server Parameters ---------- trex_cmd_options : str Defines the exact command to run on the t-rex Example: "-c 2 -m 0.500000 -d 100 -f cap2/sfr.yaml --nc -p -l 1000" export_path : str a full system path to which the results of the trex-run will be logged. """ if 'results_file_path' in kwargs: export_path = kwargs['results_file_path'] del kwargs['results_file_path'] # adding additional options to the command trex_cmd_options = '' for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): tmp_key = key.replace('_','-') dash = ' -' if (len(key)==1) else ' --' if (value == True) and (str(value) != '1'): # checking also int(value) to excape from situation that 1 translates by python to 'True' trex_cmd_options += (dash + tmp_key) else: trex_cmd_options += (dash + '{k} {val}'.format( k = tmp_key, val = value )) cmd = "{run_command} -f {gen_file} -d {duration} --iom {io} {cmd_options} --no-key > {export}".format( # -- iom 0 disables the periodic log to the screen (not needed) run_command = self.TREX_START_CMD, gen_file = f, duration = d, cmd_options = trex_cmd_options, io = iom, export = export_path ) logger.info("TRex FULL COMMAND: {command}".format(command = cmd) ) return (cmd, export_path, long(d)) def __check_trex_path_validity(self): # check for executable existance if not os.path.exists(self.TREX_PATH+'/t-rex-64'): print "The provided TRex path do not contain an executable TRex file.\nPlease check the path and retry." logger.error("The provided TRex path do not contain an executable TRex file") exit(-1) # check for executable permissions st = os.stat(self.TREX_PATH+'/t-rex-64') if not bool(st.st_mode & (stat.S_IXUSR ) ): print "The provided TRex path do not contain an TRex file with execution privileges.\nPlease check the files permissions and retry." logger.error("The provided TRex path do not contain an TRex file with execution privileges") exit(-1) else: return def __check_files_path_validity(self): # first, check for path existance. otherwise, try creating it with appropriate credentials if not os.path.exists(self.trex_files_path): try: os.makedirs(self.trex_files_path, 0660) return except os.error as inst: print "The provided files path does not exist and cannot be created with needed access credentials using root user.\nPlease check the path's permissions and retry." logger.error("The provided files path does not exist and cannot be created with needed access credentials using root user.") exit(-1) elif os.access(self.trex_files_path, os.W_OK): return else: print "The provided files path has insufficient access credentials for root user.\nPlease check the path's permissions and retry." logger.error("The provided files path has insufficient access credentials for root user") exit(-1) class CTRex(object): def __init__(self): self.status = TRexStatus.Idle self.verbose_status = 'TRex is Idle' self.errcode = None self.session = None self.zmq_monitor = None self.zmq_dump = None self.seq = None self.expect_trex = threading.Event() self.encoder = JSONEncoder() def get_status(self): return self.status def set_status(self, new_status): self.status = new_status def get_verbose_status(self): return self.verbose_status def set_verbose_status(self, new_status): self.verbose_status = new_status def gen_seq (self): self.seq = randrange(1,1000) def get_seq (self): return self.seq def get_running_info (self): if self.status == TRexStatus.Running: return self.encoder.encode(self.zmq_dump) else: logger.info("TRex isn't running. Running information isn't available.") if self.status == TRexStatus.Idle: if self.errcode is not None: # some error occured logger.info("TRex is in Idle state, with errors. returning fault") return Fault(self.errcode, self.verbose_status) # raise at client relevant exception, depending on the reason the error occured else: logger.info("TRex is in Idle state, no errors. returning {}") return u'{}' return Fault(-12, self.verbose_status) # raise at client TRexWarning, indicating TRex is back to Idle state or still in Starting state def stop_trex(self): if self.status == TRexStatus.Idle: # t-rex isn't running, nothing to abort logger.info("TRex isn't running. No need to stop anything.") if self.errcode is not None: # some error occurred, notify client despite TRex already stopped return Fault(self.errcode, self.verbose_status) # raise at client relevant exception, depending on the reason the error occured return False else: # handle stopping t-rex's run self.session.join() logger.info("TRex session has been successfully aborted.") return True def start_trex(self, trex_launch_path, trex_cmd): self.set_status(TRexStatus.Starting) logger.info("TRex running state changed to 'Starting'.") self.set_verbose_status('TRex is starting (data is not available yet)') self.errcode = None self.session = AsynchronousTRexSession(self, trex_launch_path, trex_cmd) self.session.start() self.expect_trex.set() # self.zmq_monitor= ZmqMonitorSession(self, zmq_port) # self.zmq_monitor.start() def generate_trex_parser (): default_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(outer_packages.CURRENT_PATH, os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir)) default_files_path = os.path.abspath(CTRexServer.DEFAULT_FILE_PATH) parser = ArgumentParser(description = 'Run server application for TRex traffic generator', formatter_class = RawTextHelpFormatter, usage = """ trex_daemon_server [options] """ ) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 1.0') parser.add_argument("-p", "--daemon-port", type=int, default = 8090, metavar="PORT", dest="daemon_port", help="Select port on which the daemon runs.\nDefault port is 8090.", action="store") parser.add_argument("-z", "--zmq-port", dest="zmq_port", type=int, action="store", help="Select port on which the ZMQ module listens to TRex.\nDefault port is 4500.", metavar="PORT", default = 4500) parser.add_argument("-t", "--trex-path", dest="trex_path", action="store", help="Specify the compiled TRex directory from which TRex would run.\nDefault path is: {def_path}.".format( def_path = default_path ), metavar="PATH", default = default_path ) parser.add_argument("-f", "--files-path", dest="files_path", action="store", help="Specify a path to directory on which pushed files will be saved at.\nDefault path is: {def_path}.".format( def_path = default_files_path ), metavar="PATH", default = default_files_path ) return parser trex_parser = generate_trex_parser() def do_main_program (): args = trex_parser.parse_args() server = CTRexServer(trex_daemon_port = args.daemon_port, trex_zmq_port = args.zmq_port, trex_path = args.trex_path, trex_files_path = args.files_path) server.start() if __name__ == "__main__": do_main_program()