#!/router/bin/python # internal libs import sys import os import socket import errno import time import re import copy import binascii from distutils.util import strtobool from collections import deque, OrderedDict import json import traceback import signal try: from . import outer_packages from .trex_status_e import TRexStatus from .trex_exceptions import * from .trex_exceptions import exception_handler from .general_utils import * except Exception as e: # is __main__ import outer_packages from trex_status_e import TRexStatus from trex_exceptions import * from trex_exceptions import exception_handler from general_utils import * # external libs import jsonrpclib from jsonrpclib import ProtocolError, AppError from enum import Enum class CTRexClient(object): """ This class defines the client side of the RESTfull interaction with TRex """ def __init__(self, trex_host, max_history_size = 100, filtered_latency_amount = 0.001, trex_daemon_port = 8090, master_daemon_port = 8091, trex_zmq_port = 4500, verbose = False, debug_image = False, trex_args = ''): """ Instantiate a TRex client object, and connecting it to listening daemon-server :parameters: trex_host : str a string of the TRex ip address or hostname. max_history_size : int a number to set the maximum history size of a single TRex run. Each sampling adds a new item to history. default value : **100** filtered_latency_amount : float Ignore high latency for this ammount of packets. (by default take value of 99.9% measurements) default value : **0.001** trex_daemon_port : int the port number on which the trex-daemon server can be reached default value: **8090** master_daemon_port : int the port number on which the master-daemon server can be reached default value: **8091** trex_zmq_port : int the port number on which trex's zmq module will interact with daemon server default value: **4500** verbose : bool sets a verbose output on supported class method. default value : **False** trex_args : string additional arguments passed to TRex. For example, "-w 3 --no-watchdog" :raises: socket errors, in case server could not be reached. """ try: self.trex_host = socket.gethostbyname(trex_host) except: # give it another try self.trex_host = socket.gethostbyname(trex_host) self.trex_daemon_port = trex_daemon_port self.master_daemon_port = master_daemon_port self.trex_zmq_port = trex_zmq_port self.seq = None self._last_sample = time.time() self.__default_user = get_current_user() self.verbose = verbose self.result_obj = CTRexResult(max_history_size, filtered_latency_amount) self.history = jsonrpclib.history.History() self.master_daemon_path = "http://{hostname}:{port}/".format( hostname = self.trex_host, port = master_daemon_port ) self.master_daemon = jsonrpclib.Server(self.master_daemon_path, history = self.history) self.trex_server_path = "http://{hostname}:{port}/".format( hostname = self.trex_host, port = trex_daemon_port ) self.server = jsonrpclib.Server(self.trex_server_path, history = self.history) self.debug_image = debug_image self.trex_args = trex_args self.sample_to_run_finish = self.sample_until_finish # alias for legacy def add (self, x, y): try: return self.server.add(x,y) except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) except ProtocolError: raise finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def start_trex (self, f, d, block_to_success = True, timeout = 40, user = None, trex_development = False, **trex_cmd_options): """ Request to start a TRex run on server in stateful mode. :parameters: f : str a path (on server) for the injected traffic data (.yaml file) d : int the desired duration of the test. must be at least 30 seconds long. block_to_success : bool determine if this method blocks until TRex changes state from 'Starting' to either 'Idle' or 'Running' default value : **True** timeout : int maximum time (in seconds) to wait in blocking state until TRex changes state from 'Starting' to either 'Idle' or 'Running' default value: **40** user : str the identity of the the run issuer. trex_cmd_options : key, val sets desired TRex options using key=val syntax, separated by comma. for keys with no value, state key=True :return: **True** on success :raises: + :exc:`ValueError`, in case 'd' parameter inserted with wrong value. + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexError`, in case one of the trex_cmd_options raised an exception at server. + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexInUseError`, in case TRex is already taken. + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexRequestDenied`, in case TRex is reserved for another user than the one trying start TRex. + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ user = user or self.__default_user try: d = int(d) except ValueError: raise ValueError('d parameter must be integer, specifying how long TRex run.') trex_cmd_options.update( {'f' : f, 'd' : d} ) self.result_obj.latency_checked = 'l' in trex_cmd_options if 'k' in trex_cmd_options: timeout += int(trex_cmd_options['k']) # during 'k' seconds TRex stays in 'Starting' state self.result_obj.clear_results() try: issue_time = time.time() retval = self.server.start_trex(trex_cmd_options, user, block_to_success, timeout, False, self.debug_image, self.trex_args) except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) except ProtocolError: raise finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() if retval!=0: self.seq = retval # update seq num only on successful submission return True else: # TRex is has been started by another user raise TRexInUseError('TRex is already being used by another user or process. Try again once TRex is back in IDLE state.') def start_stateless(self, block_to_success = True, timeout = 40, user = None, **trex_cmd_options): """ Request to start a TRex run on server in stateless mode. :parameters: block_to_success : bool determine if this method blocks until TRex changes state from 'Starting' to either 'Idle' or 'Running' default value : **True** timeout : int maximum time (in seconds) to wait in blocking state until TRex changes state from 'Starting' to either 'Idle' or 'Running' default value: **40** user : str the identity of the the run issuer. trex_cmd_options : key, val sets desired TRex options using key=val syntax, separated by comma. for keys with no value, state key=True :return: **True** on success :raises: + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexError`, in case one of the trex_cmd_options raised an exception at server. + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexInUseError`, in case TRex is already taken. + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexRequestDenied`, in case TRex is reserved for another user than the one trying start TRex. + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ try: user = user or self.__default_user retval = self.server.start_trex(trex_cmd_options, user, block_to_success, timeout, True, self.debug_image, self.trex_args) except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) except ProtocolError: raise finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() if retval!=0: self.seq = retval # update seq num only on successful submission return True else: # TRex is has been started by another user raise TRexInUseError('TRex is already being used by another user or process. Try again once TRex is back in IDLE state.') def stop_trex (self): """ Request to stop a TRex run on server. The request is only valid if the stop initiator is the same client as the TRex run initiator. :parameters: None :return: + **True** on successful termination + **False** if request issued but TRex wasn't running. :raises: + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexRequestDenied`, in case TRex ir running but started by another user. + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexIncompleteRunError`, in case one of failed TRex run (unexpected termination). + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ try: return self.server.stop_trex(self.seq) except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) except ProtocolError: raise finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def force_kill (self, confirm = True): """ Force killing of running TRex process (if exists) on the server. .. tip:: This method is a safety method and **overrides any running or reserved resources**, and as such isn't designed to be used on a regular basis. Always consider using :func:`trex_client.CTRexClient.stop_trex` instead. In the end of this method, TRex will return to IDLE state with no reservation. :parameters: confirm : bool Prompt a user confirmation before continue terminating TRex session :return: + **True** on successful termination + **False** otherwise. :raises: + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ if confirm: prompt = "WARNING: This will terminate active TRex session indiscriminately.\nAre you sure? " sys.stdout.write('%s [y/n]\n' % prompt) while True: try: if strtobool(user_input().lower()): break else: return except ValueError: sys.stdout.write('Please respond with \'y\' or \'n\'.\n') try: return self.server.force_trex_kill() except AppError as err: # Silence any kind of application errors- by design return False except ProtocolError: raise finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def kill_all_trexes(self, timeout = 15): """ Kills running TRex processes (if exists) on the server, not only owned by current daemon. Raises exception upon error killing. :return: + **True** if processes killed/not running + **False** otherwise. """ try: poll_rate = 0.1 # try Ctrl+C, usual kill, -9 for signal_name in [signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGKILL]: self.server.kill_all_trexes(signal_name) for i in range(int(timeout / poll_rate)): if not self.get_trex_cmds(): return True time.sleep(poll_rate) if self.get_trex_cmds(): return False return True except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def get_trex_cmds(self): """ Gets list of running TRex pids and command lines. Can be used to verify if any TRex is running. :return: List of tuples (pid, command) of running TRexes """ try: return self.server.get_trex_cmds() except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def get_trex_path(self): ''' Returns TRex path on server ''' try: return str(self.master_daemon.get_trex_path()) except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def wait_until_kickoff_finish(self, timeout = 40): """ Block the client application until TRex changes state from 'Starting' to either 'Idle' or 'Running' The request is only valid if the stop initiator is the same client as the TRex run initiator. :parameters: timeout : int maximum time (in seconds) to wait in blocking state until TRex changes state from 'Starting' to either 'Idle' or 'Running' :return: + **True** on successful termination + **False** if request issued but TRex wasn't running. :raises: + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexIncompleteRunError`, in case one of failed TRex run (unexpected termination). + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. .. note:: Exceptions are throws only when start_trex did not block in the first place, i.e. `block_to_success` parameter was set to `False` """ try: return self.server.wait_until_kickoff_finish(timeout) except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) except ProtocolError: raise finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def is_running (self, dump_out = False): """ Poll for TRex running status. If TRex is running, a history item will be added into result_obj and processed. .. tip:: This method is especially useful for iterating until TRex run is finished. :parameters: dump_out : dict if passed, the pointer object is cleared and the latest dump stored in it. :return: + **True** if TRex is running. + **False** if TRex is not running. :raises: + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexIncompleteRunError`, in case one of failed TRex run (unexpected termination). + :exc:`TypeError`, in case JSON stream decoding error. + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ try: res = self.get_running_info() if res == {}: return False if (dump_out != False) and (isinstance(dump_out, dict)): # save received dump to given 'dump_out' pointer dump_out.clear() dump_out.update(res) return True except TRexWarning as err: if err.code == -12: # TRex is either still at 'Starting' state or in Idle state, however NO error occured return False except TRexException: raise except ProtocolError as err: raise #is printed by self.get_running_info() #finally: # self.prompt_verbose_data() def is_idle (self): """ Poll for TRex running status, check if TRex is in Idle state. :parameters: None :return: + **True** if TRex is idle. + **False** if TRex is starting or running. :raises: + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexIncompleteRunError`, in case one of failed TRex run (unexpected termination). + :exc:`TypeError`, in case JSON stream decoding error. + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ try: if self.get_running_status()['state'] == TRexStatus.Idle: return True return False except TRexException: raise except ProtocolError as err: raise finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def get_trex_files_path (self): """ Fetches the local path in which files are stored when pushed to TRex server from client. :parameters: None :return: string representation of the desired path .. note:: The returned path represents a path on the TRex server **local machine** :raises: ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ try: return (self.server.get_files_path() + '/') except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) except ProtocolError: raise finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def get_running_status (self): """ Fetches the current TRex status. If available, a verbose data will accompany the state itself. :parameters: None :return: dictionary with 'state' and 'verbose' keys. :raises: ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ try: res = self.server.get_running_status() res['state'] = TRexStatus(res['state']) return res except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) except ProtocolError: raise finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def get_running_info (self): """ Performs single poll of TRex running data and process it into the result object (named `result_obj`). .. tip:: This method will throw an exception if TRex isn't running. Always consider using :func:`trex_client.CTRexClient.is_running` which handles a single poll operation in safer manner. :parameters: None :return: dictionary containing the most updated data dump from TRex. :raises: + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexIncompleteRunError`, in case one of failed TRex run (unexpected termination). + :exc:`TypeError`, in case JSON stream decoding error. + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ if not self.is_query_relevance(): # if requested in timeframe smaller than the original sample rate, return the last known data without interacting with server return self.result_obj.get_latest_dump() else: try: latest_dump = json.loads( self.server.get_running_info() ) # latest dump is not a dict, but json string. decode it. self.result_obj.update_result_data(latest_dump) return latest_dump except TypeError as inst: raise TypeError('JSON-RPC data decoding failed. Check out incoming JSON stream.') except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) except ProtocolError: raise finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def sample_until_condition (self, condition_func, time_between_samples = 1): """ Automatically sets ongoing sampling of TRex data, with sampling rate described by time_between_samples. On each fetched dump, the condition_func is applied on the result objects, and if returns True, the sampling will stop. :parameters: condition_func : function function that operates on result_obj and checks if a condition has been met .. note:: `condition_finc` is applied on `CTRexResult` object. Make sure to design a relevant method. time_between_samples : int determines the time between each sample of the server default value : **1** :return: the first result object (see :class:`CTRexResult` for further details) of the TRex run on which the condition has been met. :raises: + :exc:`UserWarning`, in case the condition_func method condition hasn't been met + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexIncompleteRunError`, in case one of failed TRex run (unexpected termination). + :exc:`TypeError`, in case JSON stream decoding error. + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. + :exc:`Exception`, in case the condition_func suffered from any kind of exception """ # make sure TRex is running. raise exceptions here if any self.wait_until_kickoff_finish() try: while self.is_running(): results = self.get_result_obj() if condition_func(results): # if condition satisfied, stop TRex and return result object self.stop_trex() return results time.sleep(time_between_samples) except TRexWarning: # means we're back to Idle state, and didn't meet our condition raise UserWarning("TRex results condition wasn't met during TRex run.") except Exception: # this could come from provided method 'condition_func' raise def sample_until_finish (self, time_between_samples = 1): """ Automatically samples TRex data with sampling rate described by time_between_samples until TRex run finishes. :parameters: time_between_samples : int determines the time between each sample of the server default value : **1** :return: the latest result object (see :class:`CTRexResult` for further details) with sampled data. :raises: + :exc:`UserWarning`, in case the condition_func method condition hasn't been met + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexIncompleteRunError`, in case one of failed TRex run (unexpected termination). + :exc:`TypeError`, in case JSON stream decoding error. + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ self.wait_until_kickoff_finish() try: while self.is_running(): time.sleep(time_between_samples) except TRexWarning: pass # try to get final server dump try: latest_server_dump = json.loads(self.server.get_latest_dump()) if latest_server_dump != self.result_obj.get_latest_dump(): self.result_obj.update_result_data(latest_server_dump) except ProtocolError: pass results = self.get_result_obj() return results def sample_x_seconds (self, sample_time, time_between_samples = 1): """ Automatically sets ongoing sampling of TRex data for sample_time seconds, with sampling rate described by time_between_samples. Does not stop the TRex afterwards! .. tip:: Useful for changing the device (Router, ASA etc.) configuration after given time. :parameters: sample_time : int sample the TRex this number of seconds time_between_samples : int determines the time between each sample of the server default value : **1** :return: the first result object (see :class:`CTRexResult` for further details) of the TRex run after given sample_time. :raises: + :exc:`UserWarning`, in case the TRex run ended before sample_time duration + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexIncompleteRunError`, in case one of failed TRex run (unexpected termination). + :exc:`TypeError`, in case JSON stream decoding error. + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ # make sure TRex is running. raise exceptions here if any self.wait_until_kickoff_finish() end_time = time.time() + sample_time while self.is_running(): if time.time() < end_time: time.sleep(time_between_samples) else: return self.get_result_obj() raise UserWarning("TRex has stopped at %s seconds (before expected %s seconds)\nTry increasing test duration or decreasing sample_time" % (elapsed_time, sample_time)) def get_result_obj (self, copy_obj = True): """ Returns the result object of the trex_client's instance. By default, returns a **copy** of the objects (so that changes to the original object are masked). :parameters: copy_obj : bool False means that a reference to the original (possibly changing) object are passed defaul value : **True** :return: the latest result object (see :class:`CTRexResult` for further details) with sampled data. """ if copy_obj: return copy.deepcopy(self.result_obj) else: return self.result_obj def is_reserved (self): """ Checks if TRex is currently reserved to any user or not. :parameters: None :return: + **True** if TRex is reserved. + **False** otherwise. :raises: ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ try: return self.server.is_reserved() except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) except ProtocolError: raise finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def get_trex_daemon_log (self): """ Get Trex daemon log. :return: String representation of TRex daemon log :raises: + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexRequestDenied`, in case file could not be read. + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ try: res = binascii.a2b_base64(self.server.get_trex_daemon_log()) if type(res) is bytes: return res.decode() return res except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) except ProtocolError: raise finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def get_trex_log (self): """ Get TRex CLI output log :return: String representation of TRex log :raises: + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexRequestDenied`, in case file could not be fetched at server side. + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ try: res = binascii.a2b_base64(self.server.get_trex_log()) if type(res) is bytes: return res.decode() return res except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) except ProtocolError: raise finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def get_trex_version (self): """ Get TRex version details. :return: Trex details (Version, User, Date, Uuid, Git SHA) as ordered dictionary :raises: + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexRequestDenied`, in case TRex version could not be determined. + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. + General Exception is case one of the keys is missing in response """ try: version_dict = OrderedDict() res = binascii.a2b_base64(self.server.get_trex_version()) if type(res) is bytes: res = res.decode() result_lines = res.split('\n') for line in result_lines: if not line: continue key, value = line.strip().split(':', 1) version_dict[key.strip()] = value.strip() for key in ('Version', 'User', 'Date', 'Uuid', 'Git SHA'): if key not in version_dict: raise Exception('get_trex_version: got server response without key: {0}'.format(key)) return version_dict except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) except ProtocolError: raise finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def reserve_trex (self, user = None): """ Reserves the usage of TRex to a certain user. When TRex is reserved, it can't be reserved. :parameters: user : str a username of the desired owner of TRex default: current logged user :return: **True** if reservation made successfully :raises: + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexRequestDenied`, in case TRex is reserved for another user than the one trying to make the reservation. + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexInUseError`, in case TRex is currently running. + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ username = user or self.__default_user try: return self.server.reserve_trex(user = username) except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) except ProtocolError: raise finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def cancel_reservation (self, user = None): """ Cancels a current reservation of TRex to a certain user. When TRex is reserved, no other user can start new TRex runs. :parameters: user : str a username of the desired owner of TRex default: current logged user :return: + **True** if reservation canceled successfully, + **False** if there was no reservation at all. :raises: + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexRequestDenied`, in case TRex is reserved for another user than the one trying to cancel the reservation. + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ username = user or self.__default_user try: return self.server.cancel_reservation(user = username) except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) except ProtocolError: raise finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def get_files_list (self, path): """ Gets a list of dirs and files either from /tmp/trex_files or path relative to TRex server. :parameters: path : str a path to directory to read. :return: Tuple: list of dirs and list of files in given path :raises: + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexRequestDenied`, in case TRex is reserved for another user than the one trying to cancel the reservation. + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ try: return self.server.get_files_list(path) except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) except ProtocolError: raise finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def get_file(self, filepath): """ Gets content of file as bytes string from /tmp/trex_files or TRex server directory. :parameters: filepath : str a path to a file at server. it can be either relative to TRex server or absolute path starting with /tmp/trex_files :return: Content of the file :raises: + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexRequestDenied`, in case TRex is reserved for another user than the one trying to cancel the reservation. + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ try: return binascii.a2b_base64(self.server.get_file(filepath)) except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) except ProtocolError: raise finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def get_trex_config(self): """ Get Trex config file (/etc/trex_cfg.yaml). :return: String representation of TRex config file :raises: + :exc:`trex_exceptions.TRexRequestDenied`, in case file could not be read. + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ try: res = binascii.a2b_base64(self.server.get_trex_config()) if type(res) is bytes: return res.decode() return res except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) except ProtocolError: raise finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def push_files (self, filepaths): """ Pushes a file (or a list of files) to store locally on server. :parameters: filepaths : str or list a path to a file to be pushed to server. if a list of paths is passed, all of those will be pushed to server :return: + **True** if file(s) copied successfully. + **False** otherwise. :raises: + :exc:`IOError`, in case specified file wasn't found or could not be accessed. + ProtocolError, in case of error in JSON-RPC protocol. """ paths_list = None if isinstance(filepaths, str): paths_list = [filepaths] elif isinstance(filepaths, list): paths_list = filepaths else: raise TypeError("filepaths argument must be of type str or list") for filepath in paths_list: try: if not os.path.exists(filepath): raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, "The requested `{fname}` file wasn't found. Operation aborted.".format( fname = filepath) ) else: filename = os.path.basename(filepath) with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: file_content = f.read() self.server.push_file(filename, binascii.b2a_base64(file_content).decode()) finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() return True def is_query_relevance(self): """ Checks if time between any two consecutive server queries (asking for live running data) passed. .. note:: The allowed minimum time between each two consecutive samples is 0.5 seconds. :parameters: None :return: + **True** if more than 0.5 seconds has been past from last server query. + **False** otherwise. """ cur_time = time.time() if cur_time-self._last_sample < 0.5: return False else: self._last_sample = cur_time return True def call_server_mathod_safely (self, method_to_call): try: return method_to_call() except socket.error as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNREFUSED: raise SocketError(errno.ECONNREFUSED, "Connection to TRex daemon server was refused. Please make sure the server is up.") def check_server_connectivity (self): """ Checks TRex daemon server for connectivity. """ try: socket.gethostbyname(self.trex_host) return self.server.connectivity_check() except socket.gaierror as e: raise socket.gaierror(e.errno, "Could not resolve server hostname. Please make sure hostname entered correctly.") except socket.error as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNREFUSED: raise socket.error(errno.ECONNREFUSED, "Connection to TRex daemon server was refused. Please make sure the server is up.") finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def master_add(self, x, y): ''' Sanity check for Master daemon ''' try: return self.master_daemon.add(x,y) except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def check_master_connectivity (self): ''' Check Master daemon for connectivity. Return True upon success ''' try: socket.gethostbyname(self.trex_host) return self.master_daemon.check_connectivity() except socket.gaierror as e: raise socket.gaierror(e.errno, "Could not resolve server hostname. Please make sure hostname entered correctly.") except socket.error as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNREFUSED: raise socket.error(errno.ECONNREFUSED, "Connection to Master daemon was refused. Please make sure the server is up.") finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def is_trex_daemon_running(self): ''' Check if TRex server daemon is running. Returns True/False ''' try: return self.master_daemon.is_trex_daemon_running() except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def restart_trex_daemon(self): ''' Restart TRex server daemon. Useful after update. Will not fail if daemon is initially stopped. ''' try: return self.master_daemon.restart_trex_daemon() except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def start_trex_daemon(self): ''' Start TRex server daemon. :return: + **True** if success. + **False** if TRex server daemon already running. ''' try: return self.master_daemon.start_trex_daemon() except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def stop_trex_daemon(self): ''' Stop TRex server daemon. :return: + **True** if success. + **False** if TRex server daemon already running. ''' try: return self.master_daemon.stop_trex_daemon() except AppError as err: self._handle_AppError_exception(err.args[0]) finally: self.prompt_verbose_data() def prompt_verbose_data(self): """ This method prompts any verbose data available, only if `verbose` option has been turned on. """ if self.verbose: print ('\n') print ("(*) JSON-RPC request:", self.history.request) print ("(*) JSON-RPC response:", self.history.response) def __verbose_print(self, print_str): """ This private method prints the `print_str` string only in case self.verbose flag is turned on. :parameters: print_str : str a string to be printed :returns: None """ if self.verbose: print (print_str) def _handle_AppError_exception(self, err): """ This private method triggres the TRex dedicated exception generation in case a general ProtocolError has been raised. """ # handle known exceptions based on known error codes. # if error code is not known, raise ProtocolError exc = exception_handler.gen_exception(err) exc.__cause__ = None # remove "During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:" in Python3.3+ raise exc class CTRexResult(object): """ A class containing all results received from TRex. Ontop to containing the results, this class offers easier data access and extended results processing options """ def __init__(self, max_history_size, filtered_latency_amount = 0.001): """ Instatiate a TRex result object :parameters: max_history_size : int A number to set the maximum history size of a single TRex run. Each sampling adds a new item to history. filtered_latency_amount : float Ignore high latency for this ammount of packets. (by default take into account 99.9%) """ self._history = deque(maxlen = max_history_size) self.clear_results() self.latency_checked = True self.filtered_latency_amount = filtered_latency_amount self.set_warmup_default() def set_warmup_default (self): self.set_warmup(0.96) def set_warmup (self,new_warmup_max): self.warmup_max = new_warmup_max def __repr__(self): return ("Is valid history? {arg}\n".format( arg = self.is_valid_hist() ) + "Done warmup? {arg}\n".format( arg = self.is_done_warmup() ) + "Expected tx rate: {arg}\n".format( arg = self.get_expected_tx_rate() ) + "Current tx rate: {arg}\n".format( arg = self.get_current_tx_rate() ) + "Minimum latency: {arg}\n".format( arg = self.get_min_latency() ) + "Maximum latency: {arg}\n".format( arg = self.get_max_latency() ) + "Average latency: {arg}\n".format( arg = self.get_avg_latency() ) + "Average window latency: {arg}\n".format( arg = self.get_avg_window_latency() ) + "Total drops: {arg}\n".format( arg = self.get_total_drops() ) + "Drop rate: {arg}\n".format( arg = self.get_drop_rate() ) + "History size so far: {arg}\n".format( arg = len(self._history) ) ) def get_expected_tx_rate (self): """ Fetches the expected TX rate in various units representation :parameters: None :return: dictionary containing the expected TX rate, where the key is the measurement units, and the value is the measurement value. """ return self._expected_tx_rate def get_current_tx_rate (self): """ Fetches the current TX rate in various units representation :parameters: None :return: dictionary containing the current TX rate, where the key is the measurement units, and the value is the measurement value. """ return self._current_tx_rate def get_max_latency (self): """ Fetches the maximum latency measured on each of the interfaces :parameters: None :return: dictionary containing the maximum latency, where the key is the measurement interface (`c` indicates client), and the value is the measurement value. """ return self._max_latency def get_min_latency (self): """ Fetches the minimum latency measured on each of the interfaces :parameters: None :return: dictionary containing the maximum latency, where the key is the measurement interface (`c` indicates client), and the value is the measurement value. """ return self._min_latency def get_jitter_latency (self): """ Fetches the jitter latency measured on each of the interfaces from the start of TRex run :parameters: None :return: dictionary containing the average latency, where the key is the measurement interface (`c` indicates client), and the value is the measurement value. The `all` key represents the average of all interfaces' average """ return self._jitter_latency def get_avg_latency (self): """ Fetches the average latency measured on each of the interfaces from the start of TRex run :parameters: None :return: dictionary containing the average latency, where the key is the measurement interface (`c` indicates client), and the value is the measurement value. The `all` key represents the average of all interfaces' average """ return self._avg_latency def get_avg_window_latency (self): """ Fetches the average latency measured on each of the interfaces from all the sampled currently stored in window. :parameters: None :return: dictionary containing the average latency, where the key is the measurement interface (`c` indicates client), and the value is the measurement value. The `all` key represents the average of all interfaces' average """ return self._avg_window_latency def get_total_drops (self): """ Fetches the total number of drops identified from the moment TRex run began. :parameters: None :return: total drops count (as int) """ return self._total_drops def get_drop_rate (self): """ Fetches the most recent drop rate in pkts/sec units. :parameters: None :return: current drop rate (as float) """ return self._drop_rate def is_valid_hist (self): """ Checks if result obejct contains valid data. :parameters: None :return: + **True** if history is valid. + **False** otherwise. """ return self.valid def set_valid_hist (self, valid_stat = True): """ Sets result obejct validity status. :parameters: valid_stat : bool defines the validity status dafault value : **True** :return: None """ self.valid = valid_stat def is_done_warmup (self): """ Checks if TRex latest results TX-rate indicates that TRex has reached its expected TX-rate. :parameters: None :return: + **True** if expected TX-rate has been reached. + **False** otherwise. """ return self._done_warmup def get_last_value (self, tree_path_to_key, regex = None): """ A dynamic getter from the latest sampled data item stored in the result object. :parameters: tree_path_to_key : str defines a path to desired data. .. tip:: | Use '.' to enter one level deeper in dictionary hierarchy. | Use '[i]' to access the i'th indexed object of an array. regex : regex apply a regex to filter results out from a multiple results set. Filter applies only on keys of dictionary type. dafault value : **None** :return: + a list of values relevant to the specified path + None if no results were fetched or the history isn't valid. """ if not self.is_valid_hist(): return None else: return CTRexResult.__get_value_by_path(self._history[-1], tree_path_to_key, regex) def get_value_list (self, tree_path_to_key, regex = None, filter_none = True): """ A dynamic getter from all sampled data items stored in the result object. :parameters: tree_path_to_key : str defines a path to desired data. .. tip:: | Use '.' to enter one level deeper in dictionary hierarchy. | Use '[i]' to access the i'th indexed object of an array. regex : regex apply a regex to filter results out from a multiple results set. Filter applies only on keys of dictionary type. dafault value : **None** filter_none : bool specify if None results should be filtered out or not. dafault value : **True** :return: + a list of values relevant to the specified path. Each item on the list refers to a single server sample. + None if no results were fetched or the history isn't valid. """ if not self.is_valid_hist(): return None else: raw_list = list( map(lambda x: CTRexResult.__get_value_by_path(x, tree_path_to_key, regex), self._history) ) if filter_none: return list (filter(lambda x: x!=None, raw_list) ) else: return raw_list def get_latest_dump(self): """ A getter to the latest sampled data item stored in the result object. :parameters: None :return: + a dictionary of the latest data item + an empty dictionary if history is empty. """ if len(self._history): return self._history[-1] return {} def get_ports_count(self): """ Returns number of ports based on TRex result :return: + number of ports in TRex result + -1 if history is empty. """ if not len(self._history): return -1 return len(self.get_last_value('trex-global.data', 'opackets-\d+')) def update_result_data (self, latest_dump): """ Integrates a `latest_dump` dictionary into the CTRexResult object. :parameters: latest_dump : dict a dictionary with the items desired to be integrated into the object history and stats :return: None """ # add latest dump to history if latest_dump: self._history.append(latest_dump) if not self.valid: self.valid = True # parse important fields and calculate averages and others if self._expected_tx_rate is None: # get the expected data only once since it doesn't change self._expected_tx_rate = CTRexResult.__get_value_by_path(latest_dump, "trex-global.data", "m_tx_expected_\w+") self._current_tx_rate = CTRexResult.__get_value_by_path(latest_dump, "trex-global.data", "m_tx_(?!expected_)\w+") if not self._done_warmup and self._expected_tx_rate is not None: # check for up to 4% change between expected and actual if (self._current_tx_rate['m_tx_bps'] > self.warmup_max * self._expected_tx_rate['m_tx_expected_bps']): self._done_warmup = True latest_dump['warmup_barrier'] = True # handle latency data if self.latency_checked: # fix typos, by "pointer" if 'trex-latecny-v2' in latest_dump and 'trex-latency-v2' not in latest_dump: latest_dump['trex-latency-v2'] = latest_dump['trex-latecny-v2'] if 'trex-latecny' in latest_dump and 'trex-latency' not in latest_dump: latest_dump['trex-latency'] = latest_dump['trex-latecny'] latency_per_port = self.get_last_value("trex-latency-v2.data", "port-") self._max_latency = self.__get_filtered_max_latency(latency_per_port, self.filtered_latency_amount) self._min_latency = self.__get_filtered_min_latency(latency_per_port) avg_latency = self.get_last_value("trex-latency.data", "avg-") self._avg_latency = CTRexResult.__avg_all_and_rename_keys(avg_latency) jitter_latency = self.get_last_value("trex-latency.data", "jitter-") self._jitter_latency = CTRexResult.__avg_all_and_rename_keys(jitter_latency) avg_win_latency_list = self.get_value_list("trex-latency.data", "avg-") self._avg_window_latency = CTRexResult.__calc_latency_win_stats(avg_win_latency_list) tx_pkts = CTRexResult.__get_value_by_path(latest_dump, "trex-global.data.m_total_tx_pkts") rx_pkts = CTRexResult.__get_value_by_path(latest_dump, "trex-global.data.m_total_rx_pkts") if tx_pkts is not None and rx_pkts is not None: self._total_drops = tx_pkts - rx_pkts self._drop_rate = CTRexResult.__get_value_by_path(latest_dump, "trex-global.data.m_rx_drop_bps") def clear_results (self): """ Clears all results and sets the history's validity to `False` :parameters: None :return: None """ self.valid = False self._done_warmup = False self._expected_tx_rate = None self._current_tx_rate = None self._max_latency = None self._min_latency = None self._avg_latency = None self._jitter_latency = None self._avg_window_latency = None self._total_drops = None self._drop_rate = None self._history.clear() @staticmethod def __get_value_by_path (dct, tree_path, regex = None): try: for i, p in re.findall(r'(\d+)|([\w|-]+)', tree_path): dct = dct[p or int(i)] if regex is not None and isinstance(dct, dict): res = {} for key,val in dct.items(): match = re.match(regex, key) if match: res[key]=val return res else: return dct except (KeyError, TypeError): return None @staticmethod def __calc_latency_win_stats (latency_win_list): res = {'all' : None } port_dict = {'all' : []} list( map(lambda x: CTRexResult.__update_port_dict(x, port_dict), latency_win_list) ) # finally, calculate everages for each list res['all'] = float("%.3f" % (sum(port_dict['all'])/float(len(port_dict['all']))) ) port_dict.pop('all') for port, avg_list in port_dict.items(): res[port] = float("%.3f" % (sum(avg_list)/float(len(avg_list))) ) return res @staticmethod def __update_port_dict (src_avg_dict, dest_port_dict): all_list = src_avg_dict.values() dest_port_dict['all'].extend(all_list) for key, val in src_avg_dict.items(): reg_res = re.match("avg-(\d+)", key) if reg_res: tmp_key = "port"+reg_res.group(1) if tmp_key in dest_port_dict: dest_port_dict[tmp_key].append(val) else: dest_port_dict[tmp_key] = [val] @staticmethod def __avg_all_and_rename_keys (src_dict): res = {} all_list = src_dict.values() res['all'] = float("%.3f" % (sum(all_list)/float(len(all_list))) ) for key, val in src_dict.items(): reg_res = re.match("avg-(\d+)", key) if reg_res: tmp_key = "port"+reg_res.group(1) res[tmp_key] = val # don't touch original fields values return res @staticmethod def __get_filtered_min_latency(src_dict): result = {} if src_dict: for port, data in src_dict.items(): if not port.startswith('port-'): continue res = data['hist']['min_usec'] min_port = 'min-%s' % port[5:] result[min_port] = int(res) return(result); @staticmethod def __get_filtered_max_latency (src_dict, filtered_latency_amount = 0.001): result = {} if src_dict: for port, data in src_dict.items(): if not port.startswith('port-'): continue max_port = 'max-%s' % port[5:] res = data['hist'] if not len(res['histogram']): result[max_port] = 0 continue result[max_port] = 5 # if sum below will not get to filtered amount, use this value sum_high = 0.0 for elem in reversed(res['histogram']): sum_high += elem['val'] if sum_high >= filtered_latency_amount * res['cnt']: result[max_port] = elem['key'] + int('5' + repr(elem['key'])[2:]) break return result # history iterator after warmup period def _get_steady_state_history_iterator(self): if not self.is_done_warmup(): raise Exception('Warm-up period not finished') for index, res in enumerate(self._history): if 'warmup_barrier' in res: for steady_state_index in range(index, max(index, len(self._history) - 1)): yield self._history[steady_state_index] return for index in range(len(self._history) - 1): yield self._history[index] def get_avg_steady_state_value(self, tree_path_to_key): ''' Gets average value after warmup period. For example: .get_avg_steady_state_value('trex-global.data.m_tx_bps') Usually more accurate than latest history value. :parameters: tree_path_to_key : str defines a path to desired data. :return: average value at steady state :raises: Exception in case steady state period was not reached or tree_path_to_key was not found in result. ''' values_arr = [self.__get_value_by_path(res, tree_path_to_key) for res in self._get_steady_state_history_iterator()] values_arr = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, values_arr)) if not values_arr: raise Exception('All the keys are None, probably wrong tree_path_to_key: %s' % tree_path_to_key) return sum(values_arr) / float(len(values_arr)) if __name__ == "__main__": c = CTRexClient('') print('restarting daemon') c.restart_trex_daemon() print('kill any running') c.kill_all_trexes() print('start') c.start_stateless() print('sleep') time.sleep(5) print('done')