from trex_stl_lib.api import * from trex_stl_lib.utils import parsing_opts, text_tables import threading import tempfile import select # defines a generic monitor writer class CaptureMonitorWriter(object): def deinit(self): # by default - nothing to deinit pass def handle_pkts (self, pkts): raise NotImplementedError def periodic_check (self): # by default - nothing to check pass # a stdout monitor class CaptureMonitorWriterStdout(CaptureMonitorWriter): def __init__ (self, logger, is_brief, start_ts): self.logger = logger self.is_brief = is_brief self.start_ts = start_ts # unicode arrows self.RX_ARROW = u'\u25c0\u2500\u2500' self.TX_ARROW = u'\u25b6\u2500\u2500' # decode issues with Python 2 if sys.version_info < (3,0): self.RX_ARROW = self.RX_ARROW.encode('utf-8') self.TX_ARROW = self.TX_ARROW.encode('utf-8') self.logger.pre_cmd("Starting stdout capture monitor - verbose: '{0}'".format('low' if self.is_brief else 'high')) self.logger.post_cmd(RC_OK) self.logger.log(format_text("\n*** use 'capture monitor stop' to abort capturing... ***\n", 'bold')) def get_scapy_name (self, pkt_scapy): layer = pkt_scapy while layer.payload and not in('Padding', 'Raw'): layer = layer.payload return def format_origin (self, origin): if origin == 'RX': return '{0} {1}'.format(self.RX_ARROW, 'RX') elif origin == 'TX': return '{0} {1}'.format(self.TX_ARROW, 'TX') else: return '{0}'.format(origin) def __handle_pkt (self, pkt): pkt_bin = base64.b64decode(pkt['binary']) pkt_scapy = Ether(pkt_bin) self.logger.log(format_text('\n\n#{} Port: {} {}\n'.format(pkt['index'], pkt['port'], self.format_origin(pkt['origin'])), 'bold', '')) self.logger.log(format_text(' Type: {}, Size: {} B, TS: {:.2f} [sec]\n'.format(self.get_scapy_name(pkt_scapy), len(pkt_bin), pkt['ts'] - self.start_ts), 'bold')) if self.is_brief: self.logger.log(' {0}'.format(pkt_scapy.command())) else: = ' ') self.logger.log('') return len(pkt_bin) def handle_pkts (self, pkts): try: byte_count = 0 for pkt in pkts: byte_count += self.__handle_pkt(pkt) return byte_count finally: # make sure to restore the logger self.logger.prompt_redraw() # a pipe based monitor class CaptureMonitorWriterPipe(CaptureMonitorWriter): def __init__ (self, logger, start_ts): self.logger = logger self.fifo = None self.start_ts = start_ts # generate a temp fifo pipe self.fifo_name = tempfile.mktemp() try: self.logger.pre_cmd('Starting pipe capture monitor') os.mkfifo(self.fifo_name) self.logger.post_cmd(RC_OK) self.logger.log(format_text("*** Please run 'wireshark -k -i {0}' ***".format(self.fifo_name), 'bold')) self.logger.pre_cmd("Waiting for Wireshark pipe connection") # blocks until pipe is connected self.fifo =, os.O_WRONLY) self.logger.post_cmd(RC_OK()) self.logger.log(format_text('\n*** Capture monitoring started ***\n', 'bold')) # open for write using a PCAP writer self.writer = RawPcapWriter(self.fifo_name, linktype = 1, sync = True) self.writer._write_header(None) # register a poller self.poll = select.poll() self.poll.register(self.fifo, select.EPOLLERR) self.is_init = True except KeyboardInterrupt as e: self.deinit() self.logger.post_cmd(RC_ERR("")) raise STLError("*** pipe monitor up") except OSError as e: self.deinit() self.logger.post_cmd(RC_ERR("")) raise STLError("failed to create pipe {0}\n{1}".format(self.fifo_name, str(e))) def deinit (self): try: if self.fifo: os.close(self.fifo) self.fifo = None if self.fifo_name: os.unlink(self.fifo_name) self.fifo_name = None except OSError: pass def periodic_check (self): self.check_pipe() def check_pipe (self): if self.poll.poll(0): raise STLError('pipe has been disconnected') def handle_pkts (self, pkts): # first check the pipe is alive self.check_pipe() return self.handle_pkts_internal(pkts) def handle_pkts_internal (self, pkts): byte_count = 0 for pkt in pkts: pkt_bin = base64.b64decode(pkt['binary']) ts_sec, ts_usec = sec_split_usec(pkt['ts'] - self.start_ts) try: self.writer._write_packet(pkt_bin, sec = ts_sec, usec = ts_usec) except Exception as e: raise STLError('fail to write packets to pipe: {}'.format(str(e))) byte_count += len(pkt_bin) return byte_count # capture monitor - a live capture class CaptureMonitor(object): def __init__ (self, client, cmd_lock, tx_port_list, rx_port_list, rate_pps, mon_type): self.client = client self.logger = client.logger self.cmd_lock = cmd_lock self.t = None self.writer = None self.capture_id = None self.tx_port_list = tx_port_list self.rx_port_list = rx_port_list self.rate_pps = rate_pps self.mon_type = mon_type # try to launch try: self.__start() except Exception as e: self.__stop() raise def __start (self): # create a capture on the server with self.logger.supress(): data = self.client.start_capture(self.tx_port_list, self.rx_port_list, limit = self.rate_pps, mode = 'cyclic') self.capture_id = data['id'] self.start_ts = data['ts'] # create a writer if self.mon_type == 'compact': self.writer = CaptureMonitorWriterStdout(self.logger, True, self.start_ts) elif self.mon_type == 'verbose': self.writer = CaptureMonitorWriterStdout(self.logger, False, self.start_ts) elif self.mon_type == 'pipe': self.writer = CaptureMonitorWriterPipe(self.logger, self.start_ts) else: raise STLError('Internal error: unknown writer type') # start the fetching thread self.t = threading.Thread(target = self.__thread_cb) self.t.setDaemon(True) = True self.t.start() # internal stop def __stop (self): # stop the thread if self.t and self.t.is_alive(): = False self.t.join() self.t = None # deinit the writer if self.writer: self.writer.deinit() self.writer = None # take the capture ID capture_id = self.capture_id self.capture_id = None # if we are disconnected - we cannot cleanup the capture if not self.client.is_connected(): return # make sure the capture is active on the server captures = [x['id'] for x in self.client.get_capture_status()] if capture_id not in captures: return # remove the capture with self.logger.supress(): self.client.stop_capture(capture_id) # user call for stop (adds log) def stop (self): self.logger.pre_cmd("Stopping capture monitor") try: self.__stop() except Exception as e: self.logger.post_cmd(RC_ERR("")) raise self.logger.post_cmd(RC_OK()) def get_mon_row (self): return [self.capture_id, format_text('ACTIVE' if self.t.is_alive() else 'DEAD', 'bold'), self.pkt_count, format_num(self.byte_count, suffix = 'B'), ', '.join([str(x) for x in self.tx_port_list] if self.tx_port_list else '-'), ', '.join([str(x) for x in self.rx_port_list] if self.rx_port_list else '-') ] def is_active (self): return def get_capture_id (self): return self.capture_id # sleeps with high freq checks for active def __sleep (self): for _ in range(5): if not return False time.sleep(0.1) return True def __lock (self): while True: rc = self.cmd_lock.acquire(False) if rc: return True if not return False time.sleep(0.1) def __unlock (self): self.cmd_lock.release() def __thread_cb (self): try: self.__thread_main_loop() # common errors except STLError as e: self.logger.log(format_text("\n\nMonitor has encountered the following error: '{}'\n".format(e.brief()), 'bold')) self.logger.log(format_text("\n*** monitor is inactive - please restart the monitor ***\n", 'bold')) self.logger.prompt_redraw() # unexpected errors except Exception as e: self.logger.log("\n\n*** A fatal internal error has occurred: '{}'\n".format(str(e))) self.logger.log(format_text("\n*** monitor is inactive - please restart the monitor ***\n", 'bold')) self.logger.prompt_redraw() def __thread_main_loop (self): self.pkt_count = 0 self.byte_count = 0 while # sleep - if interrupt by graceful shutdown - go out if not self.__sleep(): return # check that the writer is ok self.writer.periodic_check() # try to lock - if interrupt by graceful shutdown - go out if not self.__lock(): return try: if not self.client.is_connected(): raise STLError('client has been disconnected') rc = self.client._transmit("capture", params = {'command': 'fetch', 'capture_id': self.capture_id, 'pkt_limit': 10}) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) finally: self.__unlock() # no packets - skip pkts =['pkts'] if not pkts: continue byte_count = self.writer.handle_pkts(pkts) self.pkt_count += len(pkts) self.byte_count += byte_count # main class class CaptureManager(object): def __init__ (self, client, cmd_lock): self.c = client self.cmd_lock = cmd_lock self.logger = client.logger self.monitor = None # install parsers self.parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "capture", self.parse_line_internal.__doc__) self.subparsers = self.parser.add_subparsers(title = "commands", dest="commands") self.install_record_parser() self.install_monitor_parser() # show self.show_parser = self.subparsers.add_parser('show', help = "show all active captures") # reset self.clear_parser = self.subparsers.add_parser('clear', help = "remove all active captures") # register handlers self.cmds = {'record': self.parse_record, 'monitor' : self.parse_monitor, 'clear': self.parse_clear, 'show' : self.parse_show} def install_record_parser (self): # recording self.record_parser = self.subparsers.add_parser('record', help = "PCAP recording") record_sub = self.record_parser.add_subparsers(title = 'commands', dest = 'record_cmd') self.record_start_parser = record_sub.add_parser('start', help = "starts a new buffered capture") self.record_stop_parser = record_sub.add_parser('stop', help = "stops an active buffered capture") # start self.record_start_parser.add_arg_list(parsing_opts.TX_PORT_LIST, parsing_opts.RX_PORT_LIST, parsing_opts.LIMIT) # stop self.record_stop_parser.add_arg_list(parsing_opts.CAPTURE_ID, parsing_opts.OUTPUT_FILENAME) def install_monitor_parser (self): # monitor self.monitor_parser = self.subparsers.add_parser('monitor', help = 'live monitoring') monitor_sub = self.monitor_parser.add_subparsers(title = 'commands', dest = 'mon_cmd') self.monitor_start_parser = monitor_sub.add_parser('start', help = 'starts a monitor') self.monitor_stop_parser = monitor_sub.add_parser('stop', help = 'stops an active monitor') self.monitor_start_parser.add_arg_list(parsing_opts.TX_PORT_LIST, parsing_opts.RX_PORT_LIST, parsing_opts.MONITOR_TYPE) def stop (self): if self.monitor: self.monitor.stop() self.monitor = None # main entry point for parsing commands from console def parse_line (self, line): try: self.parse_line_internal(line) except STLError as e: self.logger.log("\nAction has failed with the following error:\n\n" + format_text(e.brief() + "\n", 'bold')) return RC_ERR(e.brief()) def parse_line_internal (self, line): '''Manage PCAP recorders''' # default if not line: line = "show" opts = self.parser.parse_args(line.split()) if not opts: return opts # call the handler self.cmds[opts.commands](opts) # record methods def parse_record (self, opts): if opts.record_cmd == 'start': self.parse_record_start(opts) elif opts.record_cmd == 'stop': self.parse_record_stop(opts) else: self.record_parser.formatted_error("too few arguments") def parse_record_start (self, opts): if not opts.tx_port_list and not opts.rx_port_list: self.record_start_parser.formatted_error('please provide either --tx or --rx') return rc = self.c.start_capture(opts.tx_port_list, opts.rx_port_list, opts.limit, mode = 'fixed') self.logger.log(format_text("*** Capturing ID is set to '{0}' ***".format(rc['id']), 'bold')) self.logger.log(format_text("*** Please call 'capture record stop --id {0} -o ' when done ***\n".format(rc['id']), 'bold')) def parse_record_stop (self, opts): captures = self.c.get_capture_status() ids = [c['id'] for c in captures] if self.monitor and (opts.capture_id == self.monitor.get_capture_id()): self.record_stop_parser.formatted_error("'{0}' is a monitor, please use 'capture monitor stop'".format(opts.capture_id)) return if opts.capture_id not in ids: self.record_stop_parser.formatted_error("'{0}' is not an active capture ID".format(opts.capture_id)) return self.c.stop_capture(opts.capture_id, opts.output_filename) # monitor methods def parse_monitor (self, opts): if opts.mon_cmd == 'start': self.parse_monitor_start(opts) elif opts.mon_cmd == 'stop': self.parse_monitor_stop(opts) else: self.monitor_parser.formatted_error("too few arguments") def parse_monitor_start (self, opts): mon_type = 'compact' if opts.verbose: mon_type = 'verbose' elif opts.pipe: mon_type = 'pipe' if not opts.tx_port_list and not opts.rx_port_list: self.monitor_start_parser.formatted_error('please provide either --tx or --rx') return if self.monitor: self.monitor.stop() self.monitor = None self.monitor = CaptureMonitor(self.c, self.cmd_lock, opts.tx_port_list, opts.rx_port_list, 100, mon_type) def parse_monitor_stop (self, opts): if self.monitor: self.monitor.stop() self.monitor = None def parse_clear (self, opts): if self.monitor: self.monitor.stop() self.monitor = None self.c.remove_all_captures() def parse_show (self, opts): data = self.c.get_capture_status() # captures cap_table = text_tables.TRexTextTable() cap_table.set_cols_align(["c"] * 6) cap_table.set_cols_width([15] * 6) # monitor mon_table = text_tables.TRexTextTable() mon_table.set_cols_align(["c"] * 6) mon_table.set_cols_width([15] * 6) for elem in data: id = elem['id'] if self.monitor and (self.monitor.get_capture_id() == id): row = self.monitor.get_mon_row() mon_table.add_rows([row], header=False) else: row = [id, format_text(elem['state'], 'bold'), '[{0}/{1}]'.format(elem['count'], elem['limit']), format_num(elem['bytes'], suffix = 'B'), bitfield_to_str(elem['filter']['tx']), bitfield_to_str(elem['filter']['rx'])] cap_table.add_rows([row], header=False) cap_table.header(['ID', 'Status', 'Packets', 'Bytes', 'TX Ports', 'RX Ports']) mon_table.header(['ID', 'Status', 'Packets Seen', 'Bytes Seen', 'TX Ports', 'RX Ports']) if cap_table._rows: text_tables.print_table_with_header(cap_table, '\nActive Recorders') if mon_table._rows: text_tables.print_table_with_header(mon_table, '\nActive Monitor')