import termios import sys import os import time from collections import OrderedDict, deque import datetime import readline from texttable import ansi_len if sys.version_info > (3,0): from io import StringIO else: from cStringIO import StringIO from trex_stl_lib.utils.text_opts import * from trex_stl_lib.utils import text_tables from trex_stl_lib import trex_stl_stats from trex_stl_lib.utils.filters import ToggleFilter class TUIQuit(Exception): pass # for STL exceptions from trex_stl_lib.api import * def ascii_split (s): output = [] lines = s.split('\n') for elem in lines: if ansi_len(elem) > 0: output.append(elem) return output class SimpleBar(object): def __init__ (self, desc, pattern): self.desc = desc self.pattern = pattern self.pattern_len = len(pattern) self.index = 0 def show (self): if self.desc: print(format_text("{0} {1}".format(self.desc, self.pattern[self.index]), 'bold')) else: print(format_text("{0}".format(self.pattern[self.index]), 'bold')) self.index = (self.index + 1) % self.pattern_len # base type of a panel class TrexTUIPanel(object): def __init__ (self, mng, name): self.mng = mng = name self.stateless_client = mng.stateless_client self.is_graph = False def show (self): raise NotImplementedError("must implement this") def get_key_actions (self): raise NotImplementedError("must implement this") def get_name (self): return # dashboard panel class TrexTUIDashBoard(TrexTUIPanel): FILTER_ACQUIRED = 1 FILTER_ALL = 2 def __init__ (self, mng): super(TrexTUIDashBoard, self).__init__(mng, "dashboard") self.ports = self.stateless_client.get_all_ports() self.key_actions = OrderedDict() self.key_actions['c'] = {'action': self.action_clear, 'legend': 'clear', 'show': True} self.key_actions['p'] = {'action': self.action_pause, 'legend': 'pause', 'show': True, 'color': 'red'} self.key_actions['r'] = {'action': self.action_resume, 'legend': 'resume', 'show': True, 'color': 'blue'} self.key_actions['o'] = {'action': self.action_show_owned, 'legend': 'owned ports', 'show': True} self.key_actions['n'] = {'action': self.action_reset_view, 'legend': 'reset view', 'show': True} self.key_actions['a'] = {'action': self.action_show_all, 'legend': 'all ports', 'show': True} # register all the ports to the toggle action for port_id in self.ports: self.key_actions[str(port_id)] = {'action': self.action_toggle_port(port_id), 'legend': 'port {0}'.format(port_id), 'show': False} self.toggle_filter = ToggleFilter(self.ports) if self.stateless_client.get_acquired_ports(): self.action_show_owned() else: self.action_show_all() def get_showed_ports (self): return self.toggle_filter.filter_items() def show (self): stats = self.stateless_client._get_formatted_stats(self.get_showed_ports()) # print stats to screen for stat_type, stat_data in stats.items(): text_tables.print_table_with_header(stat_data.text_table, stat_type) def get_key_actions (self): allowed = OrderedDict() allowed['n'] = self.key_actions['n'] allowed['o'] = self.key_actions['o'] allowed['a'] = self.key_actions['a'] for i in self.ports: allowed[str(i)] = self.key_actions[str(i)] if self.get_showed_ports(): allowed['c'] = self.key_actions['c'] # if not all ports are acquired - no operations if not (set(self.get_showed_ports()) <= set(self.stateless_client.get_acquired_ports())): return allowed # if any/some ports can be resumed if set(self.get_showed_ports()) & set(self.stateless_client.get_paused_ports()): allowed['r'] = self.key_actions['r'] # if any/some ports are transmitting - support those actions if set(self.get_showed_ports()) & set(self.stateless_client.get_transmitting_ports()): allowed['p'] = self.key_actions['p'] return allowed ######### actions def action_pause (self): try: rc = self.stateless_client.pause(ports = self.get_showed_ports()) except STLError: pass return "" def action_resume (self): try: self.stateless_client.resume(ports = self.get_showed_ports()) except STLError: pass return "" def action_reset_view (self): self.toggle_filter.reset() return "" def action_show_owned (self): self.toggle_filter.reset() self.toggle_filter.toggle_items(*self.stateless_client.get_acquired_ports()) return "" def action_show_all (self): self.toggle_filter.reset() self.toggle_filter.toggle_items(*self.stateless_client.get_all_ports()) return "" def action_clear (self): self.stateless_client.clear_stats(self.toggle_filter.filter_items()) return "cleared all stats" def action_toggle_port(self, port_id): def action_toggle_port_x(): self.toggle_filter.toggle_item(port_id) return "" return action_toggle_port_x # streams stats class TrexTUIStreamsStats(TrexTUIPanel): def __init__ (self, mng): super(TrexTUIStreamsStats, self).__init__(mng, "sstats") self.key_actions = OrderedDict() self.key_actions['c'] = {'action': self.action_clear, 'legend': 'clear', 'show': True} def show (self): stats = self.stateless_client._get_formatted_stats(port_id_list = None, stats_mask = trex_stl_stats.SS_COMPAT) # print stats to screen for stat_type, stat_data in stats.items(): text_tables.print_table_with_header(stat_data.text_table, stat_type) pass def get_key_actions (self): return self.key_actions def action_clear (self): self.stateless_client.flow_stats.clear_stats() return "" # latency stats class TrexTUILatencyStats(TrexTUIPanel): def __init__ (self, mng): super(TrexTUILatencyStats, self).__init__(mng, "lstats") self.key_actions = OrderedDict() self.key_actions['c'] = {'action': self.action_clear, 'legend': 'clear', 'show': True} self.key_actions['h'] = {'action': self.action_toggle_histogram, 'legend': 'histogram toggle', 'show': True} self.is_histogram = False def show (self): if self.is_histogram: stats = self.stateless_client._get_formatted_stats(port_id_list = None, stats_mask = trex_stl_stats.LH_COMPAT) else: stats = self.stateless_client._get_formatted_stats(port_id_list = None, stats_mask = trex_stl_stats.LS_COMPAT) # print stats to screen for stat_type, stat_data in stats.items(): if stat_type == 'latency_statistics': untouched_header = ' (usec)' else: untouched_header = '' text_tables.print_table_with_header(stat_data.text_table, stat_type, untouched_header = untouched_header) def get_key_actions (self): return self.key_actions def action_toggle_histogram (self): self.is_histogram = not self.is_histogram return "" def action_clear (self): self.stateless_client.latency_stats.clear_stats() return "" # utilization stats class TrexTUIUtilizationStats(TrexTUIPanel): def __init__ (self, mng): super(TrexTUIUtilizationStats, self).__init__(mng, "ustats") self.key_actions = {} def show (self): stats = self.stateless_client._get_formatted_stats(port_id_list = None, stats_mask = trex_stl_stats.UT_COMPAT) # print stats to screen for stat_type, stat_data in stats.items(): text_tables.print_table_with_header(stat_data.text_table, stat_type) def get_key_actions (self): return self.key_actions # log class TrexTUILog(): def __init__ (self): self.log = [] def add_event (self, msg): self.log.append("[{0}] {1}".format(str(, msg)) def show (self, max_lines = 4): cut = len(self.log) - max_lines if cut < 0: cut = 0 print(format_text("\nLog:", 'bold', 'underline')) for msg in self.log[cut:]: print(msg) # a predicate to wrap function as a bool class Predicate(object): def __init__ (self, func): self.func = func def __nonzero__ (self): return True if self.func() else False def __bool__ (self): return True if self.func() else False # Panels manager (contains server panels) class TrexTUIPanelManager(): def __init__ (self, tui): = tui self.stateless_client = tui.stateless_client self.ports = self.stateless_client.get_all_ports() self.locked = False self.panels = {} self.panels['dashboard'] = TrexTUIDashBoard(self) self.panels['sstats'] = TrexTUIStreamsStats(self) self.panels['lstats'] = TrexTUILatencyStats(self) self.panels['ustats'] = TrexTUIUtilizationStats(self) self.key_actions = OrderedDict() # we allow console only when ports are acquired self.key_actions['ESC'] = {'action': self.action_none, 'legend': 'console', 'show': Predicate(lambda : not self.locked)} self.key_actions['q'] = {'action': self.action_none, 'legend': 'quit', 'show': True} self.key_actions['d'] = {'action': self.action_show_dash, 'legend': 'dashboard', 'show': True} self.key_actions['s'] = {'action': self.action_show_sstats, 'legend': 'streams', 'show': True} self.key_actions['l'] = {'action': self.action_show_lstats, 'legend': 'latency', 'show': True} self.key_actions['u'] = {'action': self.action_show_ustats, 'legend': 'util', 'show': True} # start with dashboard self.main_panel = self.panels['dashboard'] # log object self.log = TrexTUILog() self.generate_legend() self.conn_bar = SimpleBar('status: ', ['|','/','-','\\']) self.dis_bar = SimpleBar('status: ', ['X', ' ']) self.show_log = False def generate_legend (self): self.legend = "\n{:<12}".format("browse:") for k, v in self.key_actions.items(): if v['show']: x = "'{0}' - {1}, ".format(k, v['legend']) if v.get('color'): self.legend += "{:}".format(format_text(x, v.get('color'))) else: self.legend += "{:}".format(x) self.legend += "\n{:<12}".format(self.main_panel.get_name() + ":") for k, v in self.main_panel.get_key_actions().items(): if v['show']: x = "'{0}' - {1}, ".format(k, v['legend']) if v.get('color'): self.legend += "{:}".format(format_text(x, v.get('color'))) else: self.legend += "{:}".format(x) def print_connection_status (self): if == else: def print_legend (self): print(format_text(self.legend, 'bold')) # on window switch or turn on / off of the TUI we call this def init (self, show_log = False, locked = False): self.show_log = show_log self.locked = locked self.generate_legend() def show (self, show_legend): self.print_connection_status() if show_legend: self.generate_legend() self.print_legend() if self.show_log: def handle_key (self, ch): # check for the manager registered actions if ch in self.key_actions: msg = self.key_actions[ch]['action']() # check for main panel actions elif ch in self.main_panel.get_key_actions(): msg = self.main_panel.get_key_actions()[ch]['action']() else: return False self.generate_legend() return True #if msg == None: # return False #else: # if msg: # self.log.add_event(msg) # return True # actions def action_none (self): return None def action_show_dash (self): self.main_panel = self.panels['dashboard'] self.init(self.show_log) return "" def action_show_port (self, port_id): def action_show_port_x (): self.main_panel = self.panels['port {0}'.format(port_id)] self.init() return "" return action_show_port_x def action_show_sstats (self): self.main_panel = self.panels['sstats'] self.init(self.show_log) return "" def action_show_lstats (self): self.main_panel = self.panels['lstats'] self.init(self.show_log) return "" def action_show_ustats(self): self.main_panel = self.panels['ustats'] self.init(self.show_log) return "" # shows a textual top style window class TrexTUI(): STATE_ACTIVE = 0 STATE_LOST_CONT = 1 STATE_RECONNECT = 2 is_graph = False MIN_ROWS = 50 MIN_COLS = 111 class ScreenSizeException(Exception): def __init__ (self, cols, rows): msg = "TUI requires console screen size of at least {0}x{1}, current is {2}x{3}".format(TrexTUI.MIN_COLS, TrexTUI.MIN_ROWS, cols, rows) super(TrexTUI.ScreenSizeException, self).__init__(msg) def __init__ (self, stateless_client): self.stateless_client = stateless_client = TrexTUIPanelManager(self) def clear_screen (self, lines = 50): # reposition the cursor sys.stdout.write("\x1b[0;0H") # clear all lines for i in range(lines): sys.stdout.write("\x1b[0K") if i < (lines - 1): sys.stdout.write("\n") # reposition the cursor sys.stdout.write("\x1b[0;0H") #sys.stdout.write("\x1b[2J\x1b[H") def show (self, client, save_console_history, show_log = False, locked = False): rows, cols = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split() if (int(rows) < TrexTUI.MIN_ROWS) or (int(cols) < TrexTUI.MIN_COLS): raise self.ScreenSizeException(rows = rows, cols = cols) with AsyncKeys(client, save_console_history, locked) as async_keys: sys.stdout.write("\x1bc") self.async_keys = async_keys self.show_internal(show_log, locked) def show_internal (self, show_log, locked):, locked) self.state = self.STATE_ACTIVE self.last_redraw_ts = 0 try: while True: # draw and handle user input status = self.async_keys.tick( self.draw_screen(status) # speedup for keys, slower for no keys if status == AsyncKeys.STATUS_NONE: time.sleep(0.01) else: time.sleep(0.001) # regular state if self.state == self.STATE_ACTIVE: # if no connectivity - move to lost connecitivty if not self.stateless_client.async_client.is_alive(): self.stateless_client._invalidate_stats( self.state = self.STATE_LOST_CONT # lost connectivity elif self.state == self.STATE_LOST_CONT: # got it back if self.stateless_client.async_client.is_alive(): # move to state reconnect self.state = self.STATE_RECONNECT # restored connectivity - try to reconnect elif self.state == self.STATE_RECONNECT: try: self.stateless_client.connect() self.state = self.STATE_ACTIVE except STLError: self.state = self.STATE_LOST_CONT except TUIQuit: print("\nExiting TUI...") print("") # draw once def draw_screen (self, status): t = time.time() - self.last_redraw_ts redraw = (t >= 0.5) or (status == AsyncKeys.STATUS_REDRAW_ALL) if redraw: # capture stdout to a string old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO() = self.async_keys.is_legend_mode()) self.last_snap = mystdout.getvalue() self.async_keys.draw() sys.stdout = old_stdout self.clear_screen() sys.stdout.write(mystdout.getvalue()) sys.stdout.flush() self.last_redraw_ts = time.time() elif status == AsyncKeys.STATUS_REDRAW_KEYS: sys.stdout.write("\x1b[4A") self.async_keys.draw() sys.stdout.flush() return def get_state (self): return self.state # handles async IO class AsyncKeys: MODE_LEGEND = 1 MODE_CONSOLE = 2 STATUS_NONE = 0 STATUS_REDRAW_KEYS = 1 STATUS_REDRAW_ALL = 2 def __init__ (self, client, save_console_history, locked = False): self.engine_console = AsyncKeysEngineConsole(self, client, save_console_history) self.engine_legend = AsyncKeysEngineLegend(self) self.locked = locked if locked: self.engine = self.engine_legend self.locked = True else: self.engine = self.engine_console self.locked = False def __enter__ (self): # init termios self.old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) new_settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) new_settings[3] = new_settings[3] & ~(termios.ECHO | termios.ICANON) # lflags new_settings[6][termios.VMIN] = 0 # cc new_settings[6][termios.VTIME] = 0 # cc termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, new_settings) # huge buffer - no print without flush sys.stdout = open('/dev/stdout', 'w', TrexTUI.MIN_COLS * TrexTUI.MIN_COLS * 2) return self def __exit__ (self, type, value, traceback): termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, self.old_settings) # restore sys.stdout sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ def is_legend_mode (self): return self.engine.get_type() == AsyncKeys.MODE_LEGEND def is_console_mode (self): return self.engine.get_type == AsyncKeys.MODE_CONSOLE def switch (self): if self.is_legend_mode(): self.engine = self.engine_console else: self.engine = self.engine_legend def tick (self, pm): seq = '' # drain all chars while True: ch =, 1).decode() if not ch: break seq += ch if not seq: return self.STATUS_NONE # ESC for switch if seq == '\x1b': if not self.locked: self.switch() return self.STATUS_REDRAW_ALL # EOF (ctrl + D) if seq == '\x04': raise TUIQuit() # pass tick to engine return self.engine.tick(seq, pm) def draw (self): self.engine.draw() # Legend engine class AsyncKeysEngineLegend: def __init__ (self, async): self.async = async def get_type (self): return self.async.MODE_LEGEND def tick (self, seq, pm): if seq == 'q': raise TUIQuit() # ignore escapes if len(seq) > 1: return AsyncKeys.STATUS_NONE rc = pm.handle_key(seq) return AsyncKeys.STATUS_REDRAW_ALL if rc else AsyncKeys.STATUS_NONE def draw (self): pass # console engine class AsyncKeysEngineConsole: def __init__ (self, async, client, save_console_history): self.async = async self.lines = deque(maxlen = 100) self.generate_prompt = client.generate_prompt self.save_console_history = save_console_history = {'start' : client.start_line, 'stop' : client.stop_line, 'pause' : client.pause_line, 'push' : client.push_line, 'resume' : client.resume_line, 'update' : client.update_line, 'connect' : client.connect_line, 'disconnect' : client.disconnect_line, 'acquire' : client.acquire_line, 'release' : client.release_line, 'quit' : self.action_quit, 'q' : self.action_quit, 'exit' : self.action_quit, 'help' : self.action_help, '?' : self.action_help} # fetch readline history and add relevants for i in range(0, readline.get_current_history_length()): cmd = readline.get_history_item(i) if cmd and cmd.split()[0] in self.lines.appendleft(CmdLine(cmd)) # new line self.lines.appendleft(CmdLine('')) self.line_index = 0 self.last_status = '' def action_quit (self, _): raise TUIQuit() def action_help (self, _): return ' '.join([format_text(cmd, 'bold') for cmd in]) def get_type (self): return self.async.MODE_CONSOLE def handle_escape_char (self, seq): # up if seq == '\x1b[A': self.line_index = min(self.line_index + 1, len(self.lines) - 1) # down elif seq == '\x1b[B': self.line_index = max(self.line_index - 1, 0) # left elif seq == '\x1b[D': self.lines[self.line_index].go_left() # right elif seq == '\x1b[C': self.lines[self.line_index].go_right() # del elif seq == '\x1b[3~': self.lines[self.line_index].del_key() # home elif seq == '\x1b[H': self.lines[self.line_index].home_key() # end elif seq == '\x1b[F': self.lines[self.line_index].end_key() return True # unknown key else: return AsyncKeys.STATUS_NONE return AsyncKeys.STATUS_REDRAW_KEYS def tick (self, seq, _): # handle escape chars if len(seq) > 1: return self.handle_escape_char(seq) # handle each char for ch in seq: return self.handle_single_key(ch) def handle_single_key (self, ch): # newline if ch == '\n': self.handle_cmd() # backspace elif ch == '\x7f': self.lines[self.line_index].backspace() # TAB elif ch == '\t': tokens = self.lines[self.line_index].get().split() if not tokens: return if len(tokens) == 1: self.handle_tab_names(tokens[0]) else: self.handle_tab_files(tokens) # simple char else: self.lines[self.line_index] += ch return AsyncKeys.STATUS_REDRAW_KEYS # handle TAB key for completing function names def handle_tab_names (self, cur): matching_cmds = [x for x in if x.startswith(cur)] common = os.path.commonprefix([x for x in if x.startswith(cur)]) if common: if len(matching_cmds) == 1: self.lines[self.line_index].set(common + ' ') self.last_status = '' else: self.lines[self.line_index].set(common) self.last_status = 'ambigious: '+ ' '.join([format_text(cmd, 'bold') for cmd in matching_cmds]) # handle TAB for completing filenames def handle_tab_files (self, tokens): # only commands with files if tokens[0] not in {'start', 'push'}: return # '-f' with no paramters - no partial and use current dir if tokens[-1] == '-f': partial = '' d = '.' # got a partial path elif tokens[-2] == '-f': partial = tokens.pop() # check for dirs dirname, basename = os.path.dirname(partial), os.path.basename(partial) if os.path.isdir(dirname): d = dirname partial = basename else: d = '.' else: return # fetch all dirs and files matching wildcard files = [] for x in os.listdir(d): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(d, x)): files.append(x + '/') elif x.endswith('.py') or x.endswith('yaml') or x.endswith('pcap') or x.endswith('cap'): files.append(x) # dir might not have the files if not files: self.last_status = format_text('no loadble files under path', 'bold') return # find all the matching files matching_files = [x for x in files if x.startswith(partial)] if partial else files # do we have a longer common than partial ? common = os.path.commonprefix([x for x in files if x.startswith(partial)]) if not common: common = partial tokens.append(os.path.join(d, common) if d is not '.' else common) # reforge the line newline = ' '.join(tokens) if len(matching_files) == 1: if os.path.isfile(tokens[-1]): newline += ' ' self.lines[self.line_index].set(newline) self.last_status = '' else: self.lines[self.line_index].set(newline) self.last_status = ' '.join([format_text(f, 'bold') for f in matching_files[:5]]) if len(matching_files) > 5: self.last_status += ' ... [{0} more matches]'.format(len(matching_files) - 5) def split_cmd (self, cmd): s = cmd.split(' ', 1) op = s[0] param = s[1] if len(s) == 2 else '' return op, param def handle_cmd (self): cmd = self.lines[self.line_index].get().strip() if not cmd: return op, param = self.split_cmd(cmd) func = if func: func_rc = func(param) # take out the empty line empty_line = self.lines.popleft() assert(empty_line.ro_line == '') if not self.lines or self.lines[0].ro_line != cmd: self.lines.appendleft(CmdLine(cmd)) # back in self.lines.appendleft(empty_line) self.line_index = 0 readline.add_history(cmd) self.save_console_history() # back to readonly for line in self.lines: line.invalidate() assert(self.lines[0].modified == False) color = None if not func: self.last_status = "unknown command: '{0}'".format(format_text(cmd.split()[0], 'bold')) else: # internal commands if isinstance(func_rc, str): self.last_status = func_rc # RC response else: # success if func_rc: self.last_status = format_text("[OK]", 'green') # errors else: err_msgs = ascii_split(str(func_rc)) self.last_status = format_text(err_msgs[0], 'red') if len(err_msgs) > 1: self.last_status += " [{0} more errors messages]".format(len(err_msgs) - 1) color = 'red' # trim too long lines if ansi_len(self.last_status) > TrexTUI.MIN_COLS: self.last_status = format_text(self.last_status[:TrexTUI.MIN_COLS] + "...", color, 'bold') def draw (self): sys.stdout.write("\nPress 'ESC' for navigation panel...\n") sys.stdout.write("status: \x1b[0K{0}\n".format(self.last_status)) sys.stdout.write("\n{0}\x1b[0K".format(self.generate_prompt(prefix = 'tui'))) self.lines[self.line_index].draw() # a readline alike command line - can be modified during edit class CmdLine(object): def __init__ (self, line): self.ro_line = line self.w_line = None self.modified = False self.cursor_index = len(line) def get (self): if self.modified: return self.w_line else: return self.ro_line def set (self, line, cursor_pos = None): self.w_line = line self.modified = True if cursor_pos is None: self.cursor_index = len(self.w_line) else: self.cursor_index = cursor_pos def __add__ (self, other): assert(0) def __str__ (self): return self.get() def __iadd__ (self, other): self.set(self.get()[:self.cursor_index] + other + self.get()[self.cursor_index:], cursor_pos = self.cursor_index + len(other)) return self def backspace (self): if self.cursor_index == 0: return self.set(self.get()[:self.cursor_index - 1] + self.get()[self.cursor_index:], self.cursor_index - 1) def del_key (self): if self.cursor_index == len(self.get()): return self.set(self.get()[:self.cursor_index] + self.get()[self.cursor_index + 1:], self.cursor_index) def home_key (self): self.cursor_index = 0 def end_key (self): self.cursor_index = len(self.get()) def invalidate (self): self.modified = False self.w_line = None self.cursor_index = len(self.ro_line) def go_left (self): self.cursor_index = max(0, self.cursor_index - 1) def go_right (self): self.cursor_index = min(len(self.get()), self.cursor_index + 1) def draw (self): sys.stdout.write(self.get()) sys.stdout.write('\b' * (len(self.get()) - self.cursor_index))