import stl_path
from trex_stl_lib.api import *

import time
import json
from pprint import pprint
import argparse
import sys

# IMIX test
# it maps the ports to sides
# then it load a predefind profile 'IMIX'
# and attach it to both sides and inject
# at a certain rate for some time
# finally it checks that all packets arrived
def imix_test (server, mult):

    # create client
    c = STLClient(server = server)
    passed = True


        # connect to server

        # take all the ports

        # map ports - identify the routes
        table = stl_map_ports(c)

        dir_0 = [x[0] for x in table['bi']]
        dir_1 = [x[1] for x in table['bi']]

        print("Mapped ports to sides {0} <--> {1}".format(dir_0, dir_1))

        # load IMIX profile
        profile_file = os.path.join(stl_path.STL_PROFILES_PATH, '')
        profile = STLProfile.load_py(profile_file)
        streams = profile.get_streams()

        # add both streams to ports
        c.add_streams(streams, ports = dir_0)
        c.add_streams(streams, ports = dir_1)
        # clear the stats before injecting

        # choose rate and start traffic for 10 seconds
        duration = 10
        print("Injecting {0} <--> {1} on total rate of '{2}' for {3} seconds".format(dir_0, dir_1, mult, duration))

        c.start(ports = (dir_0 + dir_1), mult = mult, duration = duration, total = True)
        # block until done
        c.wait_on_traffic(ports = (dir_0 + dir_1))

        # read the stats after the test
        stats = c.get_stats()

        # use this for debug info on all the stats

        # sum dir 0
        dir_0_opackets = sum([stats[i]["opackets"] for i in dir_0])
        dir_0_ipackets = sum([stats[i]["ipackets"] for i in dir_0])

        # sum dir 1
        dir_1_opackets = sum([stats[i]["opackets"] for i in dir_1])
        dir_1_ipackets = sum([stats[i]["ipackets"] for i in dir_1])

        lost_0 = dir_0_opackets - dir_1_ipackets
        lost_1 = dir_1_opackets - dir_0_ipackets

        print("\nPackets injected from {0}: {1:,}".format(dir_0, dir_0_opackets))
        print("Packets injected from {0}: {1:,}".format(dir_1, dir_1_opackets))

        print("\npackets lost from {0} --> {1}:   {2:,} pkts".format(dir_0, dir_0, lost_0))
        print("packets lost from {0} --> {1}:   {2:,} pkts".format(dir_1, dir_1, lost_1))

        if c.get_warnings():
            print("\n\n*** test had warnings ****\n\n")
            for w in c.get_warnings():

        if (lost_0 <= 0) and (lost_1 <= 0) and not c.get_warnings(): # less or equal because we might have incoming arps etc.
            passed = True
            passed = False

    except STLError as e:
        passed = False


    if passed:
        print("\nTest has passed :-)\n")
        print("\nTest has failed :-(\n")

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Example for TRex Stateless, sending IMIX traffic")
parser.add_argument('-s', '--server',
                    help='Remote trex address',
                    type = str)
parser.add_argument('-m', '--mult',
                    help='Multiplier of traffic, see Stateless help for more info',
                    type = str)
args = parser.parse_args()

# run the tests
imix_test(args.server, args.mult)