#!/usr/bin/python import sys, getopt import argparse; """ Sample API application, Connect to TRex Send UDP packet in specific length Each direction has its own IP range Compare Rx-pkts to TX-pkts assuming ports are loopback """ import stl_path from trex_stl_lib.api import * H_VER = "trex-x v0.1 " class t_global(object): args=None; import time import json import string def generate_payload(length): word = '' alphabet_size = len(string.letters) for i in range(length): word += string.letters[(i % alphabet_size)] return word # simple packet creation def create_pkt (frame_size = 9000, direction=0): ip_range = {'src': {'start': "", 'end': ""}, 'dst': {'start': "", 'end': ""}} if (direction == 0): src = ip_range['src'] dst = ip_range['dst'] else: src = ip_range['dst'] dst = ip_range['src'] vm = [ # src STLVmFlowVar(name="src",min_value=src['start'],max_value=src['end'],size=4,op="inc"), STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="src",pkt_offset= "IP.src"), # dst STLVmFlowVar(name="dst",min_value=dst['start'],max_value=dst['end'],size=4,op="inc"), STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="dst",pkt_offset= "IP.dst"), # checksum STLVmFixIpv4(offset = "IP") ] pkt_base = Ether(src="00:00:00:00:00:01",dst="00:00:00:00:00:02")/IP()/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025) pyld_size = frame_size - len(pkt_base); pkt_pyld = generate_payload(pyld_size) return STLPktBuilder(pkt = pkt_base/pkt_pyld, vm = vm) def simple_burst (duration = 10, frame_size = 9000, speed = '1gbps'): if (frame_size < 60): frame_size = 60 pkt_dir_0 = create_pkt (frame_size, 0) pkt_dir_1 = create_pkt (frame_size, 1) # create client c = STLClient(server = t_global.args.ip) passed = True try: # turn this on for some information #c.set_verbose("high") # create two streams s1 = STLStream(packet = pkt_dir_0, mode = STLTXCont(pps = 100)) # second stream with a phase of 1ms (inter stream gap) s2 = STLStream(packet = pkt_dir_1, isg = 1000, mode = STLTXCont(pps = 100)) if t_global.args.debug: STLStream.dump_to_yaml ("example.yaml", [s1,s2]) # export to YAML so you can run it on simulator ./stl-sim -f example.yaml -o o.pcap # connect to server c.connect() # prepare our ports (my machine has 0 <--> 1 with static route) c.reset(ports = [0, 1]) # add both streams to ports c.add_streams(s1, ports = [0]) c.add_streams(s2, ports = [1]) # clear the stats before injecting c.clear_stats() # choose rate and start traffic for 10 seconds on 5 mpps print("Running {0} on ports 0, 1 for 10 seconds, UDP {1}...".format(speed,frame_size+4)) c.start(ports = [0, 1], mult = speed, duration = duration) # block until done c.wait_on_traffic(ports = [0, 1]) # read the stats after the test stats = c.get_stats() #print stats print(json.dumps(stats[0], indent = 4, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys = True)) print(json.dumps(stats[1], indent = 4, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys = True)) lost_a = stats[0]["opackets"] - stats[1]["ipackets"] lost_b = stats[1]["opackets"] - stats[0]["ipackets"] print("\npackets lost from 0 --> 1: {0} pkts".format(lost_a)) print("packets lost from 1 --> 0: {0} pkts".format(lost_b)) if (lost_a == 0) and (lost_b == 0): passed = True else: passed = False except STLError as e: passed = False print(e) finally: c.disconnect() if passed: print("\nPASSED\n") else: print("\nFAILED\n") def process_options (): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=""" connect to TRex and send burst of packets examples stl_run_udp_simple.py -s 9001 stl_run_udp_simple.py -s 9000 -d 2 stl_run_udp_simple.py -s 3000 -d 3 -m 10mbps stl_run_udp_simple.py -s 3000 -d 3 -m 10mbps --debug then run the simulator on the output ./stl-sim -f example.yaml -o a.pcap ==> a.pcap include the packet """, description="example for TRex api", epilog=" written by hhaim"); parser.add_argument("-s", "--frame-size", dest="frame_size", help='L2 frame size in bytes without FCS', default=60, type = int, ) parser.add_argument("--ip", dest="ip", help='remote trex ip default local', default="", type = str ) parser.add_argument('-d','--duration', dest='duration', help='duration in second ', default=10, type = int, ) parser.add_argument('-m','--multiplier', dest='mul', help='speed in gbps/pps for example 1gbps, 1mbps, 1mpps ', default="1mbps" ) parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='see debug into ') parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=H_VER ) t_global.args = parser.parse_args(); print(t_global.args) def main(): process_options () simple_burst(duration = t_global.args.duration, frame_size = t_global.args.frame_size, speed = t_global.args.mul ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()