import os import sys stl_pathname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.pardir, os.pardir)) additional_stl_udp_pkts = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.pardir,os.pardir,os.pardir,os.pardir, os.pardir,'stl')) sys.path.append(stl_pathname) sys.path.append(additional_stl_udp_pkts) import trex_stl_lib from trex_stl_lib.api import * from copy import deepcopy import sys import tempfile import hashlib import binascii from pprint import pprint from scapy.layers.dns import * from udp_1pkt_vxlan import VXLAN from udp_1pkt_mpls import MPLS try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO class Scapy_service_api(): def get_all(self): """ get_all(self) Sends all the protocols and fields that Scapy Service supports. also sends the md5 of the Protocol DB and Fields DB used to check if the DB's are up to date Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- Dictionary (of protocol DB and scapy fields DB) Raises ------ Raises an exception when a DB error occurs (i.e a layer is not loaded properly and has missing components) """ pass def check_update(self,db_md5,field_md5): """ check_update(self,db_md5,field_md5) Checks if the Scapy Service running on the server has a newer version of the databases that the client has Parameters ---------- db_md5 - The md5 that was delivered with the protocol database that the client owns, when first received at the client field_md5 - The md5 that was delivered with the fields database that the client owns, when first received at the client Returns ------- True/False according the Databases version(determined by their md5) Raises ------ Raises an exception (ScapyException) when protocol DB/Fields DB is not up to date """ pass def build_pkt(self,pkt_descriptor): """ build_pkt(self,pkt_descriptor) -> Dictionary (of Offsets,Show2 and Buffer) Performs calculations on the given packet and returns results for that packet. Parameters ---------- pkt_descriptor - A string describing a network packet, in Scapy Format Returns ------- - The packets offsets: each field in every layer is mapped inside the Offsets Dictionary - The Show2: A description of each field and its value in every layer of the packet - The Buffer: The Hexdump of packet encoded in base64 Raises ------ will raise an exception when the Scapy string format is illegal, contains syntax error, contains non-supported protocl, etc. """ pass def get_tree(self): """ get_tree(self) -> Dictionary describing an example of hierarchy in layers Scapy service holds a tree of layers that can be stacked to a recommended packet according to the hierarchy Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- Returns an example hierarchy tree of layers that can be stacked to a packet Raises ------ None """ pass class ScapyException(Exception): pass class Scapy_service(Scapy_service_api): #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class scapyRegex: def __init__(self,FieldName,regex='empty'): self.FieldName = FieldName self.regex = regex def stringRegex(self): return self.regex #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self): self.Raw = {'Raw':''} self.high_level_protocols = ['Raw'] self.transport_protocols = {'TCP':self.Raw,'UDP':self.Raw} self.network_protocols = {'IP':self.transport_protocols ,'ARP':''} self.low_level_protocols = { 'Ether': self.network_protocols } self.regexDB= {'MACField' : self.scapyRegex('MACField','^([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]:){5}([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])$'), 'IPField' : self.scapyRegex('IPField','^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9])$')} self.all_protocols = self._build_lib() self.protocol_tree = {'ALL':{'Ether':{'ARP':{},'IP':{'TCP':{'RAW':'payload'},'UDP':{'RAW':'payload'}}}}} def _all_protocol_structs(self): old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO() ls() sys.stdout = old_stdout all_protocol_data= mystdout.getvalue() return all_protocol_data def _protocol_struct(self,protocol): if '_' in protocol: return [] if not protocol=='': if protocol not in self.all_protocols: return 'protocol not supported' protocol = eval(protocol) old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO() ls(protocol) sys.stdout = old_stdout protocol_data= mystdout.getvalue() return protocol_data def _build_lib(self): lib = self._all_protocol_structs() lib = lib.splitlines() all_protocols=[] for entry in lib: entry = entry.split(':') all_protocols.append(entry[0].strip()) del all_protocols[len(all_protocols)-1] return all_protocols def _parse_description_line(self,line): line_arr = [x.strip() for x in re.split(': | = ',line)] return tuple(line_arr) def _parse_entire_description(self,description): description = description.split('\n') description_list = [self._parse_description_line(x) for x in description] del description_list[len(description_list)-1] return description_list def _get_protocol_details(self,p_name): protocol_str = self._protocol_struct(p_name) if protocol_str=='protocol not supported': return 'protocol not supported' if len(protocol_str) is 0: return [] tupled_protocol = self._parse_entire_description(protocol_str) return tupled_protocol def _print_tree(self): pprint(self.protocol_tree) def _get_all_db(self): db = {} for pro in self.all_protocols: details = self._get_protocol_details(pro) db[pro] = details return db def _get_all_fields(self): fields = [] for pro in self.all_protocols: details = self._get_protocol_details(pro) for i in range(0,len(details),1): if len(details[i]) == 3: fields.append(details[i][1]) uniqueFields = list(set(fields)) fieldDict = {} for f in uniqueFields: if f in self.regexDB: fieldDict[f] = self.regexDB[f].stringRegex() else: fieldDict[f] = self.scapyRegex(f).stringRegex() return fieldDict def _show2_to_dict(self,pkt): old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO() pkt.show2() sys.stdout = old_stdout show2data = mystdout.getvalue() #show2 data listedShow2Data = show2data.split('###') show2Dict = {} for i in range(1,len(listedShow2Data)-1,2): protocol_fields = listedShow2Data[i+1] protocol_fields = protocol_fields.split('\n')[1:-1] protocol_fields = [f.strip() for f in protocol_fields] protocol_fields_dict = {} for f in protocol_fields: field_data = f.split('=') if len(field_data)!= 1 : field_name = field_data[0].strip() protocol_fields_dict[field_name] = field_data[1].strip() layer_name = re.sub(r'\W+', '',listedShow2Data[i]) #clear layer name to include only alpha-numeric show2Dict[layer_name] = protocol_fields_dict return show2Dict #pkt_desc as string #dictionary of offsets per protocol. tuple for each field: (name, offset, size) at json format def _get_all_pkt_offsets(self,pkt_desc): pkt_protocols = pkt_desc.split('/') scapy_pkt = eval(pkt_desc) total_protocols = len(pkt_protocols) res = {} for i in range(total_protocols): fields = {} for field in scapy_pkt.fields_desc: size = field.get_size_bytes() layer_name = pkt_protocols[i].partition('(')[0] #clear layer name to include only alpha-numeric layer_name = re.sub(r'\W+', '',layer_name) if is 'load': layer_name ='Raw' size = len(scapy_pkt) fields[]=[field.offset, size] fields['global_offset'] = scapy_pkt.offset res[layer_name] = fields scapy_pkt=scapy_pkt.payload return res #input: container #output: md5 encoded in base64 def _get_md5(self,container): container = json.dumps(container) m = hashlib.md5() m.update(container.encode('ascii')) res_md5 = binascii.b2a_base64(m.digest()) return res_md5 def get_version(self): return {'built_by':'itraviv','version':'v1.01'} def supported_methods(self,method_name='all'): if method_name=='all': methods = {} for f in dir(Scapy_service): if inspect.ismethod(eval('Scapy_service.'+f)): param_list = inspect.getargspec(eval('Scapy_service.'+f))[0] del param_list[0] #deleting the parameter "self" that appears in every method #because the server automatically operates on an instance, #and this can cause confusion methods[f] = (len(param_list), param_list) return methods if method_name in dir(Scapy_service): return True return False #--------------------------------------------API implementation------------- def get_tree(self): return self.protocol_tree # pkt_descriptor in string format def build_pkt(self,pkt_descriptor): pkt = eval(pkt_descriptor) show2data = self._show2_to_dict(pkt) bufferData = str(pkt) #pkt buffer bufferData = binascii.b2a_base64(bufferData) pkt_offsets = self._get_all_pkt_offsets(pkt_descriptor) res = {} res['show2'] = show2data res['buffer'] = bufferData res['offsets'] = pkt_offsets return res def get_all(self): fields=self._get_all_fields() db=self._get_all_db() fields_md5 = self._get_md5(fields) db_md5 = self._get_md5(db) res = {} res['db'] = db res['fields'] = fields res['db_md5'] = db_md5 res['fields_md5'] = fields_md5 return res #input in string encoded base64 def check_update(self,db_md5,field_md5): fields=self._get_all_fields() db=self._get_all_db() current_db_md5 = self._get_md5(db) current_field_md5 = self._get_md5(fields) res = [] if (field_md5.decode("base64") == current_field_md5.decode("base64")): if (db_md5.decode("base64") == current_db_md5.decode("base64")): return True else: raise ScapyException("Protocol DB is not up to date") else: raise ScapyException("Fields DB is not up to date") #---------------------------------------------------------------------------