import sys import os python2_zmq_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.pardir,os.pardir,os.pardir,os.pardir, os.pardir,'external_libs','pyzmq-14.5.0','python2','fedora18','64bit')) sys.path.append(python2_zmq_path) import zmq import json from argparse import * from pprint import pprint class Scapy_server_wrapper(): def __init__(self,dest_scapy_port=5555,server_ip_address='localhost'): self.server_ip_address = server_ip_address self.context = zmq.Context() self.socket = self.context.socket(zmq.REQ) self.dest_scapy_port =dest_scapy_port self.socket.connect("tcp://"+str(self.server_ip_address)+":"+str(self.dest_scapy_port)) def call_method(self,method_name,method_params): json_rpc_req = { "jsonrpc":"2.0","method": method_name ,"params": method_params, "id":"1"} request = json.dumps(json_rpc_req) self.socket.send_string(request) # Get the reply. message = self.socket.recv_string() message_parsed = json.loads(message) if 'result' in message_parsed.keys(): result = message_parsed['result'] else: result = {'error':message_parsed['error']} return result def get_all(self): return self.call_method('get_all',[]) def check_update(self,db_md5,field_md5): result = self.call_method('check_update',[db_md5,field_md5]) if result!=True: if 'error' in result.keys(): if "Fields DB is not up to date" in result['error']['message:']: raise Exception("Fields DB is not up to date") if "Protocol DB is not up to date" in result['error']['message:']: raise Exception("Protocol DB is not up to date") return result def build_pkt(self,pkt_descriptor): return self.call_method('build_pkt',[pkt_descriptor]) def _get_all_pkt_offsets(self,pkt_desc): return self.call_method('_get_all_pkt_offsets',[pkt_desc]) def _activate_console(self): context = zmq.Context() # Socket to talk to server print 'Connecting:' socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ) socket.connect("tcp://"+str(self.server_ip_address)+":"+str(self.dest_scapy_port)) try: print('This is a simple console to communicate with Scapy server.\nInvoke supported_methods (with 1 parameter = all) to see supported commands\n') while True: command = raw_input("enter RPC command [enter quit to exit]:\n") if (command == 'quit'): break parameter_num = 0 params = [] while True: try: parameter_num = int(raw_input('Enter number of parameters to command:\n')) break except Exception: print('Invalid input. Try again') for i in range(1,parameter_num+1,1): print "input parameter %d:" % i user_parameter = raw_input() params.append(user_parameter) pprint_output = raw_input('pprint the output [y/n]? ') while ((pprint_output!= 'y') and (pprint_output!='n')): pprint_output = raw_input('pprint the output [y/n]? ') json_rpc_req = { "jsonrpc":"2.0","method": command ,"params":params, "id":"1"} request = json.dumps(json_rpc_req) print("Sending request in json format %s " % request) socket.send(request) # Get the reply. message = socket.recv() print ('received reply:') parsed_message = json.loads(message) if (pprint_output == 'y'): pprint(parsed_message) else: print message except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Terminated By Ctrl+C') finally: socket.close() context.destroy() if __name__=='__main__': parser = ArgumentParser(description='Example of client module for Scapy server ') parser.add_argument('-p','--dest-scapy-port',type=int, default = 4507, dest='dest_scapy_port', help='Select port to which this Scapy Server client will send to.\n default is 4507\n',action='store') parser.add_argument('-s','--server',type=str, default = 'localhost', dest='dest_scapy_ip', help='Remote server IP address .\n default is localhost\n',action='store') parser.add_argument('-c','--console', help='Run simple client console for Scapy server.\nrun with \'-s\' and \'-p\' to determine IP and port of the server\n', action='store_true',default = False) args = parser.parse_args() if (args.console): s = Scapy_server_wrapper(args.dest_scapy_port,args.dest_scapy_ip) sys.exit(s._activate_console()) else: print('Scapy client: for interactive console re-run with \'-c\', else import as seperate module.')