#!/router/bin/python # for API usage the path name must be full from .trex_stl_exceptions import * from .trex_stl_streams import * from .trex_stl_jsonrpc_client import JsonRpcClient, BatchMessage from . import trex_stl_stats from .trex_stl_port import Port from .trex_stl_types import * from .trex_stl_async_client import CTRexAsyncClient from .utils import parsing_opts, text_tables, common from .utils.common import * from .utils.text_tables import TRexTextTable from .utils.text_opts import * from functools import wraps from texttable import ansi_len from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict from yaml import YAMLError from contextlib import contextmanager import time import datetime import re import random import json import traceback import tempfile import readline import os.path ############################ logger ############################# ############################ ############################# ############################ ############################# # logger API for the client class LoggerApi(object): # verbose levels VERBOSE_QUIET = 0 VERBOSE_REGULAR_SYNC = 1 VERBOSE_REGULAR = 2 VERBOSE_HIGH = 3 def __init__(self): self.level = LoggerApi.VERBOSE_REGULAR # implemented by specific logger def write(self, msg, newline = True): raise Exception("Implement this") # implemented by specific logger def flush(self): raise Exception("Implement this") def set_verbose (self, level): if not level in range(self.VERBOSE_QUIET, self.VERBOSE_HIGH + 1): raise ValueError("Bad value provided for logger") self.level = level def get_verbose (self): return self.level def check_verbose (self, level): return (self.level >= level) # simple log message with verbose def log (self, msg, level = VERBOSE_REGULAR_SYNC, newline = True): if not self.check_verbose(level): return self.write(msg, newline) # logging that comes from async event def async_log (self, msg, level = VERBOSE_REGULAR, newline = True): self.log(msg, level, newline) def pre_cmd (self, desc): self.log(format_text('\n{:<60}'.format(desc), 'bold'), newline = False) self.flush() def post_cmd (self, rc): if rc: self.log(format_text("[SUCCESS]\n", 'green', 'bold')) else: self.log(format_text("[FAILED]\n", 'red', 'bold')) def log_cmd (self, desc): self.pre_cmd(desc) self.post_cmd(True) # supress object getter def supress (self, level = VERBOSE_QUIET): class Supress(object): def __init__ (self, logger, level): self.logger = logger self.level = level def __enter__ (self): self.saved_level = self.logger.get_verbose() if self.level < self.saved_level: self.logger.set_verbose(self.level) def __exit__ (self, type, value, traceback): self.logger.set_verbose(self.saved_level) return Supress(self, level) # default logger - to stdout class DefaultLogger(LoggerApi): def __init__ (self): super(DefaultLogger, self).__init__() def write (self, msg, newline = True): if newline: print(msg) else: print (msg), def flush (self): sys.stdout.flush() ############################ async event hander ############################# ############################ ############################# ############################ ############################# # an event class Event(object): def __init__ (self, origin, ev_type, msg): self.origin = origin self.ev_type = ev_type self.msg = msg self.ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') def __str__ (self): prefix = "[{:^}][{:^}]".format(self.origin, self.ev_type) return "{:<10} - {:18} - {:}".format(self.ts, prefix, format_text(self.msg, 'bold')) # handles different async events given to the client class EventsHandler(object): def __init__ (self, client): self.client = client self.logger = self.client.logger self.events = [] # public functions def get_events (self, ev_type_filter = None): if ev_type_filter: return [ev for ev in self.events if ev.ev_type in listify(ev_type_filter)] else: return [ev for ev in self.events] def clear_events (self): self.events = [] def log_warning (self, msg, show = True): self.__add_event_log('local', 'warning', msg, show) # events called internally def on_async_dead (self): if self.client.connected: msg = 'Lost connection to server' self.client.connected = False self.__add_event_log('local', 'info', msg, True) def on_async_alive (self): pass def on_async_rx_stats_event (self, data, baseline): self.client.flow_stats.update(data, baseline) def on_async_latency_stats_event (self, data, baseline): self.client.latency_stats.update(data, baseline) # handles an async stats update from the subscriber def on_async_stats_update(self, dump_data, baseline): global_stats = {} port_stats = {} # filter the values per port and general for key, value in dump_data.items(): # match a pattern of ports m = re.search('(.*)\-(\d+)', key) if m: port_id = int(m.group(2)) field_name = m.group(1) if port_id in self.client.ports: if not port_id in port_stats: port_stats[port_id] = {} port_stats[port_id][field_name] = value else: continue else: # no port match - general stats global_stats[key] = value # update the general object with the snapshot self.client.global_stats.update(global_stats, baseline) # update all ports for port_id, data in port_stats.items(): self.client.ports[port_id].port_stats.update(data, baseline) # dispatcher for server async events (port started, port stopped and etc.) def on_async_event (self, event_type, data): # DP stopped show_event = False # port started if (event_type == 0): port_id = int(data['port_id']) ev = "Port {0} has started".format(port_id) self.__async_event_port_started(port_id) # port stopped elif (event_type == 1): port_id = int(data['port_id']) ev = "Port {0} has stopped".format(port_id) # call the handler self.__async_event_port_stopped(port_id) # port paused elif (event_type == 2): port_id = int(data['port_id']) ev = "Port {0} has paused".format(port_id) # call the handler self.__async_event_port_paused(port_id) # port resumed elif (event_type == 3): port_id = int(data['port_id']) ev = "Port {0} has resumed".format(port_id) # call the handler self.__async_event_port_resumed(port_id) # port finished traffic elif (event_type == 4): port_id = int(data['port_id']) ev = "Port {0} job done".format(port_id) # call the handler self.__async_event_port_job_done(port_id) show_event = True # port was acquired - maybe stolen... elif (event_type == 5): session_id = data['session_id'] port_id = int(data['port_id']) who = data['who'] force = data['force'] # if we hold the port and it was not taken by this session - show it if port_id in self.client.get_acquired_ports() and session_id != self.client.session_id: show_event = True # format the thief/us... if session_id == self.client.session_id: user = 'you' elif who == self.client.username: user = 'another session of you' else: user = "'{0}'".format(who) if force: ev = "Port {0} was forcely taken by {1}".format(port_id, user) else: ev = "Port {0} was taken by {1}".format(port_id, user) # call the handler in case its not this session if session_id != self.client.session_id: self.__async_event_port_acquired(port_id, who) # port was released elif (event_type == 6): port_id = int(data['port_id']) who = data['who'] session_id = data['session_id'] if session_id == self.client.session_id: user = 'you' elif who == self.client.username: user = 'another session of you' else: user = "'{0}'".format(who) ev = "Port {0} was released by {1}".format(port_id, user) # call the handler in case its not this session if session_id != self.client.session_id: self.__async_event_port_released(port_id) elif (event_type == 7): port_id = int(data['port_id']) ev = "port {0} job failed".format(port_id) show_event = True # port attr changed elif (event_type == 8): port_id = int(data['port_id']) diff = self.__async_event_port_attr_changed(port_id, data['attr']) if not diff: return ev = "port {0} attributes changed".format(port_id) for key, (old_val, new_val) in diff.items(): ev += '\n {key}: {old} -> {new}'.format( key = key, old = old_val.lower() if type(old_val) is str else old_val, new = new_val.lower() if type(new_val) is str else new_val) show_event = True # server stopped elif (event_type == 100): ev = "Server has stopped" # to avoid any new messages on async self.client.async_client.set_as_zombie() self.__async_event_server_stopped() show_event = True else: # unknown event - ignore return self.__add_event_log('server', 'info', ev, show_event) # private functions # on rare cases events may come on a non existent prot # (server was re-run with different config) def __async_event_port_job_done (self, port_id): if port_id in self.client.ports: self.client.ports[port_id].async_event_port_job_done() def __async_event_port_stopped (self, port_id): if port_id in self.client.ports: self.client.ports[port_id].async_event_port_stopped() def __async_event_port_started (self, port_id): if port_id in self.client.ports: self.client.ports[port_id].async_event_port_started() def __async_event_port_paused (self, port_id): if port_id in self.client.ports: self.client.ports[port_id].async_event_port_paused() def __async_event_port_resumed (self, port_id): if port_id in self.client.ports: self.client.ports[port_id].async_event_port_resumed() def __async_event_port_acquired (self, port_id, who): if port_id in self.client.ports: self.client.ports[port_id].async_event_acquired(who) def __async_event_port_released (self, port_id): if port_id in self.client.ports: self.client.ports[port_id].async_event_released() def __async_event_server_stopped (self): self.client.connected = False def __async_event_port_attr_changed (self, port_id, attr): if port_id in self.client.ports: return self.client.ports[port_id].async_event_port_attr_changed(attr) # add event to log def __add_event_log (self, origin, ev_type, msg, show = False): event = Event(origin, ev_type, msg) self.events.append(event) if show: self.logger.async_log("\n\n{0}".format(str(event))) ############################ RPC layer ############################# ############################ ############################# ############################ ############################# class CCommLink(object): """Describes the connectivity of the stateless client method""" def __init__(self, server="localhost", port=5050, virtual=False, client = None): self.virtual = virtual self.server = server self.port = port self.rpc_link = JsonRpcClient(self.server, self.port, client) @property def is_connected(self): if not self.virtual: return self.rpc_link.connected else: return True def get_server (self): return self.server def get_port (self): return self.port def connect(self): if not self.virtual: return self.rpc_link.connect() def disconnect(self): if not self.virtual: return self.rpc_link.disconnect() def transmit(self, method_name, params = None, api_class = 'core', retry = 0): if self.virtual: self._prompt_virtual_tx_msg() _, msg = self.rpc_link.create_jsonrpc_v2(method_name, params, api_class) print(msg) return else: return self.rpc_link.invoke_rpc_method(method_name, params, api_class, retry = retry) def transmit_batch(self, batch_list, retry = 0): if self.virtual: self._prompt_virtual_tx_msg() print([msg for _, msg in [self.rpc_link.create_jsonrpc_v2(command.method, command.params, command.api_class) for command in batch_list]]) else: batch = self.rpc_link.create_batch() for command in batch_list: batch.add(command.method, command.params, command.api_class) # invoke the batch return batch.invoke(retry = retry) def _prompt_virtual_tx_msg(self): print("Transmitting virtually over tcp://{server}:{port}".format(server=self.server, port=self.port)) ############################ client ############################# ############################ ############################# ############################ ############################# class STLClient(object): """TRex Stateless client object - gives operations per TRex/user""" # different modes for attaching traffic to ports CORE_MASK_SPLIT = 1 CORE_MASK_PIN = 2 def __init__(self, username = common.get_current_user(), server = "localhost", sync_port = 4501, async_port = 4500, verbose_level = LoggerApi.VERBOSE_QUIET, logger = None, virtual = False): """ Configure the connection settings :parameters: username : string the user name, for example imarom server : string the server name or ip sync_port : int the RPC port async_port : int the ASYNC port .. code-block:: python # Example # connect to local TRex server c = STLClient() # connect to remote server trex-remote-server c = STLClient(server = "trex-remote-server" ) c = STLClient(server = "" ) # verbose mode c = STLClient(server = "", verbose_level = LoggerApi.VERBOSE_HIGH ) # change user name c = STLClient(username = "root",server = "", verbose_level = LoggerApi.VERBOSE_HIGH ) c.connect() c.disconnect() """ self.username = username # init objects self.ports = {} self.server_version = {} self.system_info = {} self.session_id = random.getrandbits(32) self.connected = False # API classes self.api_vers = [ {'type': 'core', 'major': 3, 'minor': 1 } ] self.api_h = {'core': None} # logger self.logger = DefaultLogger() if not logger else logger # initial verbose self.logger.set_verbose(verbose_level) # low level RPC layer self.comm_link = CCommLink(server, sync_port, virtual, self) # async event handler manager self.event_handler = EventsHandler(self) # async subscriber level self.async_client = CTRexAsyncClient(server, async_port, self) # stats self.connection_info = {"username": username, "server": server, "sync_port": sync_port, "async_port": async_port, "virtual": virtual} self.global_stats = trex_stl_stats.CGlobalStats(self.connection_info, self.server_version, self.ports, self.event_handler) self.flow_stats = trex_stl_stats.CRxStats(self.ports) self.latency_stats = trex_stl_stats.CLatencyStats(self.ports) self.util_stats = trex_stl_stats.CUtilStats(self) self.xstats = trex_stl_stats.CXStats(self) self.stats_generator = trex_stl_stats.CTRexInfoGenerator(self.global_stats, self.ports, self.flow_stats, self.latency_stats, self.util_stats, self.xstats, self.async_client.monitor) ############# private functions - used by the class itself ########### # some preprocessing for port argument def __ports (self, port_id_list): # none means all if port_id_list == None: return range(0, self.get_port_count()) # always list if isinstance(port_id_list, int): port_id_list = [port_id_list] if not isinstance(port_id_list, list): raise ValueError("Bad port id list: {0}".format(port_id_list)) for port_id in port_id_list: if not isinstance(port_id, int) or (port_id < 0) or (port_id > self.get_port_count()): raise ValueError("Bad port id {0}".format(port_id)) return port_id_list # sync ports def __sync_ports (self, port_id_list = None, force = False): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) rc = RC() for port_id in port_id_list: rc.add(self.ports[port_id].sync()) return rc # acquire ports, if port_list is none - get all def __acquire (self, port_id_list = None, force = False, sync_streams = True): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) rc = RC() for port_id in port_id_list: rc.add(self.ports[port_id].acquire(force, sync_streams)) return rc # release ports def __release (self, port_id_list = None): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) rc = RC() for port_id in port_id_list: rc.add(self.ports[port_id].release()) return rc def __add_streams(self, stream_list, port_id_list = None): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) rc = RC() for port_id in port_id_list: rc.add(self.ports[port_id].add_streams(stream_list)) return rc def __remove_streams(self, stream_id_list, port_id_list = None): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) rc = RC() for port_id in port_id_list: rc.add(self.ports[port_id].remove_streams(stream_id_list)) return rc def __remove_all_streams(self, port_id_list = None): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) rc = RC() for port_id in port_id_list: rc.add(self.ports[port_id].remove_all_streams()) return rc def __get_stream(self, stream_id, port_id, get_pkt = False): return self.ports[port_id].get_stream(stream_id) def __get_all_streams(self, port_id, get_pkt = False): return self.ports[port_id].get_all_streams() def __get_stream_id_list(self, port_id): return self.ports[port_id].get_stream_id_list() def __start (self, multiplier, duration, port_id_list, force, core_mask): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) rc = RC() for port_id in port_id_list: rc.add(self.ports[port_id].start(multiplier, duration, force, core_mask[port_id])) return rc def __resume (self, port_id_list = None, force = False): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) rc = RC() for port_id in port_id_list: rc.add(self.ports[port_id].resume()) return rc def __pause (self, port_id_list = None, force = False): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) rc = RC() for port_id in port_id_list: rc.add(self.ports[port_id].pause()) return rc def __stop (self, port_id_list = None, force = False): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) rc = RC() for port_id in port_id_list: rc.add(self.ports[port_id].stop(force)) return rc def __update (self, mult, port_id_list = None, force = False): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) rc = RC() for port_id in port_id_list: rc.add(self.ports[port_id].update(mult, force)) return rc def __push_remote (self, pcap_filename, port_id_list, ipg_usec, speedup, count, duration, is_dual, min_ipg_usec): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) rc = RC() for port_id in port_id_list: # for dual, provide the slave handler as well slave_handler = self.ports[port_id ^ 0x1].handler if is_dual else "" rc.add(self.ports[port_id].push_remote(pcap_filename, ipg_usec, speedup, count, duration, is_dual, slave_handler, min_ipg_usec)) return rc def __validate (self, port_id_list = None): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) rc = RC() for port_id in port_id_list: rc.add(self.ports[port_id].validate()) return rc def __resolve (self, port_id_list = None, retries = 0): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) rc = RC() for port_id in port_id_list: rc.add(self.ports[port_id].arp_resolve(retries)) return rc def __scan6(self, port_id_list = None, timeout = 5): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) resp = {} for port_id in port_id_list: resp[port_id] = self.ports[port_id].scan6(timeout) return resp def __set_port_attr (self, port_id_list = None, attr_dict = None): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) rc = RC() for port_id, port_attr_dict in zip(port_id_list, attr_dict): rc.add(self.ports[port_id].set_attr(**port_attr_dict)) return rc def __set_rx_queue (self, port_id_list, size): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) rc = RC() for port_id in port_id_list: rc.add(self.ports[port_id].set_rx_queue(size)) return rc def __remove_rx_queue (self, port_id_list): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) rc = RC() for port_id in port_id_list: rc.add(self.ports[port_id].remove_rx_queue()) return rc def __get_rx_queue_pkts (self, port_id_list): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) rc = RC() for port_id in port_id_list: rc.add(self.ports[port_id].get_rx_queue_pkts()) return rc def __set_service_mode (self, port_id_list, enabled): port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list) rc = RC() for port_id in port_id_list: rc.add(self.ports[port_id].set_service_mode(enabled)) return rc # connect to server def __connect(self): # first disconnect if already connected if self.is_connected(): self.__disconnect() # clear this flag self.connected = False # connect sync channel self.logger.pre_cmd("Connecting to RPC server on {0}:{1}".format(self.connection_info['server'], self.connection_info['sync_port'])) rc = self.comm_link.connect() self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: return rc # API sync rc = self._transmit("api_sync", params = {'api_vers': self.api_vers}, api_class = None) if not rc: return rc # decode for api in rc.data()['api_vers']: self.api_h[ api['type'] ] = api['api_h'] # version rc = self._transmit("get_version") if not rc: return rc self.server_version = rc.data() self.global_stats.server_version = rc.data() # cache system info rc = self._transmit("get_system_info") if not rc: return rc self.system_info = rc.data() self.global_stats.system_info = rc.data() # cache supported commands rc = self._transmit("get_supported_cmds") if not rc: return rc self.supported_cmds = sorted(rc.data()) # create ports self.ports.clear() for port_id in range(self.system_info["port_count"]): info = self.system_info['ports'][port_id] self.ports[port_id] = Port(port_id, self.username, self.comm_link, self.session_id, info) # sync the ports rc = self.__sync_ports() if not rc: return rc # connect async channel self.logger.pre_cmd("Connecting to publisher server on {0}:{1}".format(self.connection_info['server'], self.connection_info['async_port'])) rc = self.async_client.connect() self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: return rc self.connected = True return RC_OK() # disconenct from server def __disconnect(self, release_ports = True): # release any previous acquired ports if self.is_connected() and release_ports: self.__release(self.get_acquired_ports()) self.comm_link.disconnect() self.async_client.disconnect() self.connected = False return RC_OK() # clear stats def __clear_stats(self, port_id_list, clear_global, clear_flow_stats, clear_latency_stats, clear_xstats): # we must be sync with the server self.async_client.barrier() for port_id in port_id_list: self.ports[port_id].clear_stats() if clear_global: self.global_stats.clear_stats() if clear_flow_stats: self.flow_stats.clear_stats() if clear_latency_stats: self.latency_stats.clear_stats() if clear_xstats: self.xstats.clear_stats() self.logger.log_cmd("Clearing stats on port(s) {0}:".format(port_id_list)) return RC # get stats def __get_stats (self, port_id_list): stats = {} stats['global'] = self.global_stats.get_stats() total = {} for port_id in port_id_list: port_stats = self.ports[port_id].get_stats() stats[port_id] = port_stats for k, v in port_stats.items(): if not k in total: total[k] = v else: total[k] += v stats['total'] = total stats['flow_stats'] = self.flow_stats.get_stats() stats['latency'] = self.latency_stats.get_stats() return stats def __decode_core_mask (self, ports, core_mask): # predefined modes if isinstance(core_mask, int): if core_mask not in [self.CORE_MASK_PIN, self.CORE_MASK_SPLIT]: raise STLError("'core_mask' can be either CORE_MASK_PIN, CORE_MASK_SPLIT or a list of masks") decoded_mask = {} for port in ports: # a pin mode was requested and we have # the second port from the group in the start list if (core_mask == self.CORE_MASK_PIN) and ( (port ^ 0x1) in ports ): decoded_mask[port] = 0x55555555 if( port % 2) == 0 else 0xAAAAAAAA else: decoded_mask[port] = None return decoded_mask # list of masks elif isinstance(core_mask, list): if len(ports) != len(core_mask): raise STLError("'core_mask' list must be the same length as 'ports' list") decoded_mask = {} for i, port in enumerate(ports): decoded_mask[port] = core_mask[i] return decoded_mask ############ functions used by other classes but not users ############## def _validate_port_list (self, port_id_list, allow_empty = False): # listfiy single int if isinstance(port_id_list, int): port_id_list = [port_id_list] # should be a list if not isinstance(port_id_list, list) and not isinstance(port_id_list, tuple): raise STLTypeError('port_id_list', type(port_id_list), list) if not port_id_list and not allow_empty: raise STLError('No ports provided') valid_ports = self.get_all_ports() for port_id in port_id_list: if not port_id in valid_ports: raise STLError("Port ID '{0}' is not a valid port ID - valid values: {1}".format(port_id, valid_ports)) return list_remove_dup(port_id_list) # transmit request on the RPC link def _transmit(self, method_name, params = None, api_class = 'core'): return self.comm_link.transmit(method_name, params, api_class) # transmit batch request on the RPC link def _transmit_batch(self, batch_list): return self.comm_link.transmit_batch(batch_list) # stats def _get_formatted_stats(self, port_id_list, stats_mask = trex_stl_stats.COMPACT): stats_opts = common.list_intersect(trex_stl_stats.ALL_STATS_OPTS, stats_mask) stats_obj = OrderedDict() for stats_type in stats_opts: stats_obj.update(self.stats_generator.generate_single_statistic(port_id_list, stats_type)) return stats_obj def _get_streams(self, port_id_list, streams_mask=set()): streams_obj = self.stats_generator.generate_streams_info(port_id_list, streams_mask) return streams_obj def _invalidate_stats (self, port_id_list): for port_id in port_id_list: self.ports[port_id].invalidate_stats() self.global_stats.invalidate() self.flow_stats.invalidate() return RC_OK() # remove all RX filters in a safe manner def _remove_rx_filters (self, ports, rx_delay_ms): # get the enabled RX ports rx_ports = [port_id for port_id in ports if self.ports[port_id].has_rx_enabled()] if not rx_ports: return RC_OK() # block while any RX configured port has not yet have it's delay expired while any([not self.ports[port_id].has_rx_delay_expired(rx_delay_ms) for port_id in rx_ports]): time.sleep(0.01) # remove RX filters rc = RC() for port_id in rx_ports: rc.add(self.ports[port_id].remove_rx_filters()) return rc ################################# # ------ private methods ------ # @staticmethod def __get_mask_keys(ok_values={True}, **kwargs): masked_keys = set() for key, val in kwargs.items(): if val in ok_values: masked_keys.add(key) return masked_keys @staticmethod def __filter_namespace_args(namespace, ok_values): return {k: v for k, v in namespace.__dict__.items() if k in ok_values} # API decorator - double wrap because of argument def __api_check(connected = True): def wrap (f): @wraps(f) def wrap2(*args, **kwargs): client = args[0] func_name = f.__name__ # check connection if connected and not client.is_connected(): raise STLStateError(func_name, 'disconnected') try: ret = f(*args, **kwargs) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: raise STLError("Interrupted by a keyboard signal (probably ctrl + c)") return ret return wrap2 return wrap ############################ API ############################# ############################ ############################# ############################ ############################# def __enter__ (self): self.connect() self.acquire(force = True) self.reset() return self def __exit__ (self, type, value, traceback): if self.get_active_ports(): self.stop(self.get_active_ports()) self.disconnect() ############################ Getters ############################# ############################ ############################# ############################ ############################# # return verbose level of the logger def get_verbose (self): """ Get the verbose mode :parameters: none :return: Get the verbose mode as Bool :raises: None """ return self.logger.get_verbose() # is the client on read only mode ? def is_all_ports_acquired (self): """ is_all_ports_acquired :parameters: None :return: Returns True if all ports are acquired :raises: None """ return (self.get_all_ports() == self.get_acquired_ports()) # is the client connected ? def is_connected (self): """ :parameters: None :return: is_connected :raises: None """ return self.connected and self.comm_link.is_connected # get connection info def get_connection_info (self): """ :parameters: None :return: Connection dict :raises: None """ return self.connection_info # get supported commands by the server def get_server_supported_cmds(self): """ :parameters: None :return: Connection dict :raises: None """ return self.supported_cmds # get server version def get_server_version(self): """ :parameters: None :return: Connection dict :raises: None """ return self.server_version # get server system info def get_server_system_info(self): """ :parameters: None :return: Connection dict :raises: None """ return self.system_info # get port count def get_port_count(self): """ :parameters: None :return: Connection dict :raises: None """ return len(self.ports) # returns the port object def get_port (self, port_id): port = self.ports.get(port_id, None) if (port != None): return port else: raise STLArgumentError('port id', port_id, valid_values = self.get_all_ports()) # get all ports as IDs def get_all_ports (self): """ :parameters: None :return: Connection dict :raises: None """ return list(self.ports) # get all acquired ports def get_acquired_ports(self): return [port_id for port_id, port_obj in self.ports.items() if port_obj.is_acquired()] # get all active ports (TX or pause) def get_active_ports(self, owned = True): if owned: return [port_id for port_id, port_obj in self.ports.items() if port_obj.is_active() and port_obj.is_acquired()] else: return [port_id for port_id, port_obj in self.ports.items() if port_obj.is_active()] def get_resolvable_ports (self): return [port_id for port_id, port_obj in self.ports.items() if port_obj.is_acquired() and port_obj.is_l3_mode()] def get_resolved_ports (self): return [port_id for port_id, port_obj in self.ports.items() if port_obj.is_acquired() and port_obj.is_resolved()] def get_service_enabled_ports(self, owned = True): if owned: return [port_id for port_id, port_obj in self.ports.items() if port_obj.is_service_mode_on() and port_obj.is_acquired()] else: return [port_id for port_id, port_obj in self.ports.items() if port_obj.is_service_mode_on()] # get paused ports def get_paused_ports (self, owned = True): if owned: return [port_id for port_id, port_obj in self.ports.items() if port_obj.is_paused() and port_obj.is_acquired()] else: return [port_id for port_id, port_obj in self.ports.items() if port_obj.is_paused()] # get all TX ports def get_transmitting_ports (self, owned = True): if owned: return [port_id for port_id, port_obj in self.ports.items() if port_obj.is_transmitting() and port_obj.is_acquired()] else: return [port_id for port_id, port_obj in self.ports.items() if port_obj.is_transmitting()] # get stats @__api_check(True) def get_stats (self, ports = None, sync_now = True): """ Return dictionary containing statistics information gathered from the server. :parameters: ports - List of ports to retreive stats on. If None, assume the request is for all acquired ports. sync_now - Boolean - If true, create a call to the server to get latest stats, and wait for result to arrive. Otherwise, return last stats saved in client cache. Downside of putting True is a slight delay (few 10th msecs) in getting the result. For practical uses, value should be True. :return: Statistics dictionary of dictionaries with the following format: =============================== =============== key Meaning =============================== =============== :ref:`numbers (0,1,..` Statistcs per port number :ref:`total ` Sum of port statistics :ref:`flow_stats ` Per flow statistics :ref:`global ` Global statistics :ref:`latency ` Per flow statistics regarding flow latency =============================== =============== Below is description of each of the inner dictionaries. .. _total: **total** and per port statistics contain dictionary with following format. Most of the bytes counters (unless specified otherwise) are in L2 layer, including the Ethernet FCS. e.g. minimum packet size is 64 bytes =============================== =============== key Meaning =============================== =============== ibytes Number of input bytes ierrors Number of input errors ipackets Number of input packets obytes Number of output bytes oerrors Number of output errors opackets Number of output packets rx_bps Receive bytes per second rate (L2 layer) rx_pps Receive packet per second rate tx_bps Transmit bytes per second rate (L2 layer) tx_pps Transmit packet per second rate =============================== =============== .. _flow_stats: **flow_stats** contains :ref:`global dictionary `, and dictionaries per packet group id (pg id). See structures below. **per pg_id flow stat** dictionaries have following structure: ================= =============== key Meaning ================= =============== rx_bps Received bytes per second rate rx_bps_l1 Received bytes per second rate, including layer one rx_bytes Total number of received bytes rx_pkts Total number of received packets rx_pps Received packets per second tx_bps Transmit bytes per second rate tx_bps_l1 Transmit bytes per second rate, including layer one tx_bytes Total number of sent bytes tx_pkts Total number of sent packets tx_pps Transmit packets per second rate ================= =============== .. _flow_stats_global: **global flow stats** dictionary has the following structure: ================= =============== key Meaning ================= =============== rx_err Number of flow statistics packets received that we could not associate to any pg_id. This can happen if latency on the used setup is large. See :ref:`wait_on_traffic ` rx_delay_ms parameter for details. tx_err Number of flow statistics packets transmitted that we could not associate to any pg_id. This is never expected. If you see this different than 0, please report. ================= =============== .. _global: **global** ================= =============== key Meaning ================= =============== bw_per_core Estimated byte rate Trex can support per core. This is calculated by extrapolation of current rate and load on transmitting cores. cpu_util Estimate of the average utilization percentage of the transimitting cores queue_full Total number of packets transmitted while the NIC TX queue was full. The packets will be transmitted, eventually, but will create high CPU%due to polling the queue. This usually indicates that the rate we trying to transmit is too high for this port. rx_cpu_util Estimate of the utilization percentage of the core handling RX traffic. Too high value of this CPU utilization could cause drop of latency streams. rx_drop_bps Received bytes per second drop rate rx_bps Received bytes per second rate rx_pps Received packets per second rate tx_bps Transmit bytes per second rate tx_pps Transmit packets per second rate ================= =============== .. _latency: **latency** contains :ref:`global dictionary `, and dictionaries per packet group id (pg id). Each one with the following structure. **per pg_id latency stat** dictionaries have following structure: =========================== =============== key Meaning =========================== =============== :ref:`err_cntrs` Counters describing errors that occured with this pg id :ref:`latency` Information regarding packet latency =========================== =============== Following are the inner dictionaries of latency .. _err-cntrs: **err-cntrs** ================= =============== key Meaning (see better explanation below the table) ================= =============== dropped How many packets were dropped (estimation) dup How many packets were duplicated. out_of_order How many packets we received out of order. seq_too_high How many events of packet with sequence number too high we saw. seq_too_low How many events of packet with sequence number too low we saw. ================= =============== For calculating packet error events, we add sequence number to each packet's payload. We decide what went wrong only according to sequence number of last packet received and that of the previous packet. 'seq_too_low' and 'seq_too_high' count events we see. 'dup', 'out_of_order' and 'dropped' are heuristics we apply to try and understand what happened. They will be accurate in common error scenarios. We describe few scenarios below to help understand this. Scenario 1: Received packet with seq num 10, and another one with seq num 10. We increment 'dup' and 'seq_too_low' by 1. Scenario 2: Received pacekt with seq num 10 and then packet with seq num 15. We assume 4 packets were dropped, and increment 'dropped' by 4, and 'seq_too_high' by 1. We expect next packet to arrive with sequence number 16. Scenario 2 continue: Received packet with seq num 11. We increment 'seq_too_low' by 1. We increment 'out_of_order' by 1. We *decrement* 'dropped' by 1. (We assume here that one of the packets we considered as dropped before, actually arrived out of order). .. _lat_inner: **latency** ================= =============== key Meaning ================= =============== average Average latency over the stream lifetime (usec).Low pass filter is applied to the last window average.It is computed each sampling period by following formula: = /2 + /2 histogram Dictionary describing logarithmic distribution histogram of packet latencies. Keys in the dictionary represent range of latencies (in usec). Values are the total number of packets received in this latency range. For example, an entry {100:13} would mean that we saw 13 packets with latency in the range between 100 and 200 usec. jitter Jitter of latency samples, computed as described in :rfc:`3550#appendix-A.8` last_max Maximum latency measured between last two data reads from server (0.5 sec window). total_max Maximum latency measured over the stream lifetime (in usec). total_min Minimum latency measured over the stream lifetime (in usec). ================= =============== .. _lat_stats_global: **global latency stats** dictionary has the following structure: ================= =============== key Meaning ================= =============== old_flow Number of latency statistics packets received that we could not associate to any pg_id. This can happen if latency on the used setup is large. See :ref:`wait_on_traffic ` rx_delay_ms parameter for details. bad_hdr Number of latency packets received with bad latency data. This can happen becuase of garbage packets in the network, or if the DUT causes packet corruption. ================= =============== :raises: None """ # by default use all acquired ports ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_acquired_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) # check async barrier if not type(sync_now) is bool: raise STLArgumentError('sync_now', sync_now) # if the user requested a barrier - use it if sync_now: rc = self.async_client.barrier() if not rc: raise STLError(rc) return self.__get_stats(ports) def get_events (self, ev_type_filter = None): """ returns all the logged events :parameters: ev_type_filter - 'info', 'warning' or a list of those default: no filter :return: logged events :raises: None """ return self.event_handler.get_events(ev_type_filter) def get_warnings (self): """ returns all the warnings logged events :parameters: None :return: warning logged events :raises: None """ return self.get_events(ev_type_filter = 'warning') def get_info (self): """ returns all the info logged events :parameters: None :return: warning logged events :raises: None """ return self.get_events(ev_type_filter = 'info') # get port(s) info as a list of dicts @__api_check(True) def get_port_info (self, ports = None): ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_all_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) return [self.ports[port_id].get_formatted_info() for port_id in ports] ############################ Commands ############################# ############################ ############################# ############################ ############################# def set_verbose (self, level): """ Sets verbose level :parameters: level : str "high" "low" "normal" :raises: None """ modes = {'low' : LoggerApi.VERBOSE_QUIET, 'normal': LoggerApi.VERBOSE_REGULAR, 'high': LoggerApi.VERBOSE_HIGH} if not level in modes.keys(): raise STLArgumentError('level', level) self.logger.set_verbose(modes[level]) @__api_check(False) def connect (self): """ Connects to the TRex server :parameters: None :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ rc = self.__connect() if not rc: raise STLError(rc) @__api_check(False) def disconnect (self, stop_traffic = True, release_ports = True): """ Disconnects from the server :parameters: stop_traffic : bool Attempts to stop traffic before disconnecting. release_ports : bool Attempts to release all the acquired ports. """ # try to stop ports but do nothing if not possible if stop_traffic: try: self.stop() except STLError: pass self.logger.pre_cmd("Disconnecting from server at '{0}':'{1}'".format(self.connection_info['server'], self.connection_info['sync_port'])) rc = self.__disconnect(release_ports) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) @__api_check(True) def acquire (self, ports = None, force = False, sync_streams = True): """ Acquires ports for executing commands :parameters: ports : list Ports on which to execute the command force : bool Force acquire the ports. sync_streams: bool sync with the server about the configured streams :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ # by default use all ports ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_all_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) if force: self.logger.pre_cmd("Force acquiring ports {0}:".format(ports)) else: self.logger.pre_cmd("Acquiring ports {0}:".format(ports)) rc = self.__acquire(ports, force, sync_streams) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: # cleanup self.__release(ports) raise STLError(rc) for port_id in ports: if not self.ports[port_id].is_resolved(): self.logger.log(format_text('*** Warning - Port {0} destination is unresolved ***'.format(port_id), 'bold')) @__api_check(True) def release (self, ports = None): """ Release ports :parameters: ports : list Ports on which to execute the command :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_acquired_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) self.logger.pre_cmd("Releasing ports {0}:".format(ports)) rc = self.__release(ports) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) @__api_check(True) def ping_rpc_server(self): """ Pings the RPC server :parameters: None :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ self.logger.pre_cmd("Pinging the server on '{0}' port '{1}': ".format(self.connection_info['server'], self.connection_info['sync_port'])) rc = self._transmit("ping", api_class = None) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) @__api_check(True) def set_l2_mode (self, port, dst_mac): """ Sets the port mode to L2 :parameters: port - the port to set the source address dst_mac - destination MAC :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ validate_type('port', port, int) if port not in self.get_all_ports(): raise STLError("port {0} is not a valid port id".format(port)) if not is_valid_mac(dst_mac): raise STLError("dest_mac is not a valid MAC address: '{0}'".format(dst_mac)) self.logger.pre_cmd("Setting port {0} in L2 mode: ".format(port)) rc = self.ports[port].set_l2_mode(dst_mac) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) @__api_check(True) def set_l3_mode (self, port, src_ipv4, dst_ipv4): """ Sets the port mode to L3 :parameters: port - the port to set the source address src_ipv4 - IPv4 source address for the port dst_ipv4 - IPv4 destination address :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ validate_type('port', port, int) if port not in self.get_all_ports(): raise STLError("port {0} is not a valid port id".format(port)) if not is_valid_ipv4(src_ipv4): raise STLError("src_ipv4 is not a valid IPv4 address: '{0}'".format(src_ipv4)) if not is_valid_ipv4(dst_ipv4): raise STLError("dst_ipv4 is not a valid IPv4 address: '{0}'".format(dst_ipv4)) self.logger.pre_cmd("Setting port {0} in L3 mode: ".format(port)) rc = self.ports[port].set_l3_mode(src_ipv4, dst_ipv4) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) # try to resolve with self.logger.supress(level = LoggerApi.VERBOSE_REGULAR_SYNC): self.logger.pre_cmd("ARP resolving address '{0}': ".format(dst_ipv4)) rc = self.ports[port].arp_resolve(0) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) @__api_check(True) def ping_ip (self, src_port, dst_ip, pkt_size = 64, count = 5, interval_sec = 1): """ Pings an IP address through a port :parameters: src_port - on which port_id to send the ICMP PING request dst_ip - which IP to ping pkt_size - packet size to use count - how many times to ping interval_sec - how much time to wait between pings :returns: List of replies per 'count' Each element is dictionary with following items: Always available keys: * formatted_string - string, human readable output, for example: 'Request timed out.' * status - string, one of options: 'success', 'unreachable', 'timeout' Available only if status is 'success': * src_ip - string, IP replying to request * rtt - float, latency of the ping (round trip time) * ttl - int, time to live in IPv4 or hop limit in IPv6 :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ # validate src port validate_type('src_port', src_port, int) if src_port not in self.get_all_ports(): raise STLError("src port is not a valid port id") if not (is_valid_ipv4(dst_ip) or is_valid_ipv6(dst_ip)): raise STLError("dst_ip is not a valid IPv4/6 address: '{0}'".format(dst_ip)) if (pkt_size < 64) or (pkt_size > 9216): raise STLError("pkt_size should be a value between 64 and 9216: '{0}'".format(pkt_size)) validate_type('count', count, int) validate_type('interval_sec', interval_sec, (int, float)) self.logger.pre_cmd("Pinging {0} from port {1} with {2} bytes of data:".format(dst_ip, src_port, pkt_size)) responses_arr = [] # no async messages with self.logger.supress(level = LoggerApi.VERBOSE_REGULAR_SYNC): self.logger.log('') dst_mac = None if ':' in dst_ip: # ipv6 rc = self.ports[src_port].scan6(dst_ip = dst_ip) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) replies = rc.data() if len(replies) == 1: dst_mac = replies[0]['mac'] for i in range(count): rc = self.ports[src_port].ping(ping_ip = dst_ip, pkt_size = pkt_size, dst_mac = dst_mac) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) responses_arr.append(rc.data()) self.logger.log(rc.data()['formatted_string']) if i != (count - 1): time.sleep(interval_sec) return responses_arr @__api_check(True) def server_shutdown (self, force = False): """ Sends the server a request for total shutdown :parameters: force - shutdown server even if some ports are owned by another user :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ self.logger.pre_cmd("Sending shutdown request for the server") rc = self._transmit("shutdown", params = {'force': force, 'user': self.username}) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) @__api_check(True) def get_active_pgids(self): """ Get active group IDs :parameters: None :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ self.logger.pre_cmd( "Getting active packet group ids") rc = self._transmit("get_active_pgids") self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) return rc.data() @__api_check(True) def get_util_stats(self): """ Get utilization stats: History of TRex CPU utilization per thread (list of lists) MBUFs memory consumption per CPU socket. :parameters: None :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ self.logger.pre_cmd('Getting Utilization stats') return self.util_stats.get_stats() @__api_check(True) def get_xstats(self, port_id): """ Get extended stats of port: all the counters as dict. :parameters: port_id: int :returns: Dict with names of counters as keys and values of uint64. Actual keys may vary per NIC. :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ self.logger.pre_cmd('Getting xstats') return self.xstats.get_stats(port_id) @__api_check(True) def reset(self, ports = None, restart = False): """ Force acquire ports, stop the traffic, remove all streams and clear stats :parameters: ports : list Ports on which to execute the command restart: bool Restart the NICs (link down / up) :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_all_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) if restart: self.logger.pre_cmd("Hard resetting ports {0}:".format(ports)) else: self.logger.pre_cmd("Resetting ports {0}:".format(ports)) try: with self.logger.supress(): # force take the port and ignore any streams on it self.acquire(ports, force = True, sync_streams = False) self.stop(ports, rx_delay_ms = 0) self.remove_all_streams(ports) self.clear_stats(ports) self.set_port_attr(ports, promiscuous = False, link_up = True if restart else None) self.remove_rx_queue(ports) self.set_service_mode(ports, False) except STLError as e: self.logger.post_cmd(False) raise e self.logger.post_cmd(RC_OK()) @__api_check(True) def remove_all_streams (self, ports = None): """ remove all streams from port(s) :parameters: ports : list Ports on which to execute the command :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_acquired_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) self.logger.pre_cmd("Removing all streams from port(s) {0}:".format(ports)) rc = self.__remove_all_streams(ports) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) @__api_check(True) def add_streams (self, streams, ports = None): """ Add a list of streams to port(s) :parameters: ports : list Ports on which to execute the command streams: list Streams to attach (or profile) :returns: List of stream IDs in order of the stream list :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_acquired_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) if isinstance(streams, STLProfile): streams = streams.get_streams() # transform single stream if not isinstance(streams, list): streams = [streams] # check streams if not all([isinstance(stream, STLStream) for stream in streams]): raise STLArgumentError('streams', streams) self.logger.pre_cmd("Attaching {0} streams to port(s) {1}:".format(len(streams), ports)) rc = self.__add_streams(streams, ports) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) # return the stream IDs return rc.data() @__api_check(True) def add_profile(self, filename, ports = None, **kwargs): """ | Add streams from profile by its type. Supported types are: | .py | .yaml | .pcap file that converted to profile automatically :parameters: filename : string filename (with path) of the profile ports : list list of ports to add the profile (default: all acquired) kwargs : dict forward those key-value pairs to the profile (tunables) :returns: List of stream IDs in order of the stream list :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ validate_type('filename', filename, basestring) profile = STLProfile.load(filename, **kwargs) return self.add_streams(profile.get_streams(), ports) @__api_check(True) def remove_streams (self, stream_id_list, ports = None): """ Remove a list of streams from ports :parameters: ports : list Ports on which to execute the command stream_id_list: list Stream id list to remove :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_acquired_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) # transform single stream if not isinstance(stream_id_list, list): stream_id_list = [stream_id_list] # check streams for stream_id in stream_id_list: validate_type('stream_id', stream_id, int) # remove streams self.logger.pre_cmd("Removing {0} streams from port(s) {1}:".format(len(stream_id_list), ports)) rc = self.__remove_streams(stream_id_list, ports) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) # common checks for start API def __pre_start_check (self, ports, force): # verify link status ports_link_down = [port_id for port_id in ports if not self.ports[port_id].is_up()] if ports_link_down and not force: raise STLError("Port(s) %s - link DOWN - check the connection or specify 'force'" % ports_link_down) # verify ports are stopped or force stop them active_ports = [port_id for port_id in ports if self.ports[port_id].is_active()] if active_ports and not force: raise STLError("Port(s) {0} are active - please stop them or specify 'force'".format(active_ports)) # warn if ports are not resolved unresolved_ports = [port_id for port_id in ports if not self.ports[port_id].is_resolved()] if unresolved_ports and not force: raise STLError("Port(s) {0} have unresolved destination addresses - please resolve them or specify 'force'".format(unresolved_ports)) if self.get_service_enabled_ports() and not force: raise STLError("Port(s) {0} are under service mode - please disable service mode or specify 'force'".format(self.get_service_enabled_ports())) @__api_check(True) def start (self, ports = None, mult = "1", force = False, duration = -1, total = False, core_mask = CORE_MASK_SPLIT): """ Start traffic on port(s) :parameters: ports : list Ports on which to execute the command mult : str Multiplier in a form of pps, bps, or line util in % Examples: "5kpps", "10gbps", "85%", "32mbps" force : bool If the ports are not in stopped mode or do not have sufficient bandwidth for the traffic, determines whether to stop the current traffic and force start. True: Force start False: Do not force start duration : int Limit the run time (seconds) -1 = unlimited total : bool Determines whether to divide the configured bandwidth among the ports, or to duplicate the bandwidth for each port. True: Divide bandwidth among the ports False: Duplicate core_mask: CORE_MASK_SPLIT, CORE_MASK_PIN or a list of masks (one per port) Determine the allocation of cores per port In CORE_MASK_SPLIT all the traffic will be divided equally between all the cores associated with each port In CORE_MASK_PIN, for each dual ports (a group that shares the same cores) the cores will be divided half pinned for each port :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_acquired_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) validate_type('mult', mult, basestring) validate_type('force', force, bool) validate_type('duration', duration, (int, float)) validate_type('total', total, bool) validate_type('core_mask', core_mask, (int, list)) # some sanity checks before attempting start self.__pre_start_check(ports, force) ######################### # decode core mask argument decoded_mask = self.__decode_core_mask(ports, core_mask) ####################### # verify multiplier mult_obj = parsing_opts.decode_multiplier(mult, allow_update = False, divide_count = len(ports) if total else 1) if not mult_obj: raise STLArgumentError('mult', mult) # stop active ports if needed active_ports = list(set(self.get_active_ports()).intersection(ports)) if active_ports and force: self.stop(active_ports) # start traffic self.logger.pre_cmd("Starting traffic on port(s) {0}:".format(ports)) rc = self.__start(mult_obj, duration, ports, force, decoded_mask) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) @__api_check(True) def stop (self, ports = None, rx_delay_ms = None): """ Stop port(s) :parameters: ports : list Ports on which to execute the command rx_delay_ms : int time to wait until RX filters are removed this value should reflect the time it takes packets which were transmitted to arrive to the destination. after this time the RX filters will be removed :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ if ports is None: ports = self.get_active_ports() if not ports: return ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) self.logger.pre_cmd("Stopping traffic on port(s) {0}:".format(ports)) rc = self.__stop(ports) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) if rx_delay_ms is None: if self.ports[ports[0]].is_virtual(): # assume all ports have same type rx_delay_ms = 100 else: rx_delay_ms = 10 # remove any RX filters rc = self._remove_rx_filters(ports, rx_delay_ms = rx_delay_ms) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) @__api_check(True) def update (self, ports = None, mult = "1", total = False, force = False): """ Update traffic on port(s) :parameters: ports : list Ports on which to execute the command mult : str Multiplier in a form of pps, bps, or line util in % Can also specify +/- Examples: "5kpps+", "10gbps-", "85%", "32mbps", "20%+" force : bool If the ports are not in stopped mode or do not have sufficient bandwidth for the traffic, determines whether to stop the current traffic and force start. True: Force start False: Do not force start total : bool Determines whether to divide the configured bandwidth among the ports, or to duplicate the bandwidth for each port. True: Divide bandwidth among the ports False: Duplicate :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_active_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) validate_type('mult', mult, basestring) validate_type('force', force, bool) validate_type('total', total, bool) # verify multiplier mult_obj = parsing_opts.decode_multiplier(mult, allow_update = True, divide_count = len(ports) if total else 1) if not mult_obj: raise STLArgumentError('mult', mult) # call low level functions self.logger.pre_cmd("Updating traffic on port(s) {0}:".format(ports)) rc = self.__update(mult_obj, ports, force) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) @__api_check(True) def pause (self, ports = None): """ Pause traffic on port(s). Works only for ports that are active, and only if all streams are in Continuous mode. :parameters: ports : list Ports on which to execute the command :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_transmitting_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) self.logger.pre_cmd("Pausing traffic on port(s) {0}:".format(ports)) rc = self.__pause(ports) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) @__api_check(True) def resume (self, ports = None): """ Resume traffic on port(s) :parameters: ports : list Ports on which to execute the command :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_paused_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) self.logger.pre_cmd("Resume traffic on port(s) {0}:".format(ports)) rc = self.__resume(ports) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) @__api_check(True) def push_remote (self, pcap_filename, ports = None, ipg_usec = None, speedup = 1.0, count = 1, duration = -1, is_dual = False, min_ipg_usec = None): """ Push a remote server-reachable PCAP file the path must be fullpath accessible to the server :parameters: pcap_filename : str PCAP file name in full path and accessible to the server ports : list Ports on which to execute the command ipg_usec : float Inter-packet gap in microseconds. Exclusive with min_ipg_usec speedup : float A factor to adjust IPG. effectively IPG = IPG / speedup count: int How many times to transmit the cap duration: float Limit runtime by duration in seconds is_dual: bool Inject from both directions. requires ERF file with meta data for direction. also requires that all the ports will be in master mode with their adjacent ports as slaves min_ipg_usec : float Minimum inter-packet gap in microseconds to guard from too small ipg. Exclusive with ipg_usec :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_acquired_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) validate_type('pcap_filename', pcap_filename, basestring) validate_type('ipg_usec', ipg_usec, (float, int, type(None))) validate_type('speedup', speedup, (float, int)) validate_type('count', count, int) validate_type('duration', duration, (float, int)) validate_type('is_dual', is_dual, bool) validate_type('min_ipg_usec', min_ipg_usec, (float, int, type(None))) # for dual mode check that all are masters if is_dual: if not pcap_filename.endswith('erf'): raise STLError("dual mode: only ERF format is supported for dual mode") for port in ports: master = port slave = port ^ 0x1 if slave in ports: raise STLError("dual mode: cannot provide adjacent ports ({0}, {1}) in a batch".format(master, slave)) if not slave in self.get_acquired_ports(): raise STLError("dual mode: adjacent port {0} must be owned during dual mode".format(slave)) self.logger.pre_cmd("Pushing remote PCAP on port(s) {0}:".format(ports)) rc = self.__push_remote(pcap_filename, ports, ipg_usec, speedup, count, duration, is_dual, min_ipg_usec) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) @__api_check(True) def push_pcap (self, pcap_filename, ports = None, ipg_usec = None, speedup = 1.0, count = 1, duration = -1, force = False, vm = None, packet_hook = None, is_dual = False, min_ipg_usec = None): """ Push a local PCAP to the server This is equivalent to loading a PCAP file to a profile and attaching the profile to port(s) file size is limited to 1MB :parameters: pcap_filename : str PCAP filename (accessible locally) ports : list Ports on which to execute the command ipg_usec : float Inter-packet gap in microseconds. Exclusive with min_ipg_usec speedup : float A factor to adjust IPG. effectively IPG = IPG / speedup count: int How many times to transmit the cap duration: float Limit runtime by duration in seconds force: bool Ignore file size limit - push any file size to the server vm: list of VM instructions VM instructions to apply for every packet packet_hook : Callable or function Will be applied to every packet is_dual: bool Inject from both directions. requires ERF file with meta data for direction. also requires that all the ports will be in master mode with their adjacent ports as slaves min_ipg_usec : float Minimum inter-packet gap in microseconds to guard from too small ipg. Exclusive with ipg_usec :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_acquired_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) validate_type('pcap_filename', pcap_filename, basestring) validate_type('ipg_usec', ipg_usec, (float, int, type(None))) validate_type('speedup', speedup, (float, int)) validate_type('count', count, int) validate_type('duration', duration, (float, int)) validate_type('vm', vm, (list, type(None))) validate_type('is_dual', is_dual, bool) validate_type('min_ipg_usec', min_ipg_usec, (float, int, type(None))) if all([ipg_usec, min_ipg_usec]): raise STLError('Please specify either ipg or minimal ipg, not both.') # this action requires starting traffic self.__pre_start_check(ports, force) # no support for > 1MB PCAP - use push remote if not force and os.path.getsize(pcap_filename) > (1024 * 1024): raise STLError("PCAP size of {:} is too big for local push - consider using remote push or provide 'force'".format(format_num(os.path.getsize(pcap_filename), suffix = 'B'))) if is_dual: for port in ports: master = port slave = port ^ 0x1 if slave in ports: raise STLError("dual mode: please specify only one of adjacent ports ({0}, {1}) in a batch".format(master, slave)) if not slave in self.get_acquired_ports(): raise STLError("dual mode: adjacent port {0} must be owned during dual mode".format(slave)) # regular push if not is_dual: # create the profile from the PCAP try: self.logger.pre_cmd("Converting '{0}' to streams:".format(pcap_filename)) profile = STLProfile.load_pcap(pcap_filename, ipg_usec, speedup, count, vm = vm, packet_hook = packet_hook, min_ipg_usec = min_ipg_usec) self.logger.post_cmd(RC_OK) except STLError as e: self.logger.post_cmd(RC_ERR(e)) raise self.remove_all_streams(ports = ports) id_list = self.add_streams(profile.get_streams(), ports) return self.start(ports = ports, duration = duration, force = force) else: # create a dual profile split_mode = 'MAC' try: self.logger.pre_cmd("Analyzing '{0}' for dual ports based on {1}:".format(pcap_filename, split_mode)) profile_a, profile_b = STLProfile.load_pcap(pcap_filename, ipg_usec, speedup, count, vm = vm, packet_hook = packet_hook, split_mode = split_mode, min_ipg_usec = min_ipg_usec) self.logger.post_cmd(RC_OK()) except STLError as e: self.logger.post_cmd(RC_ERR(e)) raise all_ports = ports + [p ^ 0x1 for p in ports if profile_b] self.remove_all_streams(ports = all_ports) for port in ports: master = port slave = port ^ 0x1 self.add_streams(profile_a.get_streams(), master) if profile_b: self.add_streams(profile_b.get_streams(), slave) return self.start(ports = all_ports, duration = duration, force = force) @__api_check(True) def push_packets (self, pkts, ports = None, ipg_usec = 100, count = 1, duration = -1, force = False, vm = None): """ Pushes a list of packets to the server a 'packet' can be anything with a bytes representation such as Scapy object, a simple string, a byte array and etc. Total size, as for PCAP pushing is limited to 1MB unless 'force' is specified the list of packets will be saved to a temporary file which will be deleted when the function exists :parameters: pkts : Scapy pkt or a list of scapy pkts ports : list Ports on which to execute the command ipg_usec : float Inter-packet gap in microseconds. count: int How many times to transmit the list duration: float Limit runtime by duration in seconds force: bool Ignore size limit - push any size to the server vm: list of VM instructions VM instructions to apply for every packet :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ # validate ports ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_acquired_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) validate_type('count', count, int) validate_type('duration', duration, (float, int)) validate_type('vm', vm, (list, type(None))) # pkts should be scapy, bytes, str or a list of them pkts = listify(pkts) for pkt in pkts: if not isinstance(pkt, (Ether, bytes)): raise STLTypeError('pkts', type(pkt), (Ether, bytes)) # IPG validate_type('ipg_usec', ipg_usec, (float, int, type(None))) if ipg_usec < 0: raise STLError("'ipg_usec' should not be negative") # this action requires starting traffic self.__pre_start_check(ports, force) # init the stream list streams = [] for i, pkt in enumerate(pkts, start = 1): # handle last packet if i == len(pkts): next = 1 action_count = count else: next = i + 1 action_count = 0 # is the packet Scapy or a simple buffer ? packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = pkt, vm = vm) if isinstance(pkt, Ether) else STLPktBuilder(pkt_buffer = pkt, vm = vm) # add the stream streams.append(STLStream(name = i, packet = packet, mode = STLTXSingleBurst(total_pkts = 1, percentage = 100), self_start = True if (i == 1) else False, isg = ipg_usec, # usec action_count = action_count, next = next)) # remove all streams, attach the created list and start self.remove_all_streams(ports = ports) id_list = self.add_streams(streams, ports) self.start(ports = ports, duration = duration, force = force) @__api_check(True) def validate (self, ports = None, mult = "1", duration = -1, total = False): """ Validate port(s) configuration :parameters: ports : list Ports on which to execute the command mult : str Multiplier in a form of pps, bps, or line util in % Examples: "5kpps", "10gbps", "85%", "32mbps" duration : int Limit the run time (seconds) -1 = unlimited total : bool Determines whether to divide the configured bandwidth among the ports, or to duplicate the bandwidth for each port. True: Divide bandwidth among the ports False: Duplicate :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_acquired_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) validate_type('mult', mult, basestring) validate_type('duration', duration, (int, float)) validate_type('total', total, bool) # verify multiplier mult_obj = parsing_opts.decode_multiplier(mult, allow_update = True, divide_count = len(ports) if total else 1) if not mult_obj: raise STLArgumentError('mult', mult) self.logger.pre_cmd("Validating streams on port(s) {0}:".format(ports)) rc = self.__validate(ports) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) for port in ports: self.ports[port].print_profile(mult_obj, duration) @__api_check(False) def clear_stats (self, ports = None, clear_global = True, clear_flow_stats = True, clear_latency_stats = True, clear_xstats = True): """ Clear stats on port(s) :parameters: ports : list Ports on which to execute the command clear_global : bool Clear the global stats clear_flow_stats : bool Clear the flow stats clear_latency_stats : bool Clear the latency stats clear_xstats : bool Clear the extended stats :raises: + :exc:`STLError` """ ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_all_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) # verify clear global if not type(clear_global) is bool: raise STLArgumentError('clear_global', clear_global) rc = self.__clear_stats(ports, clear_global, clear_flow_stats, clear_latency_stats, clear_xstats) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) @__api_check(True) def is_traffic_active (self, ports = None): """ Return if specified port(s) have traffic :parameters: ports : list Ports on which to execute the command :raises: + :exc:`STLTimeoutError` - in case timeout has expired + :exe:'STLError' """ ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_acquired_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) return set(self.get_active_ports()).intersection(ports) @__api_check(True) def wait_on_traffic (self, ports = None, timeout = None, rx_delay_ms = None): """ .. _wait_on_traffic: Block until traffic on specified port(s) has ended :parameters: ports : list Ports on which to execute the command timeout : int timeout in seconds default will be blocking rx_delay_ms : int Time to wait (in milliseconds) after last packet was sent, until RX filters used for measuring flow statistics and latency are removed. This value should reflect the time it takes packets which were transmitted to arrive to the destination. After this time, RX filters will be removed, and packets arriving for per flow statistics feature and latency flows will be counted as errors. :raises: + :exc:`STLTimeoutError` - in case timeout has expired + :exe:'STLError' """ ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_acquired_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) timer = PassiveTimer(timeout) # wait while any of the required ports are active while set(self.get_active_ports()).intersection(ports): # make sure ASYNC thread is still alive - otherwise we will be stuck forever if not self.async_client.is_active(): raise STLError("subscriber thread is dead") time.sleep(0.01) if timer.has_expired(): raise STLTimeoutError(timeout) if rx_delay_ms is None: if self.ports[ports[0]].is_virtual(): # assume all ports have same type rx_delay_ms = 100 else: rx_delay_ms = 10 # remove any RX filters rc = self._remove_rx_filters(ports, rx_delay_ms = rx_delay_ms) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) @__api_check(True) def set_port_attr (self, ports = None, promiscuous = None, link_up = None, led_on = None, flow_ctrl = None, resolve = True, multicast = None): """ Set port attributes :parameters: promiscuous - True or False link_up - True or False led_on - True or False flow_ctrl - 0: disable all, 1: enable tx side, 2: enable rx side, 3: full enable resolve - if true, in case a destination address is configured as IPv4 try to resolve it multicast - enable receiving multicast, True or False :raises: + :exe:'STLError' """ ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_acquired_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) # check arguments validate_type('promiscuous', promiscuous, (bool, type(None))) validate_type('link_up', link_up, (bool, type(None))) validate_type('led_on', led_on, (bool, type(None))) validate_type('flow_ctrl', flow_ctrl, (int, type(None))) validate_type('multicast', multicast, (bool, type(None))) # common attributes for all ports cmn_attr_dict = {} cmn_attr_dict['promiscuous'] = promiscuous cmn_attr_dict['link_status'] = link_up cmn_attr_dict['led_status'] = led_on cmn_attr_dict['flow_ctrl_mode'] = flow_ctrl cmn_attr_dict['multicast'] = multicast # each port starts with a set of the common attributes attr_dict = [dict(cmn_attr_dict) for _ in ports] self.logger.pre_cmd("Applying attributes on port(s) {0}:".format(ports)) rc = self.__set_port_attr(ports, attr_dict) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) @__api_check(True) def get_port_attr (self, port): """ get the port attributes currently set :parameters: ports - for which ports to configure service mode on/off :raises: + :exe:'STLError' """ validate_type('port', port, int) if port not in self.get_all_ports(): raise STLError("'{0}' is not a valid port id".format(port)) return self.ports[port].get_formatted_info() @__api_check(True) def set_service_mode (self, ports = None, enabled = True): """ Set service mode for port(s) In service mode ports will respond to ARP, PING and etc. :parameters: ports - for which ports to configure service mode on/off enabled - True for activating service mode, False for disabling :raises: + :exe:'STLError' """ # by default take all acquired ports ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_acquired_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) if enabled: self.logger.pre_cmd('Enabling service mode on port(s) {0}:'.format(ports)) else: self.logger.pre_cmd('Disabling service mode on port(s) {0}:'.format(ports)) rc = self.__set_service_mode(ports, enabled) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) @contextmanager def service_mode (self, ports): self.set_service_mode(ports = ports) try: yield finally: self.set_service_mode(ports = ports, enabled = False) @__api_check(True) def resolve (self, ports = None, retries = 0, verbose = True): """ Resolves ports (ARP resolution) :parameters: ports - which ports to resolve retries - how many times to retry on each port (intervals of 100 milliseconds) verbose - log for each request the response :raises: + :exe:'STLError' """ # by default - resolve all the ports that are configured with IPv4 dest ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_resolvable_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) self.logger.pre_cmd('Resolving destination on port(s) {0}:'.format(ports)) with self.logger.supress(level = LoggerApi.VERBOSE_REGULAR_SYNC): rc = self.__resolve(ports, retries) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if verbose: for x in filter(bool, listify(rc.data())): self.logger.log(format_text("{0}".format(x), 'bold')) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) # alias arp = resolve @__api_check(True) def scan6(self, ports = None, timeout = 5, verbose = False): """ Search for IPv6 devices on ports :parameters: ports - for which ports to apply a unique sniffer (each port gets a unique file) timeout - how much time to wait for responses verbose - log for each request the response :return: list of dictionaries per neighbor: * type - type of device: 'Router' or 'Host' * mac - MAC address of device * ipv6 - IPv6 address of device :raises: + :exe:'STLError' """ if ports is None: ports = self.get_acquired_ports() else: ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) not_acquired = list_difference(ports, self.get_acquired_ports()) if not_acquired: raise STLError('Following ports are not acquired: %s' % ', '.join(map(str, not_acquired))) not_in_service = list_difference(ports, self.get_service_enabled_ports()) if not_in_service: raise STLError('Following ports are not in service mode: %s' % ', '.join(map(str, not_in_service))) self.logger.pre_cmd('Scanning network for IPv6 nodes on port(s) {0}:'.format(ports)) with self.logger.supress(level = LoggerApi.VERBOSE_REGULAR_SYNC): rc_per_port = self.__scan6(ports, timeout) self.logger.post_cmd(rc_per_port) err = RC() replies_per_port = {} for port, rc in rc_per_port.items(): if not rc: err.add(rc) else: replies_per_port[port] = rc.data() if err.rc_list: raise STLError(err) if verbose: for port, replies in replies_per_port.items(): if replies: max_ip_len = 0 for resp in replies: max_ip_len = max(max_ip_len, len(resp['ipv6'])) scan_table = TRexTextTable() scan_table.set_cols_align(['c', 'c', 'l']) scan_table.header(['Device', 'MAC', 'IPv6 address']) scan_table.set_cols_width([9, 19, max_ip_len + 2]) resp = 'Port %s - IPv6 search result:' % port self.logger.log(format_text(resp, 'bold')) node_types = defaultdict(list) for reply in replies: node_types[reply['type']].append(reply) for key in sorted(node_types.keys()): for reply in node_types[key]: scan_table.add_row([key, reply['mac'], reply['ipv6']]) self.logger.log(scan_table.draw()) self.logger.log('') else: self.logger.log(format_text('Port %s: no replies! Try to ping with explicit address.' % port, 'bold')) return replies_per_port @__api_check(True) def start_capture (self, tx_ports = None, rx_ports = None, limit = 1000, mode = 'fixed'): """ Starts a low rate packet capturing on the server :parameters: tx_ports: list on which ports to capture TX rx_ports: list on which ports to capture RX limit: int limit how many packets will be written memory requierment is O(9K * limit) mode: str 'fixed' - when full, newer packets will be dropped 'cyclic' - when full, older packets will be dropped :returns: returns a dictionary: {'id: , 'ts': } where 'id' is the new capture ID for future commands and 'ts' is that server monotonic timestamp when the capture was created :raises: + :exe:'STLError' """ # default values for TX / RX ports tx_ports = tx_ports if tx_ports is not None else [] rx_ports = rx_ports if rx_ports is not None else [] # check arguments tx_ports = self._validate_port_list(tx_ports, allow_empty = True) rx_ports = self._validate_port_list(rx_ports, allow_empty = True) merge_ports = set(tx_ports + rx_ports) # make sure at least one port to capture if not merge_ports: raise STLError("start_capture - must get at least one port to capture") validate_type('limit', limit, (int)) if limit <= 0: raise STLError("'limit' must be a positive value") if mode not in ('fixed', 'cyclic'): raise STLError("'mode' must be either 'fixed' or 'cyclic'") # verify service mode non_service_ports = list_difference(merge_ports, self.get_service_enabled_ports()) if non_service_ports: raise STLError("Port(s) {0} are not under service mode. packet capturing requires all ports to be in service mode".format(non_service_ports)) # actual job self.logger.pre_cmd("Starting packet capturing up to {0} packets".format(limit)) rc = self._transmit("capture", params = {'command': 'start', 'limit': limit, 'mode': mode, 'tx': tx_ports, 'rx': rx_ports}) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) return {'id': rc.data()['capture_id'], 'ts': rc.data()['start_ts']} @__api_check(True) def stop_capture (self, capture_id, output = None): """ Stops an active capture and optionally save it to a PCAP file :parameters: capture_id: int an active capture ID to stop output: None / str / list if output is None - all the packets will be discarded if output is a 'str' - it will be interpeted as output filename if it is a list, the API will populate the list with packet objects in case 'output' is a list, each element in the list is an object containing: 'binary' - binary bytes of the packet 'origin' - RX or TX origin 'ts' - timestamp relative to the start of the capture 'index' - order index in the capture 'port' - on which port did the packet arrive or was transmitted from :raises: + :exe:'STLError' """ # stopping a capture requires: # 1. stopping # 2. fetching # 3. saving to file validate_type('capture_id', capture_id, (int)) validate_type('output', output, (type(None), str, list)) # stop self.logger.pre_cmd("Stopping packet capture {0}".format(capture_id)) rc = self._transmit("capture", params = {'command': 'stop', 'capture_id': capture_id}) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) # pkt count pkt_count = rc.data()['pkt_count'] # fetch packets if output is not None: self.__fetch_capture_packets(capture_id, output, pkt_count) # remove self.logger.pre_cmd("Removing PCAP capture {0} from server".format(capture_id)) rc = self._transmit("capture", params = {'command': 'remove', 'capture_id': capture_id}) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) # fetch packets from the server and save them to a file def __fetch_capture_packets (self, capture_id, output, pkt_count): write_to_file = isinstance(output, basestring) self.logger.pre_cmd("Writing {0} packets to '{1}'".format(pkt_count, output if write_to_file else 'list')) # create a PCAP file if write_to_file: writer = RawPcapWriter(output, linktype = 1) writer._write_header(None) else: # clear the list del output[:] pending = pkt_count rc = RC_OK() # fetch with iteratios - each iteration up to 50 packets while pending > 0: rc = self._transmit("capture", params = {'command': 'fetch', 'capture_id': capture_id, 'pkt_limit': 50}) if not rc: self.logger.post_cmd(rc) raise STLError(rc) # make sure we are getting some progress assert(rc.data()['pending'] < pending) pkts = rc.data()['pkts'] pending = rc.data()['pending'] start_ts = rc.data()['start_ts'] # write packets for pkt in pkts: ts = pkt['ts'] - start_ts pkt['binary'] = base64.b64decode(pkt['binary']) if write_to_file: ts_sec, ts_usec = sec_split_usec(ts) writer._write_packet(pkt['binary'], sec = ts_sec, usec = ts_usec) else: output.append(pkt) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) @__api_check(True) def get_capture_status (self): """ Returns a dictionary where each key is an capture ID Each value is an object describing the capture """ rc = self._transmit("capture", params = {'command': 'status'}) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) # reformat as dictionary output = {} for c in rc.data(): output[c['id']] = c return output @__api_check(True) def remove_all_captures (self): """ Removes any existing captures """ captures = self.get_capture_status() self.logger.pre_cmd("Removing all packet captures from server") for capture_id in captures.keys(): # remove rc = self._transmit("capture", params = {'command': 'remove', 'capture_id': capture_id}) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) self.logger.post_cmd(RC_OK()) @__api_check(True) def set_rx_queue (self, ports = None, size = 1000): """ Sets RX queue for port(s) The queue is cyclic and will hold last 'size' packets :parameters: ports - for which ports to apply a queue size - size of the queue :raises: + :exe:'STLError' """ ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_acquired_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) # check arguments validate_type('size', size, (int)) if size <= 0: raise STLError("'size' must be a positive value") self.logger.pre_cmd("Setting RX queue on port(s) {0}:".format(ports)) rc = self.__set_rx_queue(ports, size) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) @__api_check(True) def remove_rx_queue (self, ports = None): """ Removes RX queue from port(s) :parameters: ports - for which ports to remove the RX queue :raises: + :exe:'STLError' """ ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_acquired_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) self.logger.pre_cmd("Removing RX queue on port(s) {0}:".format(ports)) rc = self.__remove_rx_queue(ports) self.logger.post_cmd(rc) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) @__api_check(True) def get_rx_queue_pkts (self, ports = None): """ Returns any packets queued on the RX side by the server return value is a dictonary per port :parameters: ports - for which ports to fetch """ ports = ports if ports is not None else self.get_acquired_ports() ports = self._validate_port_list(ports) rc = self.__get_rx_queue_pkts(ports) if not rc: raise STLError(rc) # decode the data back to the user result = {} for port, r in zip(ports, rc.data()): result[port] = r return result def clear_events (self): """ Clear all events :parameters: None :raises: None """ self.event_handler.clear_events() ############################ Line ############################# ############################ Commands ############################# ############################ ############################# # console decorator def __console(f): @wraps(f) def wrap(*args): client = args[0] time1 = time.time() try: rc = f(*args) except STLError as e: client.logger.log("\nAction has failed with the following error:\n\n" + format_text(e.brief() + "\n", 'bold')) return RC_ERR(e.brief()) # if got true - print time if rc: delta = time.time() - time1 client.logger.log(format_time(delta) + "\n") return rc return wrap @__console def ping_line (self, line): '''pings the server / specific IP''' # no parameters - so ping server if not line: self.ping_rpc_server() return True parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "ping", self.ping_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.SINGLE_PORT, parsing_opts.PING_IP, parsing_opts.PKT_SIZE, parsing_opts.PING_COUNT) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if not opts: return opts # IP ping # source ports maps to ports as a single port self.ping_ip(opts.ports[0], opts.ping_ip, opts.pkt_size, opts.count) @__console def shutdown_line (self, line): '''shutdown the server''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "shutdown", self.shutdown_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.FORCE) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if not opts: return opts self.server_shutdown(force = opts.force) return RC_OK() @__console def connect_line (self, line): '''Connects to the TRex server and acquire ports''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "connect", self.connect_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.FORCE, parsing_opts.READONLY) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if not opts: return opts self.connect() if not opts.readonly: self.acquire(force = opts.force) return RC_OK() @__console def acquire_line (self, line): '''Acquire ports\n''' # define a parser parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "acquire", self.acquire_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.PORT_LIST_WITH_ALL, parsing_opts.FORCE) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split(), default_ports = self.get_all_ports()) if not opts: return opts # filter out all the already owned ports ports = list_difference(opts.ports, self.get_acquired_ports()) if not ports: msg = "acquire - all of port(s) {0} are already acquired".format(opts.ports) self.logger.log(format_text(msg, 'bold')) return RC_ERR(msg) self.acquire(ports = ports, force = opts.force) return RC_OK() # @__console def release_line (self, line): '''Release ports\n''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "release", self.release_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.PORT_LIST_WITH_ALL) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split(), default_ports = self.get_acquired_ports()) if not opts: return opts ports = list_intersect(opts.ports, self.get_acquired_ports()) if not ports: if not opts.ports: msg = "release - no acquired ports" self.logger.log(format_text(msg, 'bold')) return RC_ERR(msg) else: msg = "release - none of port(s) {0} are acquired".format(opts.ports) self.logger.log(format_text(msg, 'bold')) return RC_ERR(msg) self.release(ports = ports) return RC_OK() @__console def reacquire_line (self, line): '''reacquire all the ports under your username which are not acquired by your session''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "reacquire", self.reacquire_line.__doc__) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if not opts: return opts # find all the on-owned ports under your name my_unowned_ports = list_difference([k for k, v in self.ports.items() if v.get_owner() == self.username], self.get_acquired_ports()) if not my_unowned_ports: msg = "reacquire - no unowned ports under '{0}'".format(self.username) self.logger.log(msg) return RC_ERR(msg) self.acquire(ports = my_unowned_ports, force = True) return RC_OK() @__console def disconnect_line (self, line): self.disconnect() @__console def reset_line (self, line): '''Reset ports - if no ports are provided all acquired ports will be reset''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "reset", self.reset_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.PORT_LIST_WITH_ALL, parsing_opts.PORT_RESTART) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split(), default_ports = self.get_acquired_ports(), verify_acquired = True) if not opts: return opts self.reset(ports = opts.ports, restart = opts.restart) return RC_OK() @__console def start_line (self, line): '''Start selected traffic on specified ports on TRex\n''' # define a parser parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "start", self.start_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.PORT_LIST_WITH_ALL, parsing_opts.TOTAL, parsing_opts.FORCE, parsing_opts.FILE_PATH, parsing_opts.DURATION, parsing_opts.TUNABLES, parsing_opts.MULTIPLIER_STRICT, parsing_opts.DRY_RUN, parsing_opts.CORE_MASK_GROUP) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split(), default_ports = self.get_acquired_ports(), verify_acquired = True) if not opts: return opts # core mask if opts.core_mask is not None: core_mask = opts.core_mask else: core_mask = self.CORE_MASK_PIN if opts.pin_cores else self.CORE_MASK_SPLIT # just for sanity - will be checked on the API as well self.__decode_core_mask(opts.ports, core_mask) # for better use experience - check this first try: self.__pre_start_check(opts.ports, opts.force) except STLError as e: msg = e.brief() self.logger.log(format_text(msg, 'bold')) return RC_ERR(msg) # stop ports if needed active_ports = list_intersect(self.get_active_ports(), opts.ports) if active_ports and opts.force: self.stop(active_ports) # process tunables if type(opts.tunables) is dict: tunables = opts.tunables else: tunables = {} # remove all streams self.remove_all_streams(opts.ports) # pack the profile try: for port in opts.ports: profile = STLProfile.load(opts.file[0], direction = tunables.get('direction', port % 2), port_id = port, **tunables) self.add_streams(profile.get_streams(), ports = port) except STLError as e: for line in e.brief().splitlines(): if ansi_len(line.strip()): error = line msg = format_text("\nError loading profile '{0}'".format(opts.file[0]), 'bold') self.logger.log(msg + '\n') self.logger.log(e.brief() + "\n") return RC_ERR("%s: %s" % (msg, error)) if opts.dry: self.validate(opts.ports, opts.mult, opts.duration, opts.total) else: self.start(opts.ports, opts.mult, opts.force, opts.duration, opts.total, core_mask) return RC_OK() @__console def stop_line (self, line): '''Stop active traffic on specified ports on TRex\n''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "stop", self.stop_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.PORT_LIST_WITH_ALL) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split(), default_ports = self.get_active_ports(), verify_acquired = True) if not opts: return opts # find the relevant ports ports = list_intersect(opts.ports, self.get_active_ports()) if not ports: if not opts.ports: msg = 'stop - no active ports' else: msg = 'stop - no active traffic on ports {0}'.format(opts.ports) self.logger.log(msg) return RC_ERR(msg) # call API self.stop(ports) return RC_OK() @__console def update_line (self, line): '''Update port(s) speed currently active\n''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "update", self.update_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.PORT_LIST_WITH_ALL, parsing_opts.MULTIPLIER, parsing_opts.TOTAL, parsing_opts.FORCE) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split(), default_ports = self.get_active_ports(), verify_acquired = True) if not opts: return opts # find the relevant ports ports = list_intersect(opts.ports, self.get_active_ports()) if not ports: if not opts.ports: msg = 'update - no active ports' else: msg = 'update - no active traffic on ports {0}'.format(opts.ports) self.logger.log(msg) return RC_ERR(msg) self.update(ports, opts.mult, opts.total, opts.force) return RC_OK() @__console def pause_line (self, line): '''Pause active traffic on specified ports on TRex\n''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "pause", self.pause_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.PORT_LIST_WITH_ALL) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split(), default_ports = self.get_transmitting_ports(), verify_acquired = True) if not opts: return opts # check for already paused case if opts.ports and is_sub_list(opts.ports, self.get_paused_ports()): msg = 'pause - all of port(s) {0} are already paused'.format(opts.ports) self.logger.log(msg) return RC_ERR(msg) # find the relevant ports ports = list_intersect(opts.ports, self.get_transmitting_ports()) if not ports: if not opts.ports: msg = 'pause - no transmitting ports' else: msg = 'pause - none of ports {0} are transmitting'.format(opts.ports) self.logger.log(msg) return RC_ERR(msg) self.pause(ports) return RC_OK() @__console def resume_line (self, line): '''Resume active traffic on specified ports on TRex\n''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "resume", self.resume_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.PORT_LIST_WITH_ALL) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split(), default_ports = self.get_paused_ports(), verify_acquired = True) if not opts: return opts # find the relevant ports ports = list_intersect(opts.ports, self.get_paused_ports()) if not ports: if not opts.ports: msg = 'resume - no paused ports' else: msg = 'resume - none of ports {0} are paused'.format(opts.ports) self.logger.log(msg) return RC_ERR(msg) self.resume(ports) # true means print time return RC_OK() @__console def clear_stats_line (self, line): '''Clear cached local statistics\n''' # define a parser parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "clear", self.clear_stats_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.PORT_LIST_WITH_ALL) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if not opts: return opts self.clear_stats(opts.ports) return RC_OK() @__console def show_stats_line (self, line): '''Get statistics from TRex server by port\n''' # define a parser parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "stats", self.show_stats_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.PORT_LIST_WITH_ALL, parsing_opts.STATS_MASK) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if not opts: return opts # determine stats mask mask = self.__get_mask_keys(**self.__filter_namespace_args(opts, trex_stl_stats.ALL_STATS_OPTS)) if not mask: # set to show all stats if no filter was given mask = trex_stl_stats.COMPACT stats_opts = common.list_intersect(trex_stl_stats.ALL_STATS_OPTS, mask) stats = self._get_formatted_stats(opts.ports, mask) # print stats to screen for stat_type, stat_data in stats.items(): text_tables.print_table_with_header(stat_data.text_table, stat_type) @__console def show_streams_line(self, line): '''Get stream statistics from TRex server by port\n''' # define a parser parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "streams", self.show_streams_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.PORT_LIST_WITH_ALL, parsing_opts.STREAMS_MASK) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if not opts: return opts streams = self._get_streams(opts.ports, set(opts.streams)) if not streams: self.logger.log(format_text("No streams found with desired filter.\n", "bold", "magenta")) else: # print stats to screen for stream_hdr, port_streams_data in streams.items(): text_tables.print_table_with_header(port_streams_data.text_table, header= stream_hdr.split(":")[0] + ":", untouched_header= stream_hdr.split(":")[1]) @__console def validate_line (self, line): '''Validates port(s) stream configuration\n''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "validate", self.validate_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.PORT_LIST_WITH_ALL) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if not opts: return opts self.validate(opts.ports) @__console def push_line (self, line): '''Push a pcap file ''' args = [self, "push", self.push_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.REMOTE_FILE, parsing_opts.PORT_LIST_WITH_ALL, parsing_opts.COUNT, parsing_opts.DURATION, parsing_opts.IPG, parsing_opts.MIN_IPG, parsing_opts.SPEEDUP, parsing_opts.FORCE, parsing_opts.DUAL] parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(*(args + [parsing_opts.FILE_PATH_NO_CHECK])) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split(), verify_acquired = True) if not opts: return opts if not opts.remote: parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(*(args + [parsing_opts.FILE_PATH])) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split(), verify_acquired = True) if not opts: return opts active_ports = list(set(self.get_active_ports()).intersection(opts.ports)) if active_ports: if not opts.force: msg = "Port(s) {0} are active - please stop them or add '--force'\n".format(active_ports) self.logger.log(format_text(msg, 'bold')) return RC_ERR(msg) else: self.stop(active_ports) if opts.remote: self.push_remote(opts.file[0], ports = opts.ports, ipg_usec = opts.ipg_usec, min_ipg_usec = opts.min_ipg_usec, speedup = opts.speedup, count = opts.count, duration = opts.duration, is_dual = opts.dual) else: self.push_pcap(opts.file[0], ports = opts.ports, ipg_usec = opts.ipg_usec, min_ipg_usec = opts.min_ipg_usec, speedup = opts.speedup, count = opts.count, duration = opts.duration, force = opts.force, is_dual = opts.dual) return RC_OK() @__console def set_port_attr_line (self, line): '''Sets port attributes ''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "portattr", self.set_port_attr_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.PORT_LIST_WITH_ALL, parsing_opts.PROMISCUOUS, parsing_opts.LINK_STATUS, parsing_opts.LED_STATUS, parsing_opts.FLOW_CTRL, parsing_opts.SUPPORTED, parsing_opts.MULTICAST, ) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split(), default_ports = self.get_acquired_ports()) if not opts: return opts opts.prom = parsing_opts.ON_OFF_DICT.get(opts.prom) opts.mult = parsing_opts.ON_OFF_DICT.get(opts.mult) opts.link = parsing_opts.UP_DOWN_DICT.get(opts.link) opts.led = parsing_opts.ON_OFF_DICT.get(opts.led) opts.flow_ctrl = parsing_opts.FLOW_CTRL_DICT.get(opts.flow_ctrl) # if no attributes - fall back to printing the status if not list(filter(lambda opt:opt[0] not in ('all_ports', 'ports') and opt[1] is not None, opts._get_kwargs())): ports = opts.ports if opts.ports else self.get_all_ports() self.show_stats_line("--ps --port {0}".format(' '.join(str(port) for port in ports))) return if opts.supp: info = self.ports[0].get_formatted_info() # assume for now all ports are same print('') print('Supported attributes for current NICs:') print(' Promiscuous: yes') print(' Multicast: yes') print(' Link status: %s' % info['link_change_supported']) print(' LED status: %s' % info['led_change_supported']) print(' Flow control: %s' % info['fc_supported']) print('') else: if not opts.ports: raise STLError('No acquired ports!') self.set_port_attr(opts.ports, opts.prom, opts.link, opts.led, opts.flow_ctrl, multicast = opts.mult) @__console def set_rx_sniffer_line (self, line): '''Sets a port sniffer on RX channel in form of a PCAP file''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "set_rx_sniffer", self.set_rx_sniffer_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.PORT_LIST_WITH_ALL, parsing_opts.OUTPUT_FILENAME, parsing_opts.LIMIT) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split(), default_ports = self.get_acquired_ports(), verify_acquired = True) if not opts: return opts self.set_rx_sniffer(opts.ports, opts.output_filename, opts.limit) return RC_OK() @__console def resolve_line (self, line): '''Performs a port ARP resolution''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "resolve", self.resolve_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.PORT_LIST_WITH_ALL, parsing_opts.RETRIES) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split(), default_ports = self.get_resolvable_ports(), verify_acquired = True) if not opts: return opts self.resolve(ports = opts.ports, retries = opts.retries) return RC_OK() @__console def scan6_line(self, line): '''Search for IPv6 neighbors''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "scan6", self.scan6_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.PORT_LIST_WITH_ALL, parsing_opts.TIMEOUT) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split(), default_ports = self.get_acquired_ports(), verify_acquired = True) if not opts: return opts rc_per_port = self.scan6(ports = opts.ports, timeout = opts.timeout, verbose = True) #for port, rc in rc_per_port.items(): # if rc and len(rc.data()) == 1 and not self.ports[port].is_resolved(): # self.ports[port].set_l2_mode(rc.data()[0][1]) return RC_OK() @__console def set_l2_mode_line (self, line): '''Configures a port in L2 mode''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "port", self.set_l2_mode_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.SINGLE_PORT, parsing_opts.DST_MAC, ) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if not opts: return opts # source ports maps to ports as a single port self.set_l2_mode(opts.ports[0], dst_mac = opts.dst_mac) return RC_OK() @__console def set_l3_mode_line (self, line): '''Configures a port in L3 mode''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "port", self.set_l3_mode_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.SINGLE_PORT, parsing_opts.SRC_IPV4, parsing_opts.DST_IPV4, ) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if not opts: return opts # source ports maps to ports as a single port self.set_l3_mode(opts.ports[0], src_ipv4 = opts.src_ipv4, dst_ipv4 = opts.dst_ipv4) return RC_OK() @__console def show_profile_line (self, line): '''Shows profile information''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "profile", self.show_profile_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.FILE_PATH) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if not opts: return opts info = STLProfile.get_info(opts.file[0]) self.logger.log(format_text('\nProfile Information:\n', 'bold')) # general info self.logger.log(format_text('\nGeneral Information:', 'underline')) self.logger.log('Filename: {:^12}'.format(opts.file[0])) self.logger.log('Stream count: {:^12}'.format(info['stream_count'])) # specific info profile_type = info['type'] self.logger.log(format_text('\nSpecific Information:', 'underline')) if profile_type == 'python': self.logger.log('Type: {:^12}'.format('Python Module')) self.logger.log('Tunables: {:^12}'.format(str(['{0} = {1}'.format(k ,v) for k, v in info['tunables'].items()]))) elif profile_type == 'yaml': self.logger.log('Type: {:^12}'.format('YAML')) elif profile_type == 'pcap': self.logger.log('Type: {:^12}'.format('PCAP file')) self.logger.log("") @__console def get_events_line (self, line): '''shows events recieved from server\n''' x = [parsing_opts.ArgumentPack(['-c','--clear'], {'action' : "store_true", 'default': False, 'help': "clear the events log"}), parsing_opts.ArgumentPack(['-i','--info'], {'action' : "store_true", 'default': False, 'help': "show info events"}), parsing_opts.ArgumentPack(['-w','--warn'], {'action' : "store_true", 'default': False, 'help': "show warning events"}), ] parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "events", self.get_events_line.__doc__, *x) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if not opts: return opts ev_type_filter = [] if opts.info: ev_type_filter.append('info') if opts.warn: ev_type_filter.append('warning') if not ev_type_filter: ev_type_filter = None events = self.get_events(ev_type_filter) for ev in events: self.logger.log(ev) if opts.clear: self.clear_events() def generate_prompt (self, prefix = 'trex'): if not self.is_connected(): return "{0}(offline)>".format(prefix) elif not self.get_acquired_ports(): return "{0}(read-only)>".format(prefix) elif self.is_all_ports_acquired(): p = prefix if self.get_service_enabled_ports(): if self.get_service_enabled_ports() == self.get_acquired_ports(): p += '(service)' else: p += '(service: {0})'.format(', '.join(map(str, self.get_service_enabled_ports()))) return "{0}>".format(p) else: return "{0} (ports: {1})>".format(prefix, ', '.join(map(str, self.get_acquired_ports()))) @__console def service_line (self, line): '''Configures port for service mode. In service mode ports will reply to ARP, PING and etc. ''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "service", self.service_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.PORT_LIST_WITH_ALL, parsing_opts.SERVICE_OFF) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if not opts: return opts self.set_service_mode(ports = opts.ports, enabled = opts.enabled) @__console def pkt_line (self, line): ''' Sends a Scapy format packet ''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "pkt", self.pkt_line.__doc__, parsing_opts.PORT_LIST_WITH_ALL, parsing_opts.COUNT, parsing_opts.DRY_RUN, parsing_opts.SCAPY_PKT_CMD) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if not opts: return opts # show layers option if opts.layers: self.logger.log(format_text('\nRegistered Layers:\n', 'underline')) self.logger.log(parsing_opts.ScapyDecoder.formatted_layers()) return # dry run option if opts.dry: self.logger.log(format_text('\nPacket (Size: {0}):\n'.format(format_num(len(opts.scapy_pkt), suffix = 'B')), 'bold', 'underline')) opts.scapy_pkt.show2() self.logger.log(format_text('\n*** DRY RUN - no traffic was injected ***\n', 'bold')) return # verify ports are stopped or force stop them active_ports = [port_id for port_id in opts.ports if self.ports[port_id].is_active()] if active_ports: self.logger.log(format_text("Port(s) {0} are active - please stop them before pushing packets".format(active_ports), 'bold')) return self.logger.pre_cmd("Pushing {0} packet(s) (size: {1}) on port(s) {2}:".format(opts.count if opts.count else 'infinite', len(opts.scapy_pkt), opts.ports)) try: with self.logger.supress(): self.push_packets(pkts = opts.scapy_pkt, ports = opts.ports, force = True, count = opts.count) except STLError as e: self.logger.post_cmd(False) raise else: self.logger.post_cmd(RC_OK()) # save current history to a temp file def __push_history (self): tmp_file = tempfile.mktemp() readline.write_history_file(tmp_file) readline.clear_history() return tmp_file # restore history from a temp file def __pop_history (self, filename): readline.clear_history() readline.read_history_file(filename) @__console def debug_line (self, line): ''' Internal debugger for development. Requires IPython and readline modules installed ''' parser = parsing_opts.gen_parser(self, "debug", self.debug_line.__doc__) opts = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if not opts: return opts try: import IPython except ImportError: self.logger.log(format_text("\n*** 'IPython' is required for interactive debugging ***\n", 'bold')) return try: import readline except ImportError: self.logger.log(format_text("\n*** 'readline' is required for interactive debugging ***\n", 'bold')) return self.logger.log(format_text("\n*** Starting IPython... use 'client' as client object, Ctrl + D to exit ***\n", 'bold')) client = self auto_completer = readline.get_completer() h_file = self.__push_history() try: from IPython.terminal.ipapp import load_default_config cfg = load_default_config() cfg['TerminalInteractiveShell']['confirm_exit'] = False x = IPython.terminal.embed.InteractiveShellEmbed(cfg, display_banner = False) x.mainloop() finally: readline.set_completer(auto_completer) self.__pop_history(h_file) try: os.unlink(h_file) except OSError: pass self.logger.log(format_text("\n*** Leaving IPython ***\n")) return