import random import string import struct import socket import json import yaml import binascii import base64 import inspect import copy from .trex_stl_packet_builder_interface import CTrexPktBuilderInterface from .trex_stl_types import * from scapy.all import * class CTRexPacketBuildException(Exception): """ This is the general Packet Building error exception class. """ def __init__(self, code, message): self.code = code self.message = message def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return u"[errcode:%r] %r" % (self.code, self.message) ################################################################################################ def safe_ord (c): if type(c) is str: return ord(c) elif type(c) is int: return c else: raise TypeError("Cannot convert: {0} of type: {1}".format(c, type(c))) def _buffer_to_num(str_buffer): validate_type('str_buffer', str_buffer, bytes) res=0 for i in str_buffer: res = res << 8 res += safe_ord(i) return res def ipv4_str_to_num (ipv4_buffer): validate_type('ipv4_buffer', ipv4_buffer, bytes) assert len(ipv4_buffer)==4, 'Size of ipv4_buffer is not 4' return _buffer_to_num(ipv4_buffer) def mac_str_to_num (mac_buffer): validate_type('mac_buffer', mac_buffer, bytes) assert len(mac_buffer)==6, 'Size of mac_buffer is not 6' return _buffer_to_num(mac_buffer) def is_valid_ipv4(ip_addr): """ Return buffer in network order """ if type(ip_addr) == bytes and len(ip_addr) == 4: return ip_addr if type(ip_addr)== int: ip_addr = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!I", ip_addr)) try: return socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, ip_addr) except AttributeError: # no inet_pton here, sorry return socket.inet_aton(ip_addr) except socket.error: # not a valid address raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-10,"Not valid ipv4 format"); def is_valid_ipv6(ipv6_addr): """ Return buffer in network order """ if type(ipv6_addr) == bytes and len(ipv6_addr) == 16: return ipv6_addr try: return socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ipv6_addr) except AttributeError: # no inet_pton here, sorry raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-10, 'No inet_pton function available') except: raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-10, 'Not valid ipv6 format') class CTRexScriptsBase(object): """ VM Script base class """ def clone (self): return copy.deepcopy(self) class CTRexScFieldRangeBase(CTRexScriptsBase): FILED_TYPES = ['inc', 'dec', 'rand'] def __init__(self, field_name, field_type ): super(CTRexScFieldRangeBase, self).__init__() self.field_name =field_name self.field_type =field_type if not self.field_type in CTRexScFieldRangeBase.FILED_TYPES : raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-12, 'Field type should be in %s' % FILED_TYPES); class CTRexScFieldRangeValue(CTRexScFieldRangeBase): """ Range of field values """ def __init__(self, field_name, field_type, min_value, max_value ): super(CTRexScFieldRangeValue, self).__init__(field_name,field_type) self.min_value =min_value; self.max_value =max_value; if min_value > max_value: raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-12, 'Invalid range: min is greater than max.'); if min_value == max_value: raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-13, "Invalid range: min value is equal to max value."); class CTRexScIpv4SimpleRange(CTRexScFieldRangeBase): """ Range of ipv4 ip """ def __init__(self, field_name, field_type, min_ip, max_ip): super(CTRexScIpv4SimpleRange, self).__init__(field_name,field_type) self.min_ip = min_ip self.max_ip = max_ip mmin=ipv4_str_to_num (is_valid_ipv4(min_ip)) mmax=ipv4_str_to_num (is_valid_ipv4(max_ip)) if mmin > mmax : raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11, 'CTRexScIpv4SimpleRange m_min ip is bigger than max'); class CTRexScIpv4TupleGen(CTRexScriptsBase): """ Range tuple """ FLAGS_ULIMIT_FLOWS =1 def __init__(self, min_ipv4, max_ipv4, num_flows=100000, min_port=1025, max_port=65535, flags=0): super(CTRexScIpv4TupleGen, self).__init__() self.min_ip = min_ipv4 self.max_ip = max_ipv4 mmin=ipv4_str_to_num (is_valid_ipv4(min_ipv4)) mmax=ipv4_str_to_num (is_valid_ipv4(max_ipv4)) if mmin > mmax : raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11, 'CTRexScIpv4SimpleRange m_min ip is bigger than max'); self.num_flows=num_flows; self.min_port =min_port self.max_port =max_port self.flags = flags class CTRexScTrimPacketSize(CTRexScriptsBase): """ Trim packet size. Field type is CTRexScFieldRangeBase.FILED_TYPES = ["inc","dec","rand"] """ def __init__(self,field_type="rand",min_pkt_size=None, max_pkt_size=None): super(CTRexScTrimPacketSize, self).__init__() self.field_type = field_type self.min_pkt_size = min_pkt_size self.max_pkt_size = max_pkt_size if max_pkt_size != None and min_pkt_size !=None : if min_pkt_size == max_pkt_size: raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11, 'CTRexScTrimPacketSize min_pkt_size is the same as max_pkt_size '); if min_pkt_size > max_pkt_size: raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11, 'CTRexScTrimPacketSize min_pkt_size is bigger than max_pkt_size '); class STLScVmRaw(CTRexScriptsBase): """ Raw instructions """ def __init__(self,list_of_commands=None,split_by_field=None,cache_size=None): """ Include a list of a basic instructions objects. :parameters: list_of_commands : list list of instructions split_by_field : string by which field to split to threads cache_size : uint16_t In case it is bigger than zero, FE results will be cached - this will speedup of the program at the cost of limiting the number of possible packets to the number of cache. The cache size is limited to the pool size The following example splits the generated traffic by "ip_src" variable. .. code-block:: python :caption: Split by # TCP SYN base_pkt = Ether()/IP(dst="")/TCP(dport=80,flags="S") # vm vm = STLScVmRaw( [ STLVmFlowVar(name="ip_src", min_value="", max_value="", size=4, op="inc"), STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="ip_src", pkt_offset= "IP.src" ), STLVmFixIpv4(offset = "IP"), # fix checksum ] ,split_by_field = "ip_src", cache_size = 1000 ) """ super(STLScVmRaw, self).__init__() self.split_by_field = split_by_field self.cache_size = cache_size if list_of_commands==None: self.commands =[] else: self.commands = list_of_commands def add_cmd (self,cmd): self.commands.append(cmd) ################################################################################################ # VM raw instructions ################################################################################################ class CTRexVmInsBase(object): """ Instruction base """ def __init__(self, ins_type): self.type = ins_type validate_type('ins_type', ins_type, str) class CTRexVmInsFixIpv4(CTRexVmInsBase): def __init__(self, offset): super(CTRexVmInsFixIpv4, self).__init__("fix_checksum_ipv4") self.pkt_offset = offset validate_type('offset', offset, int) class CTRexVmInsFlowVar(CTRexVmInsBase): #TBD add more validation tests OPERATIONS =['inc', 'dec', 'random'] VALID_SIZES =[1, 2, 4, 8] def __init__(self, fv_name, size, op, init_value, min_value, max_value,step): super(CTRexVmInsFlowVar, self).__init__("flow_var") = fv_name; validate_type('fv_name', fv_name, str) self.size = size self.op = op self.init_value = init_value validate_type('init_value', init_value, int) assert init_value >= 0, 'init_value (%s) is negative' % init_value self.min_value=min_value validate_type('min_value', min_value, int) assert min_value >= 0, 'min_value (%s) is negative' % min_value self.max_value=max_value validate_type('max_value', max_value, int) assert max_value >= 0, 'max_value (%s) is negative' % max_value self.step=step validate_type('step', step, int) assert step >= 0, 'step (%s) is negative' % step class CTRexVmInsWrFlowVar(CTRexVmInsBase): def __init__(self, fv_name, pkt_offset, add_value=0, is_big_endian=True): super(CTRexVmInsWrFlowVar, self).__init__("write_flow_var") = fv_name validate_type('fv_name', fv_name, str) self.pkt_offset = pkt_offset validate_type('pkt_offset', pkt_offset, int) self.add_value = add_value validate_type('add_value', add_value, int) self.is_big_endian = is_big_endian validate_type('is_big_endian', is_big_endian, bool) class CTRexVmInsWrMaskFlowVar(CTRexVmInsBase): def __init__(self, fv_name, pkt_offset,pkt_cast_size,mask,shift,add_value, is_big_endian=True): super(CTRexVmInsWrMaskFlowVar, self).__init__("write_mask_flow_var") = fv_name validate_type('fv_name', fv_name, str) self.pkt_offset = pkt_offset validate_type('pkt_offset', pkt_offset, int) self.pkt_cast_size = pkt_cast_size validate_type('pkt_cast_size', pkt_cast_size, int) self.mask = mask validate_type('mask', mask, int) self.shift = shift validate_type('shift', shift, int) self.add_value =add_value validate_type('add_value', add_value, int) self.is_big_endian = is_big_endian validate_type('is_big_endian', is_big_endian, bool) class CTRexVmInsTrimPktSize(CTRexVmInsBase): def __init__(self,fv_name): super(CTRexVmInsTrimPktSize, self).__init__("trim_pkt_size") = fv_name validate_type('fv_name', fv_name, str) class CTRexVmInsTupleGen(CTRexVmInsBase): def __init__(self, fv_name, ip_min, ip_max, port_min, port_max, limit_flows, flags=0): super(CTRexVmInsTupleGen, self).__init__("tuple_flow_var") =fv_name validate_type('fv_name', fv_name, str) self.ip_min = ip_min; self.ip_max = ip_max; self.port_min = port_min; self.port_max = port_max; self.limit_flows = limit_flows; self.flags =flags; ################################################################################################ # class CTRexVmEngine(object): def __init__(self): """ Inlcude list of instructions. """ super(CTRexVmEngine, self).__init__() self.ins=[] self.split_by_var = '' self.cache_size = 0 # return as json def get_json (self): inst_array = []; # dump it as dict for obj in self.ins: inst_array.append(obj.__dict__); d={'instructions': inst_array, 'split_by_var': self.split_by_var}; if self.cache_size >0 : d['cache']=self.cache_size return d def add_ins (self,ins): #assert issubclass(ins, CTRexVmInsBase) self.ins.append(ins); def dump (self): cnt=0; for obj in self.ins: print("ins",cnt) cnt = cnt +1 print(obj.__dict__) def dump_bjson (self): print(json.dumps(self.get_json(), sort_keys=True, indent=4)) def dump_as_yaml (self): print(yaml.dump(self.get_json(), default_flow_style=False)) ################################################################################################ class CTRexScapyPktUtl(object): def __init__(self, scapy_pkt): self.pkt = scapy_pkt def pkt_iter (self): p=self.pkt; while True: yield p p=p.payload if p ==None or isinstance(p,NoPayload): break; def get_list_iter(self): l=list(self.pkt_iter()) return l def get_pkt_layers(self): """ Return string 'IP:UDP:TCP' """ l=self.get_list_iter (); l1=map(lambda p:,l ); return ":".join(l1); def _layer_offset(self, name, cnt = 0): """ Return offset of layer. Example: 'IP',1 returns offfset of layer ip:1 """ save_cnt=cnt for pkt in self.pkt_iter (): if == name: if cnt==0: return (pkt, pkt.offset) else: cnt=cnt -1 raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("no layer %s-%d" % (name, save_cnt))); def layer_offset(self, name, cnt = 0): """ Return offset of layer. Example: 'IP',1 returns offfset of layer ip:1 """ save_cnt=cnt for pkt in self.pkt_iter (): if == name: if cnt==0: return pkt.offset else: cnt=cnt -1 raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("no layer %s-%d" % (name, save_cnt))); def get_field_offet(self, layer, layer_cnt, field_name): """ Return offset of layer. Example: 'IP',1 returns offfset of layer ip:1 """ t=self._layer_offset(layer,layer_cnt); l_offset=t[1]; layer_pkt=t[0] #layer_pkt.dump_fields_offsets () for f in layer_pkt.fields_desc: if == field_name: return (l_offset+f.offset,f.get_size_bytes ()); raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11, "No layer %s-%d." % (name, save_cnt, field_name)); def get_layer_offet_by_str(self, layer_des): """ Return layer offset by string. :parameters: IP:0 IP:1 return offset """ l1=layer_des.split(":") layer="" layer_cnt=0; if len(l1)==1: layer=l1[0]; else: layer=l1[0]; layer_cnt=int(l1[1]); return self.layer_offset(layer, layer_cnt) def get_field_offet_by_str(self, field_des): """ Return field_des (offset,size) layer:cnt.field Example: 802|1Q.vlan get 802.1Q->valn replace | with . IP.src IP:0.src (first IP.src like IP.src) Example: IP:1.src for internal IP Return (offset, size) as tuple. """ s=field_des.split("."); if len(s)!=2: raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11, ("Field desription should be layer:cnt.field Example: IP.src or IP:1.src")); layer_ex = s[0].replace("|",".") field = s[1] l1=layer_ex.split(":") layer="" layer_cnt=0; if len(l1)==1: layer=l1[0]; else: layer=l1[0]; layer_cnt=int(l1[1]); return self.get_field_offet(layer,layer_cnt,field) def has_IPv4 (self): return self.pkt.has_layer("IP"); def has_IPv6 (self): return self.pkt.has_layer("IPv6"); def has_UDP (self): return self.pkt.has_layer("UDP"); ################################################################################################ class CTRexVmDescBase(object): """ Instruction base """ def __init__(self): pass; def get_obj(self): return self; def get_json(self): return self.get_obj().__dict__ def dump_bjson(self): print(json.dumps(self.get_json(), sort_keys=True, indent=4)) def dump_as_yaml(self): print(yaml.dump(self.get_json(), default_flow_style=False)) def get_var_ref (self): ''' Virtual function returns a ref var name. ''' return None def get_var_name(self): ''' Virtual function returns the varible name if it exists. ''' return None def compile(self,parent): ''' Virtual function to take parent that has function name_to_offset. ''' pass; def valid_fv_size (size): if not (size in CTRexVmInsFlowVar.VALID_SIZES): raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("Flow var has invalid size %d ") % size ); def valid_fv_ops (op): if not (op in CTRexVmInsFlowVar.OPERATIONS): raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("Flow var has invalid op %s ") % op ); def convert_val (val): if is_integer(val): return val if type(val) == str: return ipv4_str_to_num (is_valid_ipv4(val)) raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("init val invalid %s ") % val ); def check_for_int (val): validate_type('val', val, int) class STLVmFlowVar(CTRexVmDescBase): def __init__(self, name, init_value=None, min_value=0, max_value=255, size=4, step=1,op="inc"): """ Flow variable instruction. Allocates a variable on a stream context. The size argument determines the variable size. The operation can be inc, dec, and random. For increment and decrement operations, can set the "step" size. For all operations, can set initialization value, minimum and maximum value. :parameters: name : string Name of the stream variable init_value : int Init value of the variable. If not specified, it will be min_value min_value : int Min value max_value : int Max value size : int Number of bytes of the variable. Possible values: 1,2,4,8 for uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t step : int Step in case of "inc" or "dec" operations op : string Possible values: "inc", "dec", "random" .. code-block:: python :caption: Example1 # input STLVmFlowVar(min_value=0, max_value=3, size=1,op="inc") # output 0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3 .. # input STLVmFlowVar(min_value=0, max_value=3, size=1,op="dec") # output 0,3,2,1,0,3,2,1 .. # input STLVmFlowVar(min_value=0, max_value=3, size=1,op="random") # output 1,1,2,3,1,2,1,0 .. # input STLVmFlowVar(min_value=0, max_value=10, size=1,op="inc",step=3) # output 0,3,6,9,0,3,6,9,0.. """ super(STLVmFlowVar, self).__init__() = name; validate_type('name', name, str) self.size =size valid_fv_size(size) self.op =op valid_fv_ops (op) # choose default value for init val if init_value == None: init_value = max_value if op == "dec" else min_value self.init_value = convert_val (init_value) self.min_value = convert_val (min_value); self.max_value = convert_val (max_value) self.step = convert_val (step) if self.min_value > self.max_value : raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("max %d is lower than min %d ") % (self.max_value,self.min_value) ); def get_obj (self): return CTRexVmInsFlowVar(,self.size,self.op,self.init_value,self.min_value,self.max_value,self.step); def get_var_name(self): return [] class STLVmFixIpv4(CTRexVmDescBase): def __init__(self, offset): """ Fix IPv4 header checksum. Use this if the packet header has changed and it is necessary to change the checksum. :parameters: offset : uint16_t or string **IPv4 header** offset from packet start. It is **not** the offset of the checksum field itself. in could be string in case of scapy packet. format IP[:[id]] .. code-block:: python :caption: Example2 pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025) # by offset STLVmFixIpv4(offset=14) # in case of scapy packet can be defined by header name STLVmFixIpv4(offset="IP") # string for second "IP" header in the packet is IP:1 STLVmFixIpv4(offset="IP:1") """ super(STLVmFixIpv4, self).__init__() self.offset = offset; # could be a name of offset def get_obj (self): return CTRexVmInsFixIpv4(self.offset); def compile(self,parent): if type(self.offset)==str: self.offset = parent._pkt_layer_offset(self.offset); class STLVmWrFlowVar(CTRexVmDescBase): def __init__(self, fv_name, pkt_offset, offset_fixup=0, add_val=0, is_big=True): """ Write a stream variable into a packet field. The write position is determined by the packet offset + offset fixup. The size of the write is determined by the stream variable. Example: Offset 10, fixup 0, variable size 4. This function writes at 10, 11, 12, and 13. For inromation about chaning the write size, offset, or fixup, see the `STLVmWrMaskFlowVar` command. The Field name/offset can be given by name in the following format: ``header[:id].field``. :parameters: fv_name : string Stream variable to write to a packet offset. pkt_offset : string or in Name of the field or offset in bytes from packet start. offset_fixup : int Number of bytes to move forward. If negative, move backward. add_val : int Value to add to the stream variable before writing it to the packet field. Can be used as a constant offset. is_big : bool How to write the variable to the the packet. True=big-endian, False=little-endian .. code-block:: python :caption: Example3 pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025) # write to ip.src offset STLVmWrFlowVar (fv_name="tuple", pkt_offset= "IP.src" ) # packet offset is varible STLVmWrFlowVar (fv_name="tuple", pkt_offset= 26 ) # add l3_len_fix before writing fv_rand into IP.len field STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="fv_rand", pkt_offset= "IP.len", add_val=l3_len_fix) """ super(STLVmWrFlowVar, self).__init__() =fv_name validate_type('fv_name', fv_name, str) self.offset_fixup =offset_fixup validate_type('offset_fixup', offset_fixup, int) self.pkt_offset =pkt_offset self.add_val =add_val validate_type('add_val', add_val, int) self.is_big =is_big; validate_type('is_big', is_big, bool) def get_var_ref (self): return def get_obj (self): return CTRexVmInsWrFlowVar(,self.pkt_offset+self.offset_fixup,self.add_val,self.is_big) def compile(self,parent): if type(self.pkt_offset)==str: t=parent._name_to_offset(self.pkt_offset) self.pkt_offset = t[0] class STLVmWrMaskFlowVar(CTRexVmDescBase): def __init__(self, fv_name, pkt_offset, pkt_cast_size=1, mask=0xff, shift=0, add_value=0, offset_fixup=0, is_big=True): """ Write a stream variable into a packet field with some operations. Using this instruction, the variable size and the field can have different sizes. Pseudocode of this code:: uint32_t val=(cast_to_size)rd_from_variable("name") # read flow-var val+=m_add_value # add value if (m_shift>0) { # shift val=val<>(-m_shift) } } pkt_val=rd_from_pkt(pkt_offset) # RMW to the packet pkt_val = (pkt_val & ~m_mask) | (val & m_mask) wr_to_pkt(pkt_offset,pkt_val) :parameters: fv_name : string The stream variable name to write to a packet field pkt_cast_size : uint8_t The size in bytes of the packet field mask : uint32_t The mask of the field. 1 means to write. 0 don't care shift : uint8_t How many bits to shift pkt_offset : string or in the name of the field or offset in byte from packet start. offset_fixup : int how many bytes to go forward. In case of a negative value go backward add_val : int value to add to stream variable before writing it to packet field. can be used as a constant offset is_big : bool how to write the variable to the the packet. is it big-edian or little edian Example 1 - Cast from uint16_t (var) to uint8_t (pkt):: base_pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025) vm = STLScVmRaw( [ STLVmFlowVar(name="mac_src", min_value=1, max_value=30, size=2, op="dec",step=1), STLVmWrMaskFlowVar(fv_name="mac_src", pkt_offset= 11, pkt_cast_size=1, mask=0xff) # mask command ->write it as one byte ] ) pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025) Example 2 - Change MSB of uint16_t variable:: vm = STLScVmRaw( [ STLVmFlowVar(name="mac_src", min_value=1, max_value=30, size=2, op="dec",step=1), STLVmWrMaskFlowVar(fv_name="mac_src", pkt_offset= 10, pkt_cast_size=2, mask=0xff00, shift=8) # take the var shift it 8 (x256) write only to LSB ] ) Example 3 - Every 2 packets, change the MAC (shift right):: vm = STLScVmRaw( [ STLVmFlowVar(name="mac_src", min_value=1, max_value=30, size=2, op="dec",step=1), STLVmWrMaskFlowVar(fv_name="mac_src", pkt_offset= 10, pkt_cast_size=1, mask=0x1, shift=-1) # take var mac_src>>1 and write the LSB every two packet there should be a change ] ) """ super(STLVmWrMaskFlowVar, self).__init__() =fv_name validate_type('fv_name', fv_name, str) self.offset_fixup =offset_fixup validate_type('offset_fixup', offset_fixup, int) self.pkt_offset =pkt_offset self.pkt_cast_size =pkt_cast_size validate_type('pkt_cast_size', pkt_cast_size, int) if not (pkt_cast_size in [1,2,4]): raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-10,"not valid cast size"); self.mask = mask validate_type('mask', mask, int) self.shift = shift validate_type('shift', shift, int) self.add_value = add_value validate_type('add_value', add_value, int) self.is_big =is_big; validate_type('is_big', is_big, bool) def get_var_ref (self): return def get_obj (self): return CTRexVmInsWrMaskFlowVar(,self.pkt_offset+self.offset_fixup,self.pkt_cast_size,self.mask,self.shift,self.add_value,self.is_big) def compile(self,parent): if type(self.pkt_offset)==str: t=parent._name_to_offset(self.pkt_offset) self.pkt_offset = t[0] class STLVmTrimPktSize(CTRexVmDescBase): """ Trim the packet size by the stream variable size. This instruction only changes the total packet size, and does not repair the fields to match the new size. :parameters: fv_name : string Stream variable name. The value of this variable is the new total packet size. For Example:: def create_stream (self): # pkt p_l2 = Ether(); p_l3 = IP(src="",dst="") p_l4 = UDP(dport=12,sport=1025) pyld_size = max(0, self.max_pkt_size_l3 - len(p_l3/p_l4)); base_pkt = p_l2/p_l3/p_l4/('\x55'*(pyld_size)) l3_len_fix =-(len(p_l2)); l4_len_fix =-(len(p_l2/p_l3)); # vm vm = STLScVmRaw( [ STLVmFlowVar(name="fv_rand", min_value=64, max_value=len(base_pkt), size=2, op="inc"), STLVmTrimPktSize("fv_rand"), # change total packet size <<< STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="fv_rand", pkt_offset= "IP.len", add_val=l3_len_fix), # fix ip len STLVmFixIpv4(offset = "IP"), # fix checksum STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="fv_rand", pkt_offset= "UDP.len", add_val=l4_len_fix) # fix udp len ] ) pkt = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt, vm = vm) return STLStream(packet = pkt, mode = STLTXCont()) """ def __init__(self,fv_name): super(STLVmTrimPktSize, self).__init__() = fv_name validate_type('fv_name', fv_name, str) def get_var_ref (self): return def get_obj (self): return CTRexVmInsTrimPktSize( class STLVmTupleGen(CTRexVmDescBase): def __init__(self,name, ip_min="", ip_max="", port_min=1025, port_max=65535, limit_flows=100000, flags=0): """ Generate a struct with two variables: ``var_name.ip`` as uint32_t and ``var_name.port`` as uint16_t The variables are dependent. When the ip variable value reaches its maximum, the port is incremented. For: * ip_min = * ip_max = * port_min = 1025 * port_max = 1028 * limit_flows = 10 The result: +------------+------------+-----------+ | ip | port | flow_id | +============+============+===========+ | | 1025 | 1 | +------------+------------+-----------+ | | 1025 | 2 | +------------+------------+-----------+ | | 1025 | 3 | +------------+------------+-----------+ | | 1025 | 4 | +------------+------------+-----------+ | | 1025 | 5 | +------------+------------+-----------+ | | 1026 | 6 | +------------+------------+-----------+ | | 1026 | 7 | +------------+------------+-----------+ | | 1026 | 8 | +------------+------------+-----------+ | | 1026 | 9 | +------------+------------+-----------+ | | 1026 | 10 | +------------+------------+-----------+ | | 1025 | 1 | +------------+------------+-----------+ :parameters: name : string Name of the stream struct. ip_min : string or int Min value of the ip value. Number or IPv4 format. ip_max : string or int Max value of the ip value. Number or IPv4 format. port_min : int Min value of port variable. port_max : int Max value of port variable. limit_flows : int Limit of number of flows. flags : 0 ="", port_min=1025, port_max=65535, limit_flows=100000, flags=0 .. code-block:: python :caption: Example5 def create_stream (self): # pkt p_l2 = Ether(); p_l3 = IP(src="",dst="") p_l4 = UDP(dport=12,sport=1025) pyld_size = max(0, self.max_pkt_size_l3 - len(p_l3/p_l4)); base_pkt = p_l2/p_l3/p_l4/('\x55'*(pyld_size)) l3_len_fix =-(len(p_l2)); l4_len_fix =-(len(p_l2/p_l3)); # vm vm = STLScVmRaw( [ STLVmFlowVar(name="fv_rand", min_value=64, max_value=len(base_pkt), size=2, op="inc"), STLVmTrimPktSize("fv_rand"), # change total packet size <<< STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="fv_rand", pkt_offset= "IP.len", add_val=l3_len_fix), # fix ip len STLVmFixIpv4(offset = "IP"), # fix checksum STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="fv_rand", pkt_offset= "UDP.len", add_val=l4_len_fix) # fix udp len ] ) pkt = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt, vm = vm) return STLStream(packet = pkt, mode = STLTXCont()) """ super(STLVmTupleGen, self).__init__() = name validate_type('name', name, str) self.ip_min = convert_val(ip_min); self.ip_max = convert_val(ip_max); self.port_min = port_min; check_for_int (port_min) self.port_max = port_max; check_for_int(port_max) self.limit_flows = limit_flows; check_for_int(limit_flows) self.flags =flags; check_for_int(flags) def get_var_name(self): return [".ip",".port"] def get_obj (self): return CTRexVmInsTupleGen(, self.ip_min, self.ip_max, self.port_min, self.port_max, self.limit_flows, self.flags); ################################################################################################ class STLPktBuilder(CTrexPktBuilderInterface): def __init__(self, pkt = None, pkt_buffer = None, vm = None, path_relative_to_profile = False, build_raw = False, remove_fcs = True): """ This class defines a method for building a template packet and Field Engine using the Scapy package. Using this class the user can also define how TRex will handle the packet by specifying the Field engine settings. The pkt can be a Scapy pkt or pcap file name. If using a pcap file, and path_relative_to_profile is True, then the function loads the pcap file from a path relative to the profile. .. code-block:: python :caption: Example6 # packet is scapy STLPktBuilder( pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/(10*'x') ) # packet is taken from pcap file relative to python STLPktBuilder( pkt ="stl/yaml/udp_64B_no_crc.pcap") # packet is taken from pcap file relative to profile file STLPktBuilder( pkt ="stl/yaml/udp_64B_no_crc.pcap", path_relative_to_profile = True ) vm = STLScVmRaw( [ STLVmTupleGen ( ip_min="", ip_max="", port_min=1025, port_max=65535, name="tuple"), # define tuple gen STLVmWrFlowVar (fv_name="tuple.ip", pkt_offset= "IP.src" ), # write ip to packet IP.src STLVmFixIpv4(offset = "IP"), # fix checksum STLVmWrFlowVar (fv_name="tuple.port", pkt_offset= "" ) #write udp.port ] ) base_pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025) pad = max(0, size - len(base_pkt)) * 'x' STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt/pad, vm= vm) :parameters: pkt : string, Scapy object or pcap filename. pkt_buffer : bytes Packet as buffer. vm : list or base on :class:`trex_stl_lib.trex_stl_packet_builder_scapy.STLScVmRaw` List of instructions to manipulate packet fields. path_relative_to_profile : bool If pkt is a pcap file, determines whether to load it relative to profile file. build_raw : bool If a buffer is specified (by pkt_buffer), determines whether to build Scapy. Useful in cases where it is necessary to take the offset from Scapy. remove_fcs : bool If a buffer is specified (by pkt_buffer), determines whether to remove FCS. """ super(STLPktBuilder, self).__init__() validate_type('pkt', pkt, (type(None), str, Packet)) validate_type('pkt_buffer', pkt_buffer, (type(None), bytes)) self.pkt = None # as input self.pkt_raw = None # from raw pcap file self.vm_scripts = [] # list of high level instructions self.vm_low_level = None self.is_pkt_built = False self.metadata="" self.path_relative_to_profile = path_relative_to_profile self.remove_fcs = remove_fcs self.is_binary_source = pkt_buffer != None if pkt != None and pkt_buffer != None: raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-15, "Packet builder cannot be provided with both pkt and pkt_buffer.") # process packet if pkt != None: self.set_packet(pkt) elif pkt_buffer != None: self.set_pkt_as_str(pkt_buffer) # process VM if vm != None: if not isinstance(vm, (STLScVmRaw, list)): raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-14, "Bad value for variable vm.") self.add_command(vm if isinstance(vm, STLScVmRaw) else STLScVmRaw(vm)) # raw source build to see MAC presence/ fields offset by name in VM if build_raw and self.pkt_raw and not self.pkt: self.__lazy_build_packet() # if we have packet and VM - compile now if (self.pkt or self.pkt_raw) and (self.vm_scripts): self.compile() def dump_vm_data_as_yaml(self): print(yaml.dump(self.get_vm_data(), default_flow_style=False)) def get_vm_data(self): """ Dumps the instructions :parameters: None :return: + json object of instructions :raises: + :exc:`AssertionError`, in case VM is not compiled (is None). """ assert self.vm_low_level is not None, 'vm_low_level is None, please use compile()' return self.vm_low_level.get_json() def dump_pkt(self, encode = True): """ Dumps the packet as a decimal array of bytes (each item x gets value in range 0-255) :parameters: encode : bool Encode using base64. (disable for debug) Default: **True** :return: + packet representation as array of bytes :raises: + :exc:`AssertionError`, in case packet is empty. """ pkt_buf = self._get_pkt_as_str() return {'binary': base64.b64encode(pkt_buf).decode() if encode else pkt_buf, 'meta': self.metadata} def dump_pkt_to_pcap(self, file_path): wrpcap(file_path, self._get_pkt_as_str()) def add_command (self, script): self.vm_scripts.append(script.clone()); def dump_scripts (self): self.vm_low_level.dump_as_yaml() def dump_as_hex (self): pkt_buf = self._get_pkt_as_str() print(hexdump(pkt_buf)) def pkt_layers_desc (self): """ Return layer description in this format: IP:TCP:Pyload """ pkt_buf = self._get_pkt_as_str() return self.pkt_layers_desc_from_buffer(pkt_buf) @staticmethod def pkt_layers_desc_from_buffer (pkt_buf): scapy_pkt = Ether(pkt_buf); pkt_utl = CTRexScapyPktUtl(scapy_pkt); return pkt_utl.get_pkt_layers() def set_pkt_as_str (self, pkt_buffer): validate_type('pkt_buffer', pkt_buffer, bytes) self.pkt_raw = pkt_buffer def set_pcap_file (self, pcap_file): """ Load raw pcap file into a buffer. Loads only the first packet. :parameters: pcap_file : file_name :raises: + :exc:`AssertionError`, if packet is empty. """ f_path = self._get_pcap_file_path (pcap_file) p=RawPcapReader(f_path) was_set = False for pkt in p: was_set=True; self.pkt_raw = pkt[0] break if not was_set : raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-14, "No buffer inside the pcap file {0}".format(f_path)) def to_pkt_dump(self): p = self.pkt if p and isinstance(p, Packet): p.show2(); hexdump(p); return; p = self.pkt_raw; if p: scapy_pkt = Ether(p); scapy_pkt.show2(); hexdump(p); def set_packet (self, pkt): """ Scapy packet Example:: pkt =Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/IP()/('x'*10) """ if isinstance(pkt, Packet): self.pkt = pkt; else: if isinstance(pkt, str): self.set_pcap_file(pkt) else: raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-14, "bad packet" ) def is_default_src_mac (self): if self.is_binary_source: return True p = self.pkt if isinstance(p, Packet): if isinstance(p,Ether): if 'src' in p.fields : return False return True def is_default_dst_mac (self): if self.is_binary_source: return True p = self.pkt if isinstance(p, Packet): if isinstance(p,Ether): if 'dst' in p.fields : return False return True def compile (self): if self.pkt == None and self.pkt_raw == None: raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-14, "Packet is empty") self.vm_low_level = CTRexVmEngine() # compile the VM for sc in self.vm_scripts: if isinstance(sc, STLScVmRaw): self._compile_raw(sc) def get_pkt_len (self): if self.pkt: return len(self.pkt) elif self.pkt_raw: return len(self.pkt_raw) else: raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-14, "Packet is empty") #################################################### # private def _get_pcap_file_path (self,pcap_file_name): f_path = pcap_file_name if os.path.isabs(pcap_file_name): f_path = pcap_file_name else: if self.path_relative_to_profile: p = self._get_path_relative_to_profile () # loader if p : f_path=os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(p),pcap_file_name)) return f_path def _get_path_relative_to_profile (self): p = inspect.stack() for obj in p: if obj[3]=='get_streams': return obj[1] return None def _compile_raw (self,obj): # make sure we have varibles once vars={}; # add it add var to dit for desc in obj.commands: var_names = desc.get_var_name() if var_names : for var_name in var_names: if var_name in vars: raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("Variable %s defined twice ") % (var_name) ); else: vars[var_name]=1 # check that all write exits for desc in obj.commands: var_name = desc.get_var_ref() if var_name : if not var_name in vars: raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("Variable %s does not exist ") % (var_name) ); desc.compile(self); for desc in obj.commands: self.vm_low_level.add_ins(desc.get_obj()); # set split_by_var if obj.split_by_field : validate_type('obj.split_by_field', obj.split_by_field, str) self.vm_low_level.split_by_var = obj.split_by_field #set cache size if obj.cache_size : validate_type('obj.cache_size', obj.cache_size, int) self.vm_low_level.cache_size = obj.cache_size # lazy packet build only on demand def __lazy_build_packet (self): # alrady built ? bail out if self.is_pkt_built: return # for buffer, promote to a scapy packet if self.pkt_raw: self.pkt = Ether(self.pkt_raw) self.pkt_raw = None # regular scapy packet elif not self.pkt: # should not reach here raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11, 'Empty packet') if self.remove_fcs and self.pkt.lastlayer().name == 'Padding': self.pkt.lastlayer().underlayer.remove_payload() self.is_pkt_built = True def _pkt_layer_offset (self,layer_name): self.__lazy_build_packet() p_utl=CTRexScapyPktUtl(self.pkt); return p_utl.get_layer_offet_by_str(layer_name) def _name_to_offset(self,field_name): self.__lazy_build_packet() p_utl=CTRexScapyPktUtl(self.pkt); return p_utl.get_field_offet_by_str(field_name) def _get_pkt_as_str(self): if self.pkt: return bytes(self.pkt) if self.pkt_raw: return self.pkt_raw raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11, 'Empty packet'); def _add_tuple_gen(self,tuple_gen): pass; def STLIPRange (src = None, dst = None, fix_chksum = True): vm = [] if src: vm += [ STLVmFlowVar(name="src", min_value = src['start'], max_value = src['end'], size = 4, op = "inc", step = src['step']), STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="src",pkt_offset= "IP.src") ] if dst: vm += [ STLVmFlowVar(name="dst", min_value = dst['start'], max_value = dst['end'], size = 4, op = "inc", step = dst['step']), STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="dst",pkt_offset= "IP.dst") ] if fix_chksum: vm.append( STLVmFixIpv4(offset = "IP")) return vm