#!/router/bin/python from .trex_stl_exceptions import * from .trex_stl_types import verify_exclusive_arg, validate_type from .trex_stl_packet_builder_interface import CTrexPktBuilderInterface from .trex_stl_packet_builder_scapy import STLPktBuilder, Ether, IP, UDP, TCP, RawPcapReader from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple from scapy.utils import ltoa from scapy.error import Scapy_Exception import random import yaml import base64 import string import traceback import copy import imp # base class for TX mode class STLTXMode(object): """ mode rate speed """ def __init__ (self, pps = None, bps_L1 = None, bps_L2 = None, percentage = None): """ Speed can be given in packets per second (pps), L2/L1 bps, or port percent Use only one unit. you can enter pps =10000 oe bps_L1=10 :parameters: pps : float Packets per second bps_L1 : float Bits per second L1 (with IPG) bps_L2 : float Bits per second L2 (Ethernet-FCS) percentage : float Link interface percent (0-100). Example: 10 is 10% of the port link setup .. code-block:: python :caption: STLTXMode Example mode = STLTXCont(pps = 10) mode = STLTXCont(bps_L1 = 10000000) #10mbps L1 mode = STLTXCont(bps_L2 = 10000000) #10mbps L2 mode = STLTXCont(percentage = 10) #10% """ args = [pps, bps_L1, bps_L2, percentage] # default if all([x is None for x in args]): pps = 1.0 else: verify_exclusive_arg(args) self.fields = {'rate': {}} if pps is not None: validate_type('pps', pps, [float, int]) self.fields['rate']['type'] = 'pps' self.fields['rate']['value'] = pps elif bps_L1 is not None: validate_type('bps_L1', bps_L1, [float, int]) self.fields['rate']['type'] = 'bps_L1' self.fields['rate']['value'] = bps_L1 elif bps_L2 is not None: validate_type('bps_L2', bps_L2, [float, int]) self.fields['rate']['type'] = 'bps_L2' self.fields['rate']['value'] = bps_L2 elif percentage is not None: validate_type('percentage', percentage, [float, int]) if not (percentage > 0 and percentage <= 100): raise STLArgumentError('percentage', percentage) self.fields['rate']['type'] = 'percentage' self.fields['rate']['value'] = percentage def to_json (self): return self.fields # continuous mode class STLTXCont(STLTXMode): """ Continuous mode """ def __init__ (self, **kwargs): """ Continuous mode see :class:`trex_stl_lib.trex_stl_streams.STLTXMode` for rate .. code-block:: python :caption: STLTXCont Example mode = STLTXCont(pps = 10) """ super(STLTXCont, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.fields['type'] = 'continuous' @staticmethod def __str__ (): return "Continuous" # single burst mode class STLTXSingleBurst(STLTXMode): """ Single burst mode """ def __init__ (self, total_pkts = 1, **kwargs): """ Single burst mode :parameters: total_pkts : int Number of packets for this burst see :class:`trex_stl_lib.trex_stl_streams.STLTXMode` for rate .. code-block:: python :caption: STLTXSingleBurst Example mode = STLTXSingleBurst( pps = 10, total_pkts = 1) """ if not isinstance(total_pkts, int): raise STLArgumentError('total_pkts', total_pkts) super(STLTXSingleBurst, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.fields['type'] = 'single_burst' self.fields['total_pkts'] = total_pkts @staticmethod def __str__ (): return "Single Burst" # multi burst mode class STLTXMultiBurst(STLTXMode): """ Multi-burst mode """ def __init__ (self, pkts_per_burst = 1, ibg = 0.0, # usec not SEC count = 1, **kwargs): """ Multi-burst mode :parameters: pkts_per_burst: int Number of packets per burst ibg : float Inter-burst gap in usec 1,000,000.0 is 1 sec count : int Number of bursts see :class:`trex_stl_lib.trex_stl_streams.STLTXMode` for rate .. code-block:: python :caption: STLTXMultiBurst Example mode = STLTXMultiBurst(pps = 10, pkts_per_burst = 1,count 10, ibg=10.0) """ if not isinstance(pkts_per_burst, int): raise STLArgumentError('pkts_per_burst', pkts_per_burst) if not isinstance(ibg, (int, float)): raise STLArgumentError('ibg', ibg) if not isinstance(count, int): raise STLArgumentError('count', count) super(STLTXMultiBurst, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.fields['type'] = 'multi_burst' self.fields['pkts_per_burst'] = pkts_per_burst self.fields['ibg'] = ibg self.fields['count'] = count @staticmethod def __str__ (): return "Multi Burst" STLStreamDstMAC_CFG_FILE=0 STLStreamDstMAC_PKT =1 STLStreamDstMAC_ARP =2 class STLFlowStatsInterface(object): def __init__ (self, pg_id): self.fields = {} self.fields['enabled'] = True self.fields['stream_id'] = pg_id def to_json (self): """ Dump as json""" return dict(self.fields) @staticmethod def defaults (): return {'enabled' : False} class STLFlowStats(STLFlowStatsInterface): """ Define per stream basic stats .. code-block:: python :caption: STLFlowStats Example flow_stats = STLFlowStats(pg_id = 7) """ def __init__(self, pg_id): super(STLFlowStats, self).__init__(pg_id) self.fields['rule_type'] = 'stats' class STLFlowLatencyStats(STLFlowStatsInterface): """ Define per stream basic stats + latency, jitter, packet reorder/loss .. code-block:: python :caption: STLFlowLatencyStats Example flow_stats = STLFlowLatencyStats(pg_id = 7) """ def __init__(self, pg_id): super(STLFlowLatencyStats, self).__init__(pg_id) self.fields['rule_type'] = 'latency' class STLStream(object): """ One stream object. Includes mode, Field Engine mode packet template and Rx stats .. code-block:: python :caption: STLStream Example base_pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025) pad = max(0, size - len(base_pkt)) * 'x' STLStream( isg = 10.0, # star in delay name ='S0', packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt/pad), mode = STLTXSingleBurst( pps = 10, total_pkts = 1), next = 'S1'), # point to next stream """ def __init__ (self, name = None, packet = None, mode = STLTXCont(pps = 1), enabled = True, self_start = True, isg = 0.0, flow_stats = None, next = None, stream_id = None, action_count = 0, random_seed =0, mac_src_override_by_pkt=None, mac_dst_override_mode=None #see STLStreamDstMAC_xx ): """ Stream object :parameters: name : string Name of the stream. Required if this stream is dependent on another stream, and another stream needs to refer to this stream by name. packet : STLPktBuilder see :class:`trex_stl_lib.trex_stl_packet_builder_scapy.STLPktBuilder` Template packet and field engine program. Example: packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt/pad) mode : :class:`trex_stl_lib.trex_stl_streams.STLTXCont` or :class:`trex_stl_lib.trex_stl_streams.STLTXSingleBurst` or :class:`trex_stl_lib.trex_stl_streams.STLTXMultiBurst` enabled : bool Indicates whether the stream is enabled. self_start : bool If False, another stream activates it. isg : float Inter-stream gap in usec. Time to wait until the stream sends the first packet. flow_stats : :class:`trex_stl_lib.trex_stl_streams.STLFlowStats` Per stream statistic object. See: STLFlowStats next : string Name of the stream to activate. stream_id : For use by HLTAPI. action_count : uint16_t If there is a next stream, number of loops before stopping. Default: 0 (unlimited). random_seed: uint16_t If given, the seed for this stream will be this value. Useful if you need a deterministic random value. mac_src_override_by_pkt : bool Template packet sets src MAC. mac_dst_override_mode=None : STLStreamDstMAC_xx Template packet sets dst MAC. """ # type checking validate_type('mode', mode, STLTXMode) validate_type('packet', packet, (type(None), CTrexPktBuilderInterface)) validate_type('flow_stats', flow_stats, (type(None), STLFlowStatsInterface)) validate_type('enabled', enabled, bool) validate_type('self_start', self_start, bool) validate_type('isg', isg, (int, float)) validate_type('stream_id', stream_id, (type(None), int)) validate_type('random_seed',random_seed,int); if (type(mode) == STLTXCont) and (next != None): raise STLError("Continuous stream cannot have a next stream ID") # tag for the stream and next - can be anything self.name = name self.next = next self.mac_src_override_by_pkt = mac_src_override_by_pkt # save for easy construct code from stream object self.mac_dst_override_mode = mac_dst_override_mode self.id = stream_id self.fields = {} int_mac_src_override_by_pkt = 0; int_mac_dst_override_mode = 0; if mac_src_override_by_pkt == None: int_mac_src_override_by_pkt=0 if packet : if packet.is_default_src_mac ()==False: int_mac_src_override_by_pkt=1 else: int_mac_src_override_by_pkt = int(mac_src_override_by_pkt); if mac_dst_override_mode == None: int_mac_dst_override_mode = 0; if packet : if packet.is_default_dst_mac ()==False: int_mac_dst_override_mode=STLStreamDstMAC_PKT else: int_mac_dst_override_mode = int(mac_dst_override_mode); self.is_default_mac = not (int_mac_src_override_by_pkt or int_mac_dst_override_mode) self.fields['flags'] = (int_mac_src_override_by_pkt&1) + ((int_mac_dst_override_mode&3)<<1) self.fields['action_count'] = action_count # basic fields self.fields['enabled'] = enabled self.fields['self_start'] = self_start self.fields['isg'] = isg if random_seed !=0 : self.fields['random_seed'] = random_seed # optional # mode self.fields['mode'] = mode.to_json() self.mode_desc = str(mode) # packet self.fields['packet'] = {} self.fields['vm'] = {} if not packet: packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = Ether()/IP()) self.scapy_pkt_builder = packet # packet builder packet.compile() # packet and VM self.fields['packet'] = packet.dump_pkt() self.fields['vm'] = packet.get_vm_data() self.pkt = base64.b64decode(self.fields['packet']['binary']) # this is heavy, calculate lazy self.packet_desc = None if not flow_stats: self.fields['flow_stats'] = STLFlowStats.defaults() else: self.fields['flow_stats'] = flow_stats.to_json() def __str__ (self): s = "Stream Name: {0}\n".format(self.name) s += "Stream Next: {0}\n".format(self.next) s += "Stream JSON:\n{0}\n".format(json.dumps(self.fields, indent = 4, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys = True)) return s def to_json (self): """ Return json format """ return dict(self.fields) def get_id (self): """ Get the stream id after resolution """ return self.id def has_custom_mac_addr (self): """ Return True if src or dst MAC were set as custom """ return not self.is_default_mac def get_name (self): """ Get the stream name """ return self.name def get_next (self): """ Get next stream object """ return self.next def has_flow_stats (self): """ Return True if stream was configured with flow stats """ return self.fields['flow_stats']['enabled'] def get_pkt (self): """ Get packet as string """ return self.pkt def get_pkt_len (self, count_crc = True): """ Get packet number of bytes """ pkt_len = len(self.get_pkt()) if count_crc: pkt_len += 4 return pkt_len def get_pkt_type (self): """ Get packet description. Example: IP:UDP """ if self.packet_desc == None: self.packet_desc = STLPktBuilder.pkt_layers_desc_from_buffer(self.get_pkt()) return self.packet_desc def get_mode (self): return self.mode_desc @staticmethod def get_rate_from_field (rate_json): """ Get rate from json """ t = rate_json['type'] v = rate_json['value'] if t == "pps": return format_num(v, suffix = "pps") elif t == "bps_L1": return format_num(v, suffix = "bps (L1)") elif t == "bps_L2": return format_num(v, suffix = "bps (L2)") elif t == "percentage": return format_num(v, suffix = "%") def get_rate (self): return self.get_rate_from_field(self.fields['mode']['rate']) def to_pkt_dump (self): """ Print packet description from Scapy """ if self.name: print("Stream Name: ",self.name) scapy_b = self.scapy_pkt_builder; if scapy_b and isinstance(scapy_b,STLPktBuilder): scapy_b.to_pkt_dump() else: print("Nothing to dump") def to_yaml (self): """ Convert to YAML """ y = {} if self.name: y['name'] = self.name if self.next: y['next'] = self.next y['stream'] = copy.deepcopy(self.fields) # some shortcuts for YAML rate_type = self.fields['mode']['rate']['type'] rate_value = self.fields['mode']['rate']['value'] y['stream']['mode'][rate_type] = rate_value del y['stream']['mode']['rate'] return y # returns the Python code (text) to build this stream, inside the code it will be in variable "stream" def to_code (self): """ Convert to Python code as profile """ packet = Ether(self.pkt) layer = packet while layer: # remove checksums for chksum_name in ('cksum', 'chksum'): if chksum_name in layer.fields: del layer.fields[chksum_name] layer = layer.payload packet.hide_defaults() # remove fields with default values payload = packet.getlayer('Raw') packet_command = packet.command() imports_arr = [] if 'MPLS(' in packet_command: imports_arr.append('from scapy.contrib.mpls import MPLS') imports = '\n'.join(imports_arr) if payload: payload.remove_payload() # fcs etc. data = payload.fields.get('load', '') good_printable = [c for c in string.printable if ord(c) not in range(32)] good_printable.remove("'") if type(data) is str: new_data = ''.join([c if c in good_printable else r'\x{0:02x}'.format(ord(c)) for c in data]) else: new_data = ''.join([chr(c) if chr(c) in good_printable else r'\x{0:02x}'.format(c) for c in data]) payload_start = packet_command.find("Raw(load=") if payload_start != -1: packet_command = packet_command[:payload_start-1] layers = packet_command.split('/') if payload: if len(new_data) and new_data == new_data[0] * len(new_data): layers.append("Raw(load='%s' * %s)" % (new_data[0], len(new_data))) else: layers.append("Raw(load='%s')" % new_data) packet_code = 'packet = (' + (' / \n ').join(layers) + ')' vm_list = [] for inst in self.fields['vm']['instructions']: if inst['type'] == 'flow_var': vm_list.append("STLVmFlowVar(name='{name}', size={size}, op='{op}', init_value={init_value}, min_value={min_value}, max_value={max_value}, step={step})".format(**inst)) elif inst['type'] == 'write_flow_var': vm_list.append("STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name='{name}', pkt_offset={pkt_offset}, add_val={add_value}, is_big={is_big_endian})".format(**inst)) elif inst['type'] == 'write_mask_flow_var': inst = copy.copy(inst) inst['mask'] = hex(inst['mask']) vm_list.append("STLVmWrMaskFlowVar(fv_name='{name}', pkt_offset={pkt_offset}, pkt_cast_size={pkt_cast_size}, mask={mask}, shift={shift}, add_value={add_value}, is_big={is_big_endian})".format(**inst)) elif inst['type'] == 'fix_checksum_ipv4': vm_list.append("STLVmFixIpv4(offset={pkt_offset})".format(**inst)) elif inst['type'] == 'trim_pkt_size': vm_list.append("STLVmTrimPktSize(fv_name='{name}')".format(**inst)) elif inst['type'] == 'tuple_flow_var': inst = copy.copy(inst) inst['ip_min'] = ltoa(inst['ip_min']) inst['ip_max'] = ltoa(inst['ip_max']) vm_list.append("STLVmTupleGen(name='{name}', ip_min='{ip_min}', ip_max='{ip_max}', port_min={port_min}, port_max={port_max}, limit_flows={limit_flows}, flags={flags})".format(**inst)) vm_code = 'vm = STLScVmRaw([' + ',\n '.join(vm_list) + '], split_by_field = %s)' % STLStream.__add_quotes(self.fields['vm'].get('split_by_var')) stream_params_list = [] stream_params_list.append('packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = packet, vm = vm)') if default_STLStream.name != self.name: stream_params_list.append('name = %s' % STLStream.__add_quotes(self.name)) if default_STLStream.fields['enabled'] != self.fields['enabled']: stream_params_list.append('enabled = %s' % self.fields['enabled']) if default_STLStream.fields['self_start'] != self.fields['self_start']: stream_params_list.append('self_start = %s' % self.fields['self_start']) if default_STLStream.fields['isg'] != self.fields['isg']: stream_params_list.append('isg = %s' % self.fields['isg']) if default_STLStream.fields['flow_stats'] != self.fields['flow_stats']: stream_params_list.append('flow_stats = STLFlowStats(%s)' % self.fields['flow_stats']['stream_id']) if default_STLStream.next != self.next: stream_params_list.append('next = %s' % STLStream.__add_quotes(self.next)) if default_STLStream.id != self.id: stream_params_list.append('stream_id = %s' % self.id) if default_STLStream.fields['action_count'] != self.fields['action_count']: stream_params_list.append('action_count = %s' % self.fields['action_count']) if 'random_seed' in self.fields: stream_params_list.append('random_seed = %s' % self.fields.get('random_seed', 0)) if default_STLStream.mac_src_override_by_pkt != self.mac_src_override_by_pkt: stream_params_list.append('mac_src_override_by_pkt = %s' % self.mac_src_override_by_pkt) if default_STLStream.mac_dst_override_mode != self.mac_dst_override_mode: stream_params_list.append('mac_dst_override_mode = %s' % self.mac_dst_override_mode) mode_args = '' for key, value in self.fields['mode'].items(): if key not in ('rate', 'type'): mode_args += '%s = %s, ' % (key, value) mode_args += '%s = %s' % (self.fields['mode']['rate']['type'], self.fields['mode']['rate']['value']) if self.mode_desc == STLTXCont.__str__(): stream_params_list.append('mode = STLTXCont(%s)' % mode_args) elif self.mode_desc == STLTXSingleBurst().__str__(): stream_params_list.append('mode = STLTXSingleBurst(%s)' % mode_args) elif self.mode_desc == STLTXMultiBurst().__str__(): stream_params_list.append('mode = STLTXMultiBurst(%s)' % mode_args) else: raise STLError('Could not determine mode: %s' % self.mode_desc) stream = "stream = STLStream(" + ',\n '.join(stream_params_list) + ')' return '\n'.join([imports, packet_code, vm_code, stream]) # add quoted for string, or leave as is if other type @staticmethod def __add_quotes(arg): if type(arg) is str: return "'%s'" % arg return arg # used to replace non-printable characters with hex @staticmethod def __replchars_to_hex(match): return r'\x{0:02x}'.format(ord(match.group())) def dump_to_yaml (self, yaml_file = None): """ Print as yaml """ yaml_dump = yaml.dump([self.to_yaml()], default_flow_style = False) # write to file if provided if yaml_file: with open(yaml_file, 'w') as f: f.write(yaml_dump) return yaml_dump class YAMLLoader(object): def __init__ (self, yaml_file): self.yaml_path = os.path.dirname(yaml_file) self.yaml_file = yaml_file def __parse_packet (self, packet_dict): packet_type = set(packet_dict).intersection(['binary', 'pcap']) if len(packet_type) != 1: raise STLError("Packet section must contain either 'binary' or 'pcap'") if 'binary' in packet_type: try: pkt_str = base64.b64decode(packet_dict['binary']) except TypeError: raise STLError("'binary' field is not a valid packet format") builder = STLPktBuilder(pkt_buffer = pkt_str) elif 'pcap' in packet_type: pcap = os.path.join(self.yaml_path, packet_dict['pcap']) if not os.path.exists(pcap): raise STLError("'pcap' - cannot find '{0}'".format(pcap)) builder = STLPktBuilder(pkt = pcap) return builder def __parse_mode (self, mode_obj): if not mode_obj: return None rate_parser = set(mode_obj).intersection(['pps', 'bps_L1', 'bps_L2', 'percentage']) if len(rate_parser) != 1: raise STLError("'rate' must contain exactly one from 'pps', 'bps_L1', 'bps_L2', 'percentage'") rate_type = rate_parser.pop() rate = {rate_type : mode_obj[rate_type]} mode_type = mode_obj.get('type') if mode_type == 'continuous': mode = STLTXCont(**rate) elif mode_type == 'single_burst': defaults = STLTXSingleBurst() mode = STLTXSingleBurst(total_pkts = mode_obj.get('total_pkts', defaults.fields['total_pkts']), **rate) elif mode_type == 'multi_burst': defaults = STLTXMultiBurst() mode = STLTXMultiBurst(pkts_per_burst = mode_obj.get('pkts_per_burst', defaults.fields['pkts_per_burst']), ibg = mode_obj.get('ibg', defaults.fields['ibg']), count = mode_obj.get('count', defaults.fields['count']), **rate) else: raise STLError("mode type can be 'continuous', 'single_burst' or 'multi_burst") return mode def __parse_flow_stats (self, flow_stats_obj): # no such object if not flow_stats_obj or flow_stats_obj.get('enabled') == False: return None pg_id = flow_stats_obj.get('stream_id') if pg_id == None: raise STLError("Enabled RX stats section must contain 'stream_id' field") return STLFlowStats(pg_id = pg_id) def __parse_stream (self, yaml_object): s_obj = yaml_object['stream'] # parse packet packet = s_obj.get('packet') if not packet: raise STLError("YAML file must contain 'packet' field") builder = self.__parse_packet(packet) # mode mode = self.__parse_mode(s_obj.get('mode')) # rx stats flow_stats = self.__parse_flow_stats(s_obj.get('flow_stats')) defaults = default_STLStream # create the stream stream = STLStream(name = yaml_object.get('name'), packet = builder, mode = mode, flow_stats = flow_stats, enabled = s_obj.get('enabled', defaults.fields['enabled']), self_start = s_obj.get('self_start', defaults.fields['self_start']), isg = s_obj.get('isg', defaults.fields['isg']), next = yaml_object.get('next'), action_count = s_obj.get('action_count', defaults.fields['action_count']), mac_src_override_by_pkt = s_obj.get('mac_src_override_by_pkt', 0), mac_dst_override_mode = s_obj.get('mac_src_override_by_pkt', 0) ) # hack the VM fields for now if 'vm' in s_obj: stream.fields['vm'].update(s_obj['vm']) return stream def parse (self): with open(self.yaml_file, 'r') as f: # read YAML and pass it down to stream object yaml_str = f.read() try: objects = yaml.load(yaml_str) except yaml.parser.ParserError as e: raise STLError(str(e)) streams = [self.__parse_stream(object) for object in objects] return streams # profile class class STLProfile(object): """ Describe a list of streams .. code-block:: python :caption: STLProfile Example profile = STLProfile( [ STLStream( isg = 10.0, # star in delay name ='S0', packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt/pad), mode = STLTXSingleBurst( pps = 10, total_pkts = self.burst_size), next = 'S1'), # point to next stream STLStream( self_start = False, # stream is disabled enable trow S0 name ='S1', packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt1/pad), mode = STLTXSingleBurst( pps = 10, total_pkts = self.burst_size), next = 'S2' ), STLStream( self_start = False, # stream is disabled enable trow S0 name ='S2', packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt2/pad), mode = STLTXSingleBurst( pps = 10, total_pkts = self.burst_size ) ) ]).get_streams() """ def __init__ (self, streams = None): """ :parameters: streams : list of :class:`trex_stl_lib.trex_stl_streams.STLStream` a list of stream objects """ if streams == None: streams = [] if not type(streams) == list: streams = [streams] if not all([isinstance(stream, STLStream) for stream in streams]): raise STLArgumentError('streams', streams, valid_values = STLStream) self.streams = streams self.meta = None def get_streams (self): """ Get the list of streams""" return self.streams def __str__ (self): return '\n'.join([str(stream) for stream in self.streams]) def is_pauseable (self): return all([x.get_mode() == "Continuous" for x in self.get_streams()]) def has_custom_mac_addr (self): return any([x.has_custom_mac_addr() for x in self.get_streams()]) def has_flow_stats (self): return any([x.has_flow_stats() for x in self.get_streams()]) @staticmethod def load_yaml (yaml_file): """ Load (from YAML file) a profile with a number of streams""" # check filename if not os.path.isfile(yaml_file): raise STLError("file '{0}' does not exists".format(yaml_file)) yaml_loader = YAMLLoader(yaml_file) streams = yaml_loader.parse() profile = STLProfile(streams) profile.meta = {'type': 'yaml'} return profile @staticmethod def get_module_tunables(module): # remove self and variables func = module.register().get_streams argc = func.__code__.co_argcount tunables = func.__code__.co_varnames[1:argc] # fetch defaults defaults = func.__defaults__ if len(defaults) != (argc - 1): raise STLError("Module should provide default values for all arguments on get_streams()") output = {} for t, d in zip(tunables, defaults): output[t] = d return output @staticmethod def load_py (python_file, direction = 0, port_id = 0, **kwargs): """ Load from Python profile """ # check filename if not os.path.isfile(python_file): raise STLError("File '{0}' does not exist".format(python_file)) basedir = os.path.dirname(python_file) sys.path.append(basedir) try: file = os.path.basename(python_file).split('.')[0] module = __import__(file, globals(), locals(), [], 0) imp.reload(module) # reload the update t = STLProfile.get_module_tunables(module) #for arg in kwargs: # if not arg in t: # raise STLError("Profile {0} does not support tunable '{1}' - supported tunables are: '{2}'".format(python_file, arg, t)) streams = module.register().get_streams(direction = direction, port_id = port_id, **kwargs) profile = STLProfile(streams) profile.meta = {'type': 'python', 'tunables': t} return profile except Exception as e: a, b, tb = sys.exc_info() x =''.join(traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_tb(tb)[1:])) + a.__name__ + ": " + str(b) + "\n" summary = "\nPython Traceback follows:\n\n" + x raise STLError(summary) finally: sys.path.remove(basedir) # loop_count = 0 means loop forever @staticmethod def load_pcap (pcap_file, ipg_usec = None, speedup = 1.0, loop_count = 1, vm = None, packet_hook = None): """ Convert a pcap file with a number of packets to a list of connected streams. packet1->packet2->packet3 etc :parameters: pcap_file : string Name of the pcap file ipg_usec : float Inter packet gap in usec. If IPG is None, IPG is taken from pcap file speedup : float When reading the pcap file, divide IPG by this "speedup" factor. Resulting IPG is sped up by this factor. loop_count : uint16_t Number of loops to repeat the pcap file vm : list List of Field engine instructions packet_hook : Callable or function will be applied to every packet :return: STLProfile """ # check filename if not os.path.isfile(pcap_file): raise STLError("file '{0}' does not exists".format(pcap_file)) # make sure IPG is not less than 1 usec if ipg_usec is not None and ipg_usec < 0.001: raise STLError("ipg_usec cannot be less than 0.001 usec: '{0}'".format(ipg_usec)) if loop_count < 0: raise STLError("'loop_count' cannot be negative") streams = [] last_ts_usec = 0 try: pkts = RawPcapReader(pcap_file).read_all() except Scapy_Exception as e: raise STLError("failed to open PCAP file '{0}'".format(pcap_file)) if packet_hook: pkts = [(packet_hook(cap), meta) for (cap, meta) in pkts] for i, (cap, meta) in enumerate(pkts, start = 1): # IPG - if not provided, take from cap if ipg_usec == None: ts_usec = (meta[0] * 1e6 + meta[1]) / float(speedup) else: ts_usec = (ipg_usec * i) / float(speedup) # handle last packet if i == len(pkts): next = 1 action_count = loop_count else: next = i + 1 action_count = 0 streams.append(STLStream(name = i, packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt_buffer = cap, vm = vm), mode = STLTXSingleBurst(total_pkts = 1, percentage = 100), self_start = True if (i == 1) else False, isg = (ts_usec - last_ts_usec), # seconds to usec action_count = action_count, next = next)) last_ts_usec = ts_usec profile = STLProfile(streams) profile.meta = {'type': 'pcap'} return profile @staticmethod def load (filename, direction = 0, port_id = 0, **kwargs): """ Load a profile by its type. Supported types are: * py * yaml * pcap file that converted to profile automaticly :Parameters: filename : string as filename direction : profile's direction (if supported by the profile) port_id : which port ID this profile is being loaded to kwargs : forward those key-value pairs to the profile """ x = os.path.basename(filename).split('.') suffix = x[1] if (len(x) == 2) else None if suffix == 'py': profile = STLProfile.load_py(filename, direction, port_id, **kwargs) elif suffix == 'yaml': profile = STLProfile.load_yaml(filename) elif suffix in ['cap', 'pcap']: profile = STLProfile.load_pcap(filename, speedup = 1, ipg_usec = 1e6) else: raise STLError("unknown profile file type: '{0}'".format(suffix)) profile.meta['stream_count'] = len(profile.get_streams()) if isinstance(profile.get_streams(), list) else 1 return profile @staticmethod def get_info (filename): profile = STLProfile.load(filename) return profile.meta def dump_as_pkt (self): """ Dump the profile as Scapy packet. If the packet is raw, convert it to Scapy before dumping it.""" cnt=0; for stream in self.streams: print("=======================") print("Stream %d" % cnt) print("=======================") cnt = cnt +1 stream.to_pkt_dump() def dump_to_yaml (self, yaml_file = None): """ Convert the profile to yaml """ yaml_list = [stream.to_yaml() for stream in self.streams] yaml_str = yaml.dump(yaml_list, default_flow_style = False) # write to file if provided if yaml_file: with open(yaml_file, 'w') as f: f.write(yaml_str) return yaml_str def dump_to_code (self, profile_file = None): """ Convert the profile to Python native profile. """ profile_dump = '''# !!! Auto-generated code !!! from trex_stl_lib.api import * class STLS1(object): def get_streams(self, direction = 0, **kwargs): streams = [] ''' for stream in self.streams: profile_dump += ' '*8 + stream.to_code().replace('\n', '\n' + ' '*8) + '\n' profile_dump += ' '*8 + 'streams.append(stream)\n' profile_dump += ''' return streams def register(): return STLS1() ''' # write to file if provided if profile_file: with open(profile_file, 'w') as f: f.write(profile_dump) return profile_dump def __len__ (self): return len(self.streams) default_STLStream = STLStream()