try: # Python2 import Queue from urllib2 import * except: # Python3 import queue as Queue from urllib.request import * from urllib.error import * import threading import sys from time import sleep from pprint import pprint """ GAObjClass is a class destined to send Google Analytics Information. cid - unique number per user. command - the Event Category rubric appears on site. type: TEXT action - the Event Action rubric appears on site - type: TEXT label - the Event Label rubric - type: TEXT value - the event value metric - type: INTEGER QUOTAS: 1 single payload - up to 8192Bytes batched: A maximum of 20 hits can be specified per request. The total size of all hit payloads cannot be greater than 16K bytes. No single hit payload can be greater than 8K bytes. """ url_single = '' #sending single event url_batched = '' #sending batched events url_debug = '' #verifying hit is valid url_conn = '' # testing internet connection to this address (google-analytics server) #..................................................................class GA_ObjClass................................................................ class GA_ObjClass: def __init__(self,cid,trackerID,appName,appVer): self.cid = cid self.trackerID = trackerID self.appName = appName self.appVer = appVer self.payload = '' self.payload = GA_ObjClass.generate_payload(self) self.size = sys.getsizeof(self.payload) def generate_payload(self): self.payload+='v=1&t=event&tid='+str(self.trackerID) self.payload+='&cid='+str(self.cid) self.payload+='&an='+str(self.appName) self.payload+='&av='+str(self.appVer) return self.payload #..................................................................class GA_EVENT_ObjClass................................................................ class GA_EVENT_ObjClass(GA_ObjClass): def __init__(self,cid,trackerID,command,action,label,value,appName,appVer): GA_ObjClass.__init__(self,cid,trackerID,appName,appVer) self.command = command self.action = action self.label = label self.value = value self.payload = self.generate_payload() self.size = sys.getsizeof(self.payload) def generate_payload(self): self.payload+='&ec='+str(self.command) self.payload+='&ea='+str(self.action) self.payload+='&el='+str(self.label) self.payload+='&ev='+str(self.value) return self.payload #..................................................................class GA_EXCEPTION_ObjClass................................................................ #ExceptionFatal - BOOLEAN class GA_EXCEPTION_ObjClass(GA_ObjClass): def __init__(self,cid,trackerID,ExceptionName,ExceptionFatal,appName,appVer): GA_ObjClass.__init__(self,cid,trackerID,appName,appVer) self.ExceptionName = ExceptionName self.ExceptionFatal = ExceptionFatal self.payload = self.generate_payload() def generate_payload(self): self.payload+='&exd='+str(self.ExceptionName) self.payload+='&exf='+str(self.ExceptionFatal) return self.payload #..................................................................class GA_TESTING_ObjClass................................................................ class GA_TESTING_ObjClass(GA_ObjClass): def __init__(self,cid,trackerID,TRexMode,TestName,SetupName,appName,ActionNumber,appVer,TestType,Mppspc,GoldenMin,GoldenMax): GA_ObjClass.__init__(self,cid,trackerID,appName,appVer) self.ActionNumber = ActionNumber self.TRexMode = TRexMode self.TestName = TestName self.SetupName = SetupName self.TestType = TestType self.Mppspc = Mppspc self.GoldenMin = GoldenMin self.GoldenMax = GoldenMax self.payload = self.generate_payload() self.size = sys.getsizeof(self.payload) def generate_payload(self): self.payload+='&ec=TRexTests' self.payload+='&ea='+str(self.ActionNumber) self.payload+='&cd2='+str(self.TRexMode) self.payload+='&cd1='+str(self.TestName) self.payload+='&cd3='+str(self.SetupName) self.payload+='&cd4='+str(self.TestType) self.payload+='&cm1='+str(self.Mppspc) self.payload+='&cm2='+str(self.GoldenMin) self.payload+='&cm3='+str(self.GoldenMax) return self.payload #.....................................................................class ga_Thread................................................................. """ Google analytics thread manager: will report and empty queue of google analytics items to GA server, every Timeout (parameter given on initialization) will perform connectivity check every timeout*10 seconds """ class ga_Thread (threading.Thread): def __init__(self,threadID,gManager): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.threadID = threadID self.gManager = gManager def run(self): keepAliveCounter=0 #sys.stdout.write('thread started \n') #sys.stdout.flush() while True: if (keepAliveCounter==10): keepAliveCounter=0 if (self.gManager.internet_on()==True): self.gManager.connectedToInternet=1 else: self.gManager.connectedToInternet=0 sleep(self.gManager.Timeout) keepAliveCounter+=1 if not self.gManager.GA_q.empty(): self.gManager.threadLock.acquire(1) # sys.stdout.write('lock acquired: reporting to GA \n') # sys.stdout.flush() if (self.gManager.connectedToInternet==1): self.gManager.emptyAndReportQ() self.gManager.threadLock.release() # sys.stdout.write('finished \n') # sys.stdout.flush() #.....................................................................class GAmanager................................................................. """ Google ID - specify tracker property, example: UA-75220362-2 (when the suffix '2' specifies the analytics property profile) UserID - unique userID, this will differ between users on GA appName - s string to determine app name appVer - a string to determine app version QueueSize - the size of the queue that holds reported items. once the Queue is full: on blocking mode: will block program until next submission to GA server, which will make new space on non-blocking mode: will drop new requests Timout - the timeout the queue uses between data transmissions. Timeout should be shorter than the time it takes to generate 20 events. MIN VALUE = 11 seconds User Permission - the user must accept data transmission, use this flag as 1/0 flag, when UserPermission=1 allows data collection BlockingMode - set to 1 if you wish every Google Analytic Object will be submitted and processed, with no drops allowed. this will block the running of the program until every item is processed *** Restriction - Google's restriction for amount of packages being sent per session per second is: 1 event per second, per session. session length is 30min *** """ class GAmanager: def __init__(self,GoogleID,UserID,appName,appVer,QueueSize,Timeout,UserPermission,BlockingMode): self.UserID = UserID self.GoogleID = GoogleID self.QueueSize = QueueSize self.Timeout = Timeout self.appName = appName self.appVer = appVer self.UserPermission = UserPermission self.GA_q = Queue.Queue(QueueSize) self.thread = ga_Thread(UserID,self) self.threadLock = threading.Lock() self.BlockingMode = BlockingMode self.connectedToInternet =0 if (self.internet_on()==True): # sys.stdout.write('internet connection active \n') # sys.stdout.flush() self.connectedToInternet=1 else: self.connectedToInternet=0 def gaAddAction(self,Event,action,label,value): self.gaAddObject(GA_EVENT_ObjClass(self.UserID,self.GoogleID,Event,action,label,value,self.appName,self.appVer)) def gaAddException(self,ExceptionName,ExceptionFatal): self.gaAddObject(GA_EXCEPTION_ObjClass(self.UserID,self.GoogleID,ExceptionName,ExceptionFatal,self.appName,self.appVer)) def gaAddObject(self,Object): if (self.BlockingMode==1): while (self.GA_q.full()): sleep(self.Timeout) # sys.stdout.write('blocking mode=1 \n queue full - sleeping for timeout \n') # within Timout, the thread will empty part of the queue # sys.stdout.flush() lockState = self.threadLock.acquire(self.BlockingMode) if (lockState==1): # sys.stdout.write('got lock, adding item \n') # sys.stdout.flush() try: self.GA_q.put_nowait(Object) # sys.stdout.write('got lock, item added \n') # sys.stdout.flush() except Queue.Full: # sys.stdout.write('Queue full \n') # sys.stdout.flush() pass self.threadLock.release() def emptyQueueToList(self,obj_list): items=0 while ((not self.GA_q.empty()) and (items<20)): obj_list.append(self.GA_q.get_nowait().payload) items+=1 # print items return obj_list def reportBatched(self,batched): req = Request(url_batched, data=batched.encode('ascii')) urlopen(req) # pprint(r.json()) def emptyAndReportQ(self): obj_list = [] obj_list = self.emptyQueueToList(obj_list) if (len(obj_list)==0): return batched = '\n'.join(obj_list) # print sys.getsizeof(batched) # print batched # - for debug self.reportBatched(batched) def printSelf(self): print('remaining in queue:') while not self.GA_q.empty(): obj = self.GA_q.get_nowait() print(obj.payload) def internet_on(self): try: urlopen(url_conn,timeout=10) return True except URLError as err: pass return False def activate(self): if (self.UserPermission==1): self.thread.start() #.....................................................................class GAmanager_Regression................................................................. """ *-*-*-*-Google Analytics Regression Manager-*-*-*-* attributes: GoogleID - the tracker ID that Google uses in order to track the activity of a property. for regression use: 'UA-75220362-4' AnalyticsUserID - text value - used by Google to differ between 2 users sending data. (will not be presented on reports). use only as a way to differ between different users TRexMode - text - will be presented on analysis. put here TRexMode appName - text - will be presented on analysis. put here appName as string describing app name appVer - text - will be presented on analysis. put here the appVer QueueSize - integer - determines the queue size. the queue will hold pending request before submission. RECOMMENDED VALUE: 20 Timeout - integer (seconds) - the timeout in seconds between automated reports when activating reporting thread UserPermission - boolean (1/0) - required in order to send packets, should be 1. BlockingMode - boolean (1/0) - required when each tracked event is critical and program should halt until the event is reported SetupName - text - will be presented on analysis. put here setup name as string. """ class GAmanager_Regression(GAmanager): def __init__(self, GoogleID, AnalyticsUserID, appName, appVer, QueueSize, Timeout, UserPermission, BlockingMode): GAmanager.__init__(self, GoogleID, AnalyticsUserID, appName, appVer, QueueSize, Timeout, UserPermission, BlockingMode) self.GoogleID = GoogleID self.AnalyticsUserID = AnalyticsUserID def gaAddTestQuery(self, TestName, TRexMode, SetupName, ActionNumber, TestType, Mppspc, GoldenMin, GoldenMax): self.gaAddObject(GA_TESTING_ObjClass(self.AnalyticsUserID, self.GoogleID, TRexMode, TestName, SetupName, self.appName, ActionNumber, self.appVer, TestType, Mppspc, GoldenMin, GoldenMax))