#! /usr/bin/python # hhaim import sys,site site.addsitedir('python-lib') import yaml import os.path import os import dpdk_nic_bind import re import argparse; class map_driver(object): args=None; cfg_file='/etc/trex_cfg.yaml' class DpdkSetup(Exception): pass class CIfMap: def __init__(self, cfg_file): self.m_cfg_file =cfg_file; self.m_cfg_dict={}; self.m_devices={}; def dump_error (self,err): s="""%s From this TRex version a configuration file must exist in /etc/ folder " The name of the configuration file should be /etc/trex_cfg.yaml " The minimum configuration file should include something like this - version : 2 # version 2 of the configuration file interfaces : ["03:00.0","03:00.1","13:00.1","13:00.0"] # list of the interfaces to bind run ./dpdk_nic_bind.py --status to see the list port_limit : 2 # number of ports to use valid is 2,4,6,8,10,12 example of already bind devices $ ./dpdk_nic_bind.py --status Network devices using DPDK-compatible driver ============================================ 0000:03:00.0 '82599ES 10-Gigabit SFI/SFP+ Network Connection' drv=igb_uio unused= 0000:03:00.1 '82599ES 10-Gigabit SFI/SFP+ Network Connection' drv=igb_uio unused= 0000:13:00.0 '82599ES 10-Gigabit SFI/SFP+ Network Connection' drv=igb_uio unused= 0000:13:00.1 '82599ES 10-Gigabit SFI/SFP+ Network Connection' drv=igb_uio unused= Network devices using kernel driver =================================== 0000:02:00.0 '82545EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper)' if=eth2 drv=e1000 unused=igb_uio *Active* Other network devices ===================== """ % (err); return s; def raise_error (self,err): s= self.dump_error (err) raise DpdkSetup(s) def load_config_file (self): fcfg=self.m_cfg_file if not os.path.isfile(fcfg) : self.raise_error ("There is no valid configuration file %s " % fcfg) try: stream = open(fcfg, 'r') self.m_cfg_dict= yaml.load(stream) except Exception,e: print e; raise e stream.close(); cfg_dict = self.m_cfg_dict[0] if not cfg_dict.has_key('version') : self.raise_error ("Configuration file %s is old, should include version field\n" % fcfg ) if int(cfg_dict['version'])<2 : self.raise_error ("Configuration file %s is old, should include version field with value greater than 2\n" % fcfg) if not self.m_cfg_dict[0].has_key('interfaces') : self.raise_error ("Configuration file %s is old, should include interfaces field even number of elemets" % fcfg) if_list=self.m_cfg_dict[0]['interfaces'] l=len(if_list); if (l>20): self.raise_error ("Configuration file %s should include interfaces field with maximum of number of elemets" % (fcfg,l)) if ((l % 2)==1): self.raise_error ("Configuration file %s should include even number of interfaces " % (fcfg,l)) if 'port_limit' in cfg_dict and cfg_dict['port_limit'] > len(if_list): self.raise_error ('Error: port_limit should not be higher than number of interfaces in config file: %s\n' % fcfg) def do_bind_one (self,key): cmd='./dpdk_nic_bind.py --force --bind=igb_uio %s ' % ( key) print cmd res=os.system(cmd); if res!=0: raise DpdkSetup('') def pci_name_to_full_name (self,pci_name): c='[0-9A-Fa-f]'; sp='[:]' s_short=c+c+sp+c+c+'[.]'+c; s_full=c+c+c+c+sp+s_short re_full = re.compile(s_full) re_short = re.compile(s_short) if re_short.match(pci_name): return '0000:'+pci_name if re_full.match(pci_name): return pci_name err=" %s is not a valid pci address \n" %pci_name; raise DpdkSetup(err) def run_dpdk_lspci (self): dpdk_nic_bind.get_nic_details() self.m_devices= dpdk_nic_bind.devices def do_run (self): self.load_config_file () self.run_dpdk_lspci () if_list=self.m_cfg_dict[0]['interfaces'] for obj in if_list: key= self.pci_name_to_full_name (obj) if not self.m_devices.has_key(key) : err=" %s does not exist " %key; raise DpdkSetup(err) if self.m_devices[key].has_key('Driver_str'): if self.m_devices[key]['Driver_str'] !='igb_uio' : self.do_bind_one (key) else: self.do_bind_one (key) def do_create (self): print " not supported yet !" def parse_parent_cfg (parent_cfg): l=parent_cfg.split(" "); cfg_file=''; next=False; for obj in l: if next: cfg_file=obj next=False; if obj == '--cfg': next=True return (cfg_file) def process_options (): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=""" Examples: --------- To unbind the interfaces using the trex configuration file dpdk_set_ports.py -l To create a default file dpdk_set_ports.py -c To show status dpdk_set_ports.py -s """, description=" unbind dpdk interfaces ", epilog=" written by hhaim"); parser.add_argument("-l", "--load", action='store_true', help=""" unbind the interfaces using the configuration file given """, ) parser.add_argument("--cfg", help=""" configuration file name """, ) parser.add_argument("--parent", help=""" parent configuration CLI, extract --cfg from it if given """, ) parser.add_argument("-c", "--create", action='store_true', help=""" try to create a configuration file. It is heuristic try to look into the file before """, ) parser.add_argument("-s", "--show", action='store_true', help=""" show the status """, ) parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version="0.1" ) map_driver.args = parser.parse_args(); if map_driver.args.parent : cfg = parse_parent_cfg (map_driver.args.parent) if cfg != '': map_driver.cfg_file = cfg; if map_driver.args.cfg : map_driver.cfg_file = map_driver.args.cfg; def main (): try: process_options () if map_driver.args.show: res=os.system('./dpdk_nic_bind.py --status'); return(res); obj =CIfMap(map_driver.cfg_file); if map_driver.args.create: obj.do_create(); else: obj.do_run(); except Exception,e: print e exit(-1) main();