# encoding: utf-8 # This file is part of ansi2html # Convert ANSI (terminal) colours and attributes to HTML # Copyright (C) 2012 Ralph Bean # Copyright (C) 2013 Sebastian Pipping # # Inspired by and developed off of the work by pixelbeat and blackjack. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see # . import re import sys import optparse import pkg_resources try: from collections import OrderedDict except ImportError: from ordereddict import OrderedDict from ansi2html.style import get_styles, SCHEME import six from six.moves import map from six.moves import zip ANSI_FULL_RESET = 0 ANSI_INTENSITY_INCREASED = 1 ANSI_INTENSITY_REDUCED = 2 ANSI_INTENSITY_NORMAL = 22 ANSI_STYLE_ITALIC = 3 ANSI_STYLE_NORMAL = 23 ANSI_BLINK_SLOW = 5 ANSI_BLINK_FAST = 6 ANSI_BLINK_OFF = 25 ANSI_UNDERLINE_ON = 4 ANSI_UNDERLINE_OFF = 24 ANSI_CROSSED_OUT_ON = 9 ANSI_CROSSED_OUT_OFF = 29 ANSI_VISIBILITY_ON = 28 ANSI_VISIBILITY_OFF = 8 ANSI_FOREGROUND_CUSTOM_MIN = 30 ANSI_FOREGROUND_CUSTOM_MAX = 37 ANSI_FOREGROUND_256 = 38 ANSI_FOREGROUND_DEFAULT = 39 ANSI_BACKGROUND_CUSTOM_MIN = 40 ANSI_BACKGROUND_CUSTOM_MAX = 47 ANSI_BACKGROUND_256 = 48 ANSI_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT = 49 ANSI_NEGATIVE_ON = 7 ANSI_NEGATIVE_OFF = 27 # http://stackoverflow.com/a/15190498 _latex_template = '''\\documentclass{scrartcl} \\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \\usepackage{fancyvrb} \\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor} %% \\definecolor{red-sd}{HTML}{7ed2d2} \\title{%(title)s} \\fvset{commandchars=\\\\\\{\}} \\begin{document} \\begin{Verbatim} %(content)s \\end{Verbatim} \\end{document} ''' _html_template = six.u(""" %(title)s
""") class _State(object): def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): self.intensity = ANSI_INTENSITY_NORMAL self.style = ANSI_STYLE_NORMAL self.blink = ANSI_BLINK_OFF self.underline = ANSI_UNDERLINE_OFF self.crossedout = ANSI_CROSSED_OUT_OFF self.visibility = ANSI_VISIBILITY_ON self.foreground = (ANSI_FOREGROUND_DEFAULT, None) self.background = (ANSI_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT, None) self.negative = ANSI_NEGATIVE_OFF def adjust(self, ansi_code, parameter=None): if ansi_code in (ANSI_INTENSITY_INCREASED, ANSI_INTENSITY_REDUCED, ANSI_INTENSITY_NORMAL): self.intensity = ansi_code elif ansi_code in (ANSI_STYLE_ITALIC, ANSI_STYLE_NORMAL): self.style = ansi_code elif ansi_code in (ANSI_BLINK_SLOW, ANSI_BLINK_FAST, ANSI_BLINK_OFF): self.blink = ansi_code elif ansi_code in (ANSI_UNDERLINE_ON, ANSI_UNDERLINE_OFF): self.underline = ansi_code elif ansi_code in (ANSI_CROSSED_OUT_ON, ANSI_CROSSED_OUT_OFF): self.crossedout = ansi_code elif ansi_code in (ANSI_VISIBILITY_ON, ANSI_VISIBILITY_OFF): self.visibility = ansi_code elif ANSI_FOREGROUND_CUSTOM_MIN <= ansi_code <= ANSI_FOREGROUND_CUSTOM_MAX: self.foreground = (ansi_code, None) elif ansi_code == ANSI_FOREGROUND_256: self.foreground = (ansi_code, parameter) elif ansi_code == ANSI_FOREGROUND_DEFAULT: self.foreground = (ansi_code, None) elif ANSI_BACKGROUND_CUSTOM_MIN <= ansi_code <= ANSI_BACKGROUND_CUSTOM_MAX: self.background = (ansi_code, None) elif ansi_code == ANSI_BACKGROUND_256: self.background = (ansi_code, parameter) elif ansi_code == ANSI_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT: self.background = (ansi_code, None) elif ansi_code in (ANSI_NEGATIVE_ON, ANSI_NEGATIVE_OFF): self.negative = ansi_code def to_css_classes(self): css_classes = [] def append_unless_default(output, value, default): if value != default: css_class = 'ansi%d' % value output.append(css_class) def append_color_unless_default(output, color, default, negative, neg_css_class): value, parameter = color if value != default: prefix = 'inv' if negative else 'ansi' css_class_index = str(value) \ if (parameter is None) \ else '%d-%d' % (value, parameter) output.append(prefix + css_class_index) elif negative: output.append(neg_css_class) append_unless_default(css_classes, self.intensity, ANSI_INTENSITY_NORMAL) append_unless_default(css_classes, self.style, ANSI_STYLE_NORMAL) append_unless_default(css_classes, self.blink, ANSI_BLINK_OFF) append_unless_default(css_classes, self.underline, ANSI_UNDERLINE_OFF) append_unless_default(css_classes, self.crossedout, ANSI_CROSSED_OUT_OFF) append_unless_default(css_classes, self.visibility, ANSI_VISIBILITY_ON) flip_fore_and_background = (self.negative == ANSI_NEGATIVE_ON) append_color_unless_default(css_classes, self.foreground, ANSI_FOREGROUND_DEFAULT, flip_fore_and_background, 'inv_background') append_color_unless_default(css_classes, self.background, ANSI_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT, flip_fore_and_background, 'inv_foreground') return css_classes def linkify(line, latex_mode): for match in re.findall(r'https?:\/\/\S+', line): if latex_mode: line = line.replace(match, '\\url{%s}' % match) else: line = line.replace(match, '%s' % (match, match)) return line def _needs_extra_newline(text): if not text or text.endswith('\n'): return False return True class CursorMoveUp(object): pass class Ansi2HTMLConverter(object): """ Convert Ansi color codes to CSS+HTML Example: >>> conv = Ansi2HTMLConverter() >>> ansi = " ".join(sys.stdin.readlines()) >>> html = conv.convert(ansi) """ def __init__(self, latex=False, inline=False, dark_bg=True, font_size='normal', linkify=False, escaped=True, markup_lines=False, output_encoding='utf-8', scheme='ansi2html', title='' ): self.latex = latex self.inline = inline self.dark_bg = dark_bg self.font_size = font_size self.linkify = linkify self.escaped = escaped self.markup_lines = markup_lines self.output_encoding = output_encoding self.scheme = scheme self.title = title self._attrs = None if inline: self.styles = dict([(item.klass.strip('.'), item) for item in get_styles(self.dark_bg, self.scheme)]) self.ansi_codes_prog = re.compile('\?\\[' '([\\d;]*)' '([a-zA-z])') def apply_regex(self, ansi): parts = self._apply_regex(ansi) parts = self._collapse_cursor(parts) parts = list(parts) if self.linkify: parts = [linkify(part, self.latex) for part in parts] combined = "".join(parts) if self.markup_lines and not self.latex: combined = "\n".join([ """%s""" % (i, line) for i, line in enumerate(combined.split('\n')) ]) return combined def _apply_regex(self, ansi): if self.escaped: if self.latex: # Known Perl function which does this: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/34580/escape-character-in-latex/119383#119383 specials = OrderedDict([ ]) else: specials = OrderedDict([ ('&', '&'), ('<', '<'), ('>', '>'), ]) for pattern, special in specials.items(): ansi = ansi.replace(pattern, special) state = _State() inside_span = False last_end = 0 # the index of the last end of a code we've seen for match in self.ansi_codes_prog.finditer(ansi): yield ansi[last_end:match.start()] last_end = match.end() params, command = match.groups() if command not in 'mMA': continue # Special cursor-moving code. The only supported one. if command == 'A': yield CursorMoveUp continue try: params = list(map(int, params.split(';'))) except ValueError: params = [ANSI_FULL_RESET] # Find latest reset marker last_null_index = None skip_after_index = -1 for i, v in enumerate(params): if i <= skip_after_index: continue if v == ANSI_FULL_RESET: last_null_index = i elif v in (ANSI_FOREGROUND_256, ANSI_BACKGROUND_256): skip_after_index = i + 2 # Process reset marker, drop everything before if last_null_index is not None: params = params[last_null_index + 1:] if inside_span: inside_span = False if self.latex: yield '}' else: yield '' state.reset() if not params: continue # Turn codes into CSS classes skip_after_index = -1 for i, v in enumerate(params): if i <= skip_after_index: continue if v in (ANSI_FOREGROUND_256, ANSI_BACKGROUND_256): try: parameter = params[i + 2] except IndexError: continue skip_after_index = i + 2 else: parameter = None state.adjust(v, parameter=parameter) if inside_span: if self.latex: yield '}' else: yield '' inside_span = False css_classes = state.to_css_classes() if not css_classes: continue if self.inline: if self.latex: style = [self.styles[klass].kwl[0][1] for klass in css_classes if self.styles[klass].kwl[0][0] == 'color'] yield '\\textcolor[HTML]{%s}{' % style[0] else: style = [self.styles[klass].kw for klass in css_classes if klass in self.styles] yield '' % "; ".join(style) else: if self.latex: yield '\\textcolor{%s}{' % " ".join(css_classes) else: yield '' % " ".join(css_classes) inside_span = True yield ansi[last_end:] if inside_span: if self.latex: yield '}' else: yield '' inside_span = False def _collapse_cursor(self, parts): """ Act on any CursorMoveUp commands by deleting preceding tokens """ final_parts = [] for part in parts: # Throw out empty string tokens ("") if not part: continue # Go back, deleting every token in the last 'line' if part == CursorMoveUp: final_parts.pop() if final_parts: while '\n' not in final_parts[-1]: final_parts.pop() continue # Otherwise, just pass this token forward final_parts.append(part) return final_parts def prepare(self, ansi='', ensure_trailing_newline=False): """ Load the contents of 'ansi' into this object """ body = self.apply_regex(ansi) if ensure_trailing_newline and _needs_extra_newline(body): body += '\n' self._attrs = { 'dark_bg': self.dark_bg, 'font_size': self.font_size, 'body': body, } return self._attrs def attrs(self): """ Prepare attributes for the template """ if not self._attrs: raise Exception("Method .prepare not yet called.") return self._attrs def convert(self, ansi, full=True, ensure_trailing_newline=False): attrs = self.prepare(ansi, ensure_trailing_newline=ensure_trailing_newline) if not full: return attrs["body"] else: if self.latex: _template = _latex_template else: _template = _html_template return _template % { 'style' : "\n".join(map(str, get_styles(self.dark_bg, self.scheme))), 'title' : self.title, 'font_size' : self.font_size, 'content' : attrs["body"], 'output_encoding' : self.output_encoding, } def produce_headers(self): return '\n' % { 'style' : "\n".join(map(str, get_styles(self.dark_bg, self.scheme))) } def main(): """ $ ls --color=always | ansi2html > directories.html $ sudo tail /var/log/messages | ccze -A | ansi2html > logs.html $ task burndown | ansi2html > burndown.html """ scheme_names = sorted(six.iterkeys(SCHEME)) version_str = pkg_resources.get_distribution('ansi2html').version parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage=main.__doc__, version="%%prog %s" % version_str) parser.add_option( "-p", "--partial", dest="partial", default=False, action="store_true", help="Process lines as them come in. No headers are produced.") parser.add_option( "-L", "--latex", dest="latex", default=False, action="store_true", help="Export as LaTeX instead of HTML.") parser.add_option( "-i", "--inline", dest="inline", default=False, action="store_true", help="Inline style without headers or template.") parser.add_option( "-H", "--headers", dest="headers", default=False, action="store_true", help="Just produce the