Original author

Dug Song <dugsong@monkey.org>


Timur Alperovich <timuralp@umich.edu>
	radiotap module

Nic Bellamy <nic.bellamy@vadacom.co.nz>
	HTTP header parsing fix

the grugq <thegrugq@gmail.com>
	better RTP module

David Helder <dhelder@gizmolabs.org>
	bug fixes

Przemyslaw Karwasiecki <karwas@gmail.com>
	TABLE_DUMP in MRT module

Reza Lotun <rlotun@cs.ubc.ca>
	MetaPacket cleanup

Jeff Nathan <jeff@snort.org>
	bug fixes

Tim Newsham <newsham@lava.net>
	IPv6 bugfixing and improvements

	Snoop file parser

Jon Oberheide <jon@oberheide.org>
	STUN, H.225, TPKT, NTP, RIP, Diameter, SCTP, BGP, MRT, RX modules

	handle dynamic imports from py2exe/freeze.py/zipped egg packages

	handle multiple cookie values in HTTP

Owen Stephens <owen@owenstephens.co.uk>
	IP6 extension header support

Robert Stone <otaku@monkey.org>
	Netflow and QQ modules

Thomas Taranowski <thomastaranowski@yahoo.com>
	dnet IP checksum bug on i386

Jirka Vejrazka
	bug fixes

Tim Yardley <yardley@gmail.com>
	DHCP definitions