# $Id: dpkt.py 43 2007-08-02 22:42:59Z jon.oberheide $

"""Simple packet creation and parsing."""

import copy, itertools, socket, struct

class Error(Exception): pass
class UnpackError(Error): pass
class NeedData(UnpackError): pass
class PackError(Error): pass

class _MetaPacket(type):
    def __new__(cls, clsname, clsbases, clsdict):
        t = type.__new__(cls, clsname, clsbases, clsdict)
        st = getattr(t, '__hdr__', None)
        if st is not None:
            # XXX - __slots__ only created in __new__()
            clsdict['__slots__'] = [ x[0] for x in st ] + [ 'data' ]
            t = type.__new__(cls, clsname, clsbases, clsdict)
            t.__hdr_fields__ = [ x[0] for x in st ]
            t.__hdr_fmt__ = getattr(t, '__byte_order__', '>') + \
                            ''.join([ x[1] for x in st ])
            t.__hdr_len__ = struct.calcsize(t.__hdr_fmt__)
            t.__hdr_defaults__ = dict(zip(
                t.__hdr_fields__, [ x[2] for x in st ]))
        return t

class Packet(object):
    """Base packet class, with metaclass magic to generate members from

    __hdr__ should be defined as a list of (name, structfmt, default) tuples
    __byte_order__ can be set to override the default ('>')


    >>> class Foo(Packet):
    ...   __hdr__ = (('foo', 'I', 1), ('bar', 'H', 2), ('baz', '4s', 'quux'))
    >>> foo = Foo(bar=3)
    >>> foo
    >>> str(foo)
    >>> foo.bar
    >>> foo.baz
    >>> foo.foo = 7
    >>> foo.baz = 'whee'
    >>> foo
    Foo(baz='whee', foo=7, bar=3)
    >>> Foo('hello, world!')
    Foo(baz=' wor', foo=1751477356L, bar=28460, data='ld!')
    __metaclass__ = _MetaPacket
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Packet constructor with ([buf], [field=val,...]) prototype.


        buf -- optional packet buffer to unpack

        Optional keyword arguments correspond to members to set
        (matching fields in self.__hdr__, or 'data').
        self.data = ''
        if args:
            except struct.error:
                if len(args[0]) < self.__hdr_len__:
                    raise NeedData
                raise UnpackError('invalid %s: %r' %
                                  (self.__class__.__name__, args[0]))
            for k in self.__hdr_fields__:
                setattr(self, k, copy.copy(self.__hdr_defaults__[k]))
            for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
                setattr(self, k, v)

    def __len__(self):
        return self.__hdr_len__ + len(self.data)

    def __getitem__(self, k):
        try: return getattr(self, k)
        except AttributeError: raise KeyError
    def __repr__(self):
        l = [ '%s=%r' % (k, getattr(self, k))
              for k in self.__hdr_defaults__
              if getattr(self, k) != self.__hdr_defaults__[k] ]
        if self.data:
            l.append('data=%r' % self.data)
        return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(l))

    def __str__(self):
        return self.pack_hdr() + str(self.data)
    def pack_hdr(self):
        """Return packed header string."""
            return struct.pack(self.__hdr_fmt__,
                            *[ getattr(self, k) for k in self.__hdr_fields__ ])
        except struct.error:
            vals = []
            for k in self.__hdr_fields__:
                v = getattr(self, k)
                if isinstance(v, tuple):
                return struct.pack(self.__hdr_fmt__, *vals)
            except struct.error, e:
                raise PackError(str(e))

    def pack(self):
        """Return packed header + self.data string."""
        return str(self)
    def unpack(self, buf):
        """Unpack packet header fields from buf, and set self.data."""
        for k, v in itertools.izip(self.__hdr_fields__,
            struct.unpack(self.__hdr_fmt__, buf[:self.__hdr_len__])):
            setattr(self, k, v)
        self.data = buf[self.__hdr_len__:]

# XXX - ''.join([(len(`chr(x)`)==3) and chr(x) or '.' for x in range(256)])
__vis_filter = """................................ !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[.]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~................................................................................................................................."""

def hexdump(buf, length=16):
    """Return a hexdump output string of the given buffer."""
    n = 0
    res = []
    while buf:
        line, buf = buf[:length], buf[length:]
        hexa = ' '.join(['%02x' % ord(x) for x in line])
        line = line.translate(__vis_filter)
        res.append('  %04d:  %-*s %s' % (n, length * 3, hexa, line))
        n += length
    return '\n'.join(res)

    import dnet2
    def in_cksum_add(s, buf):
        return dnet.ip_cksum_add(buf, s)
    def in_cksum_done(s):
        return socket.ntohs(dnet.ip_cksum_carry(s))
except ImportError:
    import array
    def in_cksum_add(s, buf):
        n = len(buf)
        cnt = (n / 2) * 2
        a = array.array('H', buf[:cnt])
        if cnt != n:
            a.append(struct.unpack('H', buf[-1] + '\x00')[0])
        return s + sum(a)
    def in_cksum_done(s):
        s = (s >> 16) + (s & 0xffff)
        s += (s >> 16)
        return socket.ntohs(~s & 0xffff)

def in_cksum(buf):
    """Return computed Internet checksum."""
    return in_cksum_done(in_cksum_add(0, buf))