# $Id: tcp.py 42 2007-08-02 22:38:47Z jon.oberheide $

"""Transmission Control Protocol."""

import dpkt

# TCP control flags
TH_FIN		= 0x01		# end of data
TH_SYN		= 0x02		# synchronize sequence numbers
TH_RST		= 0x04		# reset connection
TH_PUSH		= 0x08		# push
TH_ACK		= 0x10		# acknowledgment number set
TH_URG		= 0x20		# urgent pointer set
TH_ECE		= 0x40		# ECN echo, RFC 3168
TH_CWR		= 0x80		# congestion window reduced

TCP_PORT_MAX	= 65535		# maximum port
TCP_WIN_MAX	= 65535		# maximum (unscaled) window

class TCP(dpkt.Packet):
    __hdr__ = (
        ('sport', 'H', 0xdead),
        ('dport', 'H', 0),
        ('seq', 'I', 0xdeadbeefL),
        ('ack', 'I', 0),
        ('off_x2', 'B', ((5 << 4) | 0)),
        ('flags', 'B', TH_SYN),
        ('win', 'H', TCP_WIN_MAX),
        ('sum', 'H', 0),
        ('urp', 'H', 0)
    opts = ''
    def _get_off(self): return self.off_x2 >> 4
    def _set_off(self, off): self.off_x2 = (off << 4) | (self.off_x2 & 0xf)
    off = property(_get_off, _set_off)

    def __len__(self):
        return self.__hdr_len__ + len(self.opts) + len(self.data)
    def __str__(self):
        return self.pack_hdr() + self.opts + str(self.data)
    def unpack(self, buf):
        dpkt.Packet.unpack(self, buf)
        ol = ((self.off_x2 >> 4) << 2) - self.__hdr_len__
        if ol < 0:
            raise dpkt.UnpackError, 'invalid header length'
        self.opts = buf[self.__hdr_len__:self.__hdr_len__ + ol]
        self.data = buf[self.__hdr_len__ + ol:]

# Options (opt_type) - http://www.iana.org/assignments/tcp-parameters
TCP_OPT_EOL		= 0	# end of option list
TCP_OPT_NOP		= 1	# no operation
TCP_OPT_MSS		= 2	# maximum segment size
TCP_OPT_WSCALE		= 3	# window scale factor, RFC 1072
TCP_OPT_SACKOK		= 4	# SACK permitted, RFC 2018
TCP_OPT_SACK		= 5	# SACK, RFC 2018
TCP_OPT_ECHO		= 6	# echo (obsolete), RFC 1072
TCP_OPT_ECHOREPLY	= 7	# echo reply (obsolete), RFC 1072
TCP_OPT_TIMESTAMP	= 8	# timestamp, RFC 1323
TCP_OPT_POCONN		= 9	# partial order conn, RFC 1693
TCP_OPT_POSVC		= 10	# partial order service, RFC 1693
TCP_OPT_CC		= 11	# connection count, RFC 1644
TCP_OPT_CCNEW		= 12	# CC.NEW, RFC 1644
TCP_OPT_ALTSUM		= 14	# alt checksum request, RFC 1146
TCP_OPT_ALTSUMDATA	= 15	# alt checksum data, RFC 1146
TCP_OPT_SKEETER		= 16	# Skeeter
TCP_OPT_BUBBA		= 17	# Bubba
TCP_OPT_TRAILSUM	= 18	# trailer checksum
TCP_OPT_MD5		= 19	# MD5 signature, RFC 2385
TCP_OPT_SCPS		= 20	# SCPS capabilities
TCP_OPT_SNACK		= 21	# selective negative acks
TCP_OPT_REC		= 22	# record boundaries
TCP_OPT_CORRUPT		= 23	# corruption experienced
TCP_OPT_TCPCOMP		= 26	# TCP compression filter

def parse_opts(buf):
    """Parse TCP option buffer into a list of (option, data) tuples."""
    opts = []
    while buf:
        o = ord(buf[0])
        if o > TCP_OPT_NOP:
                l = ord(buf[1])
                d, buf = buf[2:l], buf[l:]
            except ValueError:
                #print 'bad option', repr(str(buf))
                opts.append(None) # XXX
            d, buf = '', buf[1:]
    return opts