# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# version.py
# Part of ‘python-daemon’, an implementation of PEP 3143.
# Copyright © 2008–2015 Ben Finney <ben+python@benfinney.id.au>
# This is free software: you may copy, modify, and/or distribute this work
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; version 3 of that license or any later version.
# No warranty expressed or implied. See the file ‘LICENSE.GPL-3’ for details.

""" Version information unified for human- and machine-readable formats.

    The project ‘ChangeLog’ file is a reStructuredText document, with
    each section describing a version of the project. The document is
    intended to be readable as-is by end users.

    This module handles transformation from the ‘ChangeLog’ to a
    mapping of version information, serialised as JSON. It also
    provides functionality for Distutils to use this information.


    * Docutils <http://docutils.sourceforge.net/>
    * JSON <https://docs.python.org/3/reference/json.html>


from __future__ import (absolute_import, unicode_literals)

import sys
import os
import io
import errno
import json
import datetime
import textwrap
import re
import functools
import collections
import distutils
import distutils.errors
import distutils.cmd
    # Python 2 has both ‘str’ (bytes) and ‘unicode’ (text).
    basestring = basestring
    unicode = unicode
except NameError:
    # Python 3 names the Unicode data type ‘str’.
    basestring = str
    unicode = str

import setuptools
import setuptools.command.egg_info

def ensure_class_bases_begin_with(namespace, class_name, base_class):
    """ Ensure the named class's bases start with the base class.

        :param namespace: The namespace containing the class name.
        :param class_name: The name of the class to alter.
        :param base_class: The type to be the first base class for the
            newly created type.
        :return: ``None``.

        This function is a hack to circumvent a circular dependency:
        using classes from a module which is not installed at the time
        this module is imported.

        Call this function after ensuring `base_class` is available,
        before using the class named by `class_name`.

    existing_class = namespace[class_name]
    assert isinstance(existing_class, type)

    bases = list(existing_class.__bases__)
    if base_class is bases[0]:
        # Already bound to a type with the right bases.
    bases.insert(0, base_class)

    new_class_namespace = existing_class.__dict__.copy()
    # Type creation will assign the correct ‘__dict__’ attribute.
    del new_class_namespace['__dict__']

    metaclass = existing_class.__metaclass__
    new_class = metaclass(class_name, tuple(bases), new_class_namespace)

    namespace[class_name] = new_class

class VersionInfoWriter(object):
    """ Docutils writer to produce a version info JSON data stream. """

    # This class needs its base class to be a class from `docutils`.
    # But that would create a circular dependency: Setuptools cannot
    # ensure `docutils` is available before importing this module.
    # Use `ensure_class_bases_begin_with` after importing `docutils`, to
    # re-bind the `VersionInfoWriter` name to a new type that inherits
    # from `docutils.writers.Writer`.

    __metaclass__ = type

    supported = ['version_info']
    """ Formats this writer supports. """

    def __init__(self):
        super(VersionInfoWriter, self).__init__()
        self.translator_class = VersionInfoTranslator

    def translate(self):
        visitor = self.translator_class(self.document)
        self.output = visitor.astext()

rfc822_person_regex = re.compile(
        "^(?P<name>[^<]+) <(?P<email>[^>]+)>$")

class ChangeLogEntry:
    """ An individual entry from the ‘ChangeLog’ document. """

    __metaclass__ = type

    field_names = [

    date_format = "%Y-%m-%d"
    default_version = "UNKNOWN"
    default_release_date = "UNKNOWN"

    def __init__(
            release_date=default_release_date, version=default_version,
            maintainer=None, body=None):
        self.release_date = release_date

        self.version = version

        self.maintainer = maintainer
        self.body = body

    def validate_release_date(cls, value):
        """ Validate the `release_date` value.

            :param value: The prospective `release_date` value.
            :return: ``None`` if the value is valid.
            :raises ValueError: If the value is invalid.

        if value in ["UNKNOWN", "FUTURE"]:
            # A valid non-date value.
            return None

        # Raises `ValueError` if parse fails.
        datetime.datetime.strptime(value, ChangeLogEntry.date_format)

    def validate_maintainer(cls, value):
        """ Validate the `maintainer` value.

            :param value: The prospective `maintainer` value.
            :return: ``None`` if the value is valid.
            :raises ValueError: If the value is invalid.

        valid = False

        if value is None:
            valid = True
        elif rfc822_person_regex.search(value):
            valid = True

        if not valid:
            raise ValueError("Not a valid person specification {value!r}")
            return None

    def make_ordered_dict(cls, fields):
        """ Make an ordered dict of the fields. """
        result = collections.OrderedDict(
                (name, fields[name])
                for name in cls.field_names)
        return result

    def as_version_info_entry(self):
        """ Format the changelog entry as a version info entry. """
        fields = vars(self)
        entry = self.make_ordered_dict(fields)

        return entry

class InvalidFormatError(ValueError):
    """ Raised when the document is not a valid ‘ChangeLog’ document. """

class VersionInfoTranslator(object):
    """ Translator from document nodes to a version info stream. """

    # This class needs its base class to be a class from `docutils`.
    # But that would create a circular dependency: Setuptools cannot
    # ensure `docutils` is available before importing this module.
    # Use `ensure_class_bases_begin_with` after importing `docutils`,
    # to re-bind the `VersionInfoTranslator` name to a new type that
    # inherits from `docutils.nodes.SparseNodeVisitor`.

    __metaclass__ = type

    wrap_width = 78
    bullet_text = "* "

    attr_convert_funcs_by_attr_name = {
            'released': ('release_date', unicode),
            'version': ('version', unicode),
            'maintainer': ('maintainer', unicode),

    def __init__(self, document):
        super(VersionInfoTranslator, self).__init__(document)
        self.settings = document.settings
        self.current_section_level = 0
        self.current_field_name = None
        self.content = []
        self.indent_width = 0
        self.initial_indent = ""
        self.subsequent_indent = ""
        self.current_entry = None

        # Docutils is not available when this class is defined.
        # Get the `docutils` module dynamically.
        self._docutils = sys.modules['docutils']

    def astext(self):
        """ Return the translated document as text. """
        text = json.dumps(self.content, indent=4)
        return text

    def append_to_current_entry(self, text):
        if self.current_entry is not None:
            if self.current_entry.body is not None:
                self.current_entry.body += text

    def visit_Text(self, node):
        raw_text = node.astext()
        text = textwrap.fill(

    def depart_Text(self, node):

    def visit_comment(self, node):
        raise self._docutils.nodes.SkipNode

    def visit_field_body(self, node):
        field_list_node = node.parent.parent
        if not isinstance(field_list_node, self._docutils.nodes.field_list):
            raise InvalidFormatError(
                    "Unexpected field within {node!r}".format(
        (attr_name, convert_func) = self.attr_convert_funcs_by_attr_name[
        attr_value = convert_func(node.astext())
        setattr(self.current_entry, attr_name, attr_value)

    def depart_field_body(self, node):

    def visit_field_list(self, node):

    def depart_field_list(self, node):
        self.current_field_name = None
        self.current_entry.body = ""

    def visit_field_name(self, node):
        field_name = node.astext()
        if self.current_section_level == 1:
            # At a top-level section.
            if field_name.lower() not in ["released", "maintainer"]:
                raise InvalidFormatError(
                        "Unexpected field name {name!r}".format(name=field_name))
            self.current_field_name = field_name.lower()

    def depart_field_name(self, node):

    def visit_bullet_list(self, node):
        self.current_context = []

    def depart_bullet_list(self, node):
        self.current_entry.changes = self.current_context
        self.current_context = None

    def adjust_indent_width(self, delta):
        self.indent_width += delta
        self.subsequent_indent = " " * self.indent_width
        self.initial_indent = self.subsequent_indent

    def visit_list_item(self, node):
        indent_delta = +len(self.bullet_text)
        self.initial_indent = self.subsequent_indent[:-indent_delta]
        self.append_to_current_entry(self.initial_indent + self.bullet_text)

    def depart_list_item(self, node):
        indent_delta = +len(self.bullet_text)

    def visit_section(self, node):
        self.current_section_level += 1
        if self.current_section_level == 1:
            # At a top-level section.
            self.current_entry = ChangeLogEntry()
            raise InvalidFormatError(
                    "Subsections not implemented for this writer")

    def depart_section(self, node):
        self.current_section_level -= 1
        self.current_entry = None

    _expected_title_word_length = len("Version FOO".split(" "))

    def depart_title(self, node):
        title_text = node.astext()
        # At a top-level section.
        words = title_text.split(" ")
        version = None
        if len(words) != self._expected_title_word_length:
            raise InvalidFormatError(
                    "Unexpected title text {text!r}".format(text=title_text))
        if words[0].lower() not in ["version"]:
            raise InvalidFormatError(
                    "Unexpected title text {text!r}".format(text=title_text))
        version = words[-1]
        self.current_entry.version = version

def changelog_to_version_info_collection(infile):
    """ Render the ‘ChangeLog’ document to a version info collection.

        :param infile: A file-like object containing the changelog.
        :return: The serialised JSON data of the version info collection.


    # Docutils is not available when Setuptools needs this module, so
    # delay the imports to this function instead.
    import docutils.core
    import docutils.nodes
    import docutils.writers

            globals(), str('VersionInfoWriter'), docutils.writers.Writer)
            globals(), str('VersionInfoTranslator'),

    writer = VersionInfoWriter()
    settings_overrides = {
            'doctitle_xform': False,
    version_info_json = docutils.core.publish_string(
            infile.read(), writer=writer,

    return version_info_json

    lru_cache = functools.lru_cache
except AttributeError:
    # Python < 3.2 does not have the `functools.lru_cache` function.
    # Not essential, so replace it with a no-op.
    lru_cache = lambda maxsize=None, typed=False: lambda func: func

def generate_version_info_from_changelog(infile_path):
    """ Get the version info for the latest version in the changelog.

        :param infile_path: Filesystem path to the input changelog file.
        :return: The generated version info mapping; or ``None`` if the
            file cannot be read.

        The document is explicitly opened as UTF-8 encoded text.

    version_info = collections.OrderedDict()

    versions_all_json = None
        with io.open(infile_path, 'rt', encoding="utf-8") as infile:
            versions_all_json = changelog_to_version_info_collection(infile)
    except EnvironmentError:
        # If we can't read the input file, leave the collection empty.

    if versions_all_json is not None:
        versions_all = json.loads(versions_all_json.decode('utf-8'))
        version_info = get_latest_version(versions_all)

    return version_info

def get_latest_version(versions):
    """ Get the latest version from a collection of changelog entries.

        :param versions: A collection of mappings for changelog entries.
        :return: An ordered mapping of fields for the latest version,
            if `versions` is non-empty; otherwise, an empty mapping.

    version_info = collections.OrderedDict()

    versions_by_release_date = {
            item['release_date']: item
            for item in versions}
    if versions_by_release_date:
        latest_release_date = max(versions_by_release_date.keys())
        version_info = ChangeLogEntry.make_ordered_dict(

    return version_info

def serialise_version_info_from_mapping(version_info):
    """ Generate the version info serialised data.

        :param version_info: Mapping of version info items.
        :return: The version info serialised to JSON.

    content = json.dumps(version_info, indent=4)

    return content

changelog_filename = "ChangeLog"

def get_changelog_path(distribution, filename=changelog_filename):
    """ Get the changelog file path for the distribution.

        :param distribution: The distutils.dist.Distribution instance.
        :param filename: The base filename of the changelog document.
        :return: Filesystem path of the changelog document, or ``None``
            if not discoverable.

    setup_dirname = os.path.dirname(distribution.script_name)
    filepath = os.path.join(setup_dirname, filename)

    return filepath

def has_changelog(command):
    """ Return ``True`` iff the distribution's changelog file exists. """
    result = False

    changelog_path = get_changelog_path(command.distribution)
    if changelog_path is not None:
        if os.path.exists(changelog_path):
            result = True

    return result

class EggInfoCommand(setuptools.command.egg_info.egg_info, object):
    """ Custom ‘egg_info’ command for this distribution. """

    sub_commands = ([
            ('write_version_info', has_changelog),
            ] + setuptools.command.egg_info.egg_info.sub_commands)

    def run(self):
        """ Execute this command. """
        super(EggInfoCommand, self).run()

        for command_name in self.get_sub_commands():

version_info_filename = "version_info.json"

class WriteVersionInfoCommand(EggInfoCommand, object):
    """ Setuptools command to serialise version info metadata. """

    user_options = ([
            ("changelog-path=", None,
             "Filesystem path to the changelog document."),
            ("outfile-path=", None,
             "Filesystem path to the version info file."),
            ] + EggInfoCommand.user_options)

    def initialize_options(self):
        """ Initialise command options to defaults. """
        super(WriteVersionInfoCommand, self).initialize_options()
        self.changelog_path = None
        self.outfile_path = None

    def finalize_options(self):
        """ Finalise command options before execution. """
                ('force', 'force'))

        super(WriteVersionInfoCommand, self).finalize_options()

        if self.changelog_path is None:
            self.changelog_path = get_changelog_path(self.distribution)

        if self.outfile_path is None:
            egg_dir = self.egg_info
            self.outfile_path = os.path.join(egg_dir, version_info_filename)

    def run(self):
        """ Execute this command. """
        version_info = generate_version_info_from_changelog(self.changelog_path)
        content = serialise_version_info_from_mapping(version_info)
        self.write_file("version info", self.outfile_path, content)

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