## This file is part of Scapy ## See http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy for more informations ## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <phil@secdev.org> ## This program is published under a GPLv2 license """ Common customizations for all Unix-like operating systems other than Linux """ import sys,os,struct,socket,time from fcntl import ioctl from scapy.error import warning import scapy.config import scapy.utils import scapy.utils6 import scapy.arch scapy.config.conf.use_pcap = 1 scapy.config.conf.use_dnet = 1 from pcapdnet import * ################## ## Routes stuff ## ################## def read_routes(): if scapy.arch.SOLARIS: f=os.popen("netstat -rvn") # -f inet elif scapy.arch.FREEBSD: f=os.popen("netstat -rnW") # -W to handle long interface names else: f=os.popen("netstat -rn") # -f inet ok = 0 mtu_present = False prio_present = False routes = [] pending_if = [] for l in f.readlines(): if not l: break l = l.strip() if l.find("----") >= 0: # a separation line continue if not ok: if l.find("Destination") >= 0: ok = 1 mtu_present = l.find("Mtu") >= 0 prio_present = l.find("Prio") >= 0 continue if not l: break if scapy.arch.SOLARIS: lspl = l.split() if len(lspl) == 10: dest,mask,gw,netif,mxfrg,rtt,ref,flg = lspl[:8] else: # missing interface dest,mask,gw,mxfrg,rtt,ref,flg = lspl[:7] netif=None else: rt = l.split() dest,gw,flg = rt[:3] netif = rt[5+mtu_present+prio_present] if flg.find("Lc") >= 0: continue if dest == "default": dest = 0L netmask = 0L else: if scapy.arch.SOLARIS: netmask = scapy.utils.atol(mask) elif "/" in dest: dest,netmask = dest.split("/") netmask = scapy.utils.itom(int(netmask)) else: netmask = scapy.utils.itom((dest.count(".") + 1) * 8) dest += ".0"*(3-dest.count(".")) dest = scapy.utils.atol(dest) if not "G" in flg: gw = '' if netif is not None: ifaddr = scapy.arch.get_if_addr(netif) routes.append((dest,netmask,gw,netif,ifaddr)) else: pending_if.append((dest,netmask,gw)) f.close() # On Solaris, netstat does not provide output interfaces for some routes # We need to parse completely the routing table to route their gw and # know their output interface for dest,netmask,gw in pending_if: gw_l = scapy.utils.atol(gw) max_rtmask,gw_if,gw_if_addr, = 0,None,None for rtdst,rtmask,_,rtif,rtaddr in routes[:]: if gw_l & rtmask == rtdst: if rtmask >= max_rtmask: max_rtmask = rtmask gw_if = rtif gw_if_addr = rtaddr if gw_if: routes.append((dest,netmask,gw,gw_if,gw_if_addr)) else: warning("Did not find output interface to reach gateway %s" % gw) return routes ############ ### IPv6 ### ############ def in6_getifaddr(): """ Returns a list of 3-tuples of the form (addr, scope, iface) where 'addr' is the address of scope 'scope' associated to the interface 'ifcace'. This is the list of all addresses of all interfaces available on the system. """ ret = [] i = dnet.intf() for int in i: ifname = int['name'] v6 = [] if int.has_key('alias_addrs'): v6 = int['alias_addrs'] for a in v6: if a.type != dnet.ADDR_TYPE_IP6: continue xx = str(a).split('/')[0] addr = scapy.utils6.in6_ptop(xx) scope = scapy.utils6.in6_getscope(addr) ret.append((xx, scope, ifname)) return ret def read_routes6(): f = os.popen("netstat -rn -f inet6") ok = False mtu_present = False prio_present = False routes = [] lifaddr = in6_getifaddr() for l in f.readlines(): if not l: break l = l.strip() if not ok: if l.find("Destination") >= 0: ok = 1 mtu_present = l.find("Mtu") >= 0 prio_present = l.find("Prio") >= 0 continue # gv 12/12/06: under debugging if scapy.arch.NETBSD or scapy.arch.OPENBSD: lspl = l.split() d,nh,fl = lspl[:3] dev = lspl[5+mtu_present+prio_present] else: # FREEBSD or DARWIN d,nh,fl,dev = l.split()[:4] if filter(lambda x: x[2] == dev, lifaddr) == []: continue if 'L' in fl: # drop MAC addresses continue if 'link' in nh: nh = '::' cset = [] # candidate set (possible source addresses) dp = 128 if d == 'default': d = '::' dp = 0 if '/' in d: d,dp = d.split("/") dp = int(dp) if '%' in d: d,dev = d.split('%') if '%' in nh: nh,dev = nh.split('%') if scapy.arch.LOOPBACK_NAME in dev: cset = ['::1'] nh = '::' else: devaddrs = filter(lambda x: x[2] == dev, lifaddr) cset = scapy.utils6.construct_source_candidate_set(d, dp, devaddrs, scapy.arch.LOOPBACK_NAME) if len(cset) != 0: routes.append((d, dp, nh, dev, cset)) f.close() return routes