#! /usr/bin/env python
##                                                                         ##
## inet6.py --- IPv6 support for Scapy                                     ##
##              see http://natisbad.org/IPv6/                              ##
##              for more informations                                      ##
##                                                                         ##
## Copyright (C) 2005  Guillaume Valadon <guedou@hongo.wide.ad.jp>         ##
##                     Arnaud Ebalard <arnaud.ebalard@eads.net>            ##
##                                                                         ##
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ##
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as          ##
## published by the Free Software Foundation.                              ##
##                                                                         ##
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but     ##
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              ##
## General Public License for more details.                                ##
##                                                                         ##

IPv6 (Internet Protocol v6).

import socket
if not socket.has_ipv6:
    raise socket.error("can't use AF_INET6, IPv6 is disabled")
if not hasattr(socket, "IPPROTO_IPV6"):
    # Workaround for http://bugs.python.org/issue6926
    socket.IPPROTO_IPV6 = 41

if not ('IPPROTO_IPIP ' in globals()):

from scapy.config import conf
from scapy.layers.l2 import *
from scapy.layers.inet import *
from scapy.fields import *
from scapy.packet import *
from scapy.volatile import *
from scapy.sendrecv import sr,sr1,srp1
from scapy.as_resolvers import AS_resolver_riswhois
from scapy.supersocket import SuperSocket,L3RawSocket
from scapy.arch import *
from scapy.utils6 import *

# Helpers                                                                  ##

def get_cls(name, fallback_cls):
    return globals().get(name, fallback_cls)

## Neighbor cache stuff ##

conf.netcache.new_cache("in6_neighbor", 120)

def neighsol(addr, src, iface, timeout=1, chainCC=0):
    Sends an ICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitation message to get the MAC address
    of the neighbor with specified IPv6 address addr. 'src' address is 
    used as source of the message. Message is sent on iface. By default,
    timeout waiting for an answer is 1 second.

    If no answer is gathered, None is returned. Else, the answer is 
    returned (ethernet frame).

    nsma = in6_getnsma(inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, addr))
    d = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, nsma)
    dm = in6_getnsmac(nsma)
    p = Ether(dst=dm)/IPv6(dst=d, src=src, hlim=255)
    p /= ICMPv6ND_NS(tgt=addr)
    p /= ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr(lladdr=get_if_hwaddr(iface))
    res = srp1(p,type=ETH_P_IPV6, iface=iface, timeout=1, verbose=0, 

    return res

def getmacbyip6(ip6, chainCC=0):
    Returns the mac address to be used for provided 'ip6' peer. 
    neighborCache.get() method is used on instantiated neighbor cache.
    Resolution mechanism is described in associated doc string.

    (chainCC parameter value ends up being passed to sending function
     used to perform the resolution, if needed)

    if in6_ismaddr(ip6): # Multicast 
        mac = in6_getnsmac(inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ip6))
        return mac

    iff,a,nh = conf.route6.route(ip6, dev=conf.iface6)

    if iff == LOOPBACK_NAME:
        return "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"

    if nh != '::': 
        ip6 = nh # Found next hop

    mac = conf.netcache.in6_neighbor.get(ip6)
    if mac:
        return mac

    res = neighsol(ip6, a, iff, chainCC=chainCC)

    if res is not None:
        if ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr in res:
	  mac = res[ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr].lladdr
	  mac = res.src
        conf.netcache.in6_neighbor[ip6] = mac
        return mac

    return None

###              IPv6 addresses manipulation routines                     ###

class Net6(Gen): # syntax ex. fec0::/126
    """Generate a list of IPv6s from a network address or a name"""
    name = "ipv6"
    ipaddress = re.compile(r"^([a-fA-F0-9:]+)(/[1]?[0-3]?[0-9])?$")

    def __init__(self, net):
        self.repr = net

        tmp = net.split('/')+["128"]
        if not self.ipaddress.match(net):
            tmp[0]=socket.getaddrinfo(tmp[0], None, socket.AF_INET6)[0][-1][0]

        netmask = int(tmp[1])
        self.net = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, tmp[0])
        self.mask = in6_cidr2mask(netmask)
        self.plen = netmask

    def __iter__(self):
        def m8(i):
            if i % 8 == 0:
                return i
        tuple = filter(lambda x: m8(x), xrange(8, 129))

        a = in6_and(self.net, self.mask)
        tmp = map(lambda x:  x, struct.unpack('16B', a))
        def parse_digit(a, netmask):
            netmask = min(8,max(netmask,0))
            a = (int(a) & (0xffL<<netmask),(int(a) | (0xffL>>(8-netmask)))+1)
            return a
        self.parsed = map(lambda x,y: parse_digit(x,y), tmp, map(lambda x,nm=self.plen: x-nm, tuple))

        def rec(n, l): 
            if n and  n % 2 == 0:
                sep = ':'
                sep = ''
            if n == 16:
                return l
                ll = []
                for i in xrange(*self.parsed[n]):
                    for y in l:
                        ll += [y+sep+'%.2x'%i]
                return rec(n+1, ll)

        return iter(rec(0, ['']))

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Net6 %s>" % self.repr

###                              IPv6 Class                               ###

class IP6Field(Field):
    def __init__(self, name, default):
        Field.__init__(self, name, default, "16s")
    def h2i(self, pkt, x):
        if type(x) is str:
                x = in6_ptop(x)
            except socket.error:
                x = Net6(x)
        elif type(x) is list:
            x = map(Net6, x)
        return x
    def i2m(self, pkt, x):
        return inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, x)
    def m2i(self, pkt, x):
        return inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, x)
    def any2i(self, pkt, x):
        return self.h2i(pkt,x)
    def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
        if x is None:
            return self.i2h(pkt,x)
        elif not isinstance(x, Net6) and not type(x) is list:
            if in6_isaddrTeredo(x):   # print Teredo info
                server, flag, maddr, mport = teredoAddrExtractInfo(x)     
                return "%s [Teredo srv: %s cli: %s:%s]" % (self.i2h(pkt, x), server, maddr,mport)
            elif in6_isaddr6to4(x):   # print encapsulated address
                vaddr = in6_6to4ExtractAddr(x)
                return "%s [6to4 GW: %s]" % (self.i2h(pkt, x), vaddr)
        return self.i2h(pkt, x)       # No specific information to return
    def randval(self):
        return RandIP6()

class SourceIP6Field(IP6Field):
    def __init__(self, name, dstname):
        IP6Field.__init__(self, name, None)
        self.dstname = dstname
    def i2m(self, pkt, x):
        if x is None:
            iff,x,nh = conf.route6.route(dst)
        return IP6Field.i2m(self, pkt, x)
    def i2h(self, pkt, x):
        if x is None:
            if isinstance(dst,Gen):
                r = map(conf.route6.route, dst)
                if r[0] == r[-1]:
                    warning("More than one possible route for %s"%repr(dst))
                    return None
                iff,x,nh = conf.route6.route(dst)
        return IP6Field.i2h(self, pkt, x)

ipv6nh = { 0:"Hop-by-Hop Option Header",
          43:"Routing Header",
          44:"Fragment Header",
          50:"ESP Header",
          51:"AH Header",
          59:"No Next Header",
          60:"Destination Option Header",
         135:"Mobility Header"} 

ipv6nhcls = {  0: "IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop",
               4: "IP",
               6: "TCP",
               17: "UDP",
               43: "IPv6ExtHdrRouting",
               44: "IPv6ExtHdrFragment",
              #50: "IPv6ExtHrESP",
              #51: "IPv6ExtHdrAH",
               58: "ICMPv6Unknown", 
               59: "Raw",
               60: "IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt" }

class IP6ListField(StrField):
    islist = 1
    def __init__(self, name, default, count_from=None, length_from=None):
        if default is None:
            default = []
        StrField.__init__(self, name, default)
        self.count_from = count_from
        self.length_from = length_from

    def i2len(self, pkt, i):
        return 16*len(i)

    def i2count(self, pkt, i):
        if type(i) is list:
            return len(i)
        return 0
    def getfield(self, pkt, s):
        c = l = None
        if self.length_from is not None:
            l = self.length_from(pkt)
        elif self.count_from is not None:
            c = self.count_from(pkt)
        lst = []
        ret = ""
        remain = s
        if l is not None:
            remain,ret = s[:l],s[l:]
        while remain:
            if c is not None:
                if c <= 0:
                c -= 1
            addr = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, remain[:16])
            remain = remain[16:]
        return remain+ret,lst

    def i2m(self, pkt, x):
        s = ''
        for y in x:
                y = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, y)
                y = socket.getaddrinfo(y, None, socket.AF_INET6)[0][-1][0]
                y = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, y)
            s += y
        return s

    def i2repr(self,pkt,x):
        s = []
        if x == None:
            return "[]"
        for y in x:
            s.append('%s' % y)
        return "[ %s ]" % (", ".join(s))
class _IPv6GuessPayload:        
    name = "Dummy class that implements guess_payload_class() for IPv6"
    def default_payload_class(self,p):
        if self.nh == 58: # ICMPv6
            t = ord(p[0])
            if len(p) > 2 and t == 139 or t == 140: # Node Info Query 
                return _niquery_guesser(p)
            if len(p) >= icmp6typesminhdrlen.get(t, sys.maxint): # Other ICMPv6 messages
                return get_cls(icmp6typescls.get(t,"Raw"), "Raw")
            return Raw
        elif self.nh == 135 and len(p) > 3: # Mobile IPv6
            return _mip6_mhtype2cls.get(ord(p[2]), MIP6MH_Generic)
            return get_cls(ipv6nhcls.get(self.nh,"Raw"), "Raw")

class IPv6(_IPv6GuessPayload, Packet, IPTools):
    name = "IPv6"
    fields_desc = [ BitField("version" , 6 , 4),
                    BitField("tc", 0, 8), #TODO: IPv6, ByteField ?
                    BitField("fl", 0, 20),
                    ShortField("plen", None),
                    ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
                    ByteField("hlim", 64),
                    IP6Field("src", "::2"),
                    #SourceIP6Field("src", "dst"), # dst is for src @ selection
                    IP6Field("dst", "::1") ]

    def route(self):
        dst = self.dst
        if isinstance(dst,Gen):
            dst = iter(dst).next()
        return conf.route6.route(dst)

    def mysummary(self):
        return "%s > %s (%i)" % (self.src,self.dst, self.nh)

    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        p += pay
        if self.plen is None:
            l = len(p) - 40
            p = p[:4]+struct.pack("!H", l)+p[6:]
        return p

    def extract_padding(self, s):
        l = self.plen
        return s[:l], s[l:]

    def hashret(self):
        if self.nh == 58 and isinstance(self.payload, _ICMPv6):
            if self.payload.type < 128:
                return self.payload.payload.hashret()
            elif (self.payload.type in [133,134,135,136,144,145]):
                return struct.pack("B", self.nh)+self.payload.hashret()

        nh = self.nh
        sd = self.dst
        ss = self.src
        if self.nh == 43 and isinstance(self.payload, IPv6ExtHdrRouting):
            # With routing header, the destination is the last 
            # address of the IPv6 list if segleft > 0 
            nh = self.payload.nh
                sd = self.addresses[-1]
            except IndexError:
                sd = '::1'
            # TODO: big bug with ICMPv6 error messages as the destination of IPerror6
            #       could be anything from the original list ...
            if 1:
                sd = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, sd)
                for a in self.addresses:
                    a = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, a)
                    sd = strxor(sd, a)
                sd = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, sd)

        if self.nh == 44 and isinstance(self.payload, IPv6ExtHdrFragment):
            nh = self.payload.nh 

        if self.nh == 0 and isinstance(self.payload, IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop):
            nh = self.payload.nh 

        if self.nh == 60 and isinstance(self.payload, IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt):
            foundhao = None
            for o in self.payload.options:
                if isinstance(o, HAO):
                    foundhao = o
            if foundhao:
                nh = self.payload.nh # XXX what if another extension follows ?
                ss = foundhao.hoa

        if conf.checkIPsrc and conf.checkIPaddr:
            sd = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, sd)
            ss = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self.src)
            return struct.pack("B",nh)+self.payload.hashret()
            return struct.pack("B", nh)+self.payload.hashret()

    def answers(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, IPv6): # self is reply, other is request
            return False
        if conf.checkIPaddr: 
            ss = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self.src)
            sd = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self.dst)
            os = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, other.src)
            od = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, other.dst)
            # request was sent to a multicast address (other.dst)
            # Check reply destination addr matches request source addr (i.e 
            # sd == os) except when reply is multicasted too
            # XXX test mcast scope matching ?
            if in6_ismaddr(other.dst):
                if in6_ismaddr(self.dst):
                    if ((od == sd) or 
                        (in6_isaddrllallnodes(self.dst) and in6_isaddrllallservers(other.dst))):
                         return self.payload.answers(other.payload)
                    return False
                if (os == sd): 
                    return self.payload.answers(other.payload)
                return False
            elif (sd != os): # or ss != od): <- removed for ICMP errors 
                return False
        if self.nh == 58 and isinstance(self.payload, _ICMPv6) and self.payload.type < 128:
            # ICMPv6 Error message -> generated by IPv6 packet
            # Note : at the moment, we jump the ICMPv6 specific class
            # to call answers() method of erroneous packet (over
            # initial packet). There can be cases where an ICMPv6 error
            # class could implement a specific answers method that perform
            # a specific task. Currently, don't see any use ...
            return self.payload.payload.answers(other)
        elif other.nh == 0 and isinstance(other.payload, IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop):
            return self.payload.answers(other.payload.payload) 
        elif other.nh == 44 and isinstance(other.payload, IPv6ExtHdrFragment):
            return self.payload.answers(other.payload.payload) 
        elif other.nh == 43 and isinstance(other.payload, IPv6ExtHdrRouting):
            return self.payload.answers(other.payload.payload) # Buggy if self.payload is a IPv6ExtHdrRouting
        elif other.nh == 60 and isinstance(other.payload, IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt):
            return self.payload.payload.answers(other.payload.payload)
        elif self.nh == 60 and isinstance(self.payload, IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt): # BU in reply to BRR, for instance
            return self.payload.payload.answers(other.payload)
            if (self.nh != other.nh):
                return False
            return self.payload.answers(other.payload)

conf.neighbor.register_l3(Ether, IPv6, lambda l2,l3: getmacbyip6(l3.dst))

class IPerror6(IPv6):
    name = "IPv6 in ICMPv6"
    def answers(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, IPv6):
            return False
        sd = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self.dst)
        ss = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self.src)
        od = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, other.dst)
        os = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, other.src)

        # Make sure that the ICMPv6 error is related to the packet scapy sent
        if isinstance(self.underlayer, _ICMPv6) and self.underlayer.type < 128:
            # find upper layer for self (possible citation)
            selfup = self.payload
            while selfup is not None and isinstance(selfup, _IPv6ExtHdr):
                selfup = selfup.payload

            # find upper layer for other (initial packet). Also look for RH
            otherup = other.payload
            request_has_rh = False
            while otherup is not None and isinstance(otherup, _IPv6ExtHdr):
                if isinstance(otherup, IPv6ExtHdrRouting):
                    request_has_rh = True
                otherup = otherup.payload

            if ((ss == os and sd == od) or      # <- Basic case 
                (ss == os and request_has_rh)): # <- Request has a RH : 
                                                #    don't check dst address
                # Let's deal with possible MSS Clamping 
                if (isinstance(selfup, TCP) and 
                    isinstance(otherup, TCP) and
                    selfup.options != otherup.options): # seems clamped

                    # Save fields modified by MSS clamping 
                    old_otherup_opts    = otherup.options
                    old_otherup_cksum   = otherup.chksum
                    old_otherup_dataofs = otherup.dataofs
                    old_selfup_opts     = selfup.options
                    old_selfup_cksum    = selfup.chksum
                    old_selfup_dataofs  = selfup.dataofs

                    # Nullify them
                    otherup.options = []
                    otherup.chksum  = 0
                    otherup.dataofs = 0
                    selfup.options  = []
                    selfup.chksum   = 0
                    selfup.dataofs  = 0

                    # Test it and save result
                    s1 = str(selfup)
                    s2 = str(otherup)
                    l = min(len(s1), len(s2))
                    res = s1[:l] == s2[:l]

                    # recall saved values
                    otherup.options = old_otherup_opts
                    otherup.chksum  = old_otherup_cksum
                    otherup.dataofs = old_otherup_dataofs
                    selfup.options  = old_selfup_opts
                    selfup.chksum   = old_selfup_cksum
                    selfup.dataofs  = old_selfup_dataofs

                    return res

                s1 = str(selfup)
                s2 = str(otherup)
                l = min(len(s1), len(s2))
                return s1[:l] == s2[:l]

        return False
    def mysummary(self):
        return Packet.mysummary(self)

###                 Upper Layer Checksum computation                      ###

class PseudoIPv6(Packet): # IPv6 Pseudo-header for checksum computation
    name = "Pseudo IPv6 Header"
    fields_desc = [ IP6Field("src", "::"),
                    IP6Field("dst", "::"),
                    ShortField("uplen", None),
                    BitField("zero", 0, 24),
                    ByteField("nh", 0) ]  

def in6_chksum(nh, u, p):
    Performs IPv6 Upper Layer checksum computation. Provided parameters are:

    - 'nh' : value of upper layer protocol 
    - 'u'  : upper layer instance (TCP, UDP, ICMPv6*, ). Instance must be 
             provided with all under layers (IPv6 and all extension headers, 
             for example)
    - 'p'  : the payload of the upper layer provided as a string

    Functions operate by filling a pseudo header class instance (PseudoIPv6)
    - Next Header value
    - the address of _final_ destination (if some Routing Header with non
    segleft field is present in underlayer classes, last address is used.)
    - the address of _real_ source (basically the source address of an 
    IPv6 class instance available in the underlayer or the source address
    in HAO option if some Destination Option header found in underlayer
    includes this option).
    - the length is the length of provided payload string ('p')

    ph6 = PseudoIPv6()
    ph6.nh = nh
    rthdr = 0
    hahdr = 0
    final_dest_addr_found = 0
    while u != None and not isinstance(u, IPv6):
        if (isinstance(u, IPv6ExtHdrRouting) and
            u.segleft != 0 and len(u.addresses) != 0 and
            final_dest_addr_found == 0):
            rthdr = u.addresses[-1]
            final_dest_addr_found = 1
        elif (isinstance(u, IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt) and (len(u.options) == 1) and
             isinstance(u.options[0], HAO)):
             hahdr  = u.options[0].hoa
        u = u.underlayer
    if u is None:  
        warning("No IPv6 underlayer to compute checksum. Leaving null.")
        return 0
    if hahdr:   
        ph6.src = hahdr
        ph6.src = u.src
    if rthdr:
        ph6.dst = rthdr
        ph6.dst = u.dst
    ph6.uplen = len(p)
    ph6s = str(ph6)
    return checksum(ph6s+p)

###                         Extension Headers                             ###

# Inherited by all extension header classes 
class _IPv6ExtHdr(_IPv6GuessPayload, Packet):
    name = 'Abstract IPV6 Option Header'
    aliastypes = [IPv6, IPerror6] # TODO ...

#################### IPv6 options for Extension Headers #####################

_hbhopts = { 0x00: "Pad1",
             0x01: "PadN",
             0x04: "Tunnel Encapsulation Limit",
             0x05: "Router Alert",
             0x06: "Quick-Start",
             0xc2: "Jumbo Payload",
             0xc9: "Home Address Option" }

class _OTypeField(ByteEnumField):
    Modified BytEnumField that displays information regarding the IPv6 option
    based on its option type value (What should be done by nodes that process
    the option if they do not understand it ...)

    It is used by Jumbo, Pad1, PadN, RouterAlert, HAO options 
    pol = {0x00: "00: skip",
           0x40: "01: discard",
           0x80: "10: discard+ICMP",
           0xC0: "11: discard+ICMP not mcast"}
    enroutechange = {0x00: "0: Don't change en-route",
                 0x20: "1: May change en-route" }

    def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
        s = self.i2s.get(x, repr(x))
        polstr = self.pol[(x & 0xC0)]
        enroutechangestr = self.enroutechange[(x & 0x20)]
        return "%s [%s, %s]" % (s, polstr, enroutechangestr)

class HBHOptUnknown(Packet): # IPv6 Hop-By-Hop Option
    name = "Scapy6 Unknown Option"
    fields_desc = [_OTypeField("otype", 0x01, _hbhopts), 
                   FieldLenField("optlen", None, length_of="optdata", fmt="B"),
                   StrLenField("optdata", "",
                               length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.optlen) ]    
    def alignment_delta(self, curpos): # By default, no alignment requirement
        As specified in section 4.2 of RFC 2460, every options has 
        an alignment requirement ususally expressed xn+y, meaning 
        the Option Type must appear at an integer multiple of x octest 
        from the start of the header, plus y octet.
        That function is provided the current position from the
        start of the header and returns required padding length.
        return 0

class Pad1(Packet): # IPv6 Hop-By-Hop Option
    name = "Pad1"
    fields_desc = [ _OTypeField("otype", 0x00, _hbhopts) ]
    def alignment_delta(self, curpos): # No alignment requirement
        return 0

class PadN(Packet): # IPv6 Hop-By-Hop Option
    name = "PadN" 
    fields_desc = [_OTypeField("otype", 0x01, _hbhopts),
                   FieldLenField("optlen", None, length_of="optdata", fmt="B"),
                   StrLenField("optdata", "",
                               length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.optlen)]
    def alignment_delta(self, curpos): # No alignment requirement
        return 0

class RouterAlert(Packet): # RFC 2711 - IPv6 Hop-By-Hop Option
    name = "Router Alert"
    fields_desc = [_OTypeField("otype", 0x05, _hbhopts),
                   ByteField("optlen", 2), 
                   ShortEnumField("value", None, 
                                  { 0: "Datagram contains a MLD message", 
                                    1: "Datagram contains RSVP message",
                                    2: "Datagram contains an Active Network message" }) ]
    # TODO : Check IANA has not defined new values for value field of RouterAlertOption
    # TODO : now that we have that option, we should do something in MLD class that need it
    def alignment_delta(self, curpos): # alignment requirement : 2n+0
        x = 2 ; y = 0
        delta = x*((curpos - y + x - 1)/x) + y - curpos 
        return delta

class Jumbo(Packet): # IPv6 Hop-By-Hop Option
    name = "Jumbo Payload" 
    fields_desc = [_OTypeField("otype", 0xC2, _hbhopts),
                   ByteField("optlen", 4),
                   IntField("jumboplen", None) ]
    def alignment_delta(self, curpos): # alignment requirement : 4n+2
        x = 4 ; y = 2
        delta = x*((curpos - y + x - 1)/x) + y - curpos 
        return delta

class HAO(Packet): # IPv6 Destination Options Header Option
    name = "Home Address Option"
    fields_desc = [_OTypeField("otype", 0xC9, _hbhopts),
                   ByteField("optlen", 16),
                   IP6Field("hoa", "::") ]
    def alignment_delta(self, curpos): # alignment requirement : 8n+6
        x = 8 ; y = 6
        delta = x*((curpos - y + x - 1)/x) + y - curpos 
        return delta

_hbhoptcls = { 0x00: Pad1,
               0x01: PadN,
               0x05: RouterAlert,
               0xC2: Jumbo,
               0xC9: HAO }

######################## Hop-by-Hop Extension Header ########################

class _HopByHopOptionsField(PacketListField):
    islist = 1
    holds_packet = 1
    def __init__(self, name, default, cls, curpos, count_from=None, length_from=None):
        self.curpos = curpos
        PacketListField.__init__(self, name, default, cls, count_from=count_from, length_from=length_from)
    def i2len(self, pkt, i):
        l = len(self.i2m(pkt, i))
        return l

    def i2count(self, pkt, i):
        if type(i) is list:
            return len(i)
        return 0

    def getfield(self, pkt, s):
        c = l = None
        if self.length_from is not None:
            l = self.length_from(pkt)
        elif self.count_from is not None:
            c = self.count_from(pkt)
        opt = []
        ret = ""
        x = s
        if l is not None:
            x,ret = s[:l],s[l:]
        while x:
            if c is not None:
                if c <= 0:
                c -= 1
            o = ord(x[0]) # Option type
            cls = self.cls
            if _hbhoptcls.has_key(o):
                cls = _hbhoptcls[o]
                op = cls(x)
                op = self.cls(x)
            if isinstance(op.payload, conf.raw_layer):
                x = op.payload.load
                x = ""
        return x+ret,opt

    def i2m(self, pkt, x):
        autopad = None
            autopad = getattr(pkt, "autopad") # Hack : 'autopad' phantom field
            autopad = 1
        if not autopad:
            return "".join(map(str, x))

        curpos = self.curpos
        s = ""
        for p in x:
            d = p.alignment_delta(curpos)
            curpos += d
            if d == 1:
                s += str(Pad1())
            elif d != 0:
                s += str(PadN(optdata='\x00'*(d-2)))
            pstr = str(p)
            curpos += len(pstr)
            s += pstr
        # Let's make the class including our option field
        # a multiple of 8 octets long
        d = curpos % 8
        if d == 0:
            return s
        d = 8 - d
        if d == 1:
            s += str(Pad1())
        elif d != 0:
            s += str(PadN(optdata='\x00'*(d-2)))        

        return s

    def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
        return s+self.i2m(pkt, val)

class _PhantomAutoPadField(ByteField):
    def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
        return s

    def getfield(self, pkt, s):
        return s, 1

    def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
        if x:
            return "On"
        return "Off"

class IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop(_IPv6ExtHdr):    
    name = "IPv6 Extension Header - Hop-by-Hop Options Header"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
                    FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="options", fmt="B",
                                  adjust = lambda pkt,x: (x+2+7)/8 - 1), 
                    _PhantomAutoPadField("autopad", 1), # autopad activated by default
                    _HopByHopOptionsField("options", [], HBHOptUnknown, 2,
                                          length_from = lambda pkt: (8*(pkt.len+1))-2) ]
    overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 0 }}

######################## Destination Option Header ##########################

class IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt(_IPv6ExtHdr):    
    name = "IPv6 Extension Header - Destination Options Header"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
                    FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="options", fmt="B",
                                  adjust = lambda pkt,x: (x+2+7)/8 - 1), 
                    _PhantomAutoPadField("autopad", 1), # autopad activated by default
                    _HopByHopOptionsField("options", [], HBHOptUnknown, 2,
                                          length_from = lambda pkt: (8*(pkt.len+1))-2) ]
    overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 60 }}

############################# Routing Header ################################

class IPv6ExtHdrRouting(_IPv6ExtHdr):
    name = "IPv6 Option Header Routing"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
                    FieldLenField("len", None, count_of="addresses", fmt="B",
                                  adjust = lambda pkt,x:2*x), # in 8 bytes blocks
                    ByteField("type", 0),
                    ByteField("segleft", None),
                    BitField("reserved", 0, 32), # There is meaning in this field ...
                    IP6ListField("addresses", [],
                                 length_from = lambda pkt: 8*pkt.len)]
    overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 43 }}

    def post_build(self, pkt, pay):
        if self.segleft is None:
            pkt = pkt[:3]+struct.pack("B", len(self.addresses))+pkt[4:]
        return _IPv6ExtHdr.post_build(self, pkt, pay)

########################### Fragmentation Header ############################

class IPv6ExtHdrFragment(_IPv6ExtHdr):            
    name = "IPv6 Extension Header - Fragmentation header"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
                    BitField("res1", 0, 8),
                    BitField("offset", 0, 13),
                    BitField("res2", 0, 2),
                    BitField("m", 0, 1),
                    IntField("id", None) ]
    overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 44 }}

def defragment6(pktlist):
    Performs defragmentation of a list of IPv6 packets. Packets are reordered.
    Crap is dropped. What lacks is completed by 'X' characters.
    l = filter(lambda x: IPv6ExtHdrFragment in x, pktlist) # remove non fragments
    if not l:
        return []

    id = l[0][IPv6ExtHdrFragment].id 

    llen = len(l)
    l = filter(lambda x: x[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].id == id, l)
    if len(l) != llen:
        warning("defragment6: some fragmented packets have been removed from list")
    llen = len(l)

    # reorder fragments 
    i = 0 
    res = []
    while l:
        min_pos = 0
        min_offset  = l[0][IPv6ExtHdrFragment].offset
        for p in l:
            cur_offset = p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].offset
            if cur_offset < min_offset:
                min_pos = 0
                min_offset  = cur_offset

    # regenerate the fragmentable part
    fragmentable = ""
    for p in res:
        offset = 8*q.offset
        if offset != len(fragmentable):
            warning("Expected an offset of %d. Found %d. Padding with XXXX" % (len(fragmentable), offset))
        fragmentable += "X"*(offset - len(fragmentable))
        fragmentable += str(q.payload)

    # Regenerate the unfragmentable part.
    q = res[0]
    nh = q[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].nh
    q[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].underlayer.nh = nh
    q[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].underlayer.payload = None
    q /= conf.raw_layer(load=fragmentable)
    return IPv6(str(q))

def fragment6(pkt, fragSize):
    Performs fragmentation of an IPv6 packet. Provided packet ('pkt') must already 
    contain an IPv6ExtHdrFragment() class. 'fragSize' argument is the expected
    maximum size of fragments (MTU). The list of packets is returned.

    If packet does not contain an IPv6ExtHdrFragment class, it is returned in
    result list.

    pkt = pkt.copy()

    if not IPv6ExtHdrFragment in pkt:
        # TODO : automatically add a fragment before upper Layer
        #        at the moment, we do nothing and return initial packet
        #        as single element of a list
        return [pkt]

    # If the payload is bigger than 65535, a Jumbo payload must be used, as
    # an IPv6 packet can't be bigger than 65535 bytes. 
    if len(str(pkt[IPv6ExtHdrFragment])) > 65535:
      warning("An IPv6 packet can'be bigger than 65535, please use a Jumbo payload.")
      return []
    s = str(pkt) # for instantiation to get upper layer checksum right

    if len(s) <= fragSize:
        return [pkt]

    # Fragmentable part : fake IPv6 for Fragmentable part length computation
    fragPart = pkt[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].payload
    tmp = str(IPv6(src="::1", dst="::1")/fragPart)
    fragPartLen = len(tmp) - 40  # basic IPv6 header length
    fragPartStr = s[-fragPartLen:]

    # Grab Next Header for use in Fragment Header
    nh = IPv6(tmp[:40]).nh

    # Keep fragment header
    fragHeader = pkt[IPv6ExtHdrFragment]
    fragHeader.payload = None # detach payload

    # Unfragmentable Part
    unfragPartLen = len(s) - fragPartLen - 8
    unfragPart = pkt
    pkt[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].underlayer.payload = None # detach payload

    # Cut the fragmentable part to fit fragSize. Inner fragments have 
    # a length that is an integer multiple of 8 octets. last Frag MTU
    # can be anything below MTU
    lastFragSize = fragSize - unfragPartLen - 8
    innerFragSize = lastFragSize - (lastFragSize % 8)
    if lastFragSize <= 0 or innerFragSize == 0:
        warning("Provided fragment size value is too low. " + 
                "Should be more than %d" % (unfragPartLen + 8))
        return [unfragPart/fragHeader/fragPart]

    remain = fragPartStr
    res = []
    fragOffset = 0     # offset, incremeted during creation
    fragId = random.randint(0,0xffffffff) # random id ...
    if fragHeader.id is not None:  # ... except id provided by user
        fragId = fragHeader.id
    fragHeader.m = 1
    fragHeader.id = fragId
    fragHeader.nh = nh

    # Main loop : cut, fit to FRAGSIZEs, fragOffset, Id ...
    while True:
        if (len(remain) > lastFragSize):
            tmp = remain[:innerFragSize] 
            remain = remain[innerFragSize:]
            fragHeader.offset = fragOffset    # update offset
            fragOffset += (innerFragSize / 8)  # compute new one
            if IPv6 in unfragPart:  
                unfragPart[IPv6].plen = None
            tempo = unfragPart/fragHeader/conf.raw_layer(load=tmp)
            fragHeader.offset = fragOffset    # update offSet
            fragHeader.m = 0
            if IPv6 in unfragPart:
                unfragPart[IPv6].plen = None
            tempo = unfragPart/fragHeader/conf.raw_layer(load=remain)
    return res

############################### AH Header ###################################

# class _AHFieldLenField(FieldLenField):
#     def getfield(self, pkt, s):
#         l = getattr(pkt, self.fld)
#         l = (l*8)-self.shift
#         i = self.m2i(pkt, s[:l])
#         return s[l:],i        

# class _AHICVStrLenField(StrLenField):
#     def i2len(self, pkt, x):

# class IPv6ExtHdrAH(_IPv6ExtHdr):
#     name = "IPv6 Extension Header - AH"
#     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
#                     _AHFieldLenField("len", None, "icv"),
#                     ShortField("res", 0),
#                     IntField("spi", 0),
#                     IntField("sn", 0),
#                     _AHICVStrLenField("icv", None, "len", shift=2) ]
#     overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 51 }}

#     def post_build(self, pkt, pay):
#         if self.len is None:
#             pkt = pkt[0]+struct.pack("!B", 2*len(self.addresses))+pkt[2:]
#         if self.segleft is None:
#             pkt = pkt[:3]+struct.pack("!B", len(self.addresses))+pkt[4:]
#         return _IPv6ExtHdr.post_build(self, pkt, pay)

############################### ESP Header ##################################

# class IPv6ExtHdrESP(_IPv6extHdr):
#     name = "IPv6 Extension Header - ESP"
#     fields_desc = [ IntField("spi", 0),
#                     IntField("sn", 0),
#                     # there is things to extract from IKE work 
#                     ]
#     overloads_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 50 }}


###                           ICMPv6* Classes                             ###

icmp6typescls = {    1: "ICMPv6DestUnreach",
                     2: "ICMPv6PacketTooBig",
                     3: "ICMPv6TimeExceeded",
                     4: "ICMPv6ParamProblem",
                   128: "ICMPv6EchoRequest",
                   129: "ICMPv6EchoReply",
                   130: "ICMPv6MLQuery", 
                   131: "ICMPv6MLReport",
                   132: "ICMPv6MLDone",
                   133: "ICMPv6ND_RS",
                   134: "ICMPv6ND_RA",
                   135: "ICMPv6ND_NS",
                   136: "ICMPv6ND_NA",
                   137: "ICMPv6ND_Redirect",
                  #138: Do Me - RFC 2894 - Seems painful
                   139: "ICMPv6NIQuery",
                   140: "ICMPv6NIReply",
                   141: "ICMPv6ND_INDSol",
                   142: "ICMPv6ND_INDAdv",
                  #143: Do Me - RFC 3810
                   144: "ICMPv6HAADRequest", 
                   145: "ICMPv6HAADReply",
                   146: "ICMPv6MPSol",
                   147: "ICMPv6MPAdv",
                  #148: Do Me - SEND related - RFC 3971
                  #149: Do Me - SEND related - RFC 3971
                   151: "ICMPv6MRD_Advertisement",
                   152: "ICMPv6MRD_Solicitation",
                   153: "ICMPv6MRD_Termination",

icmp6typesminhdrlen = {    1: 8,
                           2: 8,
                           3: 8,
                           4: 8,
                         128: 8,
                         129: 8,
                         130: 24,
                         131: 24,
                         132: 24,
                         133: 8,
                         134: 16,
                         135: 24,
                         136: 24,
                         137: 40,
                         141: 8,
                         142: 8,
                         144: 8,
                         145: 8,
                         146: 8,
                         147: 8,
                         151: 8,
                         152: 4,
                         153: 4

icmp6types = { 1 : "Destination unreachable",  
               2 : "Packet too big", 
               3 : "Time exceeded",
               4 : "Parameter problem",
             100 : "Private Experimentation",
             101 : "Private Experimentation",
             128 : "Echo Request",
             129 : "Echo Reply",
             130 : "MLD Query",
             131 : "MLD Report",
             132 : "MLD Done",
             133 : "Router Solicitation",
             134 : "Router Advertisement",
             135 : "Neighbor Solicitation",
             136 : "Neighbor Advertisement",
             137 : "Redirect Message",
             138 : "Router Renumbering",
             139 : "ICMP Node Information Query",        
             140 : "ICMP Node Information Response",     
             141 : "Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation Message",
             142 : "Inverse Neighbor Discovery Advertisement Message",
             143 : "Version 2 Multicast Listener Report",
             144 : "Home Agent Address Discovery Request Message",
             145 : "Home Agent Address Discovery Reply Message",
             146 : "Mobile Prefix Solicitation",
             147 : "Mobile Prefix Advertisement",
             148 : "Certification Path Solicitation",
             149 : "Certification Path Advertisement",
             151 : "Multicast Router Advertisement",
             152 : "Multicast Router Solicitation",
             153 : "Multicast Router Termination",
             200 : "Private Experimentation",
             201 : "Private Experimentation" }

class _ICMPv6(Packet):
    name = "ICMPv6 dummy class"
    overload_fields = {IPv6: {"nh": 58}}
    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        p += pay
        if self.cksum == None: 
            chksum = in6_chksum(58, self.underlayer, p)
            p = p[:2]+struct.pack("!H", chksum)+p[4:]
        return p

    def hashret(self):
        return self.payload.hashret()

    def answers(self, other):
        # isinstance(self.underlayer, _IPv6ExtHdr) may introduce a bug ...
        if (isinstance(self.underlayer, IPerror6) or
            isinstance(self.underlayer, _IPv6ExtHdr) and
            isinstance(other, _ICMPv6)):
            if not ((self.type == other.type) and
                    (self.code == other.code)):
                return 0
            return 1
        return 0

class _ICMPv6Error(_ICMPv6):
    name = "ICMPv6 errors dummy class"
    def guess_payload_class(self,p):
        return IPerror6

class ICMPv6Unknown(_ICMPv6):
    name = "Scapy6 ICMPv6 fallback class"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",1, icmp6types),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
                    StrField("msgbody", "")]    

################################## RFC 2460 #################################

class ICMPv6DestUnreach(_ICMPv6Error):
    name = "ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",1, icmp6types),
                    ByteEnumField("code",0, { 0: "No route to destination",
                                              1: "Communication with destination administratively prohibited",
                                              2: "Beyond scope of source address",
                                              3: "Address unreachable",
                                              4: "Port unreachable" }),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),

class ICMPv6PacketTooBig(_ICMPv6Error):
    name = "ICMPv6 Packet Too Big"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",2, icmp6types),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
class ICMPv6TimeExceeded(_ICMPv6Error):
    name = "ICMPv6 Time Exceeded"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",3, icmp6types),
                    ByteEnumField("code",0, { 0: "hop limit exceeded in transit",
                                               1: "fragment reassembly time exceeded"}),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),

# The default pointer value is set to the next header field of 
# the encapsulated IPv6 packet
class ICMPv6ParamProblem(_ICMPv6Error): 
    name = "ICMPv6 Parameter Problem"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",4, icmp6types),
                    ByteEnumField("code",0, {0: "erroneous header field encountered",
                                             1: "unrecognized Next Header type encountered",
                                             2: "unrecognized IPv6 option encountered"}),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),

class ICMPv6EchoRequest(_ICMPv6):
    name = "ICMPv6 Echo Request"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 128, icmp6types),
                    ByteField("code", 0),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
                    StrField("data", "")]
    def mysummary(self):
        return self.sprintf("%name% (id: %id% seq: %seq%)")
    def hashret(self):
        return struct.pack("HH",self.id,self.seq)+self.payload.hashret()

class ICMPv6EchoReply(ICMPv6EchoRequest):
    name = "ICMPv6 Echo Reply"
    type = 129
    def answers(self, other):
        # We could match data content between request and reply. 
        return (isinstance(other, ICMPv6EchoRequest) and
                self.id == other.id and self.seq == other.seq and
                self.data == other.data)

############ ICMPv6 Multicast Listener Discovery (RFC3810) ##################

# tous les messages MLD sont emis avec une adresse source lien-locale
# -> Y veiller dans le post_build si aucune n'est specifiee
# La valeur de Hop-Limit doit etre de 1
# "and an IPv6 Router Alert option in a Hop-by-Hop Options
# header. (The router alert option is necessary to cause routers to
# examine MLD messages sent to multicast addresses in which the router
# itself has no interest"  
class _ICMPv6ML(_ICMPv6):
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 130, icmp6types),
                    ByteField("code", 0),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
                    ShortField("mrd", 0),
                    ShortField("reserved", 0),

# general queries are sent to the link-scope all-nodes multicast
# address ff02::1, with a multicast address field of 0 and a MRD of
# [Query Response Interval]
# Default value for mladdr is set to 0 for a General Query, and
# overloaded by the user for a Multicast Address specific query
# TODO : See what we can do to automatically include a Router Alert
#        Option in a Destination Option Header.
class ICMPv6MLQuery(_ICMPv6ML): # RFC 2710
    name = "MLD - Multicast Listener Query"
    type   = 130
    mrd    = 10000
    mladdr = "::" # 10s for mrd
    overload_fields = {IPv6: { "dst": "ff02::1", "hlim": 1, "nh": 58 }} 
    def hashret(self):
        if self.mladdr != "::":
            return struct.pack("HH",self.mladdr)+self.payload.hashret()
            return self.payload.hashret()
# TODO : See what we can do to automatically include a Router Alert
#        Option in a Destination Option Header.
class ICMPv6MLReport(_ICMPv6ML): # RFC 2710
    name = "MLD - Multicast Listener Report"
    type = 131
    overload_fields = {IPv6: {"hlim": 1, "nh": 58}}
    # implementer le hashret et le answers
# When a node ceases to listen to a multicast address on an interface,
# it SHOULD send a single Done message to the link-scope all-routers
# multicast address (FF02::2), carrying in its multicast address field
# the address to which it is ceasing to listen
# TODO : See what we can do to automatically include a Router Alert
#        Option in a Destination Option Header.
class ICMPv6MLDone(_ICMPv6ML): # RFC 2710
    name = "MLD - Multicast Listener Done"
    type = 132
    overload_fields = {IPv6: { "dst": "ff02::2", "hlim": 1, "nh": 58}}

########## ICMPv6 MRD - Multicast Router Discovery (RFC 4286) ###############

# TODO: 
# - 04/09/06 troglocan : find a way to automatically add a router alert
#            option for all MRD packets. This could be done in a specific
#            way when IPv6 is the under layer with some specific keyword
#            like 'exthdr'. This would allow to keep compatibility with
#            providing IPv6 fields to be overloaded in fields_desc.
#            At the moment, if user inserts an IPv6 Router alert option
#            none of the IPv6 default values of IPv6 layer will be set.

class ICMPv6MRD_Advertisement(_ICMPv6):
    name = "ICMPv6 Multicast Router Discovery Advertisement"
    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("type", 151, icmp6types),
                   ByteField("advinter", 20),
                   XShortField("cksum", None),
                   ShortField("queryint", 0),
                   ShortField("robustness", 0)]
    overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "hlim": 1, "dst": "ff02::2"}}
                       # IPv6 Router Alert requires manual inclusion
    def extract_padding(self, s):
        return s[:8], s[8:]

class ICMPv6MRD_Solicitation(_ICMPv6):
    name = "ICMPv6 Multicast Router Discovery Solicitation"
    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("type", 152, icmp6types),
                   ByteField("res", 0),
                   XShortField("cksum", None) ]
    overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "hlim": 1, "dst": "ff02::2"}}
                       # IPv6 Router Alert requires manual inclusion
    def extract_padding(self, s):
        return s[:4], s[4:]

class ICMPv6MRD_Termination(_ICMPv6):
    name = "ICMPv6 Multicast Router Discovery Termination"
    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("type", 153, icmp6types),
                   ByteField("res", 0),
                   XShortField("cksum", None) ]
    overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "hlim": 1, "dst": "ff02::6A"}}  
                       # IPv6 Router Alert requires manual inclusion
    def extract_padding(self, s):
        return s[:4], s[4:]

################### ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery (RFC 2461) ####################

icmp6ndopts = { 1: "Source Link-Layer Address",
                2: "Target Link-Layer Address",
                3: "Prefix Information",
                4: "Redirected Header",
                5: "MTU",
                6: "NBMA Shortcut Limit Option", # RFC2491
                7: "Advertisement Interval Option",
                8: "Home Agent Information Option",
                9: "Source Address List",
               10: "Target Address List",
               11: "CGA Option",            # RFC 3971
               12: "RSA Signature Option",  # RFC 3971
               13: "Timestamp Option",      # RFC 3971
               14: "Nonce option",          # RFC 3971
               15: "Trust Anchor Option",   # RFC 3971
               16: "Certificate Option",    # RFC 3971
               17: "IP Address Option",                             # RFC 4068
               18: "New Router Prefix Information Option",          # RFC 4068
               19: "Link-layer Address Option",                     # RFC 4068
               20: "Neighbor Advertisement Acknowledgement Option", 
               21: "CARD Request Option", # RFC 4065/4066/4067
               22: "CARD Reply Option",   # RFC 4065/4066/4067
               23: "MAP Option",          # RFC 4140
               24: "Route Information Option",  # RFC 4191
               25: "Recusive DNS Server Option",
               26: "IPv6 Router Advertisement Flags Option"
icmp6ndoptscls = { 1: "ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr",
                   2: "ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr",
                   3: "ICMPv6NDOptPrefixInfo",
                   4: "ICMPv6NDOptRedirectedHdr",
                   5: "ICMPv6NDOptMTU",
                   6: "ICMPv6NDOptShortcutLimit",
                   7: "ICMPv6NDOptAdvInterval",
                   8: "ICMPv6NDOptHAInfo",
                   9: "ICMPv6NDOptSrcAddrList",
                  10: "ICMPv6NDOptTgtAddrList",
                  #11: Do Me,
                  #12: Do Me,
                  #13: Do Me,
                  #14: Do Me,
                  #15: Do Me,
                  #16: Do Me,
                  17: "ICMPv6NDOptIPAddr", 
                  18: "ICMPv6NDOptNewRtrPrefix",
                  19: "ICMPv6NDOptLLA",
                  #18: Do Me,
                  #19: Do Me,
                  #20: Do Me,
                  #21: Do Me,
                  #22: Do Me,
                  23: "ICMPv6NDOptMAP",
                  24: "ICMPv6NDOptRouteInfo",
                  25: "ICMPv6NDOptRDNSS",
                  26: "ICMPv6NDOptEFA"

class _ICMPv6NDGuessPayload:
    name = "Dummy ND class that implements guess_payload_class()"
    def guess_payload_class(self,p):
        if len(p) > 1:
            return get_cls(icmp6ndoptscls.get(ord(p[0]),"Raw"), "Raw") # s/Raw/ICMPv6NDOptUnknown/g ?

# Beginning of ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Options.

class ICMPv6NDOptUnknown(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - Scapy Unimplemented"
    fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",None),
                                  adjust = lambda pkt,x: x+2),
                                length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.len-2) ]

# NOTE: len includes type and len field. Expressed in unit of 8 bytes
# TODO: Revoir le coup du ETHER_ANY
class ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - Source Link-Layer Address"
    fields_desc = [ ByteField("type", 1),
                    ByteField("len", 1),
                    MACField("lladdr", ETHER_ANY) ]
    def mysummary(self):                        
        return self.sprintf("%name% %lladdr%")

class ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr(ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr):
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - Destination Link-Layer Address"
    type = 2

class ICMPv6NDOptPrefixInfo(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - Prefix Information"
    fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",3),
                    IP6Field("prefix","::") ]
    def mysummary(self):                        
        return self.sprintf("%name% %prefix%")

# TODO: We should also limit the size of included packet to something
# like (initiallen - 40 - 2)
class TruncPktLenField(PacketLenField):

    def __init__(self, name, default, cls, cur_shift, length_from=None, shift=0):
        PacketLenField.__init__(self, name, default, cls, length_from=length_from)
        self.cur_shift = cur_shift

    def getfield(self, pkt, s):
        l = self.length_from(pkt)
        i = self.m2i(pkt, s[:l])
        return s[l:],i

    def m2i(self, pkt, m):
        s = None
        try: # It can happen we have sth shorter than 40 bytes
            s = self.cls(m)
            return conf.raw_layer(m)
        return s

    def i2m(self, pkt, x):
        s = str(x)
        l = len(s)
        r = (l + self.cur_shift) % 8
        l = l - r
        return s[:l]

    def i2len(self, pkt, i):
        return len(self.i2m(pkt, i))

# Faire un post_build pour le recalcul de la taille (en multiple de 8 octets)
class ICMPv6NDOptRedirectedHdr(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - Redirected Header"
    fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",4),
                    FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="pkt", fmt="B",
                                  adjust = lambda pkt,x:(x+8)/8),
                    StrFixedLenField("res", "\x00"*6, 6),
                    TruncPktLenField("pkt", "", IPv6, 8,
                                     length_from = lambda pkt: 8*pkt.len-8) ]

# See which value should be used for default MTU instead of 1280
class ICMPv6NDOptMTU(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - MTU"
    fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",5),

class ICMPv6NDOptShortcutLimit(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet): # RFC 2491
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - NBMA Shortcut Limit"
    fields_desc = [ ByteField("type", 6),
                    ByteField("len", 1),
                    ByteField("shortcutlim", 40), # XXX
                    ByteField("res1", 0),
                    IntField("res2", 0) ]
class ICMPv6NDOptAdvInterval(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - Interval Advertisement"
    fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",7),
                    ShortField("res", 0),
                    IntField("advint", 0) ]
    def mysummary(self):                        
        return self.sprintf("%name% %advint% milliseconds")

class ICMPv6NDOptHAInfo(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet): 
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - Home Agent Information"
    fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",8),
                    ShortField("res", 0),
                    ShortField("pref", 0),
                    ShortField("lifetime", 1)]
    def mysummary(self):                        
        return self.sprintf("%name% %pref% %lifetime% seconds")

# type 9  : See ICMPv6NDOptSrcAddrList class below in IND (RFC 3122) support

# type 10 : See ICMPv6NDOptTgtAddrList class below in IND (RFC 3122) support

class ICMPv6NDOptIPAddr(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):  # RFC 4068
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - IP Address Option (FH for MIPv6)"
    fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",17),
                    ByteField("len", 3),
                    ByteEnumField("optcode", 1, {1: "Old Care-Of Address",
                                                 2: "New Care-Of Address",
                                                 3: "NAR's IP address" }),
                    ByteField("plen", 64),
                    IntField("res", 0),
                    IP6Field("addr", "::") ]

class ICMPv6NDOptNewRtrPrefix(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet): # RFC 4068
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - New Router Prefix Information Option (FH for MIPv6)"
    fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",18),
                    ByteField("len", 3),
                    ByteField("optcode", 0),
                    ByteField("plen", 64),
                    IntField("res", 0),
                    IP6Field("prefix", "::") ]

_rfc4068_lla_optcode = {0: "Wildcard requesting resolution for all nearby AP",
                        1: "LLA for the new AP",
                        2: "LLA of the MN",
                        3: "LLA of the NAR",
                        4: "LLA of the src of TrSolPr or PrRtAdv msg",
                        5: "AP identified by LLA belongs to current iface of router",
                        6: "No preifx info available for AP identified by the LLA",
                        7: "No fast handovers support for AP identified by the LLA" }

class ICMPv6NDOptLLA(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):     # RFC 4068
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - Link-Layer Address (LLA) Option (FH for MIPv6)"
    fields_desc = [ ByteField("type", 19),
                    ByteField("len", 1),
                    ByteEnumField("optcode", 0, _rfc4068_lla_optcode),
                    MACField("lla", ETHER_ANY) ] # We only support ethernet

class ICMPv6NDOptMAP(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):     # RFC 4140
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - MAP Option"
    fields_desc = [ ByteField("type", 23),
                    ByteField("len", 3),
                    BitField("dist", 1, 4),
                    BitField("pref", 15, 4), # highest availability
                    BitField("R", 1, 1),
                    BitField("res", 0, 7),                    
                    IntField("validlifetime", 0xffffffff),
                    IP6Field("addr", "::") ] 

class IP6PrefixField(IP6Field):
    def __init__(self, name, default):
        IP6Field.__init__(self, name, default)
        self.length_from = lambda pkt: 8*(pkt.len - 1)

    def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
        return s + self.i2m(pkt, val)

    def getfield(self, pkt, s):
        l = self.length_from(pkt)
        p = s[:l]
        if l < 16:
            p += '\x00'*(16-l)
        return s[l:], self.m2i(pkt,p)

    def i2len(self, pkt, x):
        return len(self.i2m(pkt, x))
    def i2m(self, pkt, x):
        l = pkt.len

        if x is None:
            x = "::"
            if l is None:
                l = 1
        x = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, x)

        if l is None:
            return x
        if l in [0, 1]:
            return ""
        if l in [2, 3]:
            return x[:8*(l-1)]

        return x + '\x00'*8*(l-3)

class ICMPv6NDOptRouteInfo(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet): # RFC 4191
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - Route Information Option"
    fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",24),
                    FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="prefix", fmt="B",
                                  adjust = lambda pkt,x: x/8 + 1),
                    ByteField("plen", None),
                    IntField("rtlifetime", 0xffffffff),
                    IP6PrefixField("prefix", None) ]
class ICMPv6NDOptRDNSS(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet): # RFC 5006
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - Recursive DNS Server Option"
    fields_desc = [ ByteField("type", 25),
                    FieldLenField("len", None, count_of="dns", fmt="B",
                                  adjust = lambda pkt,x: 2*x+1),
                    ShortField("res", None),
                    IntField("lifetime", 0xffffffff),
                    IP6ListField("dns", [], 
                                 length_from = lambda pkt: 8*(pkt.len-1)) ]

class ICMPv6NDOptEFA(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet): # RFC 5175 (prev. 5075)
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - Expanded Flags Option"
    fields_desc = [ ByteField("type", 26),
                    ByteField("len", 1),
                    BitField("res", 0, 48) ]

# End of ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Options.

class ICMPv6ND_RS(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, _ICMPv6):
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - Router Solicitation"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 133, icmp6types),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
                    IntField("res",0) ]
    overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "dst": "ff02::2", "hlim": 255 }}

class ICMPv6ND_RA(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, _ICMPv6):
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - Router Advertisement"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 134, icmp6types),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
                    BitEnumField("prf",1,2, { 0: "Medium (default)",
                                              1: "High",
                                              2: "Reserved",
                                              3: "Low" } ), # RFC 4191
                    IntField("retranstimer",0) ]
    overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "dst": "ff02::1", "hlim": 255 }}

    def answers(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, ICMPv6ND_RS)

class ICMPv6ND_NS(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, _ICMPv6, Packet):
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - Neighbor Solicitation"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",135, icmp6types),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
                    IntField("res", 0),
                    IP6Field("tgt","::") ]
    overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "dst": "ff02::1", "hlim": 255 }}

    def mysummary(self):
        return self.sprintf("%name% (tgt: %tgt%)")

    def hashret(self):
        return self.tgt+self.payload.hashret() 

class ICMPv6ND_NA(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, _ICMPv6, Packet):
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - Neighbor Advertisement"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",136, icmp6types),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
                    IP6Field("tgt","::") ]
    overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "dst": "ff02::1", "hlim": 255 }}

    def mysummary(self):
        return self.sprintf("%name% (tgt: %tgt%)")

    def hashret(self):
        return self.tgt+self.payload.hashret() 

    def answers(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, ICMPv6ND_NS) and self.tgt == other.tgt

# associated possible options : target link-layer option, Redirected header
class ICMPv6ND_Redirect(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, _ICMPv6, Packet):
    name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - Redirect"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",137, icmp6types),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
                    IP6Field("dst","::") ]
    overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "dst": "ff02::1", "hlim": 255 }}

################ ICMPv6 Inverse Neighbor Discovery (RFC 3122) ###############

class ICMPv6NDOptSrcAddrList(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):
    name = "ICMPv6 Inverse Neighbor Discovery Option - Source Address List"
    fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",9),
                    FieldLenField("len", None, count_of="addrlist", fmt="B",
                                  adjust = lambda pkt,x: 2*x+1),
                    StrFixedLenField("res", "\x00"*6, 6),
                    IP6ListField("addrlist", [],
                                length_from = lambda pkt: 8*(pkt.len-1)) ]

class ICMPv6NDOptTgtAddrList(ICMPv6NDOptSrcAddrList):
    name = "ICMPv6 Inverse Neighbor Discovery Option - Target Address List"
    type = 10 

# RFC3122
# Options requises : source lladdr et target lladdr
# Autres options valides : source address list, MTU
# - Comme precise dans le document, il serait bien de prendre l'adresse L2
#   demandee dans l'option requise target lladdr et l'utiliser au niveau
#   de l'adresse destination ethernet si aucune adresse n'est precisee
# - ca semble pas forcement pratique si l'utilisateur doit preciser toutes
#   les options. 
# Ether() must use the target lladdr as destination
class ICMPv6ND_INDSol(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, _ICMPv6):
    name = "ICMPv6 Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",141, icmp6types),
                    XIntField("reserved",0) ]
    overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "dst": "ff02::1", "hlim": 255 }}

# Options requises :  target lladdr, target address list
# Autres options valides : MTU
class ICMPv6ND_INDAdv(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, _ICMPv6):
    name = "ICMPv6 Inverse Neighbor Discovery Advertisement"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",142, icmp6types),
                    XIntField("reserved",0) ]
    overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "dst": "ff02::1", "hlim": 255 }}

# ICMPv6 Node Information Queries (RFC 4620)

# [ ] Add automatic destination address computation using computeNIGroupAddr 
#     in IPv6 class (Scapy6 modification when integrated) if :
#     - it is not provided
#     - upper layer is ICMPv6NIQueryName() with a valid value
# [ ] Try to be liberal in what we accept as internal values for _explicit_
#     DNS elements provided by users. Any string should be considered 
#     valid and kept like it has been provided. At the moment, i2repr() will
#     crash on many inputs
# [ ] Do the documentation
# [ ] Add regression tests
# [ ] Perform test against real machines (NOOP reply is proof of implementation). 
# [ ] Check if there are differences between different stacks. Among *BSD, 
#     with others. 
# [ ] Deal with flags in a consistent way.
# [ ] Implement compression in names2dnsrepr() and decompresiion in 
#     dnsrepr2names(). Should be deactivable. 

icmp6_niqtypes = { 0: "NOOP",
                  2: "Node Name",
                  3: "IPv6 Address",
                  4: "IPv4 Address" }

class _ICMPv6NIHashret:
    def hashret(self):
        return self.nonce

class _ICMPv6NIAnswers:
    def answers(self, other):
        return self.nonce == other.nonce

# Buggy; always returns the same value during a session
class NonceField(StrFixedLenField):
    def __init__(self, name, default=None):
        StrFixedLenField.__init__(self, name, default, 8)
        if default is None:
            self.default = self.randval()

# Compute the NI group Address. Can take a FQDN as input parameter
def computeNIGroupAddr(name):
    import md5
    name = name.lower().split(".")[0]
    record = chr(len(name))+name
    h = md5.new(record)
    h = h.digest()
    addr = "ff02::2:%2x%2x:%2x%2x" % struct.unpack("BBBB", h[:4])
    return addr

# Here is the deal. First, that protocol is a piece of shit. Then, we 
# provide 4 classes for the different kinds of Requests (one for every
# valid qtype: NOOP, Node Name, IPv6@, IPv4@). They all share the same
# data field class that is made to be smart by guessing the specifc 
# type of value provided : 
# - IPv6 if acceptable for inet_pton(AF_INET6, ): code is set to 0,
#   if not overriden by user
# - IPv4 if acceptable for inet_pton(AF_INET,  ): code is set to 2,
#   if not overriden
# - Name in the other cases: code is set to 0, if not overriden by user
# Internal storage, is not only the value, but the a pair providing
# the type and the value (1 is IPv6@, 1 is Name or string, 2 is IPv4@)
# Note : I merged getfield() and m2i(). m2i() should not be called 
#        directly anyway. Same remark for addfield() and i2m() 
# -- arno 

# "The type of information present in the Data field of a query is 
#  declared by the ICMP Code, whereas the type of information in a 
#  Reply is determined by the Qtype"

def names2dnsrepr(x):
    Take as input a list of DNS names or a single DNS name
    and encode it in DNS format (with possible compression)
    If a string that is already a DNS name in DNS format
    is passed, it is returned unmodified. Result is a string.
    !!!  At the moment, compression is not implemented  !!!
    if type(x) is str:
        if x and x[-1] == '\x00': # stupid heuristic
            return x
        x = [x]

    res = []
    for n in x:
        termin = "\x00"
        if n.count('.') == 0: # single-component gets one more
            termin += '\x00' 
        n = "".join(map(lambda y: chr(len(y))+y, n.split("."))) + termin
    return "".join(res)

def dnsrepr2names(x):
    Take as input a DNS encoded string (possibly compressed) 
    and returns a list of DNS names contained in it.
    If provided string is already in printable format
    (does not end with a null character, a one element list
    is returned). Result is a list.
    res = []
    cur = ""
    while x:
        l = ord(x[0])
        x = x[1:]
        if l == 0:
            if cur and cur[-1] == '.':
                cur = cur[:-1]
            cur = ""
            if x and ord(x[0]) == 0: # single component
                x = x[1:]
        if l & 0xc0: # XXX TODO : work on that -- arno
            raise Exception("DNS message can't be compressed at this point!")
            cur += x[:l]+"."
            x = x[l:]
    return res

class NIQueryDataField(StrField):
    def __init__(self, name, default):
        StrField.__init__(self, name, default)

    def i2h(self, pkt, x):
        if x is None:
            return x
        t,val = x
        if t == 1:
            val = dnsrepr2names(val)[0]
        return val

    def h2i(self, pkt, x):
        if x is tuple and type(x[0]) is int:
            return x

        val = None
        try: # Try IPv6
            inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, x)
            val = (0, x)
            try: # Try IPv4
                inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, x)
                val = (2, x)
            except: # Try DNS
                if x is None:
                    x = ""
                x = names2dnsrepr(x)
                val = (1, x)
        return val

    def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
        t,val = x
        if t == 1: # DNS Name
            # we don't use dnsrepr2names() to deal with 
            # possible weird data extracted info
            res = []
            weird = None
            while val:
                l = ord(val[0]) 
                val = val[1:]
                if l == 0:
                    if (len(res) > 1 and val): # fqdn with data behind
                        weird = val
                    elif len(val) > 1: # single label with data behind
                        weird = val[1:]
                val = val[l:]
            tmp = "".join(res)
            if tmp and tmp[-1] == '.':
                tmp = tmp[:-1]
            return tmp
        return repr(val)

    def getfield(self, pkt, s):
        qtype = getattr(pkt, "qtype")
        if qtype == 0: # NOOP
            return s, (0, "")
            code = getattr(pkt, "code")
            if code == 0:   # IPv6 Addr
                return s[16:], (0, inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, s[:16]))
            elif code == 2: # IPv4 Addr
                return s[4:], (2, inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, s[:4]))
            else:           # Name or Unknown
                return "", (1, s)

    def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
        if ((type(val) is tuple and val[1] is None) or
            val is None):
            val = (1, "")
        t = val[0]
        if t == 1:
            return s + val[1]
        elif t == 0:
            return s + inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, val[1])
            return s + inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, val[1])

class NIQueryCodeField(ByteEnumField):
    def i2m(self, pkt, x):
        if x is None:
            d = pkt.getfieldval("data")
            if d is None:
                return 1
            elif d[0] == 0: # IPv6 address
                return 0
            elif d[0] == 1: # Name
                return 1
            elif d[0] == 2: # IPv4 address
                return 2
                return 1
        return x

_niquery_code = {0: "IPv6 Query", 1: "Name Query", 2: "IPv4 Query"}

#_niquery_flags = {  2: "All unicast addresses", 4: "IPv4 addresses",
#                    8: "Link-local addresses", 16: "Site-local addresses", 
#                   32: "Global addresses" }

# "This NI type has no defined flags and never has a Data Field". Used
# to know if the destination is up and implements NI protocol.
class ICMPv6NIQueryNOOP(_ICMPv6NIHashret, _ICMPv6): 
    name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Query - NOOP Query"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 139, icmp6types),
                    NIQueryCodeField("code", None, _niquery_code),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
                    ShortEnumField("qtype", 0, icmp6_niqtypes),
                    BitField("unused", 0, 10),
                    FlagsField("flags", 0, 6, "TACLSG"), 
                    NonceField("nonce", None),
                    NIQueryDataField("data", None) ]

class ICMPv6NIQueryName(ICMPv6NIQueryNOOP): 
    name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Query - IPv6 Name Query"
    qtype = 2 

# We ask for the IPv6 address of the peer 
class ICMPv6NIQueryIPv6(ICMPv6NIQueryNOOP):
    name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Query - IPv6 Address Query"
    qtype = 3
    flags = 0x3E

class ICMPv6NIQueryIPv4(ICMPv6NIQueryNOOP): 
    name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Query - IPv4 Address Query"
    qtype = 4

_nireply_code = { 0: "Successful Reply", 
                  1: "Response Refusal", 
                  3: "Unknown query type" }

_nireply_flags = {  1: "Reply set incomplete", 
                    2: "All unicast addresses", 
                    4: "IPv4 addresses",        
                    8: "Link-local addresses", 
                   16: "Site-local addresses", 
                   32: "Global addresses" }

# Internal repr is one of those :
# (0, "some string") : unknow qtype value are mapped to that one
# (3, [ (ttl, ip6), ... ])
# (4, [ (ttl, ip4), ... ]) 
# (2, [ttl, dns_names]) : dns_names is one string that contains
#     all the DNS names. Internally it is kept ready to be sent 
#     (undissected). i2repr() decode it for user. This is to 
#     make build after dissection bijective.
# I also merged getfield() and m2i(), and addfield() and i2m().
class NIReplyDataField(StrField):

    def i2h(self, pkt, x):
        if x is None:
            return x
        t,val = x
        if t == 2:
            ttl, dnsnames = val
            val = [ttl] + dnsrepr2names(dnsnames)
        return val

    def h2i(self, pkt, x):
        qtype = 0 # We will decode it as string if not 
                  # overridden through 'qtype' in pkt

        # No user hint, let's use 'qtype' value for that purpose
        if type(x) is not tuple:
            if pkt is not None:
                qtype = getattr(pkt, "qtype")
            qtype = x[0]
            x = x[1]

        # From that point on, x is the value (second element of the tuple)

        if qtype == 2: # DNS name
            if type(x) is str: # listify the string
                x = [x]
            if type(x) is list and x and type(x[0]) is not int: # ttl was omitted : use 0
                x = [0] + x
            ttl = x[0]
            names = x[1:]
            return (2, [ttl, names2dnsrepr(names)])

        elif qtype in [3, 4]: # IPv4 or IPv6 addr
            if type(x) is str:
                x = [x] # User directly provided an IP, instead of list

            # List elements are not tuples, user probably
            # omitted ttl value : we will use 0 instead
            def addttl(x):
                if type(x) is str:
                    return (0, x)
                return x

            return (qtype, map(addttl, x))

        return (qtype, x)

    def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
        t,tmp = val
        if tmp is None:
            tmp = ""
        if t == 2:
            ttl,dnsstr = tmp
            return s+ struct.pack("!I", ttl) + dnsstr
        elif t == 3:
            return s + "".join(map(lambda (x,y): struct.pack("!I", x)+inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, y), tmp))
        elif t == 4:
            return s + "".join(map(lambda (x,y): struct.pack("!I", x)+inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, y), tmp))
            return s + tmp
    def getfield(self, pkt, s):
        code = getattr(pkt, "code")
        if code != 0:
            return s, (0, "")

        qtype = getattr(pkt, "qtype")        
        if qtype == 0: # NOOP
            return s, (0, "")

        elif qtype == 2:
            if len(s) < 4:
                return s, (0, "")
            ttl = struct.unpack("!I", s[:4])[0]
            return "", (2, [ttl, s[4:]])

        elif qtype == 3: # IPv6 addresses with TTLs
            # XXX TODO : get the real length
            res = []
            while len(s) >= 20: # 4 + 16
                ttl = struct.unpack("!I", s[:4])[0]
                ip  = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, s[4:20])
                res.append((ttl, ip))
                s = s[20:]
            return s, (3, res)

        elif qtype == 4: # IPv4 addresses with TTLs
            # XXX TODO : get the real length
            res = []
            while len(s) >= 8: # 4 + 4 
                ttl = struct.unpack("!I", s[:4])[0]
                ip  = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, s[4:8])
                res.append((ttl, ip))
                s = s[8:]
            return s, (4, res)
            # XXX TODO : implement me and deal with real length
            return "", (0, s)

    def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
        if x is None:
            return "[]"
        if type(x) is tuple and len(x) == 2:
            t, val = x
            if t == 2: # DNS names
                ttl,l = val
                l = dnsrepr2names(l)
                return "ttl:%d %s" % (ttl, ", ".join(l))
            elif t == 3 or t == 4:
                return "[ %s ]" % (", ".join(map(lambda (x,y): "(%d, %s)" % (x, y), val)))
            return repr(val)
        return repr(x) # XXX should not happen

# By default, sent responses have code set to 0 (successful) 
class ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP(_ICMPv6NIAnswers, _ICMPv6NIHashret, _ICMPv6): 
    name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Reply - NOOP Reply"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 140, icmp6types),
                    ByteEnumField("code", 0, _nireply_code),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
                    ShortEnumField("qtype", 0, icmp6_niqtypes),
                    BitField("unused", 0, 10),
                    FlagsField("flags", 0, 6, "TACLSG"), 
                    NonceField("nonce", None),
                    NIReplyDataField("data", None)]

class ICMPv6NIReplyName(ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP): 
    name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Reply - Node Names"
    qtype = 2

class ICMPv6NIReplyIPv6(ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP): 
    name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Reply - IPv6 addresses"
    qtype = 3

class ICMPv6NIReplyIPv4(ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP): 
    name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Reply - IPv4 addresses"
    qtype = 4

class ICMPv6NIReplyRefuse(ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP):
    name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Reply - Responder refuses to supply answer"
    code = 1

class ICMPv6NIReplyUnknown(ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP):
    name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Reply - Qtype unknown to the responder"
    code = 2

def _niquery_guesser(p):
    cls = conf.raw_layer
    type = ord(p[0])
    if type == 139: # Node Info Query specific stuff
        if len(p) > 6:
            qtype, = struct.unpack("!H", p[4:6])
            cls = { 0: ICMPv6NIQueryNOOP,
                    2: ICMPv6NIQueryName,
                    3: ICMPv6NIQueryIPv6,
                    4: ICMPv6NIQueryIPv4 }.get(qtype, conf.raw_layer)
    elif type == 140: # Node Info Reply specific stuff
        code = ord(p[1])
        if code == 0:
            if len(p) > 6:
                qtype, = struct.unpack("!H", p[4:6])
                cls = { 2: ICMPv6NIReplyName,
                        3: ICMPv6NIReplyIPv6,
                        4: ICMPv6NIReplyIPv4 }.get(qtype, ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP)
        elif code == 1:
            cls = ICMPv6NIReplyRefuse
        elif code == 2:
            cls = ICMPv6NIReplyUnknown
    return cls

###             Mobile IPv6 (RFC 3775) and Nemo (RFC 3963)                ###

# Mobile IPv6 ICMPv6 related classes

class ICMPv6HAADRequest(_ICMPv6):
    name = 'ICMPv6 Home Agent Address Discovery Request'
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 144, icmp6types),
                    ByteField("code", 0),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
                    XShortField("id", None),
                    BitEnumField("R", 1, 1, {1: 'MR'}),
                    XBitField("res", 0, 15) ]
    def hashret(self):
        return struct.pack("!H",self.id)+self.payload.hashret()

class ICMPv6HAADReply(_ICMPv6): 
    name = 'ICMPv6 Home Agent Address Discovery Reply'
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 145, icmp6types),
                    ByteField("code", 0),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
                    XShortField("id", None),
                    BitEnumField("R", 1, 1, {1: 'MR'}),
                    XBitField("res", 0, 15),
                    IP6ListField('addresses', None) ]
    def hashret(self):
        return struct.pack("!H",self.id)+self.payload.hashret()

    def answers(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, ICMPv6HAADRequest):
            return 0
        return self.id == other.id    

class ICMPv6MPSol(_ICMPv6): 
    name = 'ICMPv6 Mobile Prefix Solicitation'
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 146, icmp6types),
                    ByteField("code", 0),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
                    XShortField("id", None),
                    XShortField("res", 0) ]
    def _hashret(self):
        return struct.pack("!H",self.id)

class ICMPv6MPAdv(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, _ICMPv6):
    name = 'ICMPv6 Mobile Prefix Advertisement'
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 147, icmp6types),
                    ByteField("code", 0),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
                    XShortField("id", None),
                    BitEnumField("flags", 2, 2, {2: 'M', 1:'O'}), 
                    XBitField("res", 0, 14) ]
    def hashret(self):
        return struct.pack("!H",self.id)
    def answers(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, ICMPv6MPSol)

# Mobile IPv6 Options classes

_mobopttypes = { 2: "Binding Refresh Advice",
                 3: "Alternate Care-of Address",
                 4: "Nonce Indices",
                 5: "Binding Authorization Data",
                 6: "Mobile Network Prefix (RFC3963)",
                 7: "Link-Layer Address (RFC4068)",
                 8: "Mobile Node Identifier (RFC4283)", 
                 9: "Mobility Message Authentication (RFC4285)",
                 10: "Replay Protection (RFC4285)",
                 11: "CGA Parameters Request (RFC4866)",
                 12: "CGA Parameters (RFC4866)",
                 13: "Signature (RFC4866)",
                 14: "Home Keygen Token (RFC4866)",
                 15: "Care-of Test Init (RFC4866)",
                 16: "Care-of Test (RFC4866)" }

class _MIP6OptAlign: 
    """ Mobile IPv6 options have alignment requirements of the form x*n+y. 
    This class is inherited by all MIPv6 options to help in computing the 
    required Padding for that option, i.e. the need for a Pad1 or PadN 
    option before it. They only need to provide x and y as class 
    parameters. (x=0 and y=0 are used when no alignment is required)"""
    def alignment_delta(self, curpos):
      x = self.x ; y = self.y
      if x == 0 and y ==0:
          return 0
      delta = x*((curpos - y + x - 1)/x) + y - curpos
      return delta

class MIP6OptBRAdvice(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet):
    name = 'Mobile IPv6 Option - Binding Refresh Advice' 
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField('otype', 2, _mobopttypes),
                    ByteField('olen', 2),
                    ShortField('rinter', 0) ] 
    x = 2 ; y = 0# alignment requirement: 2n

class MIP6OptAltCoA(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet):
    name = 'MIPv6 Option - Alternate Care-of Address'
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField('otype', 3, _mobopttypes),
                    ByteField('olen', 16),
                    IP6Field("acoa", "::") ]
    x = 8 ; y = 6 # alignment requirement: 8n+6

class MIP6OptNonceIndices(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet):                 
    name = 'MIPv6 Option - Nonce Indices'
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField('otype', 4, _mobopttypes),
                    ByteField('olen', 16),
                    ShortField('hni', 0),
                    ShortField('coni', 0) ]
    x = 2 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: 2n

class MIP6OptBindingAuthData(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet):              
    name = 'MIPv6 Option - Binding Authorization Data'
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField('otype', 5, _mobopttypes),
                    ByteField('olen', 16),
                    BitField('authenticator', 0, 96) ]
    x = 8 ; y = 2 # alignment requirement: 8n+2

class MIP6OptMobNetPrefix(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # NEMO - RFC 3963 
    name = 'NEMO Option - Mobile Network Prefix'
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 6, _mobopttypes),
                    ByteField("olen", 18),
                    ByteField("reserved", 0),
                    ByteField("plen", 64),
                    IP6Field("prefix", "::") ]
    x = 8 ; y = 4 # alignment requirement: 8n+4

class MIP6OptLLAddr(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # Sect 6.4.4 of RFC 4068
    name = "MIPv6 Option - Link-Layer Address (MH-LLA)"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 7, _mobopttypes),
                    ByteField("olen", 7),
                    ByteEnumField("ocode", 2, _rfc4068_lla_optcode),
                    ByteField("pad", 0),
                    MACField("lla", ETHER_ANY) ] # Only support ethernet
    x = 0 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: none

class MIP6OptMNID(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # RFC 4283
    name = "MIPv6 Option - Mobile Node Identifier"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 8, _mobopttypes),
                    FieldLenField("olen", None, length_of="id", fmt="B",
                                  adjust = lambda pkt,x: x+1),
                    ByteEnumField("subtype", 1, {1: "NAI"}),
                    StrLenField("id", "",
                                length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.olen-1) ]
    x = 0 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: none

# We only support decoding and basic build. Automatic HMAC computation is 
# too much work for our current needs. It is left to the user (I mean ... 
# you). --arno
class MIP6OptMsgAuth(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # RFC 4285 (Sect. 5)
    name = "MIPv6 Option - Mobility Message Authentication"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 9, _mobopttypes),
                    FieldLenField("olen", None, length_of="authdata", fmt="B",
                                  adjust = lambda pkt,x: x+5),
                    ByteEnumField("subtype", 1, {1: "MN-HA authentication mobility option",
                                                 2: "MN-AAA authentication mobility option"}),
                    IntField("mspi", None),
                    StrLenField("authdata", "A"*12,
                                length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.olen-5) ]
    x = 4 ; y = 1 # alignment requirement: 4n+1

# Extracted from RFC 1305 (NTP) :
# NTP timestamps are represented as a 64-bit unsigned fixed-point number, 
# in seconds relative to 0h on 1 January 1900. The integer part is in the 
# first 32 bits and the fraction part in the last 32 bits.
class NTPTimestampField(LongField):
    epoch = (1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 5, 1, 0)
    def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
        if x < ((50*31536000)<<32):
            return "Some date a few decades ago (%d)" % x

        # delta from epoch (= (1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 5, 1, 0)) to 
        # January 1st 1970 :
        delta = -2209075761
        i = int(x >> 32)
        j = float(x & 0xffffffff) * 2.0**-32
        res = i + j + delta
        from time import strftime
        t = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime(res))

        return "%s (%d)" % (t, x)

class MIP6OptReplayProtection(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # RFC 4285 (Sect. 6)
    name = "MIPv6 option - Replay Protection"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 10, _mobopttypes),
                    ByteField("olen", 8),
                    NTPTimestampField("timestamp", 0) ]
    x = 8 ; y = 2 # alignment requirement: 8n+2

class MIP6OptCGAParamsReq(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # RFC 4866 (Sect. 5.6)
    name = "MIPv6 option - CGA Parameters Request"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 11, _mobopttypes),
                    ByteField("olen", 0) ]
    x = 0 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: none

# XXX TODO: deal with CGA param fragmentation and build of defragmented
# XXX       version. Passing of a big CGAParam structure should be 
# XXX       simplified. Make it hold packets, by the way  --arno
class MIP6OptCGAParams(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # RFC 4866 (Sect. 5.1)
    name = "MIPv6 option - CGA Parameters"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 12, _mobopttypes),
                    FieldLenField("olen", None, length_of="cgaparams", fmt="B"),
                    StrLenField("cgaparams", "",
                                length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.olen) ]
    x = 0 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: none

class MIP6OptSignature(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # RFC 4866 (Sect. 5.2)
    name = "MIPv6 option - Signature"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 13, _mobopttypes),
                    FieldLenField("olen", None, length_of="sig", fmt="B"),
                    StrLenField("sig", "",
                                length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.olen) ]
    x = 0 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: none

class MIP6OptHomeKeygenToken(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # RFC 4866 (Sect. 5.3)
    name = "MIPv6 option - Home Keygen Token"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 14, _mobopttypes),
                    FieldLenField("olen", None, length_of="hkt", fmt="B"),
                    StrLenField("hkt", "",
                                length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.olen) ]
    x = 0 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: none

class MIP6OptCareOfTestInit(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # RFC 4866 (Sect. 5.4)
    name = "MIPv6 option - Care-of Test Init"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 15, _mobopttypes),
                    ByteField("olen", 0) ]
    x = 0 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: none

class MIP6OptCareOfTest(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # RFC 4866 (Sect. 5.5)
    name = "MIPv6 option - Care-of Test"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 16, _mobopttypes),
                    FieldLenField("olen", None, length_of="cokt", fmt="B"),
                    StrLenField("cokt", '\x00'*8,
                                length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.olen) ]
    x = 0 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: none

class MIP6OptUnknown(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet):
    name = 'Scapy6 - Unknown Mobility Option'
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 6, _mobopttypes),
                    FieldLenField("olen", None, length_of="odata", fmt="B"),
                    StrLenField("odata", "",
                                length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.olen) ]
    x = 0 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: none

moboptcls = {  0: Pad1,
               1: PadN,
               2: MIP6OptBRAdvice,
               3: MIP6OptAltCoA,
               4: MIP6OptNonceIndices,
               5: MIP6OptBindingAuthData,
               6: MIP6OptMobNetPrefix,
               7: MIP6OptLLAddr,
               8: MIP6OptMNID, 
               9: MIP6OptMsgAuth,
              10: MIP6OptReplayProtection,
              11: MIP6OptCGAParamsReq,
              12: MIP6OptCGAParams,
              13: MIP6OptSignature,
              14: MIP6OptHomeKeygenToken,
              15: MIP6OptCareOfTestInit,
              16: MIP6OptCareOfTest }

# Main Mobile IPv6 Classes

mhtypes = {  0: 'BRR',
             1: 'HoTI',
             2: 'CoTI',
             3: 'HoT',
             4: 'CoT',
             5: 'BU',
             6: 'BA',
             7: 'BE',
             8: 'Fast BU',
             9: 'Fast BA',
            10: 'Fast NA' }

# From http://www.iana.org/assignments/mobility-parameters 
bastatus = {   0: 'Binding Update accepted',
               1: 'Accepted but prefix discovery necessary',
             128: 'Reason unspecified',
             129: 'Administratively prohibited',
             130: 'Insufficient resources',
             131: 'Home registration not supported',
             132: 'Not home subnet',
             133: 'Not home agent for this mobile node',
             134: 'Duplicate Address Detection failed',
             135: 'Sequence number out of window',
             136: 'Expired home nonce index',
             137: 'Expired care-of nonce index',
             138: 'Expired nonces',
             139: 'Registration type change disallowed',
             140: 'Mobile Router Operation not permitted',
             141: 'Invalid Prefix',
             142: 'Not Authorized for Prefix',
             143: 'Forwarding Setup failed (prefixes missing)',
             144: 'MIPV6-ID-MISMATCH',
             145: 'MIPV6-MESG-ID-REQD',
             146: 'MIPV6-AUTH-FAIL',
             147: 'Permanent home keygen token unavailable',
             148: 'CGA and signature verification failed',
             149: 'Permanent home keygen token exists',
             150: 'Non-null home nonce index expected' }

class _MobilityHeader(Packet):
    name = 'Dummy IPv6 Mobility Header'
    overload_fields = { IPv6: { "nh": 135 }}

    def post_build(self, p, pay):
        p += pay
        l = self.len
        if self.len is None:
            l = (len(p)-8)/8
        p = p[0] + struct.pack("B", l) + p[2:]
        if self.cksum is None:
            cksum = in6_chksum(135, self.underlayer, p)
            cksum = self.cksum
        p = p[:4]+struct.pack("!H", cksum)+p[6:]
        return p

class MIP6MH_Generic(_MobilityHeader): # Mainly for decoding of unknown msg
    name = "IPv6 Mobility Header - Generic Message"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
                    ByteField("len", None),
                    ByteEnumField("mhtype", None, mhtypes),
                    ByteField("res", None),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
                    StrLenField("msg", "\x00"*2,
                                length_from = lambda pkt: 8*pkt.len-6) ]

# TODO: make a generic _OptionsField
class _MobilityOptionsField(PacketListField):
    islist = 1
    holds_packet = 1

    def __init__(self, name, default, cls, curpos, count_from=None, length_from=None):
        self.curpos = curpos
        PacketListField.__init__(self, name, default, cls, count_from=count_from, length_from=length_from)
    def getfield(self, pkt, s):
        l = self.length_from(pkt)
        return s[l:],self.m2i(pkt, s[:l])

    def i2len(self, pkt, i):
        return len(self.i2m(pkt, i))

    def m2i(self, pkt, x):
        opt = []
        while x:
            o = ord(x[0]) # Option type
            cls = self.cls
            if moboptcls.has_key(o):
                cls = moboptcls[o]
                op = cls(x)
                op = self.cls(x)
            if isinstance(op.payload, conf.raw_layer):
                x = op.payload.load
                x = ""
        return opt

    def i2m(self, pkt, x):
        autopad = None
            autopad = getattr(pkt, "autopad") # Hack : 'autopad' phantom field
            autopad = 1
        if not autopad:
            return "".join(map(str, x))

        curpos = self.curpos
        s = ""
        for p in x:
            d = p.alignment_delta(curpos)
            curpos += d
            if d == 1:
                s += str(Pad1())
            elif d != 0:
                s += str(PadN(optdata='\x00'*(d-2)))
            pstr = str(p)
            curpos += len(pstr)
            s += pstr
        # Let's make the class including our option field
        # a multiple of 8 octets long
        d = curpos % 8
        if d == 0:
            return s
        d = 8 - d
        if d == 1:
            s += str(Pad1())
        elif d != 0:
            s += str(PadN(optdata='\x00'*(d-2)))        

        return s

    def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
        return s+self.i2m(pkt, val)

class MIP6MH_BRR(_MobilityHeader):
    name = "IPv6 Mobility Header - Binding Refresh Request"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
                    ByteField("len", None),
                    ByteEnumField("mhtype", 0, mhtypes),                    
                    ByteField("res", None),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
                    ShortField("res2", None),                    
                    _PhantomAutoPadField("autopad", 1), # autopad activated by default
                    _MobilityOptionsField("options", [], MIP6OptUnknown, 8,
                                          length_from = lambda pkt: 8*pkt.len) ]
    overload_fields = { IPv6: { "nh": 135 } }
    def hashret(self): 
        # Hack: BRR, BU and BA have the same hashret that returns the same
        #       value "\x00\x08\x09" (concatenation of mhtypes). This is
        #       because we need match BA with BU and BU with BRR. --arno
        return "\x00\x08\x09"

class MIP6MH_HoTI(_MobilityHeader):
    name = "IPv6 Mobility Header - Home Test Init"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
                    ByteField("len", None),
                    ByteEnumField("mhtype", 1, mhtypes),                    
                    ByteField("res", None),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),                    
                    StrFixedLenField("reserved", "\x00"*2, 2),
                    StrFixedLenField("cookie", "\x00"*8, 8),
                    _PhantomAutoPadField("autopad", 1), # autopad activated by default
                    _MobilityOptionsField("options", [], MIP6OptUnknown, 16,
                                          length_from = lambda pkt: 8*(pkt.len-1)) ]
    overload_fields = { IPv6: { "nh": 135 } }
    def hashret(self):
        return self.cookie

    name = "IPv6 Mobility Header - Care-of Test Init"
    mhtype = 2
    def hashret(self):
        return self.cookie

class MIP6MH_HoT(_MobilityHeader):
    name = "IPv6 Mobility Header - Home Test"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
                    ByteField("len", None),
                    ByteEnumField("mhtype", 3, mhtypes),                    
                    ByteField("res", None),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),                    
                    ShortField("index", None),
                    StrFixedLenField("cookie", "\x00"*8, 8),
                    StrFixedLenField("token", "\x00"*8, 8),
                    _PhantomAutoPadField("autopad", 1), # autopad activated by default
                    _MobilityOptionsField("options", [], MIP6OptUnknown, 24,
                                          length_from = lambda pkt: 8*(pkt.len-2)) ]
    overload_fields = { IPv6: { "nh": 135 } }
    def hashret(self):
        return self.cookie
    def answers(self):
        if (isinstance(other, MIP6MH_HoTI) and
            self.cookie == other.cookie):
            return 1
        return 0

class MIP6MH_CoT(MIP6MH_HoT):
    name = "IPv6 Mobility Header - Care-of Test"
    mhtype = 4
    def hashret(self):
        return self.cookie

    def answers(self):
        if (isinstance(other, MIP6MH_CoTI) and
            self.cookie == other.cookie):
            return 1
        return 0

class LifetimeField(ShortField):
    def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
        return "%d sec" % (4*x)

class MIP6MH_BU(_MobilityHeader):
    name = "IPv6 Mobility Header - Binding Update"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
                    ByteField("len", None), # unit == 8 bytes (excluding the first 8 bytes)
                    ByteEnumField("mhtype", 5, mhtypes),
                    ByteField("res", None),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
                    XShortField("seq", None), # TODO: ShortNonceField
                    FlagsField("flags", "KHA", 7, "PRMKLHA"),
                    XBitField("reserved", 0, 9),
                    LifetimeField("mhtime", 3), # unit == 4 seconds
                    _PhantomAutoPadField("autopad", 1), # autopad activated by default
                    _MobilityOptionsField("options", [], MIP6OptUnknown, 12,
                                          length_from = lambda pkt: 8*pkt.len - 4) ]
    overload_fields = { IPv6: { "nh": 135 } }

    def hashret(self): # Hack: see comment in MIP6MH_BRR.hashret()
        return "\x00\x08\x09"

    def answers(self, other): 
        if isinstance(other, MIP6MH_BRR):
            return 1
        return 0

class MIP6MH_BA(_MobilityHeader):
    name = "IPv6 Mobility Header - Binding ACK"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
                    ByteField("len", None), # unit == 8 bytes (excluding the first 8 bytes)
                    ByteEnumField("mhtype", 6, mhtypes),
                    ByteField("res", None),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
                    ByteEnumField("status", 0, bastatus),
                    FlagsField("flags", "K", 3, "PRK"),
                    XBitField("res2", None, 5),
                    XShortField("seq", None), # TODO: ShortNonceField
                    XShortField("mhtime", 0), # unit == 4 seconds
                    _PhantomAutoPadField("autopad", 1), # autopad activated by default
                    _MobilityOptionsField("options", [], MIP6OptUnknown, 12,
                                          length_from = lambda pkt: 8*pkt.len-4) ]
    overload_fields = { IPv6: { "nh": 135 }}

    def hashret(self): # Hack: see comment in MIP6MH_BRR.hashret()
        return "\x00\x08\x09"

    def answers(self, other):
        if (isinstance(other, MIP6MH_BU) and
            other.mhtype == 5 and
            self.mhtype == 6 and
            other.flags & 0x1 and # Ack request flags is set
            self.seq == other.seq):
            return 1
        return 0

_bestatus = { 1: 'Unknown binding for Home Address destination option',
              2: 'Unrecognized MH Type value' }

# TODO: match Binding Error to its stimulus
class MIP6MH_BE(_MobilityHeader):
    name = "IPv6 Mobility Header - Binding Error"
    fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
                    ByteField("len", None), # unit == 8 bytes (excluding the first 8 bytes)
                    ByteEnumField("mhtype", 7, mhtypes),
                    ByteField("res", 0),
                    XShortField("cksum", None),
                    ByteEnumField("status", 0, _bestatus),
                    ByteField("reserved", 0),
                    IP6Field("ha", "::"),
                    _MobilityOptionsField("options", [], MIP6OptUnknown, 24,
                                          length_from = lambda pkt: 8*(pkt.len-2)) ]
    overload_fields = { IPv6: { "nh": 135 }}

_mip6_mhtype2cls = { 0: MIP6MH_BRR,
                     1: MIP6MH_HoTI,
                     2: MIP6MH_CoTI,
                     3: MIP6MH_HoT,
                     4: MIP6MH_CoT,
                     5: MIP6MH_BU,
                     6: MIP6MH_BA,
                     7: MIP6MH_BE }

###                             Traceroute6                               ###

class  AS_resolver6(AS_resolver_riswhois):
    def _resolve_one(self, ip):
        overloaded version to provide a Whois resolution on the
        embedded IPv4 address if the address is 6to4 or Teredo. 
        Otherwise, the native IPv6 address is passed.

        if in6_isaddr6to4(ip): # for 6to4, use embedded @
            tmp = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ip)
            addr = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, tmp[2:6])
        elif in6_isaddrTeredo(ip): # for Teredo, use mapped address
            addr = teredoAddrExtractInfo(ip)[2]
            addr = ip
        _, asn, desc = AS_resolver_riswhois._resolve_one(self, addr)

        return ip,asn,desc        

class TracerouteResult6(TracerouteResult):
    def show(self):
        return self.make_table(lambda (s,r): (s.sprintf("%-42s,IPv6.dst%:{TCP:tcp%TCP.dport%}{UDP:udp%UDP.dport%}{ICMPv6EchoRequest:IER}"), # TODO: ICMPv6 !
                                              r.sprintf("%-42s,IPv6.src% {TCP:%TCP.flags%}"+

    def get_trace(self):
        trace = {}

        for s,r in self.res:
            if IPv6 not in s:
            d = s[IPv6].dst
            if d not in trace:
                trace[d] = {}
            t = not (ICMPv6TimeExceeded in r or 
                     ICMPv6DestUnreach in r or
                     ICMPv6PacketTooBig in r or
                     ICMPv6ParamProblem in r)

            trace[d][s[IPv6].hlim] = r[IPv6].src, t

        for k in trace.values():
            m = filter(lambda x: k[x][1], k.keys())
            if not m:
            m = min(m)
            for l in k.keys():
                if l > m:

        return trace

    def graph(self, ASres=AS_resolver6(), **kargs):
        TracerouteResult.graph(self, ASres=ASres, **kargs)
def traceroute6(target, dport=80, minttl=1, maxttl=30, sport=RandShort(), 
                l4 = None, timeout=2, verbose=None, **kargs):
    Instant TCP traceroute using IPv6 :
    traceroute6(target, [maxttl=30], [dport=80], [sport=80]) -> None
    if verbose is None:
        verbose = conf.verb

    if l4 is None:
        a,b = sr(IPv6(dst=target, hlim=(minttl,maxttl))/TCP(seq=RandInt(),sport=sport, dport=dport),
                 timeout=timeout, filter="icmp6 or tcp", verbose=verbose, **kargs)
        a,b = sr(IPv6(dst=target, hlim=(minttl,maxttl))/l4,
                 timeout=timeout, verbose=verbose, **kargs)

    a = TracerouteResult6(a.res)

    if verbose:

    return a,b

###                                Sockets                                ###

class L3RawSocket6(L3RawSocket):
    def __init__(self, type = ETH_P_IPV6, filter=None, iface=None, promisc=None, nofilter=0):
        L3RawSocket.__init__(self, type, filter, iface, promisc)
        # NOTE: if fragmentation is needed, it will be done by the kernel (RFC 2292)
        self.outs = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_RAW)
        self.ins = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.htons(type))

def IPv6inIP(dst='', src=None):
  _IPv6inIP.dst = dst
  _IPv6inIP.src = src
  if not conf.L3socket == _IPv6inIP:
    _IPv6inIP.cls = conf.L3socket
  return _IPv6inIP

class _IPv6inIP(SuperSocket):
  dst = ''
  src = None
  cls = None

  def __init__(self, family=socket.AF_INET6, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, **args):
    SuperSocket.__init__(self, family, type, proto)
    self.worker = self.cls(**args)

  def set(self, dst, src=None):
    _IPv6inIP.src = src
    _IPv6inIP.dst = dst

  def nonblock_recv(self):
    p = self.worker.nonblock_recv()
    return self._recv(p)

  def recv(self, x):
    p = self.worker.recv(x)
    return self._recv(p, x)

  def _recv(self, p, x=MTU):
    if p is None:
      return p
    elif isinstance(p, IP):
      # TODO: verify checksum
      if p.src == self.dst and p.proto == socket.IPPROTO_IPV6:
        if isinstance(p.payload, IPv6):
          return p.payload
    return p

  def send(self, x):
    return self.worker.send(IP(dst=self.dst, src=self.src, proto=socket.IPPROTO_IPV6)/x)

###                          Layers binding                               ###

conf.l3types.register(ETH_P_IPV6, IPv6)
conf.l2types.register(31, IPv6)

bind_layers(Ether,     IPv6,     type = 0x86dd )
bind_layers(CookedLinux, IPv6,   proto = 0x86dd )
bind_layers(IPerror6,  TCPerror, nh = socket.IPPROTO_TCP )
bind_layers(IPerror6,  UDPerror, nh = socket.IPPROTO_UDP )
bind_layers(IPv6,      TCP,      nh = socket.IPPROTO_TCP )
bind_layers(IPv6,      UDP,      nh = socket.IPPROTO_UDP )
bind_layers(IP,        IPv6,     proto = socket.IPPROTO_IPV6 )
bind_layers(IPv6,      IPv6,     nh = socket.IPPROTO_IPV6 )
bind_layers(IPv6,      IP,       nh = IPPROTO_IPIP )