## This file is part of Scapy ## See http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy for more informations ## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <phil@secdev.org> ## This program is published under a GPLv2 license """ Common customizations for all Unix-like operating systems other than Linux """ import sys,os,struct,socket,time from subprocess import check_output from fcntl import ioctl from scapy.error import warning import scapy.config import scapy.utils import scapy.utils6 import scapy.arch scapy.config.conf.use_winpcapy = True scapy.config.conf.use_netifaces = True scapy.config.conf.use_dnet = True from .pcapdnet import * ################## ## Routes stuff ## ################## def read_routes(): if scapy.arch.SOLARIS: f=check_output(["netstat", "-rvn"], universal_newlines = True) # -f inet elif scapy.arch.FREEBSD: f=check_output(["netstat", "-rnW"], universal_newlines = True) # -W to handle long interface names else: f=check_output(["netstat", "-rn"], universal_newlines = True) # -f inet ok = False routes = [] pending_if = [] for l in f.split('\n'): l = l.strip() if l.find("----") >= 0: # a separation line continue if not ok: if_index = [ l.split().index(i) for i in ['Iface', 'Netif', 'Interface', 'Device'] if i in l.split()] if if_index: ok = True if_index = if_index[0] continue if not l: break if scapy.arch.SOLARIS: lspl = l.split() if len(lspl) == 10: dest,mask,gw,netif,mxfrg,rtt,ref,flg = lspl[:8] else: # missing interface dest,mask,gw,mxfrg,rtt,ref,flg = lspl[:7] netif=None else: rt = l.split() dest,gw,flg = rt[:3] netif = rt[if_index] if flg.find("Lc") >= 0: continue if dest == "default": dest = 0 netmask = 0 else: if scapy.arch.SOLARIS: netmask = scapy.utils.atol(mask) elif "/" in dest: dest,netmask = dest.split("/") netmask = scapy.utils.itom(int(netmask)) else: netmask = scapy.utils.itom((dest.count(".") + 1) * 8) dest += ".0"*(3-dest.count(".")) dest = scapy.utils.atol(dest) if not "G" in flg: gw = '' if netif is not None: ifaddr = scapy.arch.get_if_addr(netif) routes.append((dest,netmask,gw,netif,ifaddr)) else: pending_if.append((dest,netmask,gw)) # On Solaris, netstat does not provide output interfaces for some routes # We need to parse completely the routing table to route their gw and # know their output interface for dest,netmask,gw in pending_if: gw_l = scapy.utils.atol(gw) max_rtmask,gw_if,gw_if_addr, = 0,None,None for rtdst,rtmask,_,rtif,rtaddr in routes[:]: if gw_l & rtmask == rtdst: if rtmask >= max_rtmask: max_rtmask = rtmask gw_if = rtif gw_if_addr = rtaddr if gw_if: routes.append((dest,netmask,gw,gw_if,gw_if_addr)) else: warning("Did not find output interface to reach gateway %s" % gw) return routes ############ ### IPv6 ### ############ def read_routes6(): f = os.popen("netstat -rn -f inet6") ok = False mtu_present = False prio_present = False routes = [] lifaddr = in6_getifaddr() for l in f.readlines(): if not l: break l = l.strip() if not ok: if l.find("Destination") >= 0: ok = 1 mtu_present = l.find("Mtu") >= 0 prio_present = l.find("Prio") >= 0 continue # gv 12/12/06: under debugging if scapy.arch.NETBSD or scapy.arch.OPENBSD: lspl = l.split() d,nh,fl = lspl[:3] dev = lspl[5+mtu_present+prio_present] expire = None else: # FREEBSD or DARWIN d,nh,fl,dev = l.split()[:4] if [ x for x in lifaddr if x[2] == dev] == []: continue if 'L' in fl: # drop MAC addresses continue if 'link' in nh: nh = '::' cset = [] # candidate set (possible source addresses) dp = 128 if d == 'default': d = '::' dp = 0 if '/' in d: d,dp = d.split("/") dp = int(dp) if '%' in d: d,dev = d.split('%') if '%' in nh: nh,dev = nh.split('%') if scapy.arch.LOOPBACK_NAME in dev: if d == '::' and dp == 96: #Do not use ::/96 deprecated IPV4 mapping address continue cset = ['::1'] nh = '::' else: devaddrs = [ x for x in lifaddr if x[2] == dev ] cset = scapy.utils6.construct_source_candidate_set(d, dp, devaddrs, scapy.arch.LOOPBACK_NAME) if len(cset) != 0: routes.append((d, dp, nh, dev, cset)) f.close() return routes