#! /usr/bin/env python ## Copyright (C) 2014 Guillaume Valadon <guillaume.valadon@ssi.gouv.fr> ## 2014 Alexis Sultan <alexis.sultan@sfr.com> ## 2012 ffranz <ffranz@iniqua.com> ## ## This program is published under a GPLv2 license # scapy.contrib.description = GTP # scapy.contrib.status = loads import time import logging from scapy.packet import * from scapy.fields import * from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP # GTP Data types GTPmessageType = { 1: "echo_request", 2: "echo_response", 16: "create_pdp_context_req", 17: "create_pdp_context_res", 20: "delete_pdp_context_req", 21: "delete_pdp_context_res", 26: "error_indication", 27: "pdu_notification_req", 255: "gtp_u_header" } IEType = { 1: "Cause", 2: "IMSI", 3: "RAI", 4: "TLLI", 5: "P_TMSI", 14: "Recovery", 15: "SelectionMode", 16: "TEIDI", 17: "TEICP", 19: "TeardownInd", 20: "NSAPI", 26: "ChargingChrt", 27: "TraceReference", 28: "TraceType", 128: "EndUserAddress", 131: "AccessPointName", 132: "ProtocolConfigurationOptions", 133: "GSNAddress", 134: "MSInternationalNumber", 135: "QoS", 148: "CommonFlags", 151: "RatType", 152: "UserLocationInformation", 153: "MSTimeZone", 154: "IMEI" } CauseValues = { 0: "Request IMSI", 1: "Request IMEI", 2: "Request IMSI and IMEI", 3: "No identity needed", 4: "MS Refuses", 5: "MS is not GPRS Responding", 128: "Request accepted", 129: "New PDP type due to network preference", 130: "New PDP type due to single address bearer only", 192: "Non-existent", 193: "Invalid message format", 194: "IMSI not known", 195: "MS is GPRS Detached", 196: "MS is not GPRS Responding", 197: "MS Refuses", 198: "Version not supported", 199: "No resources available", 200: "Service not supported", 201: "Mandatory IE incorrect", 202: "Mandatory IE missing", 203: "Optional IE incorrect", 204: "System failure", 205: "Roaming restriction", 206: "P-TMSI Signature mismatch", 207: "GPRS connection suspended", 208: "Authentication failure", 209: "User authentication failed", 210: "Context not found", 211: "All dynamic PDP addresses are occupied", 212: "No memory is available", 213: "Reallocation failure", 214: "Unknown mandatory extension header", 215: "Semantic error in the TFT operation", 216: "Syntactic error in TFT operation", 217: "Semantic errors in packet filter(s)", 218: "Syntactic errors in packet filter(s)", 219: "Missing or unknown APN", 220: "Unknown PDP address or PDP type", 221: "PDP context without TFT already activated", 222: "APN access denied : no subscription", 223: "APN Restriction type incompatibility with currently active PDP Contexts", 224: "MS MBMS Capabilities Insufficient", 225: "Invalid Correlation : ID", 226: "MBMS Bearer Context Superseded", 227: "Bearer Control Mode violation", 228: "Collision with network initiated request" } Selection_Mode = { 11111100: "MS or APN", 11111101: "MS", 11111110: "NET", 11111111: "FutureUse" } TeardownInd_value = { 254: "False", 255: "True" } class TBCDByteField(StrFixedLenField): def i2h(self, pkt, val): ret = [] for i in range(len(val)): byte = ord(val[i]) left = byte >> 4 right = byte & 0xF if left == 0xF: ret += [ "%d" % right ] else: ret += [ "%d" % right, "%d" % left ] return "".join(ret) def i2repr(self, pkt, x): return repr(self.i2h(pkt,x)) def i2m(self, pkt, val): ret_string = "" for i in range(0, len(val), 2): tmp = val[i:i+2] if len(tmp) == 2: ret_string += chr(int(tmp[1] + tmp[0], 16)) else: ret_string += chr(int("F" + tmp[0], 16)) return ret_string class GTPHeader(Packet): # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12) name = "GTP Header" fields_desc=[ BitField("version", 1, 3), BitField("PT", 1, 1), BitField("reserved", 0, 1), BitField("E", 0, 1), BitField("S", 1, 1), BitField("PN", 0, 1), ByteEnumField("gtp_type", None, GTPmessageType), ShortField("length", None), IntField("teid", 0) ] def post_build(self, p, pay): p += pay if self.length is None: l = len(p)-8 p = p[:2] + struct.pack("!H", l)+ p[4:] return p def hashret(self): return struct.pack("B", self.version) + self.payload.hashret() def answers(self, other): return (isinstance(other, GTPHeader) and self.version == other.version and self.payload.answers(other.payload)) class GTPEchoRequest(Packet): # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12) name = "GTP Echo Request" fields_desc = [ XBitField("seq", 0, 16), ByteField("npdu", 0), ByteField("next_ex", 0),] def hashret(self): return struct.pack("H", self.seq) class IE_Cause(Packet): name = "Cause" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 1, IEType), BitField("Response", None, 1), BitField("Rejection", None, 1), BitEnumField("CauseValue", None, 6, CauseValues) ] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt class IE_IMSI(Packet): name = "IMSI - Subscriber identity of the MS" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 2, IEType), TBCDByteField("imsi", str(RandNum(0, 999999999999999)), 8) ] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt class IE_Routing(Packet): name = "Routing Area Identity" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 3, IEType), TBCDByteField("MCC", "", 2), # MNC: if the third digit of MCC is 0xf, then the length of MNC is 1 byte TBCDByteField("MNC", "", 1), ShortField("LAC", None), ByteField("RAC", None) ] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt class IE_Recovery(Packet): name = "Recovery" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 14, IEType), ByteField("res-counter", 24) ] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt class IE_SelectionMode(Packet): # Indicates the origin of the APN in the message name = "Selection Mode" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 15, IEType), BitEnumField("SelectionMode", "MS or APN", 8, Selection_Mode) ] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt class IE_TEIDI(Packet): name = "Tunnel Endpoint Identifier Data" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 16, IEType), XIntField("TEIDI", RandInt()) ] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt class IE_TEICP(Packet): name = "Tunnel Endpoint Identifier Control Plane" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 17, IEType), XIntField("TEICI", RandInt())] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt class IE_Teardown(Packet): name = "Teardown Indicator" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 19, IEType), ByteEnumField("indicator", "True", TeardownInd_value) ] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt class IE_NSAPI(Packet): # Identifies a PDP context in a mobility management context specified by TEICP name = "NSAPI" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 20, IEType), XBitField("sparebits", 0x0000, 4), XBitField("NSAPI", RandNum(0, 15), 4) ] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt class IE_ChargingCharacteristics(Packet): # Way of informing both the SGSN and GGSN of the rules for name = "Charging Characteristics" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 26, IEType), # producing charging information based on operator configured triggers. # 0000 .... .... .... : spare # .... 1... .... .... : normal charging # .... .0.. .... .... : prepaid charging # .... ..0. .... .... : flat rate charging # .... ...0 .... .... : hot billing charging # .... .... 0000 0000 : reserved XBitField("Ch_ChSpare", None, 4), XBitField("normal_charging", None, 1), XBitField("prepaid_charging", None, 1), XBitField("flat_rate_charging", None, 1), XBitField("hot_billing_charging", None, 1), XBitField("Ch_ChReserved", 0, 8) ] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt class IE_TraceReference(Packet): # Identifies a record or a collection of records for a particular trace. name = "Trace Reference" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 27, IEType), XBitField("Trace_reference", None, 16) ] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt class IE_TraceType(Packet): # Indicates the type of the trace name = "Trace Type" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 28, IEType), XBitField("Trace_type", None, 16) ] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt class IE_EndUserAddress(Packet): # Supply protocol specific information of the external packet name = "End User Addresss" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 128, IEType), # data network accessed by the GGPRS subscribers. # - Request # 1 Type (1byte) # 2-3 Length (2bytes) - value 2 # 4 Spare + PDP Type Organization # 5 PDP Type Number # - Response # 6-n PDP Address BitField("EndUserAddressLength", 2, 16), BitField("EndUserAddress", 1111, 4), BitField("PDPTypeOrganization", 1, 4), XByteField("PDPTypeNumber", None) ] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt class APNStrLenField(StrLenField): # Inspired by DNSStrField def m2i(self, pkt, s): ret_s = "" tmp_s = s while tmp_s: tmp_len = struct.unpack("!B", tmp_s[0])[0] + 1 if tmp_len > len(tmp_s): warning("APN prematured end of character-string (size=%i, remaining bytes=%i)" % (tmp_len, len(tmp_s))) ret_s += tmp_s[1:tmp_len] tmp_s = tmp_s[tmp_len:] if len(tmp_s) : ret_s += "." s = ret_s return s def i2m(self, pkt, s): s = "".join(map(lambda x: chr(len(x))+x, s.split("."))) return s class IE_AccessPointName(Packet): # Sent by SGSN or by GGSN as defined in 3GPP TS 23.060 name = "Access Point Name" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 131, IEType), ShortField("length", None), APNStrLenField("APN", "nternet", length_from=lambda x: x.length) ] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt def post_build(self, p, pay): if self.length is None: l = len(p)-3 p = p[:2] + struct.pack("!B", l)+ p[3:] return p class IE_ProtocolConfigurationOptions(Packet): name = "Protocol Configuration Options" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 132, IEType), ShortField("length", 4), StrLenField("Protocol Configuration", "", length_from=lambda x: x.length) ] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt class IE_GSNAddress(Packet): name = "GSN Address" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 133, IEType), ShortField("length", 4), IPField("address", RandIP()) ] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt class IE_MSInternationalNumber(Packet): name = "MS International Number" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 134, IEType), ShortField("length", None), FlagsField("flags", 0x91, 8, ["Extension","","","International Number","","","","ISDN numbering"]), TBCDByteField("digits", "33607080910", length_from=lambda x: x.length-1) ] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt class IE_UserLocationInformation(Packet): name = "User Location Information" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 152, IEType), ShortField("length", None), ByteField("type", 1), # Only type 1 is currently supported TBCDByteField("MCC", "", 2), # MNC: if the third digit of MCC is 0xf, then the length of MNC is 1 byte TBCDByteField("MNC", "", 1), ShortField("LAC", None), ShortField("SAC", None) ] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt class IE_IMEI(Packet): name = "IMEI" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 154, IEType), ShortField("length", None), TBCDByteField("IMEI", "", length_from=lambda x: x.length) ] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt class IE_NotImplementedTLV(Packet): name = "IE not implemented" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 0, IEType), ShortField("length", None), StrLenField("data", "", length_from=lambda x: x.length) ] def extract_padding(self, pkt): return "",pkt ietypecls = { 1: IE_Cause, 2: IE_IMSI, 3: IE_Routing, 14: IE_Recovery, 15: IE_SelectionMode, 16: IE_TEIDI, 17: IE_TEICP, 19: IE_Teardown, 20: IE_NSAPI, 26: IE_ChargingCharacteristics, 27: IE_TraceReference, 28: IE_TraceType, 128: IE_EndUserAddress, 131: IE_AccessPointName, 132: IE_ProtocolConfigurationOptions, 133: IE_GSNAddress, 134: IE_MSInternationalNumber, 152: IE_UserLocationInformation, 154: IE_IMEI } def IE_Dispatcher(s): """Choose the correct Information Element class.""" if len(s) < 1: return Raw(s) # Get the IE type ietype = ord(s[0]) cls = ietypecls.get(ietype, Raw) # if ietype greater than 128 are TLVs if cls == Raw and ietype & 128 == 128: cls = IE_NotImplementedTLV return cls(s) class GTPEchoResponse(Packet): # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12) name = "GTP Echo Response" fields_desc = [ XBitField("seq", 0, 16), ByteField("npdu", 0), ByteField("next_ex", 0), PacketListField("IE_list", [], IE_Dispatcher) ] def hashret(self): return struct.pack("H", self.seq) def answers(self, other): return self.seq == other.seq class GTPCreatePDPContextRequest(Packet): # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12) name = "GTP Create PDP Context Request" fields_desc = [ ShortField("seq", RandShort()), ByteField("npdu", 0), ByteField("next_ex", 0), PacketListField("IE_list", [ IE_TEIDI(), IE_NSAPI(), IE_GSNAddress(), IE_GSNAddress(), IE_NotImplementedTLV(ietype=135, length=15,data=RandString(15)) ], IE_Dispatcher) ] def hashret(self): return struct.pack("H", self.seq) class GTPCreatePDPContextResponse(Packet): # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12) name = "GTP Create PDP Context Response" fields_desc = [ ShortField("seq", RandShort()), ByteField("npdu", 0), ByteField("next_ex", 0), PacketListField("IE_list", [], IE_Dispatcher) ] def hashret(self): return struct.pack("H", self.seq) def answers(self, other): return self.seq == other.seq class GTPErrorIndication(Packet): # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12) name = "GTP Error Indication" fields_desc = [ XBitField("seq", 0, 16), ByteField("npdu", 0), ByteField("next_ex",0), PacketListField("IE_list", [], IE_Dispatcher) ] class GTPDeletePDPContextRequest(Packet): # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12) name = "GTP Delete PDP Context Request" fields_desc = [ XBitField("seq", 0, 16), ByteField("npdu", 0), ByteField("next_ex", 0), PacketListField("IE_list", [], IE_Dispatcher) ] class GTPDeletePDPContextResponse(Packet): # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12) name = "GTP Delete PDP Context Response" fields_desc = [ XBitField("seq", 0, 16), ByteField("npdu", 0), ByteField("next_ex",0), PacketListField("IE_list", [], IE_Dispatcher) ] class GTPPDUNotificationRequest(Packet): # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12) name = "GTP PDU Notification Request" fields_desc = [ XBitField("seq", 0, 16), ByteField("npdu", 0), ByteField("next_ex", 0), PacketListField("IE_list", [ IE_IMSI(), IE_TEICP(TEICI=RandInt()), IE_EndUserAddress(PDPTypeNumber=0x21), IE_AccessPointName(), IE_GSNAddress(address=""), ], IE_Dispatcher) ] class GTP_U_Header(Packet): # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12) name = "GTP-U Header" # GTP-U protocol is used to transmit T-PDUs between GSN pairs (or between an SGSN and an RNC in UMTS), # encapsulated in G-PDUs. A G-PDU is a packet including a GTP-U header and a T-PDU. The Path Protocol # defines the path and the GTP-U header defines the tunnel. Several tunnels may be multiplexed on a single path. fields_desc = [ BitField("version", 1,3), BitField("PT", 1, 1), BitField("Reserved", 0, 1), BitField("E", 0,1), BitField("S", 0, 1), BitField("PN", 0, 1), ByteEnumField("gtp_type", None, GTPmessageType), BitField("length", None, 16), XBitField("TEID", 0, 32), ConditionalField(XBitField("seq", 0, 16), lambda pkt:pkt.E==1 or pkt.S==1 or pkt.PN==1), ConditionalField(ByteField("npdu", 0), lambda pkt:pkt.E==1 or pkt.S==1 or pkt.PN==1), ConditionalField(ByteField("next_ex", 0), lambda pkt:pkt.E==1 or pkt.S==1 or pkt.PN==1), ] def post_build(self, p, pay): p += pay if self.length is None: l = len(p)-8 p = p[:2] + struct.pack("!H", l)+ p[4:] return p class GTPmorethan1500(Packet): # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12) name = "GTP More than 1500" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("IE_Cause", "Cause", IEType), BitField("IE", 1, 12000),] # Bind GTP-C bind_layers(UDP, GTPHeader, dport = 2123) bind_layers(UDP, GTPHeader, sport = 2123) bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPEchoRequest, gtp_type = 1) bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPEchoResponse, gtp_type = 2) bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPCreatePDPContextRequest, gtp_type = 16) bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPCreatePDPContextResponse, gtp_type = 17) bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPDeletePDPContextRequest, gtp_type = 20) bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPDeletePDPContextResponse, gtp_type = 21) bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPPDUNotificationRequest, gtp_type = 27) # Bind GTP-U bind_layers(UDP, GTP_U_Header, dport = 2152) bind_layers(UDP, GTP_U_Header, sport = 2152) bind_layers(GTP_U_Header, IP, gtp_type = 255) if __name__ == "__main__": from scapy.all import * interact(mydict=globals(), mybanner="GTPv1 add-on")