## This file is part of Scapy ## See http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy for more informations ## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <phil@secdev.org> ## This program is published under a GPLv2 license """ Global variables and functions for handling external data sets. """ import os,sys,re from .dadict import DADict from .error import log_loading ############ ## Consts ## ############ ETHER_ANY = b"\x00"*6 ETHER_BROADCAST = b"\xff"*6 ETH_P_ALL = 3 ETH_P_IP = 0x800 ETH_P_ARP = 0x806 ETH_P_IPV6 = 0x86dd # From net/if_arp.h ARPHDR_ETHER = 1 ARPHDR_METRICOM = 23 ARPHDR_PPP = 512 ARPHDR_LOOPBACK = 772 ARPHDR_TUN = 65534 # From net/ipv6.h on Linux (+ Additions) IPV6_ADDR_UNICAST = 0x01 IPV6_ADDR_MULTICAST = 0x02 IPV6_ADDR_CAST_MASK = 0x0F IPV6_ADDR_LOOPBACK = 0x10 IPV6_ADDR_GLOBAL = 0x00 IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL = 0x20 IPV6_ADDR_SITELOCAL = 0x40 # deprecated since Sept. 2004 by RFC 3879 IPV6_ADDR_SCOPE_MASK = 0xF0 #IPV6_ADDR_COMPATv4 = 0x80 # deprecated; i.e. ::/96 #IPV6_ADDR_MAPPED = 0x1000 # i.e.; ::ffff: IPV6_ADDR_6TO4 = 0x0100 # Added to have more specific info (should be 0x0101 ?) IPV6_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED = 0x10000 MTU = 0x7fff # a.k.a give me all you have WINDOWS=sys.platform.startswith("win") # file parsing to get some values : def load_protocols(filename): spaces = re.compile("[ \t]+|\n") dct = DADict(_name=filename) try: for l in open(filename): try: shrp = l.find("#") if shrp >= 0: l = l[:shrp] l = l.strip() if not l: continue lt = tuple(re.split(spaces, l)) if len(lt) < 2 or not lt[0]: continue dct[lt[0]] = int(lt[1]) except Exception as e: log_loading.info("Couldn't parse file [%s]: line [%r] (%s)" % (filename,l,e)) except IOError: log_loading.info("Can't open %s file" % filename) return dct def load_ethertypes(filename): spaces = re.compile("[ \t]+|\n") dct = DADict(_name=filename) try: f=open(filename) for l in f: try: shrp = l.find("#") if shrp >= 0: l = l[:shrp] l = l.strip() if not l: continue lt = tuple(re.split(spaces, l)) if len(lt) < 2 or not lt[0]: continue dct[lt[0]] = int(lt[1], 16) except Exception as e: log_loading.info("Couldn't parse file [%s]: line [%r] (%s)" % (filename,l,e)) f.close() except IOError as msg: pass return dct def load_services(filename): spaces = re.compile("[ \t]+|\n") tdct=DADict(_name="%s-tcp"%filename) udct=DADict(_name="%s-udp"%filename) return tdct,udct try: f=open(filename) for l in f: try: shrp = l.find("#") if shrp >= 0: l = l[:shrp] l = l.strip() if not l: continue lt = tuple(re.split(spaces, l)) if len(lt) < 2 or not lt[0]: continue if lt[1].endswith("/tcp"): tdct[lt[0]] = int(lt[1].split('/')[0]) elif lt[1].endswith("/udp"): udct[lt[0]] = int(lt[1].split('/')[0]) except Exception as e: log_loading.warning("Couldn't file [%s]: line [%r] (%s)" % (filename,l,e)) f.close() except IOError: log_loading.info("Can't open /etc/services file") return tdct,udct class ManufDA(DADict): def fixname(self, val): return val def _get_manuf_couple(self, mac): oui = ":".join(mac.split(":")[:3]).upper() return self.__dict__.get(oui,(mac,mac)) def _get_manuf(self, mac): return self._get_manuf_couple(mac)[1] def _get_short_manuf(self, mac): return self._get_manuf_couple(mac)[0] def _resolve_MAC(self, mac): oui = ":".join(mac.split(":")[:3]).upper() if oui in self: return ":".join([self[oui][0]]+ mac.split(":")[3:]) return mac def load_manuf(filename): try: manufdb=ManufDA(_name=filename) for l in open(filename, "r", encoding = 'utf-8'): try: l = l.strip() if not l or l.startswith("#"): continue oui,shrt=l.split()[:2] i = l.find("#") if i < 0: lng=shrt else: lng = l[i+2:] manufdb[oui] = shrt,lng except Exception as e: log_loading.warning("Couldn't parse one line from [%s] [%r] (%s)" % (filename, l, e)) except IOError: #log_loading.warning("Couldn't open [%s] file" % filename) pass return manufdb if WINDOWS: ETHER_TYPES=load_ethertypes("ethertypes") IP_PROTOS=load_protocols(os.environ["SystemRoot"]+"\system32\drivers\etc\protocol") TCP_SERVICES,UDP_SERVICES=load_services(os.environ["SystemRoot"] + "\system32\drivers\etc\services") MANUFDB = load_manuf(os.environ["ProgramFiles"] + "\\wireshark\\manuf") else: IP_PROTOS=load_protocols("/etc/protocols") ETHER_TYPES=load_ethertypes("/etc/ethertypes") TCP_SERVICES,UDP_SERVICES=load_services("/etc/services") MANUFDB = load_manuf("/usr/share/wireshark/manuf") ##################### ## knowledge bases ## ##################### class KnowledgeBase: def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.base = None def lazy_init(self): self.base = "" def reload(self, filename = None): if filename is not None: self.filename = filename oldbase = self.base self.base = None self.lazy_init() if self.base is None: self.base = oldbase def get_base(self): if self.base is None: self.lazy_init() return self.base