## This file is part of Scapy ## See http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy for more informations ## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi ## This program is published under a GPLv2 license """ GeoIP: find out the geographical location of IP addresses """ from scapy.data import KnowledgeBase from scapy.config import conf conf.IPCountry_base = "GeoIPCountry4Scapy.gz" conf.countryLoc_base = "countryLoc.csv" ########################## ## IP location database ## ########################## class IPCountryKnowledgeBase(KnowledgeBase): """ How to generate the base : db = [] for l in open("GeoIPCountryWhois.csv").readlines(): s,e,c = l.split(",")[2:5] db.append((int(s[1:-1]),int(e[1:-1]),c[1:-1])) cPickle.dump(gzip.open("xxx","w"),db) """ def lazy_init(self): self.base = load_object(self.filename) class CountryLocKnowledgeBase(KnowledgeBase): def lazy_init(self): f=open(self.filename) self.base = {} while 1: l = f.readline() if not l: break l = l.strip().split(",") if len(l) != 3: continue c,lat,long = l self.base[c] = (float(long),float(lat)) f.close() @conf.commands.register def locate_ip(ip): """Get geographic coordinates from IP using geoip database""" ip=map(int,ip.split(".")) ip = ip[3]+(ip[2]<<8)+(ip[1]<<16)+(ip[0]<<24) cloc = country_loc_kdb.get_base() db = IP_country_kdb.get_base() d=0 f=len(db)-1 while (f-d) > 1: guess = (d+f)/2 if ip > db[guess][0]: d = guess else: f = guess s,e,c = db[guess] if s <= ip and ip <= e: return cloc.get(c,None) conf.IP_country_kdb = IPCountryKnowledgeBase(conf.IPCountry_base) conf.country_loc_kdb = CountryLocKnowledgeBase(conf.countryLoc_base)