## This file is part of Scapy ## See http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy for more informations ## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <phil@secdev.org> ## This program is published under a GPLv2 license """ Fields that hold random numbers. """ import random,time,math from .base_classes import Net from .utils import corrupt_bits,corrupt_bytes #################### ## Random numbers ## #################### class RandomEnumeration: """iterate through a sequence in random order. When all the values have been drawn, if forever=1, the drawing is done again. If renewkeys=0, the draw will be in the same order, guaranteeing that the same number will be drawn in not less than the number of integers of the sequence""" def __init__(self, inf, sup, seed=None, forever=1, renewkeys=0): self.forever = forever self.renewkeys = renewkeys self.inf = inf self.rnd = random.Random(seed) self.sbox_size = 256 self.top = sup-inf+1 n=0 while (1<<n) < self.top: n += 1 self.n =n self.fs = min(3,(n+1)//2) self.fsmask = 2**self.fs-1 self.rounds = max(self.n,3) self.turns = 0 self.i = 0 def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): while True: if self.turns == 0 or (self.i == 0 and self.renewkeys): self.cnt_key = self.rnd.randint(0,2**self.n-1) self.sbox = [self.rnd.randint(0,self.fsmask) for k in range(self.sbox_size)] self.turns += 1 while self.i < 2**self.n: ct = self.i^self.cnt_key self.i += 1 for k in range(self.rounds): # Unbalanced Feistel Network lsb = ct & self.fsmask ct >>= self.fs lsb ^= self.sbox[ct%self.sbox_size] ct |= lsb << (self.n-self.fs) if ct < self.top: return self.inf+ct self.i = 0 if not self.forever: raise StopIteration class _MetaVolatile(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct): def special_gen(special_method): def special_wrapper(self): return getattr(getattr(self, "_fix")(), special_method) return special_wrapper #This is from scapy2 code. Usage places should be identified and fixed as there is no more __cmp__ in python3 # if attr == "__cmp__": # x = self._fix() # def cmp2(y,x=x): # if type(x) != type(y): # return -1 # return x.__cmp__(y) # return cmp2 type.__init__(cls, name, bases, dct) for i in ["__int__", "__repr__", "__str__", "__index__", "__add__", "__radd__", "__bytes__","__mul__","__rmul__"]: setattr(cls, i, property(special_gen(i))) class VolatileValue(metaclass = _MetaVolatile): def __repr__(self): return "<%s>" % self.__class__.__name__ def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr == "__setstate__": raise AttributeError("__setstate__") return getattr(self._fix(),attr) def _fix(self): return None class RandField(VolatileValue): pass class RandNum(RandField): """Instances evaluate to random integers in selected range""" min = 0 max = 0 def __init__(self, min, max): self.min = min self.max = max def _fix(self): return random.randrange(self.min, self.max+1) class RandNumGamma(RandField): def __init__(self, alpha, beta): self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta def _fix(self): return int(round(random.gammavariate(self.alpha, self.beta))) class RandNumGauss(RandField): def __init__(self, mu, sigma): self.mu = mu self.sigma = sigma def _fix(self): return int(round(random.gauss(self.mu, self.sigma))) class RandNumExpo(RandField): def __init__(self, lambd, base=0): self.lambd = lambd self.base = base def _fix(self): return self.base+int(round(random.expovariate(self.lambd))) class RandEnum(RandNum): """Instances evaluate to integer sampling without replacement from the given interval""" def __init__(self, min, max): self.seq = RandomEnumeration(min,max) def _fix(self): return next(self.seq) class RandByte(RandNum): def __init__(self): RandNum.__init__(self, 0, 2**8-1) class RandSByte(RandNum): def __init__(self): RandNum.__init__(self, -2**7, 2**7-1) class RandShort(RandNum): def __init__(self): RandNum.__init__(self, 0, 2**16-1) class RandSShort(RandNum): def __init__(self): RandNum.__init__(self, -2**15, 2**15-1) class RandInt(RandNum): def __init__(self): RandNum.__init__(self, 0, 2**32-1) class RandSInt(RandNum): def __init__(self): RandNum.__init__(self, -2**31, 2**31-1) class RandLong(RandNum): def __init__(self): RandNum.__init__(self, 0, 2**64-1) class RandSLong(RandNum): def __init__(self): RandNum.__init__(self, -2**63, 2**63-1) class RandEnumByte(RandEnum): def __init__(self): RandEnum.__init__(self, 0, 2**8-1) class RandEnumSByte(RandEnum): def __init__(self): RandEnum.__init__(self, -2**7, 2**7-1) class RandEnumShort(RandEnum): def __init__(self): RandEnum.__init__(self, 0, 2**16-1) class RandEnumSShort(RandEnum): def __init__(self): RandEnum.__init__(self, -2**15, 2**15-1) class RandEnumInt(RandEnum): def __init__(self): RandEnum.__init__(self, 0, 2**32-1) class RandEnumSInt(RandEnum): def __init__(self): RandEnum.__init__(self, -2**31, 2**31-1) class RandEnumLong(RandEnum): def __init__(self): RandEnum.__init__(self, 0, 2**64-1) class RandEnumSLong(RandEnum): def __init__(self): RandEnum.__init__(self, -2**63, 2**63-1) class RandChoice(RandField): def __init__(self, *args): if not args: raise TypeError("RandChoice needs at least one choice") self._choice = args def _fix(self): return random.choice(self._choice) class RandString(RandField): def __init__(self, size=None, chars=b"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"): if size is None: size = RandNumExpo(0.01) self.size = size self.chars = chars def _fix(self): s = [] for i in range(self.size): s.append(random.choice(self.chars)) return bytes(s) class RandBin(RandString): def __init__(self, size=None): #RandString.__init__(self, size, b"".join(map(chr,range(256)))) RandString.__init__(self, size, b"".join([bytes([i]) for i in range(256)])) class RandTermString(RandString): def __init__(self, size, term): #RandString.__init__(self, size, b"".join(map(chr,range(1,256)))) RandString.__init__(self, size, bytes([i for i in range(1,256)])) self.term = term def _fix(self): return RandString._fix(self)+self.term class RandIP(RandString): def __init__(self, iptemplate=""): self.ip = Net(iptemplate) def _fix(self): return self.ip.choice() class RandMAC(RandString): def __init__(self, template="*"): template += ":*:*:*:*:*" template = template.split(":") self.mac = () for i in range(6): if template[i] == "*": v = RandByte() elif "-" in template[i]: x,y = template[i].split("-") v = RandNum(int(x,16), int(y,16)) else: v = int(template[i],16) self.mac += (v,) def _fix(self): return "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x" % self.mac class RandIP6(RandString): def __init__(self, ip6template="**"): self.tmpl = ip6template self.sp = self.tmpl.split(":") for i,v in enumerate(self.sp): if not v or v == "**": continue if "-" in v: a,b = v.split("-") elif v == "*": a=b="" else: a=b=v if not a: a = "0" if not b: b = "ffff" if a==b: self.sp[i] = int(a,16) else: self.sp[i] = RandNum(int(a,16), int(b,16)) self.variable = "" in self.sp self.multi = self.sp.count("**") def _fix(self): done = 0 nbm = self.multi ip = [] for i,n in enumerate(self.sp): if n == "**": nbm -= 1 remain = 8-(len(self.sp)-i-1)-len(ip)+nbm if "" in self.sp: remain += 1 if nbm or self.variable: remain = random.randint(0,remain) for j in range(remain): ip.append("%04x" % random.randint(0,65535)) elif n == 0: ip.append("0") elif not n: ip.append("") else: ip.append("%04x" % n) if len(ip) == 9: ip.remove("") if ip[-1] == "": ip[-1] = 0 return ":".join(ip) class RandOID(RandString): def __init__(self, fmt=None, depth=RandNumExpo(0.1), idnum=RandNumExpo(0.01)): self.ori_fmt = fmt if fmt is not None: fmt = fmt.split(".") for i in range(len(fmt)): if "-" in fmt[i]: fmt[i] = tuple(map(int, fmt[i].split("-"))) self.fmt = fmt self.depth = depth self.idnum = idnum def __repr__(self): if self.ori_fmt is None: return "<%s>" % self.__class__.__name__ else: return "<%s [%s]>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.ori_fmt) def _fix(self): if self.fmt is None: return ".".join(map(str, [self.idnum for i in range(1+self.depth)])) else: oid = [] for i in self.fmt: if i == "*": oid.append(str(self.idnum)) elif i == "**": oid += map(str, [self.idnum for i in range(1+self.depth)]) elif type(i) is tuple: oid.append(str(random.randrange(*i))) else: oid.append(i) return ".".join(oid) class RandRegExp(RandField): def __init__(self, regexp, lambda_=0.3,): self._regexp = regexp self._lambda = lambda_ @staticmethod def choice_expand(s): #XXX does not support special sets like (ex ':alnum:') m = "" invert = s and s[0] == "^" while True: p = s.find("-") if p < 0: break if p == 0 or p == len(s)-1: m = "-" if p: s = s[:-1] else: s = s[1:] else: c1 = s[p-1] c2 = s[p+1] rng = "".join(map(chr, range(ord(c1),ord(c2)+1))) s = s[:p-1]+rng+s[p+1:] res = m+s if invert: res = "".join([chr(x) for x in range(256) if chr(x) not in res]) return res @staticmethod def stack_fix(lst, index): r = "" mul = 1 for e in lst: if type(e) is list: if mul != 1: mul = mul-1 r += RandRegExp.stack_fix(e[1:]*mul, index) # only the last iteration should be kept for back reference f = RandRegExp.stack_fix(e[1:], index) for i,idx in enumerate(index): if e is idx: index[i] = f r += f mul = 1 elif type(e) is tuple: kind,val = e if kind == "cite": r += index[val-1] elif kind == "repeat": mul = val elif kind == "choice": if mul == 1: c = random.choice(val) r += RandRegExp.stack_fix(c[1:], index) else: r += RandRegExp.stack_fix([e]*mul, index) mul = 1 else: if mul != 1: r += RandRegExp.stack_fix([e]*mul, index) mul = 1 else: r += str(e) return r def _fix(self): stack = [None] index = [] current = stack i = 0 ln = len(self._regexp) interp = True while i < ln: c = self._regexp[i] i+=1 if c == '(': current = [current] current[0].append(current) elif c == '|': p = current[0] ch = p[-1] if type(ch) is not tuple: ch = ("choice",[current]) p[-1] = ch else: ch[1].append(current) current = [p] elif c == ')': ch = current[0][-1] if type(ch) is tuple: ch[1].append(current) index.append(current) current = current[0] elif c == '[' or c == '{': current = [current] current[0].append(current) interp = False elif c == ']': current = current[0] choice = RandRegExp.choice_expand("".join(current.pop()[1:])) current.append(RandChoice(*list(choice))) interp = True elif c == '}': current = current[0] num = "".join(current.pop()[1:]) e = current.pop() if "," not in num: n = int(num) current.append([current]+[e]*n) else: num_min,num_max = num.split(",") if not num_min: num_min = "0" if num_max: n = RandNum(int(num_min),int(num_max)) else: n = RandNumExpo(self._lambda,base=int(num_min)) current.append(("repeat",n)) current.append(e) interp = True elif c == '\\': c = self._regexp[i] if c == "s": c = RandChoice(" ","\t") elif c in "0123456789": c = ("cite",ord(c)-0x30) current.append(c) i += 1 elif not interp: current.append(c) elif c == '+': e = current.pop() current.append([current]+[e]*(int(random.expovariate(self._lambda))+1)) elif c == '*': e = current.pop() current.append([current]+[e]*int(random.expovariate(self._lambda))) elif c == '?': if random.randint(0,1): current.pop() elif c == '.': current.append(RandChoice(*[chr(x) for x in range(256)])) elif c == '$' or c == '^': pass else: current.append(c) return RandRegExp.stack_fix(stack[1:], index) def __repr__(self): return "<%s [%r]>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._regexp) class RandSingularity(RandChoice): pass class RandSingNum(RandSingularity): @staticmethod def make_power_of_two(end): sign = 1 if end == 0: end = 1 if end < 0: end = -end sign = -1 end_n = int(math.log(end)/math.log(2))+1 return set([sign*2**i for i in range(end_n)]) def __init__(self, mn, mx): sing = set([0, mn, mx, int((mn+mx)/2)]) sing |= self.make_power_of_two(mn) sing |= self.make_power_of_two(mx) for i in sing.copy(): sing.add(i+1) sing.add(i-1) for i in sing.copy(): if not mn <= i <= mx: sing.remove(i) self._choice = list(sing) class RandSingByte(RandSingNum): def __init__(self): RandSingNum.__init__(self, 0, 2**8-1) class RandSingSByte(RandSingNum): def __init__(self): RandSingNum.__init__(self, -2**7, 2**7-1) class RandSingShort(RandSingNum): def __init__(self): RandSingNum.__init__(self, 0, 2**16-1) class RandSingSShort(RandSingNum): def __init__(self): RandSingNum.__init__(self, -2**15, 2**15-1) class RandSingInt(RandSingNum): def __init__(self): RandSingNum.__init__(self, 0, 2**32-1) class RandSingSInt(RandSingNum): def __init__(self): RandSingNum.__init__(self, -2**31, 2**31-1) class RandSingLong(RandSingNum): def __init__(self): RandSingNum.__init__(self, 0, 2**64-1) class RandSingSLong(RandSingNum): def __init__(self): RandSingNum.__init__(self, -2**63, 2**63-1) class RandSingString(RandSingularity): #TODO3 def __init__(self): self._choice = [ b"", b"%x", b"%%", b"%s", b"%i", b"%n", b"%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x", b"%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", b"%", b"%%%", b"A"*4096, b"\x00"*4096, b"\xff"*4096, b"\x7f"*4096, b"\x80"*4096, b" "*4096, b"\\"*4096, b"("*4096, b"../"*1024, b"/"*1024, b"${HOME}"*512, b" or 1=1 --", b"' or 1=1 --", b'" or 1=1 --', b" or 1=1; #", b"' or 1=1; #", b'" or 1=1; #', b";reboot;", b"$(reboot)", b"`reboot`", b"index.php%00", b"\x00", b"%00", b"\\", b"../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd", b"%2e%2e%2f" * 20 + b"etc/passwd", b"%252e%252e%252f" * 20 + b"boot.ini", b"..%c0%af" * 20 + b"etc/passwd", b"..%c0%af" * 20 + b"boot.ini", b"//etc/passwd", br"..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\boot.ini", b"AUX:", b"CLOCK$", b"COM:", b"CON:", b"LPT:", b"LST:", b"NUL:", b"CON:", br"C:\CON\CON", br"C:\boot.ini", br"\\myserver\share", b"foo.exe:", b"foo.exe\\", ] class RandPool(RandField): def __init__(self, *args): """Each parameter is a volatile object or a couple (volatile object, weight)""" pool = [] for p in args: w = 1 if type(p) is tuple: p,w = p pool += [p]*w self._pool = pool def _fix(self): r = random.choice(self._pool) return r._fix() # Automatic timestamp class AutoTime(VolatileValue): def __init__(self, base=None): if base == None: self.diff = 0 else: self.diff = time.time()-base def _fix(self): return time.time()-self.diff class IntAutoTime(AutoTime): def _fix(self): return int(time.time()-self.diff) class ZuluTime(AutoTime): def __init__(self, diff=0): self.diff=diff def _fix(self): return time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%SZ",time.gmtime(time.time()+self.diff)) class DelayedEval(VolatileValue): """ Example of usage: DelayedEval("time.time()") """ def __init__(self, expr): self.expr = expr def _fix(self): return eval(self.expr) class IncrementalValue(VolatileValue): def __init__(self, start=0, step=1, restart=-1): self.start = self.val = start self.step = step self.restart = restart def _fix(self): v = self.val if self.val == self.restart : self.val = self.start else: self.val += self.step return v class CorruptedBytes(VolatileValue): def __init__(self, s, p=0.01, n=None): self.s = s self.p = p self.n = n def _fix(self): return corrupt_bytes(self.s, p = self.p, n = self.n) class CorruptedBits(CorruptedBytes): def _fix(self): return corrupt_bits(self.s, p = self.p, n = self.n)