# coding: utf-8
"""miscellaneous zmq_utils wrapping"""

# Copyright (C) PyZMQ Developers
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.

from ._cffi import ffi, C

from zmq.error import ZMQError, _check_rc, _check_version
from zmq.utils.strtypes import unicode

def has(capability):
    """Check for zmq capability by name (e.g. 'ipc', 'curve')
    .. versionadded:: libzmq-4.1
    .. versionadded:: 14.1
    _check_version((4,1), 'zmq.has')
    if isinstance(capability, unicode):
        capability = capability.encode('utf8')
    return bool(C.zmq_has(capability))
def curve_keypair():
    """generate a Z85 keypair for use with zmq.CURVE security
    Requires libzmq (≥ 4.0) to have been linked with libsodium.
    (public, secret) : two bytestrings
        The public and private keypair as 40 byte z85-encoded bytestrings.
    _check_version((3,2), "monitor")
    public = ffi.new('char[64]')
    private = ffi.new('char[64]')
    rc = C.zmq_curve_keypair(public, private)
    return ffi.buffer(public)[:40], ffi.buffer(private)[:40]

class Stopwatch(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.watch = ffi.NULL

    def start(self):
        if self.watch == ffi.NULL:
            self.watch = C.zmq_stopwatch_start()
            raise ZMQError('Stopwatch is already runing.')

    def stop(self):
        if self.watch == ffi.NULL:
            raise ZMQError('Must start the Stopwatch before calling stop.')
            time = C.zmq_stopwatch_stop(self.watch)
            self.watch = ffi.NULL
            return time

    def sleep(self, seconds):

__all__ = ['has', 'curve_keypair', 'Stopwatch']