"""Miscellaneous utility functions and classes.

This module is used internally by Tornado.  It is not necessarily expected
that the functions and classes defined here will be useful to other
applications, but they are documented here in case they are.

The one public-facing part of this module is the `Configurable` class
and its `~Configurable.configure` method, which becomes a part of the
interface of its subclasses, including `.AsyncHTTPClient`, `.IOLoop`,
and `.Resolver`.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, with_statement

import sys

def import_object(name):
    """Imports an object by name.

    import_object('x') is equivalent to 'import x'.
    import_object('x.y.z') is equivalent to 'from x.y import z'.

    >>> import tornado.escape
    >>> import_object('tornado.escape') is tornado.escape
    >>> import_object('tornado.escape.utf8') is tornado.escape.utf8
    >>> import_object('tornado') is tornado
    >>> import_object('tornado.missing_module')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ImportError: No module named missing_module
    if name.count('.') == 0:
        return __import__(name, None, None)

    parts = name.split('.')
    obj = __import__('.'.join(parts[:-1]), None, None, [parts[-1]], 0)
        return getattr(obj, parts[-1])
    except AttributeError:
        raise ImportError("No module named %s" % parts[-1])

# Fake unicode literal support:  Python 3.2 doesn't have the u'' marker for
# literal strings, and alternative solutions like "from __future__ import
# unicode_literals" have other problems (see PEP 414).  u() can be applied
# to ascii strings that include \u escapes (but they must not contain
# literal non-ascii characters).
if type('') is not type(b''):
    def u(s):
        return s
    bytes_type = bytes
    unicode_type = str
    basestring_type = str
    def u(s):
        return s.decode('unicode_escape')
    bytes_type = str
    unicode_type = unicode
    basestring_type = basestring

if sys.version_info > (3,):
def raise_exc_info(exc_info):
    raise exc_info[1].with_traceback(exc_info[2])

def exec_in(code, glob, loc=None):
    if isinstance(code, str):
        code = compile(code, '<string>', 'exec', dont_inherit=True)
    exec(code, glob, loc)
def raise_exc_info(exc_info):
    raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]

def exec_in(code, glob, loc=None):
    if isinstance(code, basestring):
        # exec(string) inherits the caller's future imports; compile
        # the string first to prevent that.
        code = compile(code, '<string>', 'exec', dont_inherit=True)
    exec code in glob, loc

class Configurable(object):
    """Base class for configurable interfaces.

    A configurable interface is an (abstract) class whose constructor
    acts as a factory function for one of its implementation subclasses.
    The implementation subclass as well as optional keyword arguments to
    its initializer can be set globally at runtime with `configure`.

    By using the constructor as the factory method, the interface
    looks like a normal class, `isinstance` works as usual, etc.  This
    pattern is most useful when the choice of implementation is likely
    to be a global decision (e.g. when `~select.epoll` is available,
    always use it instead of `~select.select`), or when a
    previously-monolithic class has been split into specialized

    Configurable subclasses must define the class methods
    `configurable_base` and `configurable_default`, and use the instance
    method `initialize` instead of ``__init__``.
    __impl_class = None
    __impl_kwargs = None

    def __new__(cls, **kwargs):
        base = cls.configurable_base()
        args = {}
        if cls is base:
            impl = cls.configured_class()
            if base.__impl_kwargs:
            impl = cls
        instance = super(Configurable, cls).__new__(impl)
        # initialize vs __init__ chosen for compatiblity with AsyncHTTPClient
        # singleton magic.  If we get rid of that we can switch to __init__
        # here too.
        return instance

    def configurable_base(cls):
        """Returns the base class of a configurable hierarchy.

        This will normally return the class in which it is defined.
        (which is *not* necessarily the same as the cls classmethod parameter).
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def configurable_default(cls):
        """Returns the implementation class to be used if none is configured."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def initialize(self):
        """Initialize a `Configurable` subclass instance.

        Configurable classes should use `initialize` instead of ``__init__``.

    def configure(cls, impl, **kwargs):
        """Sets the class to use when the base class is instantiated.

        Keyword arguments will be saved and added to the arguments passed
        to the constructor.  This can be used to set global defaults for
        some parameters.
        base = cls.configurable_base()
        if isinstance(impl, (unicode_type, bytes_type)):
            impl = import_object(impl)
        if impl is not None and not issubclass(impl, cls):
            raise ValueError("Invalid subclass of %s" % cls)
        base.__impl_class = impl
        base.__impl_kwargs = kwargs

    def configured_class(cls):
        """Returns the currently configured class."""
        base = cls.configurable_base()
        if cls.__impl_class is None:
            base.__impl_class = cls.configurable_default()
        return base.__impl_class

    def _save_configuration(cls):
        base = cls.configurable_base()
        return (base.__impl_class, base.__impl_kwargs)

    def _restore_configuration(cls, saved):
        base = cls.configurable_base()
        base.__impl_class = saved[0]
        base.__impl_kwargs = saved[1]