#!/usr/bin/python import os, sys, getpass import tempfile import argparse import socket from time import time, sleep import subprocess, shlex, shutil, multiprocessing from glob import glob import logging logging.basicConfig(level = logging.FATAL) # keep quiet sys.path.append(os.path.join('external_libs', 'jsonrpclib-pelix-0.2.5')) from jsonrpclib.SimpleJSONRPCServer import SimpleJSONRPCServer sys.path.append(os.path.join('external_libs', 'termstyle')) import termstyle ### Server functions ### def check_connectivity(): return True def add(a, b): # for sanity checks return a + b def get_trex_path(): return args.trex_dir def is_trex_daemon_running(): ret_code, stdout, stderr = run_command('ps -u root --format comm') if ret_code: raise Exception('Failed to list running processes, stderr: %s' % stderr) if 'trex_daemon_ser' in stdout: # name is cut return True return False def restart_trex_daemon(): if is_trex_daemon_running: stop_trex_daemon() start_trex_daemon() return True def stop_trex_daemon(): if not is_trex_daemon_running(): return False return_code, stdout, stderr = run_command('%s stop' % trex_daemon_path) if return_code: raise Exception('Could not stop trex_daemon_server, %s' % [return_code, stdout, stderr]) for i in range(50): if not is_trex_daemon_running(): return True sleep(0.1) raise Exception('Could not stop trex_daemon_server') def start_trex_daemon(): if is_trex_daemon_running(): return False return_code, stdout, stderr = run_command('%s start' % trex_daemon_path) if return_code: raise Exception('Could not run trex_daemon_server, err: %s' % stderr) for i in range(50): if is_trex_daemon_running(): return True sleep(0.1) raise Exception('Could not run trex_daemon_server') def update_trex(package_path = 'http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/trex/release/latest'): if not args.allow_update: raise Exception('Updading server not allowed') # getting new package if package_path.startswith('http://'): file_name = package_path.split('/')[-1] ret_code, stdout, stderr = run_command('wget %s -O %s' % (package_path, os.path.join(tmp_dir, file_name)), timeout = 600) else: file_name = os.path.basename(package_path) ret_code, stdout, stderr = run_command('rsync -Lc %s %s' % (package_path, os.path.join(tmp_dir, file_name)), timeout = 300) if ret_code: raise Exception('Could not get requested package.\nStdout: %s\nStderr: %s' % (stdout, stderr)) # clean old unpacked dirs unpacked_dirs = glob(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'v[0-9].[0-9][0-9]')) for unpacked_dir in unpacked_dirs: shutil.rmtree(unpacked_dir) # unpacking ret_code, stdout, stderr = run_command('tar -xzf %s' % os.path.join(tmp_dir, file_name), timeout = 60, cwd = tmp_dir) if ret_code: raise Exception('Could not untar the package. %s' % [ret_code, stdout, stderr]) unpacked_dirs = glob(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'v[0-9].[0-9][0-9]')) if not len(unpacked_dirs) or len(unpacked_dirs) > 1: raise Exception('Should be exactly one unpacked directory, got: %s' % unpacked_dirs) try: # bu current dir cur_dir = args.trex_dir bu_dir = '%s_BU%i' % (cur_dir, int(time())) shutil.move(cur_dir, bu_dir) shutil.move(unpacked_dirs[0], cur_dir) # no errors, remove BU dir if os.path.exists(bu_dir): shutil.rmtree(bu_dir) return True except: # something went wrong, return backup dir if os.path.exists(cur_dir): shutil.rmtree(cur_dir) shutil.move(bu_dir, cur_dir) raise ### /Server functions ### def fail(msg): print(msg) sys.exit(-1) def run_command(command, timeout = 15, cwd = None): if timeout: command = 'timeout %s %s' % (timeout, command) if not cwd: cwd = args.trex_dir # pipes might stuck, even with timeout with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as stdout_file, tempfile.TemporaryFile() as stderr_file: proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout = stdout_file, stderr = stderr_file, cwd = cwd) proc.wait() stdout_file.seek(0) stderr_file.seek(0) return (proc.returncode, stdout_file.read().decode(errors = 'replace'), stderr_file.read().decode(errors = 'replace')) def show_master_daemon_status(): if get_master_daemon_pid(): print(termstyle.red('Master daemon is running')) else: print(termstyle.red('Master daemon is NOT running')) def start_master_daemon(): if get_master_daemon_pid(): print(termstyle.red('Master daemon is already running')) return server = multiprocessing.Process(target = start_master_daemon_func) server.daemon = True server.start() for i in range(50): if get_master_daemon_pid(): print(termstyle.green('Master daemon is started')) os._exit(0) sleep(0.1) fail(termstyle.red('Master daemon failed to run')) def restart_master_daemon(): if get_master_daemon_pid(): kill_master_daemon() start_master_daemon() def start_master_daemon_func(): server = SimpleJSONRPCServer(('', args.daemon_port)) print('Started master daemon (port %s)' % args.daemon_port) server.register_function(add) server.register_function(check_connectivity) server.register_function(get_trex_path) server.register_function(is_trex_daemon_running) server.register_function(restart_trex_daemon) server.register_function(start_trex_daemon) server.register_function(stop_trex_daemon) server.register_function(update_trex) server.serve_forever() def get_master_daemon_pid(): return_code, stdout, stderr = run_command('netstat -tlnp') if return_code: fail('Failed to determine which program holds port %s, netstat error: %s' % (args.daemon_port, stderr)) for line in stdout.splitlines(): if '' % args.daemon_port in line: line_arr = line.split() if len(line_arr) != 7: fail('Could not parse netstat line to determine which process holds port %s: %s'(args.daemon_port, line)) if '/' not in line_arr[6]: fail('Expecting pid/program name in netstat line of using port %s, got: %s'(args.daemon_port, line_arr[6])) pid, program = line_arr[6].split('/') if 'python' not in program and 'master_daemon' not in program: fail('Some other program holds port %s, not our daemon: %s. Please verify.' % (args.daemon_port, program)) return pid return None def kill_master_daemon(): pid = get_master_daemon_pid() if not pid: print(termstyle.red('Master daemon is NOT running')) return True return_code, stdout, stderr = run_command('kill %s' % pid) # usual kill if return_code: fail('Failed to kill master daemon, error: %s' % stderr) for i in range(50): if not get_master_daemon_pid(): print(termstyle.green('Master daemon is killed')) return True sleep(0.1) return_code, stdout, stderr = run_command('kill -9 %s' % pid) # unconditional kill if return_code: fail('Failed to kill trex_daemon, error: %s' % stderr) for i in range(50): if not get_master_daemon_pid(): print(termstyle.green('Master daemon is killed')) return True sleep(0.1) fail('Failed to kill master daemon, even with -9. Please review manually.') # should not happen # returns True if given path is under current dir or /tmp def _check_path_under_current_or_temp(path): if not os.path.relpath(path, '/tmp').startswith(os.pardir): return True if not os.path.relpath(path, os.getcwd()).startswith(os.pardir): return True return False ### Main ### if getpass.getuser() != 'root': fail('Please run this program as root/with sudo') actions_help = '''Specify action command to be applied on master daemon. (*) start : start the master daemon. (*) show : prompt the status of master daemon process (running / not running). (*) stop : exit the master daemon process. (*) restart : stop, then start again the master daemon process ''' action_funcs = {'start': start_master_daemon, 'show': show_master_daemon_status, 'stop': kill_master_daemon, 'restart': restart_master_daemon, } parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Runs master daemon that can start/stop TRex daemon or update TRex version.') parser.add_argument('-p', '--daemon-port', type=int, default = 8091, dest='daemon_port', help = 'Select port on which the master_daemon runs.\nDefault is 8091.', action = 'store') parser.add_argument('-d', '--trex-dir', type=str, default = os.getcwd(), dest='trex_dir', help = 'Path of TRex, default is current dir', action = 'store') parser.add_argument('--allow-update', default = False, dest='allow_update', action = 'store_true', help = "Allow update of TRex via RPC command. WARNING: It's security hole! Use on your risk!") parser.add_argument('action', choices=action_funcs.keys(), action='store', help=actions_help) parser.usage = None args = parser.parse_args() tmp_dir = '/tmp/trex-tmp' if not _check_path_under_current_or_temp(args.trex_dir): raise Exception('Only allowed to use path under /tmp or current directory') if os.path.isfile(args.trex_dir): raise Exception('Given path is a file') if not os.path.exists(args.trex_dir): os.makedirs(args.trex_dir) os.chmod(args.trex_dir, 0o777) elif args.allow_update: os.chmod(args.trex_dir, 0o777) if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir): os.makedirs(tmp_dir) trex_daemon_path = os.path.join(args.trex_dir, 'trex_daemon_server') action_funcs[args.action]()