from trex_stl_lib.api import *

# Tunable example 
#trex>profile -f stl/
#Profile Information:
#General Information:
#Filename:         stl/
#Stream count:          1      
#Specific Information:
#Type:             Python Module
#Tunables:         ['stream_count = 1', 'direction = 0', 'packet_len = 64']
#trex>start -f stl/ -t  packet_len=128 --port 0

class STLS1(object):
    Generalization of udp_1pkt_simple, can specify number of streams and packet length
    def create_stream (self, packet_len, stream_count):
        base_pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)
        base_pkt_len = len(base_pkt)
        base_pkt /= 'x' * max(0, packet_len - base_pkt_len)
        packets = []
        for i in range(stream_count):
                packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt),
                mode = STLTXCont()
        return packets

    def get_streams (self, direction = 0, packet_len = 64, stream_count = 1, **kwargs):
        # create 1 stream 
        return self.create_stream(packet_len - 4, stream_count)

# dynamic load - used for trex console or simulator
def register():
    return STLS1()